bad boys crackpottery creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse gaslighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

The Freak-Out Artist: Julian from Real Social Dynamics takes gaslighting to a new level

I’ve read and watched and listened to a lot of creepy pickup artist crap over the past few years while writing this blog, but in some ways this little video, from PUA “coach” Julian of Real Social Dynamics, one of the bigger and better known of the commercial “game” marketers, may well be the creepiest.  Essentially, Julian provides tips to young men on how to “get” the girl of their dreams by temporarily driving her out of her mind.

No, really: he recommends that men overwhelm their female targets with confusing and contradictory stimuli to throw them so off-balance they’ll reflexively turn to their mental tormenters for support (and, maybe later, reward them with sex). This isn’t pick-up artistry so much as freak-out artistry.

The one thing about this video that is vaguely reassuring is that Julian’s examples of his technique in action are so crude and hamhanded I seriously doubt they’d actually work on anyone “in field,” as the PUAs like to say. What’s not so reassuring is that anyone would actually come up with something this predatory and perverse in the first place. Also, you know that at least a few of the video’s 32,000 viewers have actually tried out this technique on annoyed and bewildered women around the world. The world doesn’t really need any new ways for dudes to be assholes in clubs.

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11 years ago

So, those “jolts” the dude’s describing look more like flinches. And really, if I’m in a bar or whatever and some guy starts making conversation as erratic as Julian’s, I’m not doubting my *own* grip on reality; I’m probably having a quiet word in the bouncer’s shell-like about the poor dear who must’ve dropped a bad E or something.

Deranged Counter-Troll
Deranged Counter-Troll
11 years ago

I can’t speak for any of the *other* drive-by trolls, but I stopped posting after only a few days because I was out of town for awhile and had little spare time or internet access, then there was a massive clusterfuck caused my landlord being an idiot, blah blah blah buncha stuff nobody cares. Then over a month later when I finally got back to doing nonessential fun things I decided it wasn’t really worth my time anymore because it started to feel like you people are actually pretty *boring*, what with your incessant babbling about cats and salad and parameciums and jokes that were funny the first time but just sound stupider with each repetition. I mean, it’s perfectly fine if that’s how you get your jollies, not throwing stones here because I have some pretty weird tastes too, but that’s not the kind of environment I personally care to post seriously *or* troll in. So I just check the articles once every few weeks, because Mr. everyone-in-a-ferret-suit occasionally uncovers something interesting, but I rarely read the comments anymore, because boring. Obviously this time was an exception.

So have a tremendous day everyone, and may your hats always be edible. :-O (You do like bad attempts at Dada, right?)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Note to thread, yes bad E is a thing, buy from someone you trust because one of those Ms in MDMA is meth and bad E is not MDMA proper. /simple version

Complex version is that I’ve had pure MDMA once, in crystal form and it was a birthday gift from someone who knew how much I love the stuff. The pills *are* cut with something, good chemist and dealer(s) and it’s inert, generally, ime, there’s a certain amount of meth involved (that first M is for methyl… etc). Now, when I say a certain amount, I mean, from a good source, enough that if you didn’t know the “meth effect”, you’d not notice. But you know how ravers have a thing for pacifiers? More meth = more jaw clenching. Bad E, that is still actually E, is heavy on the meth.

And then there’s BAD E, which isn’t E at all, but whatever the douche can get away with selling for absurd prices cuz it’s a rave man! (Pro tip, never buy E at a rave, you can’t bring any in, but swallowing while in line…)

/drug PSA

Point here is that Fi is right, that sort of erratic behavior at a place where E is common, witnessed by someone sober enough to notice the weirdness…yeah, I can see telling the bouncer that someone may be selling bad E.

…I really can go on at length about hallucinogens huh?

11 years ago

Additional pro tip – if you can’t find a bouncer, tell the bartender. My cousin worked as a bartender in Ibiza for years, and she dealt with those kinds of “heads up, someone’s selling bad shit” tips all the time.

11 years ago

Deranged Troll, I care about your personal life and thought processes far less than I care that the proper plural is “paramecia.”

11 years ago

You can also tell the bartender if someone is pestering you and you need the help of the security staff. Someone acting like the guy in the clip? They can and will throw him out if it’s brought to their attention by pissed off customers.

11 years ago

Yeah, around these parts what gets sold as E is usually meth cut with BZP or something; then you get those chuckleheads who mix their stimulants with alcohol (which is pretty much what got BZP banned here in the first place!) Upshot: people turning into total weirdos.

Now I’m just waiting to see one of these guys on one of those paramedic-in-the-city reality shows sweating and swearing that he hasn’t taken anything, he was just trying Game! Better yet, one of those police reality shows.

Totally alfalfa
Totally alfalfa
11 years ago

@ good

I dont get the cookie chaser insult so too bad for you 🙂 also is laughing them off how you solve your problems that cant fix? You’ re poor imaginary wife…

Totally alfalfa
Totally alfalfa
11 years ago

Oh and also, remember that part where I said you cant argue so you would insult me instead cause you’re too dumb to do so. Yeah I know its exactly what you did, thanks buddy

11 years ago

That video was weird and the whole, “jolt” thing seems very far-fetched. I can’t imagine it working in real life. I wonder, what is the real success rate for these PUA techniques? Has there ever been any kind of serious study into just how well these things work? I don’t get out much, or have a lot of sex, but I seem to do okay with women just by talking to them. Wouldn’t just having a conversation with someone be better than trying to “neg” or “jolt” or whatever?

11 years ago

Good: Does an undercover officer reveal his or herself to his or her target? You don’t compare personal denial to not revealing your game to your target.

I do hold them to blame when what they are doing is fundamentally dishonest (see the doctrine of entrapment). I think more cops ought to end up in jail, actually.

Not that your analogy works on any level. Cops go undercover to ameliorate a harm. In the pursuit of that redress they engage in certain types of subterfuge, to elicit information/gather evidence. They are working against a hostile group, and trying to find information about secretive, and illegal, practice. They aren’t allowed to manipulate their viticms into incoherent compliance with a conspiracy. Turning them into, “jolted” morons who will do whatever the cop wants them to defeats the purpose. Their criminal wrongdoing has to be of their own free will. The PUA argues against this, explicitly.

But you don’t care about that. So long as the target of the abusive behavior is a man, no probs. If, however, you think the target is male (say there might be some question about the validity of BC) then OMG, fetch the salts, that evil bitch has to pay; and the rules must be amended to make sure no such evil woman can ever again in a position to make a man so much as worry his pretty little head about the results of his barebacked fucking.

You’re a moral cretin, and an philosophical lightweight, without so much as a shred of intellectual honsesty.

11 years ago

I mean, chances are that yes, none of these techniques would actually be at all effective. But having more sex without PUA is really just a fringe benefit. The real advantage of not being a PUA is that you’re not by necessity a manipulative, misogynistic slime bag.

11 years ago

Sorry, that was for Walter. Should’ve addressed it.

11 years ago

Deranged: I mean, it’s perfectly fine if that’s how you get your jollies, not throwing stones here

Other than calling us boring.

And but I rarely read the comments anymore, because boring. Obviously this time was an exception. is so plausible, what with complaint you’re replying to being some 4-5 pages deep in the conversation.

Better to have let it slide than to let your injured pride make you look more foolish.

totally alfalfa
totally alfalfa
11 years ago

@ pecunium

remember that its only intellectual dishonesty if you’re a woman…

Anyway I guess lets not feed the troll, the boy might enjoy the attention.

11 years ago

Cops go undercover to ameliorate a harm.

BUTBUBUT don’t you know that blue balls is the leading cause of death in men aged 12-99?

11 years ago

@ pecunium

That was hilarious, wasn’t it? He’s all “I don’t care about you!” (sobs into pint of ice cream).

Meanwhile we have Kenny posting chirpy little comments about how much he loves dudes who teach him how to rape women by confusing the crap out of them.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Apropos of nothing, Boris is an MRA! (VtM:B dialog)

11 years ago

Re the pesto: As a rule (since it came up) the cheese being used has to be kosher, or the pesto won’t be (and of course if one is eating a meat meal, one can’t use cheese).

I used garlic oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil, fresh basil, pine nuts. The harder part is getting enough pine nuts (this is more important when one has no cheese) so that there is some “tooth” to the sauce.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Thanks pecunium!

11 years ago

I make vegan pesto using garlic, olive oil, basil, lemon juice, black pepper and salt whizzed in the food processor either with grated courgette or a drained tin of white beans (I usually use cannelini), then adding some of the pasta water.

11 years ago

I used to hang out at Shakesville, but I broke the cardinal law of Liss Is Always Right. I didn’t pull down a banhammering, but I apologized and stopped hanging out there.

I’m not surprised she went over the top on Brave. I am surprised that she said “I am not telling anyone not to go see the movie.” When I was hanging out, there was plenty of Casting Into the Outer Darkness going on.

Did someone mention Beck’s crappy potboiler The Overton Window? I think someone at Shakesville had a series taking that book apart pages at a time a few years ago. The only thing that stuck with me was the hero warns the Love Interest that if she don’t start none, there won’t be none. I think the phrase he used was, “Don’t tease the panther.”

Yuck, rape denial and also VERY not sexy.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>Cops go undercover to ameliorate a harm.

*rolls eyes*

11 years ago

… I just took an eye away from my son. Anybody here hazel?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Falconer – Send it to CassandraSays, I think she’ll appreciate it. She lost hers rolling her eyes for the Brave article thing.

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