douchebaggery FemRAs incoherent rage infighting misogyny MRA the c-word

Welcome to the Manchine

Today, let’s pay a little visit to the Men’s Rights subreddit, where a FeMRA calling herself Super_Delicious is expressing her gratitude for the warm welcome she has received from the Men’s Rights movement. And then along comes a dude called Eryemil, who’s evidently not pleased with Super_Delicious’ not-fanatical-enough stance on circumcision.

Super_delicious 12 points 22 hours ago (25|13)  As a woman I'm glad I'm welcomed into a movement that helps the men I love. It's rather spectacular. :)      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Eryemil [-1] -8 points 22 hours ago (22|30)  You have a very interesting definition of welcomed. Because here I thought most MRAs that actually know who you are (and I'm not sure many would) hate your guts or shun you.  Go post in AVFM where the community is more personal and activism driven and see how welcome you feel.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Super_delicious -11 points 22 hours ago (16|27)  No you're just a fucking cunt. No one here has to agree with every part of the men's rights movement to still support most of it. You're delusional if you think every person here agrees with every aspect of the men's rights movement. I bet he only reason you target me is because I'm the only one you haven't managed to best in a debate.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Eryemil [-1] 10 points 21 hours ago (13|3)  Are you serious? Need I link you to our last exchange. There hasn't been single time when you haven't left the conversation and refused to address my arguments.  Tell me, what's more likely; that you are more intelligent that evey single person I debate who haven't managed or that you are being intellectually dishonest?  And for the record, I don't dislike you because you happen to disagree with the one subset of MR activism I am most passionate about. I dislike you because you are a hypocritical princess with a bloated sense of self-importance.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Super_delicious -3 points 18 hours ago (5|8)  You mean the last exchange were I wouldn't debate your same tired arguments. And I also didn't want you to link me another picture of a dog dick.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold

Argumentum ad Dog Dickum. That’s a new one.

The debate continues on like this for some time, if you can’t get enough of this brilliant intellectual interchange.

I found this exchange through a post on the AgainstMensRights subreddit, a much more welcoming place, provided you’re not a Men’s Rights asshole.

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11 years ago

Hi Pear_tree as far as I know there aren’t any circumcisions going on today in the usa to stop masturbation instead the reasons for it are now medical and cultural but the practice spread because of the belief that in the early part of the 20th century that it will stop masturbation if done without anasthetic because the pain will cause them to avoid touching their genitals.

11 years ago

Hi hrovitnir! 🙂

11 years ago

On male circumcisions and why they exist: an Algerian ex of mine had an interesting theory on it in North Africa. He said that it had benefits because in his culture, people spent a lot of in desert regions and that cleaning could be difficult. Removing the foreskin might have reduced infections and irritation. And his feeling was that it was a standard practice to make life a little easier that grew into a culture. I thought it was an interesting theory.

No idea if it’s remotely accurate though!

11 years ago

Thanks baileyrenee.

(TW circumcision)

It’s a touchy subject for me and one of those hot button issues. I’m inclined to agree with your points, and I often worry we did something unnecessary and barbaric. Of everyone I spoke to, it was the men who were pro circumcision and women who were against it. My head was sort of spinning, especially with my sister regretting not having circumcised her son (because of repeated infections) and it would’ve been painful and traumatic to do it at 6 years old.

I thought the penis haver in the family should decide, so that’s what we did.

Helena Handbasket
Helena Handbasket
11 years ago

@ Nitram it sounds like your nephew’s has an issue with his foreskin that may justify circumcision, but it’s never justified as a ‘precaution’.

Helena Handbasket
Helena Handbasket
11 years ago

I don’t really get your idea that it’s more painful for an older child, it’s not like children don’t get nerved until a certain age.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I think Argenti is just talking about on a purely analytical level, where and why do we draw the line between “acceptable self harm” like having someone cut you because it gets you off and “unacceptable self harm” like cutting yourself because it alleviates emotional pain briefly.”

Yeah, I was. I mean, it is personally relevant, but the responses I get vary SO MUCH and some people have cognitive dissonance issues (and then there’s the pharm student who confirmed first aid and then offered jokes and hugs…ze is awesome sauce)

But the conversation has moved on, so I’ll let it get rerailed. (Anyways, cloves are apparent legal in NJ and CT, but not NY, go figure…but I am not in NYC proper currently! So I have things to smoke and am going to wander off to do so!)

Regarding circumcision, I am uncomfortable calling it de facto a horrible thing, or anything similar, unless it’s medically needed, because it really does hold a lot of significance to some Jews and I’m not comfortable calling a practice dating back thousands of years, with great significance, a horrible thing. I just don’t think anything resembling “your religious practice is child abuse” is going to get anything besides defensiveness, and thus the solution on that front is for fellow Jews to work within those communities to decrease, or eliminate, the practice. But it isn’t really our place to insist it’s a bad bad thing (or at least my place, some of you are Jewish after all [I haz your surveys! I know these things!])

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m sorry, I am incredibly long winded lately huh? Blame the fact I’m visiting pecunium and if you think we’re long winded here, you should hear us in person!

11 years ago

Regarding circumcision, I am uncomfortable calling it de facto a horrible thing, or anything similar, unless it’s medically needed, because it really does hold a lot of significance to some Jews and I’m not comfortable calling a practice dating back thousands of years, with great significance, a horrible thing

I can’t agree on that.

What was done in the past may not be judged by the same standards as the present (especially when it comes to advances in medical science).

When it comes to the present, when approximately 117 male babies die from circumcision-related complications a year in the United Sates (roughly equal to the number from SIDS), I think we can and should call that “horrible” today, and change it for tomorrow.

When the cultural rite is more important than proper medical procedure, which can result in amputation or loss of function, or transmission of herpes I think we can call that horrible, and push for future changes.

Again, medically necessary or voluntary are completely different issues. If Jewish sects altered the practice to be done with the knowledge and consent of the adult participant, rather than on infants, then I’d be content.

(I hope this doesn’t come across as oppression olympics. FGM is horrible, and I’d like it stopped. But I can’t support circumcision or subincision either.)

11 years ago

@john h

but the practice spread because of the belief that in the early part of the 20th century that it will stop masturbation if done without anasthetic because the pain will cause them to avoid touching their genitals.

Oh,so that was their reasoning 🙁

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Also, clitoral hood removal is a cosmetic procedure in the US (and likely other places) because the lack of covering supposedly increases sexual sensation.


Nobody I know of would consider that a symptom of mental illness

I’ve read a book arguing that ALL female-bodied folks getting tattooed are doing it for negative emotional reasons. It… gives me anger. And my folks took my getting tattooed as a symptom of mental illness, so go figure.

I can’t really talk about self-harm, because while I’ve never had what I do labeled ‘self-injury,’ it’s an urge I struggle with, and I can not do it safely.

RE: male circumcision

It’s a weird thing. Hubby is, I’m not. The idea of being anything else horrifies me, but hubby doesn’t seem to feel inconvenienced or bothered by his, so he’s a lot less horrified by it than me.

11 years ago

LBT: “I’ve read a book arguing that ALL female-bodied folks getting tattooed are doing it for negative emotional reasons.”

I’ll have to tell Mum her Michael Schumacher tattoo was done for negative emotional reasons! 😀

11 years ago

*rubs forehead* It was some mental health book, and it really honked me off. Not too pleased to have experienced that in real life. Some people really couldn’t tell the difference between me getting tattooed, having top surgery, and starving myself.

11 years ago

Some people are seriously stupid …

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Sorry LBT, I did not mean to cause OW OW OW leg crossing! And please, feel free to ignore the self-injury conversation, I don’t want my musings to trigger anyone.

As to things most people here would not consider self-injury, but some do — masochism is apparently only okay if you’ve never been traumatized. If you have it’s a symptom. (These people can kindly fuck off)

Re: circumcision, none of the cis men I’ve known well enough to ask give a shit, other than a Jewish friend being very displeased at the idea of flat out banning a practice that holds cultural significance.

11 years ago

The cultural significance argument worries me slightly, in that the same thing could be said of infibulation. I know it’s a false equivalency, because the operations are wholly different in intent and results, but it’s bound to be made. That said, while I don’t much favour circumcision generally, the idea of banning Jewish circumcision in particular has all sorts of reallllly nasty implications of its own.

Personally, I’m just glad m’lord didn’t have it done. He’d already had the string under his tongue cut when he was two days old – a not uncommon operation then. That’s quite enough pain for one neonate to suffer.

tl:dr I iz still confused

11 years ago

Why did they cut the string under the tongue?

11 years ago

I’ve read a book arguing that ALL female-bodied folks getting tattooed are doing it for negative emotional reasons. It… gives me anger. And my folks took my getting tattooed as a symptom of mental illness, so go figure.

This feeling inside. It bubbles.

I think it’s… It’s..


11 years ago

Because he wasn’t feeding well. Don’t know whether it contributed to his stammer or not.

11 years ago

People have strings under their tongues? oO
Humans are weird.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

masochism is apparently only okay if you’ve never been traumatized. If you have it’s a symptom. (These people can kindly fuck off)

I’ve encountered a similar thing with D/S shit. Obviously not declared ‘self-injury,’ but still used for, “you only do it because you were abused!” And Wood have mercy upon you if your kinks at all intersect with something abusive that happened to you.

11 years ago

RE: arthrywren

It’s called the frenulum. One of my friends actually has an overgrown one and is considering getting it trimmed with a laser, since it’s a little inconvenient for her.

11 years ago

*google time interlude*

That…. is somehow the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. So, random question… is it strange that I can lick my uvula?

11 years ago

(or at least touch the tip of my tongue to the base of it…. not like licking an ice lolly or anything)

11 years ago

Not really. Phonetics have a class of sounds made with the uvula; Inuit uses them, among others.

I’m surprised you never noticed the tongue frenulum before. Or maye we just made lots of stupid faces in the mirror as kids…