$MONEY$ antifeminism artistry chivalry evil women hypergamy men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim straw feminists that's not funny!

More Amazing MisogynArtistry from deviantART


Here — above and below — are a couple of amazing works of Men’s Rightsy propaganda I missed in my survey of deviantART yesterday, both from a fellow calling himself alexlartwork22. And, yes, they both seem to be meant completely seriously.

you can lose a lot of money chasing women but you'll never lose women chasing money

Thanks, Tulgey Logger and Cloudiah for finding these!  Is anyone else reminded of Chick Tracts here? The crude drawing, the melodrama, the excessive word balloons?

My post yesterday inspired (or at least provided the excuse for) rather a lot of comments, many of them rebutting a Men’s Rightsy fellow calling himself Good. Below, a graphic from Katz memorializing one of Good’s more, er, memorable pronouncements.

If men dominate the world, why is that the case when men and women are equal in numbers?

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11 years ago

Yeeeah, last time I ventured over to AVfMisogynists, there was definitely an article there about feminism in the Middle Ages. Or at least what they were defining as feminism. But still, yes, let us continue to make the goalposts dance, Bad.

11 years ago


Then a demon rose up from hell and handed a copy of The Feminine Mystic to Betty Friedan

XD And that’s real.

11 years ago

Yes, men’s rights predates actual men. That’s how alpha it is!

11 years ago

Here’s the link to the article I mentioned, btw. Click at your own risk, and I’d suggest viewing AVfMisogynists only through the lens of either Jailbreak the Patriarchy or Meowbify, for your own safety and/or amusement.

Ally S
11 years ago

Oh, here’s the report that the Telegraph article cited:

It’s part of a larger report that is intended to debunk things like Scandanavian policies facilitating gender equality in the workplace and so on.

11 years ago


I’m passing. 😛 I prefer getting my misogyny filter through mockage.

11 years ago
Reply to  dustydeste

dustydeste: That is…intetesting. So, apparently, they were quoting excerpts from a treatise written in the 12th century? That sounds almost identical to their current views? And that’s supposed to be a good thing?

11 years ago

On “owing” a person who pays for a date… I’ll admit, I feel pretty awkward about the fact that my husband has paid for the majority of our dates (and plane tickets to get to said dates) to date, and that I’m completely dependent on him for basically everything that needs paid for at the moment. However, when I really consider it, I’m also making a huge sacrifice in terms of my continuing education and job prospects in order to be here, so I guess it more-or-less works out that we’re both making sacrifices in order to have the relationship we want.

I guess I’m trying to say that even in the absence of kids, money is not the only thing that counts as a cost of relationships? And that equality doesn’t always mean that everyone pays the same amount?

11 years ago

sparky: Yeah, looks like? TBH I do not in any way get these people. They are just so far up their own asses I’m surprised they don’t see sunshine when they start blathering.

11 years ago

From, Good’s link:

In a 52-page report published by the Centre for Policy Studies think tank, Dr Hakim continued: “Women’s aspiration to marry up, if they can, to a man who is better-educated and higher-earning, persists in most European countries.


The Centre for Policy Studies has a rich history. Established in 1974 by Sir Keith Joseph and Margaret Thatcher, it aimed to ‘think the unthinkable’ with regard to public policy. Here, we have compiled some of the milestones of the CPS’ work so far.

OH SHIT! A right wing think tank published a study advocating traditional gender roles. I am so convinced you guys.

It totally doesn’t sound like they’re using 20 year old data to give a misleading “trend”, playing fast and loose with the definition of “marrying up” or using faulty reasoning to (women aren’t making as much so many couples decide[upon having children] that loosing that income is less impactful, this shows that women don’t take their careers as seriously and therefore shouldn’t be paid as much) to prop up their antiquated bullshit.

11 years ago

I still don’t get the “Opening doors” as a thing men do for women. It’s something people do for other people in a polite society. Women open doors for me, I open doors for other men and women. It’s just common courtesy, the type of courtesy that takes no effort because you were going to open the door anyway. What, are they suggesting that they’re now going to slam the door in people’s faces?

11 years ago

Um, that’s baffleing?

the beginning of time?

Well hey, we did hunt the mammoth for you! 😛
I think it’s just your common/garden variety one-upmanship at work there… though that sort of thing is odd to see from people who claim to be intellectually superior.

Here’s the link to the article I mentioned, btw.

Heh. Only the MRM could claim to be parroting 12th century values and consider it a good thing.
I can’t help but be enraged by their little globe graphic showing where all their hits are coming from: “AVfM is drawing attention from men and women across the globe. Click on planet earth to see what AVfM followers are reading right now.” Is it not enough that they already lay claim to me in their name? Do they have to label me an AVfM follower, merely because I have set electronic foot upon that revolting site? You do not speak for me, AVfM. You do not speak for me, MRM. Stop claiming me. Gragh.

Ally S
11 years ago

Here’s an excerpt from the PDF report I linked to:

An OECD study of industrialised countries confirms the ILO
results, showing that higher female employment rates often lead
to higher levels of job segregation and a larger pay gap. This is
the result of women with lower levels of education and less
careerist attitudes being pulled into the workforce.38 Countries
with low female work rates, such as Italy, can have a low pay
gap because working women are a highly selective minority
with strong work commitment and continuous careers.

Like other studies, the OECD study found that occupational
segregation is substantially lower among younger women, but
rises over the lifecycle, partly due to women’s discontinuous
work histories. A further analysis of the same data by the EC
looked at EU countries more closely.39 It reiterated the
importance of career interruptions in reducing (women’s)
earnings, and generally confirms the OECD results: the pay gap
in the EU is lowest in Italy, Belgium and Portugal, and highest in
countries with large part-time workforces.40 More recent EC
reports tell the same story repeatedly: countries in southern
Europe with low female employment rates also have lower
occupational segregation and a smaller pay gap; high female
work rates lead to greater segregation.41

Other academic studies report consistent results. A study of
nine OECD countries was the first to show that the link between
occupational segregation and the pay gap is coincidental, not
causal.42 We now know why: both are pushed up by rising
female employment.

I love how she talks about how there’s a only a coincidental relation between segregation and the pay gap yet says this beforehand:

The crucial question is: why are women less likely to achieve the
top jobs and associated higher pay?
Is it due to women’s lack
of interest in the jobs, in promotion to greater responsibility and
high pay? Is it due to active exclusion by selection panels? Is it
due to simple inertia, with men sponsoring and selecting other
men like themselves? Analyses of statistical data on the
workforce cannot tell us anything at all about the social
processes going on within companies or among young people
choosing careers. We cannot assume that a low percentage of
women in higher grade jobs is due primarily to sex
discrimination. Dozens of other factors are known to play a part,
and the key question is whether they fully explain observed

Yeah, real good research there.

Ally S
11 years ago

I will say this, though: the report is interesting in that it does show that gender-equality policies by themselves can’t erase gender inequalities. Yet what Hakim does is ignore this o conclusion and just assert “No, this has nothing to do with sexist socialization – men and women just have different preferences!”

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

OH SHIT! A right wing think tank published a study advocating traditional gender roles. I am so convinced you guys.

I wondered about who was conducting the study.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Utterly convinced, that’s it, I’m gonna go out and, uh, wait, which gender roles should I be taking? Cuz the ones that match the contents of my pants don’t suit me all that well…

11 years ago

The gender roles of cheese don’t suit you? Or do other people carry things other than cheese in their pants?

11 years ago

I keep a brace of kittens in my pants…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Mangos? XD

11 years ago

I’ve never understood the opening doors thing either. I mean letting doors slam shut in someones face seems rude.
And aren’t flowers and candy gifts? Gifts are gifts. I hate how MRAs pretend that only men buy gifts…..
And I’m fairly certain my best friend isn’t with her bf for his money because if she is then she really doesn’t understand math. He is working on his bachelors and has a part time job. She is a manager of a store and aiming to be regional director of the chain. She already finished school and she picks up the slack on household expenses. So, ya she isn’t with him for his money.
As far as dates go…..most of the folks I know say its kinda an old fashion concept to go on traditional dates. And I agree I don’t see a ton of date going in my age group. As far as the whole paying for dates thing that isn’t something I’m really into. I did date a guy who I was fine with letting pay. He was 30 and I was 22. He insisted that age was just a number, but it didn’t work out. He didn’t seem to pay attention to my comfort level and insisted on taking me out to expensive places I couldn’t afford (he did pay though). When I mentioned that those kind of places made me uncomfortable he laughed it off and told me I’d adjust. I didn’t. I started to feel……ashamed of myself. Like I needed to be better in order to be with him. I broke up with him because of this. He never would let my pay and when I did manage to get him to go to restaurants I was comfortable in he seemed to not like them. I think he had an image of me that didn’t exist. Like he talked about how elegant and graceful I was and stuff.And it always baffled me. Because I’m more of a personable, upbeat person than graceful and elegant. Anyway, rant over. LOL

11 years ago

Just realized what I types says the opposite of what I meant. I prefer to pay for my own food on dates. And if I ask a guy on a date then I pay for that date.

11 years ago

When I mentioned that those kind of places made me uncomfortable he laughed it off and told me I’d adjust.

I can see why you dumped him. For someone who supposedly had a high opinion of you, he didn’t have much respect for your feelings, did he?

11 years ago

Like I said I think he thought I was something I wasn’t. I don’t really think I would ever adjust to feeling like a trophy girlfriend to a lawyer (I think that is what he wanted)……..
And I am glad I dumped him. He really didn’t seem to see me as a individual.

Charles Miller
11 years ago

On the subject of paying for dinner, I’m reminded of this article in a great series on tipping linking the anger that (male) patrons displayed in a restaurant that had banned tipping, with their need to feel control over their (female) servers.

From that, it was easy to see that in a tipping environment, we push the job of waitressing into a realm that nestles alongside stripping and prostitution; a realm where any sexuality the woman shows is assumed to be solely because she wants to get paid. The social construct is that this woman — be she a server, a dancer, or an escort — can never like sex but can only pretend to like sex for money.

11 years ago


“in a context where we expect waitresses to both work for our tips and be objects of sexual attraction,”


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