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Feminism is like anti-obedience school for dogs, explains Men’s Rights Redditor

Apparently feminism has turned the lovely and obedient ladies of yore into a bunch of wild wolves and dingoes — by preventing men from “putting the foot down” when ladies misbehave. At least that’s what the always awful Men’s Rights Redditor who calls himself Alisdair_ and the 41 terrible people who’ve upvoted his comment so far think:

Alisdair_ 25 points 1 day ago* (41|16)      Naw. Men are the ones with the problem. Men are ruining society. Men need to pick up the slack. Men need to do this. Men need to do that. Nag nag nag nag nag. And you women wonder why we'd rather play video games than work or live with you...  It's like with a dog. If you let the dog do anything it wants to uncontested it will soon try to outright dominate you. Bite, bully and piss on you. People too are like this to an extent, some more than others, and in particular I find that a lot of women are like this or have an inclination to fall into bad habits there as all these bullying and mocking articles exemplify in my humble opinion. In the west it's basically become illegal to put the foot down to this if it's a woman doing it to you. So if you live with a woman you have to put up with it or you'll be in jail soon for some bogus lie told to the police. In contrast a well mannered and trained dog, one subject to consequences for bad behavior, can be an amazing and fulfilling companion. Imagine if you will if there was a feminism for dogs and you basically had to live with wild wolves and dingos. You'd see a dramatic drop in people with dogs.

Thanks to chewinchawingum in the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing out this lovely quote. Huh. There’s something that seems oddly familiar about chewinchawingum.

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Ally S
11 years ago

Women are not waffles.

Waffles are crispy and delicious.

Women are not water coolers

Water coolers make those cool “blub blub” sounds.

11 years ago


11 years ago

@Ally……I’m sure women well cooked could be crispy….and delicious is only a matter of opinion…..

11 years ago

Oh, random I did a little research into wolves….

I don’t think men really want us to act like wolves because that one mean that the alpha male and the alpha female are the only ones who are allowed to breed…..which means no sex for the beta wolves.

Oh, and actually male alphas have been known to canoodle on the side…..Just an observation.

11 years ago

“I don’t think men really want us to act like wolves because that one mean that the alpha male and the alpha female are the only ones who are allowed to breed…..which means no sex for the beta wolves.”

And how is that any different from what’s already happening right now in reality, eh?

“Oh, and actually male alphas have been known to canoodle on the side…..Just an observation.”

So? Male mammals have always had harems…

“but the only thing that makes dogs mean is neglect and abuse. Also in my own experience, discipline is not effective with dogs…rewards work 100% of the time though.”

Again, further proof that women are not dogs. With dogs, you get what you give. With women, much more often than not, a man can give them everything and he still gets nothing.

11 years ago

“I don’t think men really want us to act like wolves because that one mean that the alpha male and the alpha female are the only ones who are allowed to breed…..which means no sex for the beta wolves.”

And how is that any different from what’s already happening right now in reality, eh?

In reality, men don’t walk around on fur legs and they’re not particularly furry. In reality, breeding is not restricted to top pairs of the general local society. In reality, alpha males and alpha females don’t exist when applied to humans.

“Oh, and actually male alphas have been known to canoodle on the side…..Just an observation.”

So? Male mammals have always had harems…

So when you wrote “Wolves mate for life”, as if poor, heating humans didn’t, what you really meant was “Wolves mate for life, and then sometimes they have sex with other wolves than thair pairbonded wolf-mate, and sometimes they don’t, and if they do, it doesn’t matter, and if they don’t, it doesn’t matter either”.

… so sort of very much *like* human relationships that, isn’t it?

“but the only thing that makes dogs mean is neglect and abuse. Also in my own experience, discipline is not effective with dogs…rewards work 100% of the time though.”

Again, further proof that women are not dogs. With dogs, you get what you give. With women, much more often than not, a man can give them everything and he still gets nothing.

… Heheheh.

I gave you something here! A response. What are you going to give me in return? I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

11 years ago

Weird day when, “you don’t even make a good pet!” is framed as an insult. And Meller’s not even here.

11 years ago

Thanks Fibinachi
I was trying to figure out how to respond to that statement….because when I read that response my reaction was but YOU said they didn’t

11 years ago

Weird day when, “you don’t even make a good pet!” is framed as an insult. And Meller’s not even here.

I was just thinking that. I’m actually pretty okay with not being a dog.

11 years ago

My favorite part is that they don’t realize how completely batshit “why am I not allowed to train my woman like I’d train a dog?” sounds to everyone outside their little circle of angry weirdos.

11 years ago

Personally, I only want them to quit playing video games to filter away all the fake geek MRA boys, that’s all.

Pff! You know they’re only doing it to get the attention of geek girls! They’re too pathetic to get any attention out in the real world, so they turn to geek community and dress up like Nightcrawler or Iron Man in the hopes that cheap costumes will make up for their lack of knowledge and personality will save them. Guys? It doesn’t! You’re just making yourselves look foolish!

It’s a little upsetting to me because, aside from the fact that I detest such hatred, I have many great cis and trans* male allies. And I don’t like it when there are radical feminist trans* women who act like they speak for me when they talk about how horrible men are. I hate that shit.

But you know they’re the only *true* feminists, right? So put that kilt down.

Women are not dogs.

Dogs are loyal to the end.

Women are not wolves.

Wolves mate for life.

I was going to point out the fallacies in expecting eternal loyalty and mating for life universally across humans, a highly varied species, but you’ve rebutted yourself… so…

So? Male mammals have always had harems…

Criticise both, or criticise neither. Women are not commodities… maybe if you guys learned that, you’d have more success with them? Granted, this would require self reflection (and we all know how awful that is!) but it is in your power to have better relationships… you just have to stop expecting women to be your playthings.

11 years ago

I actually think there are parallells to be drawn between dogs and oppressed groups, but not in the way these assholes think.
1. Dogs and human beings overall are pretty much alike in that it’s quite often (not always, but quite often) possible to bully them into submission. The bullied individual may show lots of signs of affection for the bully, as a pure survival strategy (zie may have noticed that zie gets less abuse that way), but also because of something like the Stockholms syndrome (which is, in a sense, a survival strategy too – identifying with the abuser and defending zir may be a way of not going completely crazy from the situation). This goes for dogs and humans both. Obviously human dynamics are more complex, but I think the basics are the same.
2. People who want to bully either dogs or certian groups of human beings use 1 in an argument for bullying (or “dominating” or some other cute euphemism) being completely natural and actually something that the bullied individual deep down enjoys, becuase it’s in canine nature to want a strong leader or it’s in feminine nature to want a strong man that takes charge or… yada yada yada.

11 years ago

There is also the jaw-dropping assumption of superiority in Alisdair’s comparison. That men know what is right for women and that women do not. that men should be allowed to make women do what they (the men) want and that women should not be allowed to do as they want. So that women who do as they want rather than as the nearest man wants are “feral” and “out of control” rather than having the rigthts that men have to their own autonomy.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

I’ve ran into some radically anti-kink feminists with a very low opinion of men. And I’m not talking about anti-male bigotry like the “misandry” that MRAs complain about – I’m talking about outright hatred towards men. And then I saw a post linking to an article actually valorizing the hatred of men.

LBT, Ally S:

Okay, so I will confess my nerdy secret — I’m part of the sim fandom on Tumblr. Yes, I play the sims, somewhat religiously. I have a modest simblr with around 2200 followers, and tend to stay only in that little corner of Tumblr, but even I have run into some TERFs on Tumblr, and did they shock the hell out of me. I’d heard of this attitude that trans women are not “real” women, but the stuff they said really made me feel sick and sad.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

On the question of gender, gender roles, and radical feminism, obviously what feminist hulk has to say is relevant here.

11 years ago

It was my understanding that radical feminism, as a concept, is about changing society from the roots, as opposed to taking the current system and creating equality for women within it.

And, in case Mejas is too stupid to understand what everyone’s saying, this was your first post:

Women are not wolves.

Wolves mate for life.

and this was your second post,

“I don’t think men really want us to act like wolves because that one mean that the alpha male and the alpha female are the only ones who are allowed to breed…..which means no sex for the beta wolves.”

And how is that any different from what’s already happening right now in reality, eh?

We often mock MRAs for not being able to be consistent from one post to the next, but at least be intelligent enough to be consistent on the same page 😎

11 years ago


But, it’s in men’s nature!!! Because we have multiple sperm, and do not get impregnated ourselves, we are hardwired to fuck as many women as we can by 3rd grade evopsych!!!!! Except, we’re also the most loyalest loyals that ever loyaled because 3rd grade evopsych is just there to tell misogynists what they want to hear apparently. 3rd grade evopsych is the most loving God evahh!!!!

11 years ago

I love it when we get an actual, open misogynist here. I want to take Mejas back to my EBIL FEMINAZI lab and study him.

11 years ago

Feminist Hulk is very wise.

“With women, more often than not, a man can give them everything and he still gets nothing.”
Yeah, hey, guess what? Giving someone things does not mean that person is now under your power. Love and loyalty (and sex) are not commodities that can be bought. If you are trying to buy them, you are not going to get very far with anybody. And yeah, women are not immune to being jerks. Sometimes they cheat. And sometimes, a person just isn’t that into you. Accept it and move on. These are the dangers of adult relationships. You take a chance on someone, and sometimes they like you back and sometimes they don’t.

But yeah, women aren’t dogs or wolves. Women are human beings. Why is this such a hard concept?

11 years ago

My favorite comment from r/amr:

You heard it here first, folks. Women need to be disciplined like dogs or else they’ll misander all over the carpet.

11 years ago

Well… my analysis of where radfem transphobia originally comes from is the following: Some people, like myself, don’t have much in the way of a gender identity to start with. As Ozy put it, we’re “cis by default”. We go by cis since we don’t mind being called the pronoun or the name that was assigned to us at birth, and don’t really mind our bodies (well, I don’t completely fit this mold since I feel more at home in a more masculine-looking body than the one I was born with, but I’m still very much cis-by-default when it comes to pronouns and stuff). If you’re like this, I think you’re far more likely to be attracted to feminism than if you completely identify with your assigned gender. If you don’t have much of a gender identity, you’re more prone to feel that gender is something tacked-on, something made-up by society. And when you’ve come that far, you’re probably gonna become a feminist.

So you find lots of people like that in feminism.

Now, I think human beings in general have this tendency: If A says “I have experience X” but B can’t even comprehend what X means, then B will conclude that A is full of crap and is just making shit up, or is completely confused or something. I think this tendency is really widespread – I know I have it, I have to actively fight it and remind myself that people are really different and fortunately we don’t have to understand each other all the time as long as we respect each other. But anyway, lots of people do this.
When cis-by-default feminists do this they end up thinking that everyone who claims to have a gender identity at all is just completely confused. They think there are just bodies with different genitals on them, and then there’s society’s stupid gender roles, and that’s it. There’s no such thing as “gender identity”. So everyone who says zie has a gender identity is confused and brain-washed by a gender-obsessed society, that goes for cis as well as trans people, but trans people tend to be the ones who gets all the crap since their gender identity is more, well, visible, because they have to fight for it, while cis people usually don’t mention it at all. And because there is this common trans narrative about how someone realized she was a woman because she liked pink and cooking or someone realized he was a man because he liked football and disliked cooking, these feminists will also regard trans people as reinforcing gender stereotypes. But I think this feeling that gender identities don’t really exist is at the root of it all.

Seriously, I’ve never engaged in any verbal trans bashing myself, but before I got to know any actual trans people I used to believe myself that there’s no such thing as gender identity, that people just imagine that they are a certain gender, and that trans people reinforce gender stereotypes (because I’d only read the stereotypical trans story as mentioned above). So I can sort of see where they’re coming from, even though bashing others is never excusable.

I think I see this phenomenon a lot in my Swedish feminist group on Facebook, despite the fact that everyone there is explicitly pro trans rights. People still constantly slip into talking about gender as if it’s not real and as if people merely imagine that they have a gender identity (and I and a few others keep calling people out on it).

11 years ago

Dvarghundpossen: I find the whole analysis of biological sex and gender identity very fascinating. Maybe part of the confusion is not differentiating between gender identity and the social constructs of gender. I mean, a person can be born with a male body, identify as a woman, and be interested in stereotypically female things like makeup and pink frilly dresses, and also be interested in stereotypically male things like football and power tools. So what I’m trying to say is, biological sex does not determine gender identity, and gender identity does not determine interest/abilities/talents; and that no one should be denied human rights and plain old human decency based on any of the above!

“Now, I think human beings in general have this tendency: If A says ‘I have experience X,’ but B can’t even comprehend what X is, then B will conclude that A is full of crap and just making shit up, or is completely confused or something.” Yes! I sees this too! It seems to me, though, that when confronted with an experience outside of comprehension, a good response would be to shut up and listen to what person A is saying rather than trying to dismiss or shut down person A. This seems to happen a lot with the (nonexistent) discussion of racism in the USA, particularly among white people who think racism doesn’t exist in this country anymore. Like, hey, why don’t we just shut up and listen to what people of color are saying about their experiences with racism before we jump to any conclusions?

But, yeah, I’m fascinated by all this. So intake my own advice now and shut up and listen.

11 years ago

“I take,” not “intake.”

Autocorrect strikes again!

11 years ago

And it should read, I’ll take my own advice and shut up and listen now.”
Now I really shut up.

11 years ago

Dvarg: “People who want to bully either dogs or certian groups of human beings are pieces of shit” is the short version.

Also the alpha/beta rubbish ignores that a wolf pack is a family. The so-called alphas are the parents. Of course the cubs aren’t going to grow up and mate each other! They leave the family to form their own later.

Though I wouldn’t put it past MRAs to think incest’s fine dandy (Warren Farrell, anyone?)

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