a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artistry creepy edmonton grandiosity gross incompetence harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy rape culture rape jokes TyphonBlue

Meet the Patriarchy Party, the latest bid for media attention from Men’s Rights Edmonton

From the Patriarchy Party's actual pamphlet. I'm not sure there's enough red in it.
From the Patriarchy Party’s actual pamphlet. Yes, the name of the party is almost impossible to read. I don’t think that’s on purpose.

I sometimes say that the only “activism” that the Men’s Rights Movement is any good at is harassing individual women. But perhaps I’m being a bit too stingy here: following on the heels of the Father’s Rights activists who dress up like superheroes and climb up buildings and bridges to show that, well, I’m not sure what they’re trying to show, Men’s Rightsers seem to be developing a knack for poorly conceived media stunts that make them look like idiots.

The latest incredibly poorly conceived Men’s Rights media stunt come from Men’s Rights Edmonton, the A Voice for Men sister brother group famous for, among other things, chasing women down the street in the middle of the night and claiming that the women they chased were the bullies.

Anyway, the loudest and most obnoxious dude in the group, Nick Reading (a.k.a. “Eric Duckman”) has decided to run for Edmonton City Council on — get this! — the Patriarchy Party ticket! Oh no he didn’t!

Oh, yes he did. I suppose that the Patriarchy Party’s supposed platform — including a pledge “to end antiquated laws regarding women’s sexual consent” and provisions to instruct teachers “to snatch things like toy trucks out of the hands of little girls and replace them with dolls or tea sets” — probably inspired a chuckle or two amongst the folks at A Voice for Men, but the trollery here is really too inane to offend.

Whetever, dudes. You can find their badly designed pamphlet, with traced-photo “artwork” presumably by the noted FeMRA artist TyphonBlue, here.

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11 years ago

What is it with asshats who pretend that we didn’t get the joke instead of accepting the simple and obvious fact that we did not think it funny.

11 years ago

Is that anything like those atheist religious beliefs I have been hearing about.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

thebewilderness – I presume so. MRAtheists call feminism an religion because they hate it, fundies call atheism a religion because they hate it, and neither atheism nor feminism are religions.

Wonder if being an atheist feminist will blow their heads off.

11 years ago

Or “environmentalist religious beliefs”. Even I, as a nature-worshipping pagan, have to roll my eyes at that one.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Bina – I bow down to Scientism, which is apparently the religion of Science and the scientific method (related to atheism). Not the same as Scientology, apparently.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

No, Scientologists believe we’re aliens trapped in earthly bodies by this other alien. (Today in “shit I could not make up if I tried”)

11 years ago

Dub seems miffed that we’re not respecting the unwritten rule that if you call something satire, no one else is allowed to criticize it.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Argenti – Related.

11 years ago

Ally – fersure, context matters* and it doesn’t need to be used too often!

I like your Jeffrey example, it’s sort of weird-banal. 🙂

*unless you’re Owly, of course.

11 years ago

Oh, I thought Scientism was a snarky term for the “science is more important than All The Things” attitude? Like the fount of all knowledge (ie. Wikipedia) describes it.

Mind you it’d be really easy for someone to slip from that to the “science is a religion!!1eleventy!” thing.

Of course phlegmy twit & co miss the point that the REAL religion of feminists is Furrinati worship. That, or they’re so scared to say the word* that they just allude to women living alone with cats.


Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – One of the things I do on my own blog is mock anti-science people. You can’t even BEGIN to imagine how much hatred these cranks have to people who stick to the scientific method. It’s gotten to the point where Mike Adams said this in a recent post about evolution denial and anti-vax screeds:

If, at any point in this questioning process, you get stonewalled by this person, recognize they are abandoning reason and reverting to their faith in “Scientism.” Scientism is a system of belief in which all creations of pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies and chemical companies are automatically assumed to hold God-like status. They are beyond questioning. They are supreme. They can never be questioned or even validated. In fact, no validated is required nor even desired. Who needs to validate “facts” anyway? Everyone already knows they are true, right?

Then there’s this beautiful line from that same post:

Many scientists, sadly, do not grasp the chasms in their own belief systems. They are incapable of realizing that many of their own beliefs are based in a system of faith rather than a system of rational thought.

This is as close to “SCIENCE IS A RELIGION” as you can get. Plus, Adams thinks that scientists believe in magic. LOLOLOL

11 years ago

Strewth, that’s a few million miles of stupid away from the Wiki definition!

Speaking of stupid, someone called James is trying for Stupidist Troll Ever on the Comments Policy thread.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago



Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

I should also add that in the original Adams post, Adams had established that all scientists were atheists (as if atheism is a bad thing 🙁 ). So Adams, are scientists atheists or believers in Scientism? You can’t have both.

11 years ago

Mocking Furrinati Slaves, I like it.

All scientists are atheists? 🙄

He hasn’t actually met any scientists, has he?

Tho’ I suppose he’s one of those “if you believe in anything other than the literal truth of every last contradiction and impossibility in the OT, then you’re an atheist types.

11 years ago

You’re all very cute, and very superior to non-feminists, I get it. However, that Futrelle does not see the humor in the satire is no reason to fault those of us who do, and even if I were an MRA, that you have portrayed them all in the same stereotype is typical of just the people who wish not to be stereotyped as typical feminists. While Feminism may not technically be a religion, it exhibits all the traits typical of religion, including rabid dogmatism and fundamentalism, and articles of faith with one must not take issue, lest one be ostracized from the group by the sorts of remarks we have just seen among the feminists here, sucking the juice from Futrelle’s ass to contentment.

11 years ago

Aww, poor little Dub, are we being mean to you?

You fail to see the difference between “non feminist” and “anti feminist,” not to mention “misogynist”. Words, they have meanings. Like “satire.” Try looking it up sometime, there’s a good troll.

11 years ago

Also, I’m very sorry that starting my sentences with “that” somehow makes me sound more intelligent than you, or pretentious, but I didn’t come to pet your egos, and your having taken offense with my grammar habits is a problem solely your own. You are all lucky you form a feminist mob, because otherwise, ad-hominems wouldn’t be nearly so effective. Ah, but I forget just how superior all of you are to non- and anti-feminists. Please, carry on in smug superiority.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Dub, you can’t read. There is no humor in this satire. Absolutely none.

Also, we don’t have to stereotype them. We have evidence that yes, they do actually hate women, and that yes, many of them even find fault with equality.

Furthermore, feminists disagree all the time. We had a disagreement here a short while back actually, on whether rape includes made to penetrate, and thankfully we finally came to an agreement that yes, made to penetrate is in fact rape.

But of course, you can always just adhom and imply that feminists have no sense of humor because they don’t find MRA’s version of satire funny.

11 years ago

Why are MRAs always talking about things like “sucking the juice from Futrelle’s ass?” I mean, your kink is your kink, but involving other people in it (including David) without their consent is seriously squicky. Stop.

Ally S
11 years ago

While Feminism may not technically be a religion, it exhibits all the traits typical of religion, including rabid dogmatism and fundamentalism, and articles of faith with one must not take issue, lest one be ostracized from the group by the sorts of remarks we have just seen among the feminists here, sucking the juice from Futrelle’s ass to contentment.

Yep, you’re creepy. I mean, WTF?

11 years ago

Not mean to me, no. Just not very bright.

11 years ago

Please, carry on in smug superiority.

You seem quite capable of doing that all by yourself.

11 years ago

There we go. “Creepy” and “homosexual shaming”. Anyone else? Is the religion strong with you?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Also – Dub, it’s called “mocking”. See: “misogyny. I mock it”.

Matthew 3:3-5 would apply to you so well right now.

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