Here — above and below — are a couple of amazing works of Men’s Rightsy propaganda I missed in my survey of deviantART yesterday, both from a fellow calling himself alexlartwork22. And, yes, they both seem to be meant completely seriously.
Thanks, Tulgey Logger and Cloudiah for finding these! Is anyone else reminded of Chick Tracts here? The crude drawing, the melodrama, the excessive word balloons?
My post yesterday inspired (or at least provided the excuse for) rather a lot of comments, many of them rebutting a Men’s Rightsy fellow calling himself Good. Below, a graphic from Katz memorializing one of Good’s more, er, memorable pronouncements.
What’s worse about that case is that this scumbucket rapist couldn’t even complete the diversionary program they put him on. So they had to go to the sentencing phase instead. And then this fuckhead judge gives him 31 days in jail. Just LOOK at the smug look on this rapist piece of shit’s face:
Yet another rape case in which the guy gets away with it because his victim is dead, even when HE ADMITTED TO DOING IT.
Sorry, I’m so angry about this case. I just cannot control my rage right now. I need to take a step back for a sec.
Okay, so I was still curious about whether AVfM had put the Ball manifesto back on their site, so I went looking.
I didn’t find that there. I did find a reference to the case mentioned above, and the petition to remove Judge Baugh. I kind of expected the article to be awful and terrible.
It was… less so than I expected. It roundly condemned both the rapist and the judge who let him off, and then used it as a jumping-off point to talk about the double standards regarding women who rape or molest boys.
Which is… not a bad point. Later he has to take one of the commenters to task for immediately pulling out a racist message.
They haven’t put the Ball manifesto back on their activism page, but they link to it in articles on their site, the full version. “Burn it down,” explicit directions for how to make the molotov cocktails.
But not on the activism page, so there’s that.
Hey, Good, still around?
What do you say to that?
AVfM links to an open call to terrorism with instructions on how to do it.
But you want to talk about how the wage gap is totally still because women don’t work, right?
Isn’t it funny how these guys will happily parrot that age is just a number? 14? Just a number, she’s older than her years, and she totally wants it – no matter what she actually wants – so it’s totes not rape! And yet… 30 is “past her prime”? So much eugh running through my mind right now.
That’s good. The thing that frustrates me is that they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the cultural attitudes that lead to that double standard come from the patriarchy. It is fed by a legal history in which women were not people, but the property of their husbands, and by a cultural standard in which men always want sex and women never do.
The person who raped me was a woman. She was my family’s daycare provider. I didn’t tell anyone for years. I’ve still never told my mother, because at this point we don’t know where this woman is, and the statute of limitations is long passed, and I don’t want my mother to think she’s at fault in any way, because I don’t think that at all. But she will blame herself.
At any rate, I’m glad to see that AVfM’s response was not to rationalize and justify this rapist’s behavior with a bunch of evo-psych bullshit about how it’s natural to want to fuck children.
Well, “AVfM’s response.” In the comments a bunch of guys immediately started on how it “wasn’t really rape, it was statuatory rape,” and it was nowhere near as bad as the ‘pussy-pass cases cited,’ even though one guy pointed out that actually one of the women on the list was sent away for six years, which is a liiiiiiittle more than this one.
Which is to say, they apparently have one writer at AVfM who isn’t a TOTAL garbage nightmare, but it’s still AVfM.
Not to mention how at the same time they consistently complain about “immature” and “spoiled” women. But I bet that 14 year old acts super mature! Eugh indeed.
Well, if the only people they focus on as potential sexual targets are tweens and teens that would explain why they’re always whining about women being immature – they never bother to talk to a woman over 18 unless it’s their mom.
She was groomed to “consent.” And she ultimately committed suicide! That doesn’t suggest “consent” in any way, shape or form to me.
No, she didn’t consent, I’m sorry if anything I said made it seem like she did.
Anyway, she’s 14, even if she says Yes, that can’t legally constitute consent.
btw, this is OT but I’m not sure where else to post it:
Have people seen the David Gilmour interview article and subsequent shitstorm? I’ve been gadflying at one of the trolls on the thread and it’s surprisingly edifying.
No one here (with exception of our resident trolls) has suggested that she consented. It’s the rape apologists in other media threads that are doing it.
Yeah, I posted that it yesterday’s thread to mock Good about his silly notion that we live in a meritocracy.
Gilmour is already trying to walk back his comments (oh, and blame the “young woman” doing the interview, because NATCH). I don’t know why people don’t understand that this kind of attitude is about so much more than simply excluding women from the curriculum — do you really think a professor who has this kind of attitude about women treats all of his students equally? I sure don’t!
Not caught up, cuz exploded while I was out, but…
Auggz — pecunium and I were discussing this while standing in front of some of his work. It just doesn’t do it for me.
Marie — my fish are way too small to go after the smell of fear, they go hide for their own safety. You’re good.
Van Gogh didn’t get rich, period!
And hair dye…L’Oreal’s Feria. Because there’s enough in the box to get ALL MY HAIR! Under $20 but idk if it’s by enough to be cheap.
Okay, you guys know how all the “Hillary is too old to run” memes are kind of sort of double-standard-y, but people pretend they’d be against anybody that old running to cover their butts on the sexism? (and we know you’re lying, guys, we can see how old Reagan was when he was sworn in…)
Sometimes they just out and out admit their double standards. (Washington Times)
Also, how often are older men referred to as “past their sell-by date” as if they are merchandise, compared to women?
Seriously, I don’t think they even realize that all their language betrays their biases SO MUCH.
Damn blockquote monster, lemme alone! Follows me to Pharyngula, follows me back here …
Our Presidents do seem to be getting younger and younger, don’t they? 40’s and 50’s when elected since Clinton.
Some positive news: Marissa Alexander will get a new trial. (Avoid the comment section)
I read the Pharyngula article on that Gilmour character. What a sleaze, really. Sorry, RealHetGuy-Guy™.
The way he talked about introducing Roth et al specifically to shock/distress his students sounded like he’s just found a dandy keep-inside-the-law way to sexually harass them.
I found it funny that he was banging on about Roth perfectly capturing “middle aged sexuality”. Why do a bunch of college students need to know about middle aged sexuality? I mean, they’ll figure it out by themselves eventually, but why do they need to read about sex from a perspective that’s more relevant to their teacher than to them?
(He seemed like a creeper to me too.)
@Chie, I saw that too but since I’m not USian do you have any idea whether the outcome of the second trial is likely to be different given that the appellate court ruled that the judge was right to rule out SYG? What did he misdirect the jury on?
I’m super-super stoked that she got a new trial but I don’t want to get my hopes up if there’s not likely to be much difference between trials.