are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy disgusting women evil fat fatties evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil women female beep boop hypergamy I am making a joke it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA pig ignorance playing the victim precious bodily fluids vaginas

Christopher in Oregon “Deconstructs the Female” and Her Allegedly Very Stinky You-Know-What [UPDATE: Now With Dramatic Reading!]

Georgia O'Keefe: Probably Not Christopher in Oregon's favorite painter
Georgia O’Keeffe: Probably Not Christopher in Oregon’s favorite painter

It’s time for another visit into the fertile mind of Christopher in Oregon, perhaps the most viscerally misogynistic boob I’ve ever written about on this site. Most of the misogynists I write about here like to pretend that they’re not misogynists, or to dress up their misogyny in pseudoscientific terms, talking about the evils of female “hypergamy” or citing dubious evo psych to back up their reprehensible views.

Not old Chris. He’s an old-school, women are bad because their vaginas are stinky, woman-hater. And his 2007 manifesto “Deconstruct the Female,” which I recently found reposted on MarkyMark’s blog, may well be his masterpiece.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights.

On the whorishness and deceit of all women (except Christopher in Oregon’s mom):

My mother was very vocal about women and their nasty ways. For this I will always be grateful. She told me in no uncertain terms that women were pretty much all whores and liars, and that for all practical purposes, there were no exceptions.

On the Impending Ugliness of All Women:

A woman’s looks almost always head for the gutter as she ages. … I’m not talking when she hits fifty, or even forty.

Thirty. Maybe sooner. …

This is one of the greatest secrets that few people talk about, and young men are almost never warned about. Women get ugly. BUTT UGLY.

Cellulite: Might Literally Eat You

Oh, God. Have you ever walked down the aisle in a store and observed the women waddling along in short pants? Have you ever looked at their legs? Their thighs? A ghastly sight. Cellulite jiggling in every direction. It’s like the old fifties sci-fi movie “The Blob”. Sometimes I’m afraid it’s going to jump out and envelope me.

Breasts: An Affront to All That is Good and True

Contemplate her breasts. Ah, yes. The twin orbs of pleasure that young men so foolishly lust after.


They’re a couple of sacks of fat with oozing nipples on the end. Very few women’s breasts look like the one’s you see in the movies. Normally, most breasts are NOT attractive at all. They droop. Sometimes they’re not identical. Some look like gourds. When children come along, they sag badly. Very badly. Sometimes down to their belly, which by this time is also sagging in a race to hit the floor. In a woman, everything heads south, my friends. NEVER forget this.

Vaginas: I Smelled One Once, and It Was Very Stinky

I’m going to be blunt. Have you ever smelled a vagina? Seriously. I mean in it’s natural, unwashed state? Really stuck your nose right down there and taken a deep breath?


My G-d. The stench could have knocked a buzzard off a shit wagon at fifty paces. To this day I swear there was a cloud of flies buzzing around that portal of doom. Sometimes when riding my Harley-Beasties around the rural roads here in Oregon, I encounter dead skunks. Road kill. We have a lot of them here, and when they’ve been baking in the summer sun, you can smell them a long way off even at sixty miles per hour.

Vaginas tend to be even nastier.

Vaginas, Part 2: He’s Not Done Yet

I have long said that a vagina is a cesspool of filth and disease, and that I will never place any part of my anatomy into such a sewer. With the odds that a woman has herpes or HPV, this statement is even more true today.

Nature has a clever trick to warn us of danger. Smell. If you encounter something that smells bad, or rancid, Nature is telling you to get away.

(Danger, danger Will Robinson!)

You are being warned that something is probably carrying disease, and is filthy. Definatley not fit for human consumption.

Consider what comes out of a woman’s vagina when she has a period. It’s not just blood, boys. Other nasty stuff sloughes off. If she has HPV, then dead warts (if she’s being treated) come oozing out. Or dead pre-cancerous lesions. Scabs. Brown slime that reeks.

Vaginas, Part 3: Also, They’re Near the Butt

Think about her rectum. Yep. Her butt-hole. Think about how close it is to her vagina. Do you REALLY want your gonads slapping up against her poop-shute?


How carefully does she wipe after she uses the toilet? Do you know? Of course not. You’re taking it on faith that she is very sanitary, and we all know we can trust women.

Women: They Also Have Mouths

Look at her pretty face. Think about her mouth. Can you say gingivitus? Tooth decay? Mucous? Plaque? The human mouth is FILTHY, and a woman’s mouth is no exception, bucko. She can also carry Herpes and HPV in her mouth from all those blow jobs she’s been giving out to every guy in town. Blow jobs that mysteriously disappear once married, I might add.

Oh, Eyes Too

Look at her beady little eyes. Will they look so pretty when she is squinting through glasses that are as thick as coke bottle bottoms? When they’re oozing? When they are dull and lifeless as she hits middle age?

Women Over Fifty are Rotting Carcasses

Surely you’ve seen a middle-aged couple walking along. The man is fifty. In shape. Pleasantly greying on the sides of his head. …

Then look at his wife

She looks like an open-casket funeral. The stench of death is about her. He’s just hitting his prime in looks, while she’s flying towards death. Yes, she may outlive him. If you can call occupying a rotting carcass living.

Women: They Also Poop

Women produce the same filth and excretions as men. They require deodrants both for underarms, and even worse, for down below. What happens when a woman uses the toilet? Do you think it comes out smelling like roses? Think again.

Do Not Allow The Human Female to Use You For Breeding Purposes

Consider the other examples in nature of males being used and cast aside after breeding. Once they have served their purpose, they are useless to the female.

Do you think you will be treated any differently when the female has used you for breeding? You will only be around as long as she feels she need you financially. No longer.

Spend Your Life Exercising Furiously Instead

Clear your mind of lust. Avoid looking at women. Avoid porn. Masturbate if needed when yonger- or older. Don’t date. Don’t socialize with women. Concentrate on your hobbies. Your work. Your exercising.

Huh. That’s a lot to take in.

But there’s just one thing. I don’t want to boast, but over the forty-some years of my life I have found my nose in close proximity to a human vagina on more than one occasion, and, um, dude, I think maybe you got a bad one.

For more from Chris, check out the archives.

EDITED TO ADD: And here’s a DRAMATIC READING of the whole manifesto, courtesy of Quietuus!

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11 years ago

What the hell?

11 years ago

His writing style reminds me of a small boy trying to produce a comprehensive work on the ickiness of girls. “Did you know they go poopie, too? Ewwww!”
His worst nightmare is probably a group of women surrounding him and laughing as they poke him with their ugly girl fingers.

11 years ago

The human mouth is FILTHY, and a woman’s mouth is no exception, bucko.

Women produce the same filth and excretions as men.

How strange that Christopher hates women for these things that he acknowledges are true for men as well, and yet he seems to think men are hunky-dory. I mean I don’t get the impression that every once in a while he’s brushing his teeth and he thinks “oh god, my mouth is FILTHY! I am a filthy creature! People shouldn’t socialize with me!” but he seems to think that’s a reasonable reaction to women having bacteria in their mouths.

By the way, this is the first time I’ve read evopsych nonsense claiming that Nature/evolution/instinct/whatever is trying to keep cis men away from vaginas.

11 years ago

This guy is living in a shuttered room with bottles of his own urine stacked around him right?

11 years ago

OMG, this dude had the same mother as Carrie.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

From my sample size of one, I can tell you that penises tend to look like Beluga whales. They also tend to sound like Beluga whales and live among Beluga whales in the chilly saltwater of the ocean. (Disclaimer: I may have once seen a Beluga whale.)

Freaking Beluga whales. Their mouths are super nasty from eating fish and sailors or whatever it is they eat, but when you, a sailor fish, get married to one, do you get eaten? No. Way.

Beluga Whales: Not Even Once.

11 years ago

Yes, women poop. It amazes me how often MRAs and PUAs have to bring this up.

11 years ago

“So, lovely weather we’re having today, huh?”
“Is that… a question?”
“….unwashed *anything* doesn’t smell nice…”
“Ok… hey, I think that…. lamp post is waving at me… gotta go.”

11 years ago

Perhaps Christopher of Oregon should read his Jonathan Swift –

Thus finishing his grand survey,
Disgusted Strephon stole away
Repeating in his amorous fits,
Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits!

11 years ago

I just want to know (OK. Not really.), what kind of people don’t know that living women have bodily functions? Are they confusing half of humanity with blowup dolls?

11 years ago

I read some choice bits of Chris’s commentary on the vagina to my husband. We were in stitches.

11 years ago

She can also carry Herpes and HPV in her mouth from all those blow jobs she’s been giving out to every guy in town. Blow jobs that mysteriously disappear once married, I might add.

So you don’t want a blowjob from this super stinky cootie carrying person. But you’ll complain once those blow jobs “mysteriously disappear”.

I don’t know what I could possibly say that would display the same pellucid logic as that – in two statements one after the other.


Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

I have such a soft spot for MarkyMark (and, by extension, for Chris’s manifestos). Marky’s fierce rebuttal of that friendzone onion article is pretty much the reason why I became a regular manboobz reader in the first place.

I any case, those two should keep thinking vaginas are icky. Natural selection at its best. But entertaining nonetheless. (I can’t help to feel like Chris of OR is a fake. Poe’s Law, I guess.)

11 years ago

As a lesbian, this is why I am highly convinced that many men, especially MRAs, are homosexual. Not because they can’t get women or anything, but because I’ve never seen any creature more critical and disgusted by female bodies, especially natural female bodies.

11 years ago

Dang! So much oozing! A full-body absorbent suit, full of activated charcoal and baking soda, is clearly in order. Why, I can barely see my monitor for the cloud of blowflies surrounding me (not to mention the fact that I lost my Coke-bottle glasses last night whilst performing an estimated thirty-nine-thousand-four-hundred-and-twelve blow jobs all over town). Oh well, no sense crying over spilt liquid gold, and anyway, it’s time to go poop! Yay!

Bob Goblin
Bob Goblin
11 years ago

Wait, women poop?

That’s it. I’m done dating.

11 years ago

I read some choice bits of Chris’s commentary on the vagina to my husband. We were in stitches.

I woke up all the other mammals in the house laughing at this one. How quaint that there are still shit wagons in Oregon! I had no idea it was so rustic up there!

11 years ago

Freaking Beluga whales. Their mouths are super nasty from eating fish and sailors or whatever it is they eat, but when you, a sailor fish, get married to one, do you get eaten? No. Way.

Love this. LOVE IT.


yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

Reading the first entry, it makes me realize that Ed Gein’s mom had more than one child.

11 years ago

I have never been so turned on in my life then I have when reading Chris’s article.
Now where did I put my stinky, discharge-caked, HPV-infested vibrator…

11 years ago

See, all those scented candles are NECESSARY.

11 years ago

@Maude LL

Mr. Geologist and I agree with you. Chris has got to be a Poe.

I’d love for Chris to do a commercial in which he imitates this fellow exposing the NWO:

Scene opens with two women, one in her 30’s one in her 70’s standing in the produce department of a grocery store. They strike up a conversation about how to pick the best cantaloupe.
Then! Chris runs in flailing his arms and yelling incoherently. But wait! There is a feminine wash in one of those flailing hands. Over the din, the two women can barely discern that Chris is telling them their vaginas are filthy and stinky. He says they need to cleanse their fetid cavities of carnal pleasure. He throw the feminine wash on the floor and running, still flailing his arms, retreats to the frozen food section.

The women just look after him dumbfounded. 😀

11 years ago

Come home, Sigmund Freud, all is forgiven.

11 years ago

‘The human mouth is FILTHY, and a woman’s mouth is no exception, bucko.’

Humans and women: two different species.

And these non-human also poop?!? We want better sex objects!

11 years ago

That was disturbing. And disturbed. The only upside is that he will, most likely, not get close enough to any actual women in real life to bother them. But sheesh! What a conundrum to be revolted by that to which you are attracted. The pathology of a mother instructing her son on the perfidy and noxiousness of women is more than I can wrap my mind around.

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