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Feminism is like anti-obedience school for dogs, explains Men’s Rights Redditor

Apparently feminism has turned the lovely and obedient ladies of yore into a bunch of wild wolves and dingoes — by preventing men from “putting the foot down” when ladies misbehave. At least that’s what the always awful Men’s Rights Redditor who calls himself Alisdair_ and the 41 terrible people who’ve upvoted his comment so far think:

Alisdair_ 25 points 1 day ago* (41|16)      Naw. Men are the ones with the problem. Men are ruining society. Men need to pick up the slack. Men need to do this. Men need to do that. Nag nag nag nag nag. And you women wonder why we'd rather play video games than work or live with you...  It's like with a dog. If you let the dog do anything it wants to uncontested it will soon try to outright dominate you. Bite, bully and piss on you. People too are like this to an extent, some more than others, and in particular I find that a lot of women are like this or have an inclination to fall into bad habits there as all these bullying and mocking articles exemplify in my humble opinion. In the west it's basically become illegal to put the foot down to this if it's a woman doing it to you. So if you live with a woman you have to put up with it or you'll be in jail soon for some bogus lie told to the police. In contrast a well mannered and trained dog, one subject to consequences for bad behavior, can be an amazing and fulfilling companion. Imagine if you will if there was a feminism for dogs and you basically had to live with wild wolves and dingos. You'd see a dramatic drop in people with dogs.

Thanks to chewinchawingum in the AgainstMensRights subreddit for pointing out this lovely quote. Huh. There’s something that seems oddly familiar about chewinchawingum.

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11 years ago

RE: sparky

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. They’re the ones who don’t like trans people in their gender sandbox.

RE: Ally

That’s nothing, pal. I got into an argument with someone who believed fandom was hurting men because of its focus on a ‘men who look like women’ ideal. And then there’s the infamous wingnut who went after a fourteen-year-old queer boy claiming he wasn’t REALLY queer, he was just a girl who was into slash and had let his fetishes blind him.

Seriously, tumblr is made of equal parts fandom, porn, and wingnuttery.

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

David Futrelle,

WOW! So I guess women are more like “pets” to him than people. How nice. What a sexist pig. I wonder how this misogynist feels about the type of slavery we used to have in the South. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s as racist as he is sexist, and if he is, I could easily imagine him wishing the south won the war so they could keep their slaves.

If the people in the “Men’s Right’s Movement” really want us to take them seriously, they should denounce people like this, in mass, but I don’t that will happen.

11 years ago

Anyone know what’s being discussed in the comments section here about ikonografer and Kristina Hansen stealing money for some center? It’s really funny watching them battle paul elam and gww in a comments section

was there a post on this falling out?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

What is radical feminism anyhow? I looked up the term on both Wikipedia and RationalWiki and I wasn’t really satisfied with their articles.

Obviously I’m not a trans* exclusionary radical feminist (TERF). But what is radical feminism?

11 years ago
11 years ago

RE: Alice

What is radical feminism anyhow?

I feel like this is kind of the feminist equivalent of walking into a musical club and asking for a definition of ‘punk rock.’ You’ll get a hundred passionate answers, many of them contradictory.

Ally S
11 years ago

That’s nothing, pal. I got into an argument with someone who believed fandom was hurting men because of its focus on a ‘men who look like women’ ideal. And then there’s the infamous wingnut who went after a fourteen-year-old queer boy claiming he wasn’t REALLY queer, he was just a girl who was into slash and had let his fetishes blind him.

Seriously, tumblr is made of equal parts fandom, porn, and wingnuttery.

Oh fuck, that’s horrible as well. But what I saw affected me on a personal level because it’s like some of those radfem trans* women are pressuring other trans* women to be averse to men. I know that misandry is not a systemic form of oppression in any way, but I’m still greatly bothered by that genuine hatred towards men.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

LBT – That’s what I’m thinking, but maybe a guideline? I know I joked about being a radfem once on a forum that I go on, and someone seriously asked whether I was a radfem. I said no, and said person was like “oh, phew”. So I get the feeling that it’s bad?

Ally S
11 years ago


LBT’s answer is pretty accurate. But I’d say that radical feminism is the kind of feminism that has at least one of the following ideas:

1) Gender and/or sex are social constructs
2) Patriarchal oppression is the ultimate, most deeply-entrenched form of oppression in society

And associated with those ideas are anti-porn views and kink-shaming. It’s not a very easy thing to define, as you can see.

11 years ago

Ally – no, I wasn’t thinking the trans* women are TERFS (that would be a whole other level of wtfuckery). I was wondering how TERFS cope with knowing there are trans* women who are also radical feminists.

11 years ago

“ALL CATS are feminist.”

Of course they are. Cats rule.

11 years ago

Sorry, those links aren’t working as I thought they would (directly leading to a comment thread you could view) so you’ll have to scan the comments section for the debates. But our goo friend fidelbogen is there speaking in more characters than I’m used to seeing him in and every time ikonographer says anything, mra’s ask him where this center he apparently got donations for was. He eventually says stuff like

“Corrupt ideologues all operate the same way”<~~ you should know, since you libeled myself and Kristina Hansen on your site.
you can't ban or block me here, paulie. oh, yeah…you committed an act
of censorship against someone with a different opinion to yours…and
then you adopted that position, re: Earl Silverman's death. you also
called anyone who wouldn't defend their positions cowards–and then
refused to engage me to examine your non-existent evidence– that you used to
libel me.


the dirty little secret of the mrm of today is this: there is no philosophical underpinning to the BS that they spew. I know, since I was on the ‘ground floor’ of their pathetic attempts to create an ideological framework. I had to throw up my hands in disgust, since their current ideological cocktail is a mishmash of randian hero worship, pseudo-intellectualism, and outright hypocrisy.

and Kristina Hansen says stuff like

Says the man who publicly said he would vote ANY man accused of rape as non-guilty, regardless of the evidence, and that he would not help any men whom he could not exploit or profit from. Perhaps it’s not just Gotell who can’t remember what she says from moment to moment eh? Oh, and while we’re at it, how’s that register-her site going Paul? Sill exposing any woman who you disagree with, and deem a bigot, by releasing their personal information for all to see, and for nuts to easily locate them? I think you do not quite grasp what the phrase ‘human rights’ actually means.

It’s very entertaining to watch the squabble.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Ally – if that’s the case, well, I do think that gender ROLES are social constructs, but gender itself I feel is a biological thing, different from sex. And I don’t think that the Patriarchy is the ultimate deeply-entrenched force in society (I mean, we have racism, homophobia, transphobia…), so I don’t think I’m a radfem.

Definitely sex-positive and pro-kink though. Porn, uh, I don’t really care if you like it or not, and I don’t personally partake in it, so I have no comment on it.

11 years ago

“ALL CATS are feminist.”

Of course they are. Cats rule.

Cats are felinist. Except they don’t need to be, because they rule.

Ally S
11 years ago

Ally – no, I wasn’t thinking the trans* women are TERFS (that would be a whole other level of wtfuckery). I was wondering how TERFS cope with knowing there are trans* women who are also radical feminists.

Well, they’re Secret Male Agents of the Patriarchy, of course. Who else would they be?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – Cats. Just cats. Meow!

Off topic, but Ralphs has a really cute cup of a black cat for a mug for Halloween. So cute!

11 years ago

lionicle, love those quotations! Paulie will be frettin’ and fumin’ at such disrespect.

11 years ago

Well, they’re Secret Male Agents of the Patriarchy, of course. Who else would they be?

Secret Male Agents of the Furrinati, of course.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

I have to admit, I let our dog do whatever he wants, and he’s never bitten me or peed on me. Hmm. I wonder if this douche has ever met a dog in person. (I know he’s never met a woman.)

11 years ago

RE: Alice

gender itself I feel is a biological thing, different from sex.

I disagree, but am in an unusual position.

RE: Ally

Yyyyyyup. Pretty much any form of wingnuttery you can imagine, tumblr will have it. It’s a bunch of people treating social justice as a fandom, who’ve just discovered the idea of privilege but don’t understand intersectionality, leading to a fascinating clusterfuck of dingbattery.

11 years ago

LBT: Thank you for defining that. That seems like a stupid viewpoint; correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve always understood that one of the major philosophical points of feminism was the separating of “biological sex” and “gender,” with gender being as much a societal construct that really has little to do with the sex someone was born as. So it seems to me that excluding trans people simply because of biological sex contradicts that. Sorry, this getting really garbled. I think I’m trying to find logic in something that’s not. What I mean to say is: Wow, Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist sound like a stupid thing to be.

Alice: I always kind of thought “radical feminist” was a kind of insult, along the lines of calling someone a “latte liberal.” But, yeah, radical feminism seems to be (in one respect, at least) the kind associated with 2nd wave feminism. Y’know, the oppression of women being the root all other oppressive systems, and such.

11 years ago

Lili – probably not. I imagine humans, dogs, cats and lifeforms-in-general give this twit the side-eye and stay well clear.

Assuming he ever leaves his basement, of course.

Ally S
11 years ago


RE: Alice

“gender itself I feel is a biological thing, different from sex.”

I disagree, but am in an unusual position.

If you don’t mind, can you explain why you disagree? I’m of the opinion that gender is both sociocultural and biological, but I’m interested to hear your view if you don’t mind sharing it.

11 years ago

Probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen from a radfem was the claim that the vagina is only for pushing out babies, and that it’s unnatural for it to receive a penis.

The mind, it boggles.


11 years ago

But how can the vagina push out babies if said vagina has never received a penis?