$MONEY$ antifeminism artistry chivalry evil women hypergamy men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim straw feminists that's not funny!

More Amazing MisogynArtistry from deviantART


Here — above and below — are a couple of amazing works of Men’s Rightsy propaganda I missed in my survey of deviantART yesterday, both from a fellow calling himself alexlartwork22. And, yes, they both seem to be meant completely seriously.

you can lose a lot of money chasing women but you'll never lose women chasing money

Thanks, Tulgey Logger and Cloudiah for finding these!  Is anyone else reminded of Chick Tracts here? The crude drawing, the melodrama, the excessive word balloons?

My post yesterday inspired (or at least provided the excuse for) rather a lot of comments, many of them rebutting a Men’s Rightsy fellow calling himself Good. Below, a graphic from Katz memorializing one of Good’s more, er, memorable pronouncements.

If men dominate the world, why is that the case when men and women are equal in numbers?

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11 years ago

Picasso – yeah, his styles varied so much that some of it I like well enough, some (yes, the Cubism) does nothing for me at all. It doesn’t help that I don’t like what I know about him as a person.

The artist whose brushwork sends me into the fainting couch is Holbein the Younger.

Oh, what a load of bullshit – “this is what writers do – they provoke”. Funny how it’s always the sense of “someone, usually a white dude, being deliberately, needlessly offensive, often in a sexualised way” that comes with that word. Presumably anyone who’s not out to “provoke” isn’t a writer, then. That’s going to wipe out a lot of literature.

11 years ago

You’ll be oh so surprised that she’s a WoC now won’t you?

Colour me astonished. Of course, racism is, like, totally in the past these days – the civil rights movement achieved its goals in the 70’s! Just like feminism.

11 years ago

No, no, this is the most amazing modern art ever:

11 years ago

I’m watching that right now!
I mean… not that episode… or season… or doctor… but still!

I like this as modern art right now, because I can pretend I’m Carl Sagan and do that speech.

11 years ago

Athywren, it has been clearly established that Kittehserf runs a surveillance operation that puts the US National Security Agency to shame. She knows what you’re watching, even before you do!

11 years ago

Meep. Does she know where I put the Sylvester McCoy episodes?

11 years ago

You know that thing you thought was a giant dust bunny? Look more closely.

11 years ago

OH DEAR GOD!! That’s not a dust bunny. That’s not a dust bunny at all!
*screams of horror*

11 years ago

Good grief. I’ve just sat through five minutes of how-not-to-tell-a-story from colleague – rambling, pointless, sounding like it’s meant to be a joke but having no punchline, then apparently being real … and a thirty-second check of Snopes shows he’s repeating a flamin’ bit of glurge about a rescue dog supposedly belonging to a dead Iraq veteran.

I think my brain just curled up and died.

11 years ago

@Kittehs, was it a shaggy dog?

11 years ago

69 too old for Hillary? Hasn’t anyone ever heard of Golda Meir? She turned 70 within a couple of months of becoming Israel’s Prime Minister. She did OK.

On a completely different note – cassandrasays – baby shampoo might be worth a try. Though it’s worth a warning about using really gentle shampoos. You might need to lather up 2 or 3 times the first time you use it. If you’ve been using any of those shampoos that promise “shiny” or “smooth” hair, they can be loaded with plasticisers that coat your hair and that can take a bit of work to get rid of.

11 years ago

I am rather intrigued by the guy on the right in the bottom panel of the first comic. He actively hates buying people presents. Imagine this guy’s life story as implied by the comic. He hates buying flowers and candy for women–viscerally hates it. Can’t stand it. But he was always forced to. Who was forcing him? I don’t know. Was it to get sex? Maybe, but where was he, that no one in the universe would go out with/hook up with him unless he specifically bought them flowers and candy? And why did he have to go on dates at all if buying gifts was so terribly repulsive to him?

But then feminism happened. Women decided to tear down, um, whatever they are tearing down in the first panel. To stop cooking and cleaning, I guess? Anyway the point is that he was now free to never buy flowers and candy for anyone ever again! By, I guess, not going on dates ever again. Was someone forcing him to go on dates ever before? He seems awfully thrilled about it, but in what possible context did the women open up new options for him that he couldn’t have done anyway if he’d wanted?

11 years ago

emilygoddess – LOL yes, and that’s exactly what I was thinking as it dragged on … and on …

katz: ” Maybe, but where was he, that no one in the universe would go out with/hook up with him unless he specifically bought them flowers and candy? ”

I’m betting “who was he” rather than “where was he” answers the question. If Faceless Cartoon Dude who hates buying presents so much is anything like the real-world MRAs, the flowers and candy were probably the only good things about dating him. Even then, the grudging, graceless way one can imagine him handing them over (and the implicit “hurry up and eat so I can jack off in you”) would mean he’d be in the Never Again category.

11 years ago

wow thread.

my biggest wtf was the gifts thing…

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person in the whole entire world who thinks gifts are supposed to be …ya know… gifts? Not purchases, not obligations, not contracts, just free unobligatory I-did-it-because-it-feels-good-to-see-you-smile-and-I-expect-nothing-in-return things to make you happy… Honestly. I’ve never had a problem not feeling obligated when someone gives me something as a gift, when I feel like I have to give something in return I recognise that’s because I want to give something, not because I’m being pressured into reciprocation. Emotional bullying, I’m terrible with on that score, I’m very easily guilted/shamed into things, but gifts? Gifts are wonderful free I love you things.

I have nothing to add to Bad but to echo how pathetic everyone else has already mentioned he is.

I have nothing to add to anything else either.

11 years ago

(He probably left the price tags on, too, and was pissed off that women weren’t swept off their feet by his $12 bunch of flowers and discounted candy.)

11 years ago

Okay, maybe I was being an art snob, but really, most of it is crap.

11 years ago

My pet alternate interpretation is that the guy became a feminist. Now he never has to make obligatory gender-related empty gestures again!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

But chocolate is never an empty gesture! Even when it’s “stop your ass over here on your way home from work, I have three dozen cookies” (yes, I really did that…too much butter, but I think I worked out the ideal ratios)

On topic…what’s the current topic? XD

Gifts…I’m weird. It is not easy to gain my trust, and I am not inclined to accept gifts until you do (well, ones more valuable than “you want half of this [food item]?”)…even once I do, I want to repay the favor cuz aw, you bought me stuff!

Pecunium, seriously, please come up with something I can do, I know you’re not going to let me spend money, but I’m handy and oh boy do I have flowerpots to spare if you need some! Like, normally I’d do surprise booze, but you have such a collection already. And baked goods wouldn’t travel well…and my offer to clean failed cuz she’s trying to get the point across that y’all can help clean and ARGH! OOOH, I know! You have an iThing that needs a cover for its cover? Steampunk kilt pin? I could make one that’d look smashing on your black kilt…

…I am so off topic >.<

11 years ago

What about knitting him something, Argenti? A tam, perhaps, if he wears them?

11 years ago

Yeah, I don’t necessarily like accepting gifts that are really expensive, but I also don’t think someone should call anything they give me a gift if they’re expecting shit from me. If they want something back, they need to communicate that. It’s like sometimes I feel like I’m the only person who understands that the word altruism means doing something for someone else without expecting any benefit to yourself.

11 years ago

Oh, deviantart MRAs…the first MRA I ever came across was on deviantart. That loqutor guy. Some notable friends of his are lordmep and matthew-lane There were others, but most of them got banned.

11 years ago

To toot my own horn, in a piece that’s really a paean to community: Manboobz got a write up (and I was one of the people mentioned by name, along with Cliff and Ami).

How I learned to feed the trolls, until they burst

11 years ago

Alex: Oh man, we were talking about that second guy a little while ago and how he may be the worst artist in the history of everything! The first one is rather wonderful too, in the classic MRA “I made a pie chart! I’m an artist!” way.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“What about knitting him something, Argenti? A tam, perhaps, if he wears them?”

If I could knit that might be an option! Most other crafts and arts and such are on the table though.

Of course, note his utter lack of reply to that question.

Hey, how about a lace window screen for the orchids? I rigged one for my more delicate plants, but don’t need it anymore. I could put it in a proper frame and bring it?