a voice for men antifeminism doxing drama kings edmonton entitled babies evil women harassment imaginary backwards land men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability oppressed white men paul elam playing the victim rape rape culture taking pleasure in women's pain the poster revolution has begun things that aren't fascism

For A Voice for Men, and its Edmonton offshoot, terrifying women is a form of “human rights activism.”

Men's Rights Edmonton activist at work
Men’s Rights Edmonton activist at work

So the self-described “human rights activists” at A Voice for Men have found three more women to harass. Here’s the story, which for many of you will have a depressingly familiar ring:

Members of Men’s Rights Edmonton, a small group that is for all intents and purposes a local chapter of A Voice for Men, has been putting up pictures targeting Lise Gotell, the chair of women’s and gender studies at the University of Alberta. The pictures, which seem inspired by “Wanted” posters of yore, feature a large portrait of Gotell and the caption:

Theft isn’t black. Bank fraud isn’t Jewish. And rape isn’t male.

“Just because you’re paid to demonize men doesn’t mean rape is gendered. Don’t be that bigot.

Gotell’s crime? She was involved in what appears to have been a remarkably effective rape awareness campaign focusing on date rape and featuring the slogan “Don’t Be That Guy.”

A Voice for Men took exception to the campaign because, even thought it did deal with the male victims of rape, it didn’t devote equal time to the problem of evil, false-accusing “girls.” No, really. Men’s Rights Edmonton Activists put up “satirical” versions of the campaign’s posters with the slogan “Don’t Be that Girl.” Now, MR-E and AVFM, at least according to the “argument” advanced on their new poster, seem to be upset that the campaign didn’t devote equal time to the problem of female rapists.  [Note: this paragraph has been corrected; see note at end of piece.]

Gotell spoke out against the posters, and now Men’s Rights Edmonton and AVFM are doing their best to smear her as a “bigot.” Because she doesn’t believe that women are responsible for half of all rapes.

Since this is not actually true — more on this in a later post — it’s hard to see how this makes her a bigot.

As a rule, I don’t support tearing down the posters of one’s ideological enemies. Free speech and all that. But these posters are different: they’re slanderous personal attacks designed to harass an individual. Were they posted in my neighborhood I would tear them down.

And evidently that’s what some people in Edmonton have been doing.

Indeed, one recent night, several members of Men’s Rights Edmonton claim to have caught two women doing just that. While they don’t seem to have video footage of the women tearing down the posters, the MRAs filmed themselves following the women down the street and angrily confronting them for this alleged crime.

They posted the video to YouTube, and AVFM posted it as well, under the typically overheated title “Men’s Rights Edmonton confronts fascists.” They screencapped images of both women from the video and announced their intention to uncover their personal information:

MR-E would like to know the names of these two women so that charges of destruction of property can be laid against them. Also, the world should know the identities of those who seek to silence and censor messages advocating for human rights.

Of course, this is ridiculous. Tearing down a poster that was almost certainly posted illegally in the first place isn’t “destruction of property.” No one is going to be prosecuted for this. The police have better things to do.

But of course that’s not the real intent here. The real intent here is to scare the shit out of these women and other feminists by exposing them to harassment online — like the woman labeled “Big Red” and countless other women who have been targeted by AVFM and other MRAs (sometimes completely erroneously).

AVFM’s Paul Elam gave the game away with an “editor’s note” added to the post:

[A] woman who vandalizes man’s property and then flips him off when he confronts her about it on a dark street at night only acts in this manner because she is certain she has absolutely nothing to fear. Feminists terrified of MHRAs? My ass.

Elam could not have made it any clearer: the main point of this kind of “activism” — which has become AVFM’s bread and butter — is all about intimidating women, not helping men.

AVFM, where terrifying individual women is “human rights activism.”

Here’s the appropriate response to that:


CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION: I rewrote the paragraph starting with “A Voice for Men took exception,” which confused AVRM/MR-E’s current objection to Gotell’s views with its original “argument” against the “Don’t Be That Guy” campaign.

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11 years ago


Feminists have opinions, and ideology, which is just like religion, which means they can’t be atheists or skeptics. Unlike Jason whose ideas are all formed fully from pure first principles, that were handed down to him by Saint Rand and Saint Dawkins.

of course. I should have known XD (he was hard to understand though.)


thanks for link 😀 I’ve bookmarked for future reference, but I’m not quoting until trollboy actually responds to the last think you said about it. He’s kinda goal-post shifty.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Marie – I know, right? 😛

The sad thing is that I know religious trolls that try to redefine atheism to suit their ideology too, which is why I know what atheism is off-hand. I even have the Oxford English dictionary backing me up and everything!

But of course, since when do MRAs learn how to use dictionaries? 😛

11 years ago

Okay, you don’t want women to work dangerous jobs, but you also want same # work related injuries? I am confuse.

There should be a little firing squad that goes around injuring women, duh. To be fair.

11 years ago

ugh, not with the suicide is a plea for help shit again. dude, find a new shtick, this one is as insulting as hell *oh, I forget. that was the point.

Nobody can miscalculate the dose of a poison/med while so distraught/depressed/desperate they want to end their life! it’s just a plea for help!

11 years ago

In face I was part of the Occupy movement.

But in body, you were elsewhere.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

We need MRAs in “Occupy” just like we need antisemites, i.e. not at all.

11 years ago

FYI, I think we might have a far more interesting troll in the most recent thread about the Machine, calling himself LordoftheAlphas. He called David a beta and his blog calls the President O-Beta.

11 years ago

Do we need to do this whole ‘plea for help’ thing? There’s nothing wrong with asking for help (infact it is good) but I don’t like the whole narrative, especially since it always has a ‘just doing it for attention’ undertone to me. It also seems to minimize how serious suicide-attempts are.

idk I’m rambling but does that make any sense? (@nontrolls)

11 years ago

Well, David kind of is a beta…

11 years ago

David is the second letter of the greek alphabet? In addition to being ferrets in cat suits in a human suit and also all of the commenters on this site, this must wear him out.

I know what you mean; there’s just no freaking things as alphas and betas.

Ally S
11 years ago

“Well, David kind of is a beta…”


Can you try to be less predictable?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Jason – Uh, no, that’s not why women are more likely to choose to poison themselves. It’s because society states that women aren’t supposed to be violent and whatnot.

And trust me. For most (if not all people), if you’re attempting to do suicide, you’re in the mindset of “I want to actually DIE”, not “I’M GONNA DO IT TO GET ATTENTION”.

Also, don’t talk shit about women being unable to commit suicide. Poison isn’t an instantaneous “one swallow and you drop down dead”. It takes time for your body to process the poison, and in many cases, you’re often discovered before the poison kills you and taken to hospital (or you realize “oh shit, I screwed up” and call 911 on your own, which happened to a friend of mine).

11 years ago

Jason cannot be less predictable, he blew his wad with atheist feminist thing.

11 years ago

Goddammit, I’m supposed to be out gardening in this perfect weather and instead I’m sitting here eating a Klondike bar and listening to a moron rant about women.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

There is no such thing as alphas and betas. The whole alpha/beta thing was :

a) a study about wolf societies
b) that was *wrong* about wolves in the first place
c) applied to human beings without any fucking reason to do so
d) and coupled with additional bullshit
e) all wrapped up in order to provide a just-so story to explain phenomenas that don’t actually happen in reality (i.e. hypergamy)

11 years ago


We don’t have perfect whether, and also I’m having a recovering-from-the-week day, so this is juuust fine with me. XD

11 years ago

Katz: at least you’re aware of what you’d do for Klondike bar.

Ally S
11 years ago

Goddammit, I’m supposed to be out gardening in this perfect weather and instead I’m sitting here eating a Klondike bar and listening to a moron rant about women.

Well, I don’t think gardening while holding a Klondike bar in your hand would be very easy. Not unless you want melted vanilla ice cream on your gloves.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Katz – I should be packing things to start moving into my college apartment tomorrow. What am I doing? Watching an MRA troll.

Now I want a Klondlike bar. 🙁

11 years ago


Do you mind a random question? (hobby related)

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

greendaywantsavatars – Sure, ask away. If I can answer it, I’ll do so. 🙂

11 years ago

I should be scheduling more GEDs. 😛 but instead I’m watching a troll.

11 years ago

Do you play runescape? (your nym reminds me of some of the names you have to use if you’re going undercover as a vampire in a quest… the sanguinaria part)

11 years ago

Athywren – Well, if I was happy to take every single thing that nice guy did for me, I’d have to expect to give something in return, wouldn’t I? I mean, if I didn’t want to have sex from the guy, I should at least be honest enough to not accept his one-sided altruism?

And if you were not happy to take every single thing that nice guy did for you? If you repeatedly rejected his advances? If you said no over, and over, and over, and over, and over again? If you did not accept his one-sided altruism? Is he still entitled to fuck you, simply because he wouldn’t take no for an answer?

11 years ago

Katz: at least you’re aware of what you’d do for Klondike bar.

…Well played.

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