bad boys crackpottery creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse gaslighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

The Freak-Out Artist: Julian from Real Social Dynamics takes gaslighting to a new level

I’ve read and watched and listened to a lot of creepy pickup artist crap over the past few years while writing this blog, but in some ways this little video, from PUA “coach” Julian of Real Social Dynamics, one of the bigger and better known of the commercial “game” marketers, may well be the creepiest.  Essentially, Julian provides tips to young men on how to “get” the girl of their dreams by temporarily driving her out of her mind.

No, really: he recommends that men overwhelm their female targets with confusing and contradictory stimuli to throw them so off-balance they’ll reflexively turn to their mental tormenters for support (and, maybe later, reward them with sex). This isn’t pick-up artistry so much as freak-out artistry.

The one thing about this video that is vaguely reassuring is that Julian’s examples of his technique in action are so crude and hamhanded I seriously doubt they’d actually work on anyone “in field,” as the PUAs like to say. What’s not so reassuring is that anyone would actually come up with something this predatory and perverse in the first place. Also, you know that at least a few of the video’s 32,000 viewers have actually tried out this technique on annoyed and bewildered women around the world. The world doesn’t really need any new ways for dudes to be assholes in clubs.

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11 years ago

If it was in a nightclub, the noise level would get me vomit-level stressed, so I could probably puke on demand.

There’s another idea: carry a spray bottle of cat pee. Just a few squirts when he’s not looking and voila, all his efforts go to waste as everyone holds their noses and moves away from Dude Who Smells Like He’s Pissed Himself.

11 years ago

The vomiting part would come naturally; it just takes four drinks to want to come near them.

11 years ago

I’d probably spray him with the cat pee when he was looking. After he throws an epically childish fit and threatened to punch me in the face, he’d HAVE to go home and get cleaned up, and for a few blissful minutes, he wouldn’t be bothering anyone. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Four? Okay, I apparently have more alcohol tolerance than I thought. Takes three for me to get silly, totally still able to tell a PUA where to shove It after four (hell, probably after four shots in a row even, though the proof I usually go for that might be a bad idea in sheer terms of stomach acid)

Pecunium! Challenge for this weekend! Assuming you don’t mind me raiding your liquor, I’m gonna get drunk. Somebody keep track of how many shots it takes before I start flirting (note to everyone else, I am a shameless flirt)

Great, my last save point is corrupt. I think I have to do the entire Elizabeth Dane all over again. At least I have the social feats to con my way through it. /VtM:B complaining

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

W00t! I have another save file after I disembarked the ghost ship!

11 years ago

Hey Good: Ever gonna respond to anyone? Or just jerk off by posting irrelevant links and imagining that is “besting” anyone here in “argument”.

That’s like calling a skilled salesman who can get someone to buy something they don’t need a thief. This is not Patty Hearst level brainwashing. You are taking the terminology a bit too literally. Stimulating a woman’s mind in a way that makes her more interested in you is not the same as mentally incapacitating her.

Except that isn’t what he said. He repeated that he, “short circuits their brains”, so they have no choice but to accept what he tells them as being the truth.

That’s not sales, that brainwashing. It’s mental abuse. You, you ignorant botwaffle, seem to think you can pull the gaslighting trick on us, by remote control. Good luck, because we can go back and listen to what he said again, which confirms you are less pleasant than a bushel basket full of stale pig shit.

This is a great example of women not taking responsibility for their own behavior.

Says the guy who never answers the people who respond to him, and pretends non-sequitur responses = cogent reply.

Question. How many women on this site could have their brains short-circuited by a PUA?

Question, 1: On what basis do you assume he’s being metaphoric?* 1a: if he’s so stupid as to use that flawed a rhetorical device, why should anyone grant him any credence? 1b: if he has zero credence (which, it seems isn’t true, viz Kenny), why shouldn’t me mock his words at face value?

2: What are the odds you will actually address this?

Great effort. I responded exactly they way I wanted.

I really should’ve had a back-channel Over/under on the racism charge, Mr, “I did just what I wanted”.

Just because you have a weak mind doesn’t make you non responsible.

Now you’re in my area of specialist expertise.

Given the right sort of set-up, I can manipulate just about anyone. I’ve been trained to it. I’ve been taught how to train others to do it. I have real-world feedback that I was good at doing both the deed, and at training others to do it.

This, “short circuit” nonsense is just that. Not because it can’t be done, but because it can’t be done in the time frame he’s postulating.

So no, that someone was successfully played by a PUA doesn’t make them weak-minded, it makes them a human who was exploited when vulnerable. Which is exactly what PUA says it can do. It can’t do it as readily as the “gurus” who make their living with the sort of snake-oil Julien is selling but it’s possible to get lucky.

But as evidenced in the past, critical thinking isn’t your forte, and from this exchange we can see that moral reasoning is bit beyond your present compass.

*Given your accusation of racism when I was being plainly rhetorical as a humorous device, the idea that you are able to properly recognise the devices being used is, to be blunt, risible in the extreme.

11 years ago

Argenti: since my headaches any alcohol is a major trigger for them, BOO. However, I discovered on Friday that if I take one of my preventatives, no headache. I just have no tolerance now.

I did feel like I was 700 years old on Saturday. Ugh.

11 years ago

It seems to me to be a rather simplistic description of what abusers do after they have sufficiently isolated their target.
Acting like that in front of strangers in a bar is most likely to create the suspicion that you have some product for sale.

11 years ago

RE: cloudiah

That’s okay! katz has offered, so we’ll put you on our little email list to keep tabs, okay?

RE: pillowinhell

LBT, I’m a little further north than Texas. If you’re passing through Ontario I’d love to meet up with you.

Oh shit! I don’t know HOW I thought you were in Texas, I must have you confused with another Boobzer! *so embarrassed* I’m kinda assuming on NOT going through Canada, but if I do, I’ll look you up!

RE: hellkell

YOU’RE who I got confused on! You’re in Texas, right?

11 years ago


*Given your accusation of racism when I was being plainly rhetorical as a humorous device, the idea that you are able to properly recognise the devices being used is, to be blunt, risible in the extreme.

Don’t be sensitive and try to cover up your racism with a Looney Tunes excuse Adolph.

11 years ago


11 years ago

The troll quality has dropped off shockingly these past few months. Had y’all noticed?

11 years ago

Score: 1: attempt to claim a moral high ground you never held.
2: no response (again) to any of the substantive replies.
3: an utter inability to rise (even once) to the occasion; despite being baited about it.

In short, you are like a player piano; stick a roll in the back, turn the crank and listen to the (somewhat flat, lacking in vibrance) simulacra of a real human being making music.

11 years ago

thebewilderness – gods yes, I’ve noticed it.

LOL Good’s pretending he had a clue about Pecunium quoting Foghorn Leghorn from the get-go. What a moronic little loser he is.

11 years ago

Oh my. Good, a wise man once said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

11 years ago

BTW, what’s your point in trolling here, good-for-nothing? We get that you’re a misogynist, but you have no point to make, you don’t engage, and are showing your arse all over the place. Is it just some sad attention-getting exercise? It certainly reads like it.

11 years ago

thebewilderness: yeah, we used to get the young guns, trying to prove they were the fastest kids in town, but they couldn’t skin the hog fast enough and so ended up on Boot Hill. So we get the wannabes; fools who heard there was a mighty victory to win, but didn’t take the time to practice in lesser venues.

Rather then spend their time seeing what the opposition is like, they come in with guns in hand, blast up the sidewalks, their wad spent before one of us come to a window and puts one between their eyes.

11 years ago

Wow, you just admitted nobody’d go to bed with you without being paid for it, in essence. Why am I not surprised …

My wife has shared my bed for many years.

11 years ago

David – typical of these idiots, he can’t even fathom the idea of conversation as a pleasure in itself!

11 years ago

Don’t be sensitive and try to cover up your racism with a Looney Tunes excuse Adolph.



Yeah, Good is just BORING. He’s like ExploreNature, only way less entertaining, because at least ExploreNature had the Dada randomness going for him. Even his LINKS are boring.

11 years ago

RE: Good

My wife has shared my bed for many years.

If she has shared your bed for many years… and you say all sex is transactional…

Does she KNOW the disservice you’ve just paid her?

11 years ago

LBT: yeah, I’m ATX.

Good: does your wife know what a shitstain you are, or does she exist in the same universe as the one where Pecunium’s a racist? Y’know, an alternate imaginary one.

11 years ago

Good probably thinks she’s lucky to bask in the presence of such a great thinker.

11 years ago

augzillary: Yeah, not even clever enough to call me David, or Nathan, or something a bit less trite.

For style, a 1.65. For wit, well the not even the French judge can be bribed to give less than zero.

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