a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artistry creepy edmonton grandiosity gross incompetence harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy rape culture rape jokes TyphonBlue

Meet the Patriarchy Party, the latest bid for media attention from Men’s Rights Edmonton

From the Patriarchy Party's actual pamphlet. I'm not sure there's enough red in it.
From the Patriarchy Party’s actual pamphlet. Yes, the name of the party is almost impossible to read. I don’t think that’s on purpose.

I sometimes say that the only “activism” that the Men’s Rights Movement is any good at is harassing individual women. But perhaps I’m being a bit too stingy here: following on the heels of the Father’s Rights activists who dress up like superheroes and climb up buildings and bridges to show that, well, I’m not sure what they’re trying to show, Men’s Rightsers seem to be developing a knack for poorly conceived media stunts that make them look like idiots.

The latest incredibly poorly conceived Men’s Rights media stunt come from Men’s Rights Edmonton, the A Voice for Men sister brother group famous for, among other things, chasing women down the street in the middle of the night and claiming that the women they chased were the bullies.

Anyway, the loudest and most obnoxious dude in the group, Nick Reading (a.k.a. “Eric Duckman”) has decided to run for Edmonton City Council on — get this! — the Patriarchy Party ticket! Oh no he didn’t!

Oh, yes he did. I suppose that the Patriarchy Party’s supposed platform — including a pledge “to end antiquated laws regarding women’s sexual consent” and provisions to instruct teachers “to snatch things like toy trucks out of the hands of little girls and replace them with dolls or tea sets” — probably inspired a chuckle or two amongst the folks at A Voice for Men, but the trollery here is really too inane to offend.

Whetever, dudes. You can find their badly designed pamphlet, with traced-photo “artwork” presumably by the noted FeMRA artist TyphonBlue, here.

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11 years ago

You’re right, Ally, you weren’t. Just personal attacks and insults all the way, which I labeled ad-hominem because I assumed you were actually counter-arguing. My bad. I see you do not argue.

11 years ago

If you come on blathering in support of the MRM, and attacking feminism, yes, you do hate women, however much you deny it, kiddo.

Despising misogynists (and mocking them) doesn’t actually equal hating men, not least since being a man isn’t a prerequisite for being a misogynist. Nor does being a non feminist equal being a misogynist, so you’ve failed again in your feeble attempts. Dumb as a box o’ rocks, you are. But keep it up, you’re quite amusing compared with some of the trolls we’ve had lately.

11 years ago

Actually, now that I think about it, none of you actually have an argument to make. Not even Futrelle. Just insults and the desire to somehow make feminism credible somehow.

11 years ago

Meh, it’s just admitted to being a lulz troll. I haz a disappoint.

11 years ago

You will tell me I hate women, no matter what, if I disagree with feminism. There is no point in denying it, for the same reasons that feminism construes everything masculine as “rape”.
Dispute is futile with the feminist religion.

Despising feminists for misandry is not okay, though. Only despising the MRM is okay, under feminism. Got it.

11 years ago

I mock feminism for fabricating some sort of “wage gap”, that “all men are rapists”, that “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”, that men are responsible for every great evil in the world, and that domestic violence is perpetrated mostly by men. Yes, I mock it, and the religious conservatism such claims mirror.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Things I’ve learned from Dub — kitteh’s a closeted homosexual who’s a homophobe, misogyny is great =/= hating women! and none of us like or even respect men.

Pecunium, sorry dude, another troll has declared that I couldn’t possibly like you, I’m going to have to retract my request for you to please write for the Borg. (Speaking of which, we got a commenter from feministe, thank kitteh 🙂 )

11 years ago

Things learned from Argenti: Argenti has no sense of nuanced humor.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

If anyone ever sees a small, functional, fully plastic bicycle I haz an interest. Needs to be small enough for a 1″ puffer to play with.

My fish needs a bicycle (I’m only sorta joking, I think he’d enjoy having moving parts to play with)

11 years ago

More directly, I mean to say that kittehserf’s implications that I am either a homophobe or a misogynist simply because I despise feminism is not logically justified.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Now now dearie, your claim requires you to attempt to interpret what I said, I just repeated what you said. Really, don’t try interpreting things, you haven’t the skill for that, you may strain your wee little brain.

11 years ago

I have a lego bicycle your fish may borrow, and a man for your feminist.

11 years ago

Argenti: I will more perfectly interpret your ill-nuanced text, without any supporting body language, next time.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

See, you can’t even handle subject verb agreement! The question is whether her implications (which you made up) are justified.

Is these implications justified? <– clearly horrible grammar.

11 years ago

Yes, it should have been “are”. Feminism wins. Sigh.

11 years ago

I’m still baffled as to where trolly got the idea that I said anything about homophobia. But then trolls are weird, and this one REEKS of socks.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

If this comment goes through, I’m letting you know that email sent for homophobia.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Okay, FINALLY. Some of my posts didn’t go through (must have been posting too much), and unfortunately one of them was asking whether one of us should send an email.

Email sent.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Borrow? This is a fish who has 30 gallons to himself because he’s a territorial carnivore. If it fits in his mouth, he’ll sample it. Legos probably would be good for his beak though.

As for a man for my feminist, sorry, I don’t know anyone in need of one. And if I did, I’d try setting them up with brother long before I’d curse them with anyone you know. You think misogyny is great, what use could any woman possibly have for you? Outside repotting her cactī that is.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

My pharm student does have a functional crossbow made of k’nex though, I may have to ask zir about a bicycle for my puff.

That little cutie has spent the day vigorously hunting every nook of his tank after being given snails earlier. Someone isn’t getting fed tomorrow, or potentially the next day. Nifty thing with puffers — you can tell how full their stomachs are by how big their bellies are. So when he stops looking like a bloated grape, he can have some shrimp or worms or such.

11 years ago

Alice – good, I sent an email too, about these smelly socks.

11 years ago

Lol, I wasn’t offended by the grammar. I just pointed out that I think you’re acting pretentious. (And in fact, you’re acting like that again in the above comment.)

I enjoyed Dub’s use of “lest”, the fanciest of conjunctions. I hope Dub is wearing a monocle, you can’t be effectively pretentious long-term without a monocle.

11 years ago

Ooh, d’you think Dub is really Uncle Monty?

11 years ago

Things learned from Argenti: Argenti has no sense of nuanced humor.

Says a troll who started off by defending the satirical genius found in this:

Everyone always talks about how we live in a Patriarchy, but no one ever runs for government based on promoting the values of Patriarchal society! The Patriarchal Party aims to do the glaringly obvious, namely run on a platform based the patriarchal values we all love and support!

Yep, that’s pretty sharp satire and nothing says nuanced humor like exclamation points!

11 years ago
Reply to  kittehserf

It’s satire you don’t like. I’m sorry you don’t like it.

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