a voice for men awesome links men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA parody PUA rape culture somegreybloke TROOOLLLL!!

Links of Great Interest

Unknown high school drama club, from Things More Numerous
Unknown high school drama club, from Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies

Today, some  links to awesome stuff of great interest to Man Boobzers.

6 Ways to Fight Trolls Instead of Starving Them

In The Daily Airship, former Man Boobzer Erica Stratton reflects on her experiences fighting trolls in the Man Boobz comments section.

Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies

Inspired by the recent very tiny MRA rally in Toronto, this new Tumblr blog posts pictures of groups of people — and horses, and bees, and other things — that are larger than the group of people that the MRAs managed to attract to their little shindig.

Thunderf00t has decided to talk about rape

Mike Booth, friend of Man Boobz and the guy behind mostly immobile internet cartoon sensation SomeGreyBloke and faux-MRA Dan Cardamon, presents an effective takedown of a recent video by infamous atheist asshole Thunderf00t.

Sex Toy Recycling Dot Com

Ok, this isn’t directly relevant to Man Boobzers, but this Wretched Refuse post on Sex Toy recycling is pretty hilarious.

And finally, I think I have found where Julian, the creepy PUA coach from Real Social Dynamics we looked at yesterday, got most of his ideas about women:

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11 years ago




Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Thunderf00t exemplifies what’s happened to roughly half of the Internet Atheists: he’s convinced himself that he’s the smartest, most rational being around because he’s made a hobby out of refuting the most foolish and inane ideas out there, like creationism, and is now proceeding on the assumption that the mediocre level of thought needed to see through creationism is sufficient to tear down anything that does not happen to match his unchallenged predispositions.

11 years ago

Tulgey Logger: Yep. Equal parts “I’m not a bad person so the things I do can’t be bad” and “I’m a skeptic, therefore the things I do are always correct and rational”.

11 years ago

Wait, what? If some people are naturally inclined to commit murder should they be allowed to do that too?

11 years ago

That was a response to the original idea, not your comment.

(I was not aware that we needed to be quite this obvious here, but apparently that’s not the case any more?)

11 years ago

Cassandra, to be fair, we have all been talking to Bad for a few days… Being specific was a necessity.

11 years ago

RE: baileyrenee



Unfortunately, I don’t remember. But I don’t hang out in atheist circles, so I can’t imagine why else he would seem so familiar to me, and why I’d feel such a visceral, “oh no, not HIM again” response. I could’ve SWORN he showed up here at some point! Can someone else spot check me on this?

“some men do have a rape sexual orientation!”




11 years ago

Here’s another one: Roosh The Douche admits he can’t bang Dennmark. Why? Because women are more equal there. (no, really… he says it straight up;

“Unfortunately, we have to accept that they go hand-in-hand, that we can’t fulfill basic human rights for all without viewing everyone as equal,” Roosh writes. “That’s fine for most people, but I’ve spent way too much time happily surviving in the jungle to pack my bags and move into the zoo.”

…. As the local resident Dane (Are there others? If so, replace with: “As a local resident Dane”), I want to thank Pecunium for finding that link.

I just spent 20 minutes literally, as in this actually happened, curled up on the floor while laughing. My cat has taken poking my leg with its nose, in an attempt to make sure I have not actually suffered a complete nervous breakdown.

It’s just so… wrong on so many levels. Not like Denmark is paradise, or anything, but at the very least, let me assure you, dear reader, the people around me in their early twenties and younger and older both are having a lot of sex.
But apparently not with Roosh.

11 years ago

That point where your novelty tumblr takes less than 24 hours to outstrip your actual tumblr in popularity 😀

I’m still accepting submissions, btw (hint hint)!

11 years ago

Some people have a necrophiliac orientation. Why oh why doesn’t our commumisandrist justice system allow them to kill people so that they can have sex with the corpses?

11 years ago

|| O
|| )
|| / O
||___ /

There. That’s more like it.

11 years ago

…well. That worked out far better in theory than in practice. <.< I guess my enormous ASCII emoticon was so horrified by the proceedings that it melted.

11 years ago

RE: Fibinachi

As the local resident Dane (Are there others? If so, replace with: “As a local resident Dane”),

I think Michael Sondberg Olsen is Danish.

11 years ago

Loved the troll-fighting article. And yours, SomeGreyBloke! I learned so much about who/what rapes women from tF00t’s words. Apparently environments rape women:

That is, the statement [“If you have been raped, the most important thing to remember is that it was not your fault.”] reduces women to the level of passive objects who have no control whatsoever over their environment.

Drunk women rape themselves:

You do something when you’re drunk, that’s YOUR responsibility, no matter whether you’re a guy or a girl.

And parts 2 and 3 make it clear that inhuman rape-sexual scary monsters in the bushes rape women. Hell, everybody and everything seems to rape women other than average men off the street.

11 years ago

LBT – I’ll admit: I wasn’t sure if I should ask if that was a kinda lumpy dick or what…

11 years ago

I think if you put leading dots in front of every line of ASCII, instead of spaces, it should work :).

11 years ago

His name involves Sondberg. By the anciet precepts of Wodin, I must renounce his Danish-ness on all occassions, and sally forth with steel and fury to salt the earth, tip over his hovel, and much bother his cows.

Given that I don’t have steel, fury or salt nor any ideas of where he lives *nor* any actual expertise with hovel tipping, we’ll just let that slide. My ancestors will keep. Thank you, LBT!


What tumblr and what kind of novelty?

11 years ago

Content warning: talking about Dunderf00t’s words in the takedown:

From part 6 of somegreybloke’s takedown (which is excellent by the way) TFt says:

A mountain lion, with a cub, that was stalking me. I played the game for real stakes.

I just cannot read that last sentence as anything but: “Yeah, when I did that whole not acting like a victim risk-assessment thing, it was for something real not some silly concern over being raped!” Seriously, that’s impossible to read in any other way than diminishing the impact/trauma of rape.

Also, (this might not make sense, fyi, it’s hard to explain my brain thoughts today) given this is coming from an atheist, who doesn’t believe in life after death and if he’d been eaten by the mountain lion he wouldn’t know/care, it’s ironic (in a FUCK YOU TFt way) that he’s being all preachy about “real stakes” when people who get raped still have to live with the consequences afterward.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@LBT – if you’re trying to create a giant ASCII emoticon with spacing and everything, the comments system is not your friend, collapsing excess white space as ‘unneedful.’

There’s an ambersand-character combination… similar to the way you can make < with & lt … but that would be unwieldy and a lot of work for a giant appalled smiley.

And that’s a lot of work when you can just link to this.

11 years ago

I’m not an actual Dane, but I am pretty darn Danish genetically, which is why I should never be exposed to direct sunlight. My mother was born in the US, but in a small town that was entirely Danish. We grew up eating æbleskiver My (male) ancestors hunted the lutefisk for us.

11 years ago

D’aww, I didn’t realize Calgary flood volunteers made the list of Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies. I don’t go in much for regional pride — feels a lot like taking credit for other people’s accomplishments because I live near them? — but I feel very grateful to have so many wonderful people living here.

11 years ago

I’m so glad that I inherited my skin tone from the (Welsh) side of my Dad’s family rather than ending up with the spontaneously combusts in direct sunlight skin that some Scots share with some Scandinavians. I can’t even imagine how hellish Saudi would have been for anyone who burns easily.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

T     E     S     T     I     N     G

11 years ago

^.^ Viscaria, I couldn’t not mention them, the way that the city came together to help after it was pretty awesome.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

It’s &nbsp; (Non-Breaking SPace)