Today, some links to awesome stuff of great interest to Man Boobzers.
6 Ways to Fight Trolls Instead of Starving Them
In The Daily Airship, former Man Boobzer Erica Stratton reflects on her experiences fighting trolls in the Man Boobz comments section.
Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies
Inspired by the recent very tiny MRA rally in Toronto, this new Tumblr blog posts pictures of groups of people — and horses, and bees, and other things — that are larger than the group of people that the MRAs managed to attract to their little shindig.
Thunderf00t has decided to talk about rape
Mike Booth, friend of Man Boobz and the guy behind mostly immobile internet cartoon sensation SomeGreyBloke and faux-MRA Dan Cardamon, presents an effective takedown of a recent video by infamous atheist asshole Thunderf00t.
Ok, this isn’t directly relevant to Man Boobzers, but this Wretched Refuse post on Sex Toy recycling is pretty hilarious.
And finally, I think I have found where Julian, the creepy PUA coach from Real Social Dynamics we looked at yesterday, got most of his ideas about women:
Fibinachi – I’m the one running the “Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies” one mentioned up at the top. I’m having lots of fun with it 🙂
What these guys IMAGINE drunken rape to be:
Fifi the Slut: “Teehee! I am soooo drunk! Let’s have sex!”
Noble Ned: “Gee Fifi, I’m horny and all, but I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”
Fifi the Slut: “It’s a GREAT idea! Let’s bone, you lovely stud!”
Noble Ned: “Well, if you’re sure–”
Fifi the Slut: *has already yanked down Ned’s pants and commenced a-sexing*
Fifi the Slut: “You horrible MAN you! You raped me! Now I’m going to call the cops and they’ll lock you up immediately for a million years and you’ll lose everything! AND I’LL BEAR YOUR CHILD TOO AND TAKE YOUR MONEY! That’ll learn ya!”
Noble Ned: “Oh noes!” D: *is ruined forever*
These guys never seem to imagine someone going, “Ha! They are so drunk! Anything that happens is on them, so I can do whatever I want to them!” or roofying them, or going, “She needs a ride home, and she’s almost blacked out… nobody will ever know, not even her…” They act like this never, ever happens, and it’s all just Fifi the Slut pulling a GOTCHA! the morning after.
It shows a pathetic lack of insight.
RE: Howard Bannister
And that’s a lot of work when you can just link to this.
True and fair. Or, alternately, I shall link to an old photo of me making the face.
Viscaria – I felt pretty guilty when I put that one up; I considered going to help in Calgary but then decided I wasn’t comfortable committing to a week or more of staying with people I didn’t really know, and my husband couldn’t come with since he was, for lack of a better term, on-call to go for field work. Still, I’m glad so many people pitched in!
Argenti in again with HTML FTW. Although I’m actually surprised WordPress supports as I think of it as rather a pre-CSS bit of markup.
Anyone who tries to make ASCII art here is going to be defeated by the variable-width font.
Regarding drunken rape–they’re also ignoring what we know about drunken rape.
(link is to Predators Redux, over at Yes Means Yes)
Tw: rape, rape apologia, ects, thunderfoot conversation
WOw. O_o I am really starting to loathe thunderfoot. GAh. And that’s a little time for a lot of loathing to build, since I only heard about him 10 minutes ago.
And yay for whoever did that article pointing out all that was wrong with thunderfoot’s video (somegreybloke?) but I just can’t get through more than 3 parts cuz I don’t want to read more horribleness 🙁
A) Specks of sand on the beaches of infinity!
B) The endless stars of the vast void!
C) The current population of remaining tigers on planet Earth!
D) The current population of remaining siamese crocodiles!
E) The amount of letters in this sentence!
F) The amount of collected material plus subscribers to your tumblr!
RE: Howard
I’m reading that article now. Thanks for the link!
Yes, Thunderf00t appears to believe that raping people is simply a symptom of having a “different sexual drive.” Being a rapist is “pretty deeply biologically ingrained”.
Whiiiich leads me right back to what CassandraSays: why is this acceptable? I don’t care if you’re biologically hardwired to kill a thing every five minutes. Just because you have a biological urge doesn’t mean you have to satisfy it.
There were more people who showed up to my grandmother’s funeral then the MRA rally. Actually, there are more people in my family then the mra rally (7 children, 24 grandchildren, 30+ great grandchildren)
I cannot WAIT to see the surely overwhelmingly supportive response to Thundy’s recent bit of brilliance on some of the bigger atheist forums. I recently read on one that the contents of AVfM are “benign”. Bet they won’t find anything disagreeable falling out of Mr. F00t’s mouth.
Re: chuckleheads describing AVfM as benign
They no longer host a terrorism manifesto on their activism page, but they still link to that manifesto from their articles.
So “benign,” right?
@Fibinachi – C, D, and maybe F are going up! 😀
@neuroticbeagle – My family, too! My mom has 15 sibs, and my dad has 5, and most of them are married with 3ish kids, and some of the kids are having kids now, so… yeah, we could basically take over Rhode Island, I’m pretty sure. But I don’t really want to post pictures of my family; I kinda feel that’s just asking for trouble, y’know?
Speaking of single-topic blogs and recipes, did anyone else see this one? Her boyfriend told her he’d marry her if she made him 300 sandwiches. And so she’s doing it.
Ugh, yeah. 300 Sammiches. *Pukes*
The follow-up should be “now you make me 300 sandwiches, or I’m filing for divorce”.
RE: katz
Well, that’s… unsettling. And kinda gross. Just… I’m trying to imagine this NOT sounding douchey, and the harder I try, the skeezier it gets.
I’m trying to figure out how to make a joke about 300 sandwiches being more numerous than MRAs at MRA rallies while still making the point that HOLY BAD DECISIONS AND CREEPY-ASS ABUSER RED FLAGS, BATMAN, but it is all just falling flat and horrible.
TF srsly compared getting raped to a cougar attack. Not the human variety of cougars, ofc, but an actual fucking mountain lion. And in order to avoid getting attacked, uhh… be a wasp? Because nobody ever swaps wasps on sight or something. Apparently.
I just realized, TF said that men have a natural inclination to rape (by suggesting that rape is like a sexual orientation).
MRAs, you dumbasses. Do you ever realize that you basically JUST said that men are naturally rapists… which is totally something that you guys rag on feminists for when we call for consent education so that we would have less rape in the world?!
I keep feeling like there’s got to be an angle that just makes this a cute, harmless thing between the two of them, but no. She’s setting gender relations back 60 years. That’s the only possible interpretation. The recipes, the cheery attitude, the long list of mostly-vegetables her boyfriend refuses to eat…You can’t possibly envision her as anything other than the happy housewife from some 1950s TV show.
RE: 300 sandwiches
Huh. Um… well, they’re both silly and happy, I guess. Good… for.. them…?
I think that it’s not real.
Something about it is just a little too off for it to be real, and it’s most likely intended to win publicity for a book or something. The sandwiches look quite delicious and the recipes are very easy to follow, but it reads too much like a blithe attempt at being endearing and naive and quirky for it to be, well, real.
To wit, the post titled “One Thing I Learned” (The one with the article: “I thee Bread”, which is a fun pun) simply reads: “The one thing i learned from the reaction to this [the article] is that people are very passionate about their sandwiches”. But the article that you can visibly read is astounding in just how… wrong it is. And stuff like (from said article) “Not everyone agreed with my decision – “It’s chauvinistic!” said one single gal pal” is brought up without any reflection at all, or even bits in the words.
Plus, the ending qoutation from the guy is “Men are not complex, just do things we’ll like. Like make a sandwich”.
So it has to be a joke. It’s too twee, to naive, too paper perfect polished not to be.
Yea, I can kinda(?) get it, but she needs to really reinforce that this is a thing between them that’s an inside joke and acknowledge that there are problems associated with it…
The 300 sandwich thing–they kind of deserve each other.
If it were me, sammich #1 would be open-faced, and say “I’m leaving your sorry ass” in his favorite fancy mustard.
You could always just leave a note on the fridge with an arrow pointing down.