So, it finally happened. The men’s rights lecture and rally in Toronto that A Voice for Men have been breathlessly promoting for weeks — in no less than 17 separate posts — have both come to pass. Men’s Rights celebrities flew in from across the continent to attend the exciting events. Paul Elam was there! So was Karen Straughan! Even Dan Perrins made an appearance! (Oh, wait, I think he lives around there.)
In a post-rally post, AVFM’s Robert O’Hara declared the “Historic MHRA rally in Toronto” to have been a “huge success.”
Well, you can be the judge of that. Go here to watch some actual footage of the event. (Sorry, I can’t get it to embed here.) So far I’ve only watched the final 8-minute video at the top of the page, but it’s pretty revealing in and of itself. The event organizers almost outnumber the sparse crowd. And one of the speakers calls for MRAs to take up arms against their “communist” opponents. No, really, just watch.
In case the video gets pulled, or censored, I’ve taken the liberty of transcribing his remarks: :
There’s an organization out there called communism, and the communist manifesto says that the first thing they have to do is take over power. And they’ll never get elected. And they know that they’ll never get elected. So what they do is they say “we have to take power by violent methods,” right, so if you want to crack back against these people, I hate to say it, but you’ve gotta be prepared to pick up a gun and put down the books.
Emphasis mine.
Someone in the audience responds to this with a hearty “yep!” There’s a smattering of applause, mixed with boos. AVFM’s Dean Esmay hurridly ushers the speaker away from the microphone.
The speaker who follows Esmay — I didn’t catch his name — describes the counterprotesters (who held their own rally nearby) as being of “the hammer and sickle” and denigrates them as “queers.”
This isn’t so much history being made as history repeating itself. I suspect the rhetoric was similar at a lot of White Citizen Council rallies in the sixties.
Oh, and the HISTORIC LECTURE that so many MRAs were hoping and dreaming that feminists would disrupt? Feminists ignored it. Apparently, according to one MRA on Reddit who claimed to have been there, a little more than a hundred people showed up.
Congratulations, A Voice for Men, on your FLAWLESS VICTORY!
I’ll watch as much of the rest of the rally as I can force myself to sit through, and add anything else worth adding.
EDITED TO ADD: I watched the video that covered the rest of the rally. It was pretty uneventful: a low energy, sparsely attended rally with a bunch of half-assed speeches. Apparently no one at A Voice for Men or CAFE, the co-host of the rally, bothered to prepare anything to say — perhaps because they were all expecting some sort of feminist riot? The “pick up a gun” speaker wasn’t one of the scheduled speakers, just someone they gave the microphone to when he raised his hand after the scheduled speakers were done.
One moment that did stand out: a trans man — apparently a member of CAFE — briefly took the mic, taking offense at the chants from the counterprotestors calling MRA’s “anti-gay.” I would suggest he take a look at AVFM’s not-so-proud history of homophobia and transphobia.
EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: Here’s a picture of the event from Civilian Media. You can almost taste the excitement! From left, Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, Dean Esmay of AVFM, the legendary Paul Elam (looking a little bewildered), and two other dudes. Paul evidently HEARTS Fucking Their Shit Up. Oh, Paul, we HEART U!
So are they really hoping that feminists will try to disrupt it, rather than people will listen to it? Human rights activism, indeed.
Talking about communism and calling people “queers?” What year is this?
MRAs: their maths ability matches their EQ ability.
Communism? How does that even relate to their “point”?
Well, in their defense, Dean Esmay rushed the guy talking about communism off. So there’s that.
But it just goes to show you, this is clearly what RationalWiki calls “crank magnetism.” http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crank_magnetism
Surprised this was allowed to go ahead. Last I heard, Canada was a misandrist gynocratic hellhole where men get persecuted on sight.
I’m feeling a song coming on,. A Dead Milkmen song. “You know what, Stuart? I like you. You’re not like the other people, here in the trailer park.”
Oh god, it even lists MRAs as an example.
“An organisation called communism”? A single organisation? Which goes by the name of communism?
How? How do they parse these statements through their minds without spotting those kind of ignorant mistakes? I know you have to switch rationality off to subscribe to the MRM, but surely they still have basic error checks going on in their heads?
Well, I guess it doesn’t matter whether you’re being rational when you’re trying to whip up gun violence. Keep talking, MRAs, just keep talking where the world can see you. You’ll make feminism redundant yet.
It’s like A Fish Called Wanda.
OT: Cthulhu’s Intern – d’you read Pharyngula? I thought of you when I saw this wonderful art in the latest post.
They got a whole 112 attendees for their big event. In the largest city in Canada.
Congratulations on your “success”, MRAs.
To be fair, Canada does have an official Communist Party. They probably grossly outnumber the MRAs, so they should be a wee bit more careful of the violent rhetoric.
I used to work with a guy who was like a walking definition of crank magnetism. He was a member of a group who “Talk L. Ron everything before he made it all about money”.
The really interesting part was talking to the guy about history as the group (nutters all) would wildly accept any crank idea that came along.
I guess if you’re willing to accept the scientology line, and add to it “we taught him the real truth” about that then you’d be willing to accept anything.
Huh. I didn’t even hear about this happening. Not surprised really… MRAs, even with Toronto being so much of an apparent hotbed they require ~so much security~ can’t even catch any real press.
One for every person who attended the rally.
David Futrelle,
So supporters of a voice for men are scared of an imaginary communist take over? Also they think that the communists are out to promote their enemies? Big surprise.
Wow. Just… wow.
I am unceasingly amazed by how these people have managed to jam their heads so far up their asses. How… how do they actually think that they’re a legitimate movement or persecuted or… I just can’t fathom the massive amounts of cognitive dissonance involved here.
In all fairness, it was 112 times larger than their last rally.
I’m watching the longer video of this incredible activism. I’ve not heard one word about men’s issues or any solutions. I’ve heard Dean Esmay continue to push his ‘I was pro-gay in the 80’s” card in some lame attempt to prove they’re not homophobic idiots we know they are.
I’m glad the police were there separating the two groups and not allowing the MRA’s to harass them. Glad that feminists didn’t show up. That’s what Paul Elam was frothing at the mouth over this past week. When he got up to the mic the first thing he did was address the 10 people chanting against them. A total lulfest.
I loved when Danny got up and spoke about his age old problem with Hamilton police who know he’s a dangerous stalker. Karen was funny too. ‘Mah daughter is proud of meeeeee!’
The highlights of this were, well, there were no highlights. It was one tiny MRA circle jerk.
Why is all of this happening in Canada? Canada!
Because Canada is where they’re losing ground to those evil feminists!
Protip: if you are a “civil rights movement” and you are calling other people communists, instead of vice versa, UR DOIN IT RONG.
It all seems to be confined in Alberta and Ontairio too (I think WollyBumbleBeee said she’s in Quebec, dunno what the overall climate is like though). It’s strange.
There’s just the one organization? And it’s called Communism? Whoda thunkit.
Come on in out of the Cold War, MRAs, don’t you know it shrivels your balls?