bad boys crackpottery creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse gaslighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

The Freak-Out Artist: Julian from Real Social Dynamics takes gaslighting to a new level

I’ve read and watched and listened to a lot of creepy pickup artist crap over the past few years while writing this blog, but in some ways this little video, from PUA “coach” Julian of Real Social Dynamics, one of the bigger and better known of the commercial “game” marketers, may well be the creepiest.  Essentially, Julian provides tips to young men on how to “get” the girl of their dreams by temporarily driving her out of her mind.

No, really: he recommends that men overwhelm their female targets with confusing and contradictory stimuli to throw them so off-balance they’ll reflexively turn to their mental tormenters for support (and, maybe later, reward them with sex). This isn’t pick-up artistry so much as freak-out artistry.

The one thing about this video that is vaguely reassuring is that Julian’s examples of his technique in action are so crude and hamhanded I seriously doubt they’d actually work on anyone “in field,” as the PUAs like to say. What’s not so reassuring is that anyone would actually come up with something this predatory and perverse in the first place. Also, you know that at least a few of the video’s 32,000 viewers have actually tried out this technique on annoyed and bewildered women around the world. The world doesn’t really need any new ways for dudes to be assholes in clubs.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aw, thanks Fibinachi 🙂 Not that he was remotely right, or anything but laughable, but still, it’ sweet of you

What I want to know is how one (really stupid and ironic) neg was supposed to be comparable to the non-stop barrage of extremes video dude recommends.

What’s your name? I love you! What’d you say your name was? I hate you! Why are you doing this to me?! <– pretty much direct from the video

11 years ago

You know who’s also responsible for their own behavior? PUA’s. and yet, Good does not seem to want to acknowledge that. It’s the PUA’s, like Julian up there, who are being manipulative assholes. Whether that works or not is not the point; the point is being a manipulative asshole is skeevy.

PUAs acknowledge who they are and what they do. Who are they blaming? I’m

11 years ago

Eh, I suppose that is actually true. I do have a weak mind. I had it measured once. Incidentally, since you responded to me – the trick there was “Calling you a name to get your attention”. PUA’s call that… “Being aloof and teasing”. Alternatively, by nattering on, I short-circuited your mind (impossibly!) and you were forced to respond. Does that mean you have a weak mind too?

Apologies for that, by the by. I don’t actually think you are a festering anything.

But hey, it’s… my fault if you’re weak minded enough to respond to stuff like that. Or something.

So, going to tell actually answer why we’re dumb, what the measurement is and why the way “I behave here” (rhyming, sometimes? Ranting a lot? Not participating in dialogue about knitting?) means I have a weak mind that someone could short-circuit (which was impossible, of course) and that I am still responsible for being in control of my behaviour when other people use “The way I behave” to “work something on me” and if something was “Used on me” that’s still only my problem?


11 years ago

*sigh* Remember those days when our trolls were colorful and entertaining? Yeah, Good just isn’t making the cut.

That said, I’m glad I don’t live in Good’s world, where apparently his sexual acts are all transactional. Sounds miserable.

I take full responsibility for my action of calling you an itchy rash upon the groin of humanity, Good.

RE: Argenti

We’re doing this Friday right?

Damn straight! Though an inquiry to pecunium, if he’s around; what time should we meet up? Should I plan my timing for the trip back to Long Island afterward, or am I going to be parking on his couch tonight.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Why bother? He’s not going to respond to any points addressing what he said, he’ll just disappear and come to a new thread, spread his shit, ignore replies, and disappear again; lather, rinse and repeat until the end of time.

Really, I’m beginning to think the All About (not so) Good show should get the mallet of loving correction.

11 years ago

Good: Somebody acknowleging they are an asshole doesn’t make them any less of an asshole. And I’m pretty sure They don’t go up to women in clubs and say, “Hi, I’m a PUA and I’m now going to try to use some stupid technique I read about in a bl

11 years ago

Disgusting “techniques” such as this are effective at one thing: countering any claims that PUA is about building confidence and such, not manipulating women as machines which output sex for their operators. Comparing women to fembots. How revealing.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — his beloved’s sister is going to be here, so I’m on the couch. And I don’t think he’s around currently, but I’m sure he’ll reply to email soon enough.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


11 years ago

But hey, it’s… my fault if you’re weak minded enough to respond to stuff like that. Or something.

Great effort. I responded exactly they way I wanted. But I have never had some undesirable woman manipulate me into doing something I regret. Big difference. You got played, showing the apparently PUA works.

11 years ago

[Damn it, hit the wrong button!]

But to finish my thought, I’m pretty sure a PUA doesn’t walk up to a woman in a club and say, “Hi! I’m a PUA and I’m now going to try to manipulate you into bed with me using some stupid technique I read about in a blog.” That would be honestly acknowledging who they were.

11 years ago

“the” = “that”

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So wait, you’re a confusing asswipe so you can retort with “you got played”? Cuz saying things that contradict each other seems to be your game.

11 years ago

I have a pretty bad case of general anxiety disorder, and I can easily get overwhelmed by really weird (not a neat kind of weird, I like those people, this video kind of weird), intense, off-putting people. If someone tried to pull this kind of thing with me, it would probably cause the kind of confusion this asshole is looking for, but it wouldn’t turn out the way he want it to; I would be doing everything possible to get the fuck away from that person, and for any support I may need after, call a friend or my parents.

I don’t think it’s a good technique if it makes me want to run away and call my dad…

I mean, is this supposed to be a sure-fire, Works-On-All-Women kind of technique? Because it isn’t. If it’s not, why not just talk to people like normal human beings? You’re going to be far less likely to cause a panic attack.

And if you have a hard time talking to people, acting like this… isn’t going to help. This seems like it would only be a technique for extremely confident people, not the kinds of people who have a lot of trouble talking to women already. This is useless, for two reasons, at best, and just strange and creepy at the worst.

11 years ago

“PUAs acknowledge who they are and what they do.” –Good

Yeah, to online audiences. They sure as hell don’t inform the women they’re trying to “pick up.” And considering what they are trying to do, the women in question are the ones that have the right to know.

If I use manipulation to steal your phone, and post instructions online on how to do it yourself, it doesn’t change the fact that I stole your phone.

Watch the following and tell me it would not be theft if he kept the items:

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

See, case in point!

“Nobody can short circuit anyone’s brain with a freaking conversation.”

Translation: this PUA technique can’t work

“You got played, showing the apparently PUA works.”

Translation: but PUA does work.

So it’ sustain this one technique you say won’t work? But if people fall for the techniques that’s their own fault, for having a “weak mind”? But not this technique, because it’d never work?

11 years ago

@Good, you missed “they” = “the”, but good effort. I can see you’re trying!

11 years ago

I still think you’re an itchy rash upon the groin of humanity, Good. And I am totally up front in that I believe PUA is full of shit.

Speaking of cooler shit, GUESS WHO GOT QUEER COMICS EROTICA AT THE CON? 8D A handful of my buddies’ work is in it, it’s entirely done in pink and purple, and I APPROVE.

11 years ago

From the comments policy:

Beyond that: If you’re especially, or persistently, offensive, disruptive, or tedious, I’ll put you on moderation, which means your comments won’t go up until I get a chance to look at them, and maybe not even then. Things I find especially tedious include arguing for the sake of arguing, painfully literal thinking, and people who take over threads by posting dozens or even hundreds of comments in a day. In real life, that would be considered boorish behavior, and it’s really no different online.

11 years ago

This guy has really stuck around for longer than expected.

11 years ago

Yeah, and he’s not nearly as colorful as say, Tom Martin.

11 years ago

Great effort. I responded exactly they way I wanted. But I have never had some undesirable woman manipulate me into doing something I regret. Big difference. You got played, showing the apparently PUA works.

… heh.

so many assumptions.

Still didn’t answer my questions, mind.

Anyway, 1) Have a great time, and good luck on your trip LBT. I hope it’s neat!

2) I just realized Good is actually using this technique, on us, this forum, right now. Saying random things to short-circuit our brains into jolting and feeling attracted. Revising my previous statement in light of this development, it turns out Good is actually a mastermind of techniques for conversation…

3) … Which I guess is proof that PUA’try sometimes does work, if what you’re aiming for is confusion among those you communicate with.

11 years ago


I think my earlier comment falls under that one, actually.

@thread: Sorry. I’ll avoid calling anyone a festering anything or hinting they’re alien invaders from a different dimension in which casuality flows sideways to the way it does here again. And maybe work on not writing comments that are so long.

11 years ago

Hey Julian asshole! If you want a woman to like you, you don’t treat her like prey.

11 years ago

RE: Fibinachi

Oh, it shall be! I’m planning to be as active as I can be on my blog, and will try to be here second, but we’ll see how that pans out. I really hope to meet more Boobzers on my trip!

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