a voice for men antifeminism doxing drama kings edmonton entitled babies evil women harassment imaginary backwards land men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability oppressed white men paul elam playing the victim rape rape culture taking pleasure in women's pain the poster revolution has begun things that aren't fascism

For A Voice for Men, and its Edmonton offshoot, terrifying women is a form of “human rights activism.”

Men's Rights Edmonton activist at work
Men’s Rights Edmonton activist at work

So the self-described “human rights activists” at A Voice for Men have found three more women to harass. Here’s the story, which for many of you will have a depressingly familiar ring:

Members of Men’s Rights Edmonton, a small group that is for all intents and purposes a local chapter of A Voice for Men, has been putting up pictures targeting Lise Gotell, the chair of women’s and gender studies at the University of Alberta. The pictures, which seem inspired by “Wanted” posters of yore, feature a large portrait of Gotell and the caption:

Theft isn’t black. Bank fraud isn’t Jewish. And rape isn’t male.

“Just because you’re paid to demonize men doesn’t mean rape is gendered. Don’t be that bigot.

Gotell’s crime? She was involved in what appears to have been a remarkably effective rape awareness campaign focusing on date rape and featuring the slogan “Don’t Be That Guy.”

A Voice for Men took exception to the campaign because, even thought it did deal with the male victims of rape, it didn’t devote equal time to the problem of evil, false-accusing “girls.” No, really. Men’s Rights Edmonton Activists put up “satirical” versions of the campaign’s posters with the slogan “Don’t Be that Girl.” Now, MR-E and AVFM, at least according to the “argument” advanced on their new poster, seem to be upset that the campaign didn’t devote equal time to the problem of female rapists.  [Note: this paragraph has been corrected; see note at end of piece.]

Gotell spoke out against the posters, and now Men’s Rights Edmonton and AVFM are doing their best to smear her as a “bigot.” Because she doesn’t believe that women are responsible for half of all rapes.

Since this is not actually true — more on this in a later post — it’s hard to see how this makes her a bigot.

As a rule, I don’t support tearing down the posters of one’s ideological enemies. Free speech and all that. But these posters are different: they’re slanderous personal attacks designed to harass an individual. Were they posted in my neighborhood I would tear them down.

And evidently that’s what some people in Edmonton have been doing.

Indeed, one recent night, several members of Men’s Rights Edmonton claim to have caught two women doing just that. While they don’t seem to have video footage of the women tearing down the posters, the MRAs filmed themselves following the women down the street and angrily confronting them for this alleged crime.

They posted the video to YouTube, and AVFM posted it as well, under the typically overheated title “Men’s Rights Edmonton confronts fascists.” They screencapped images of both women from the video and announced their intention to uncover their personal information:

MR-E would like to know the names of these two women so that charges of destruction of property can be laid against them. Also, the world should know the identities of those who seek to silence and censor messages advocating for human rights.

Of course, this is ridiculous. Tearing down a poster that was almost certainly posted illegally in the first place isn’t “destruction of property.” No one is going to be prosecuted for this. The police have better things to do.

But of course that’s not the real intent here. The real intent here is to scare the shit out of these women and other feminists by exposing them to harassment online — like the woman labeled “Big Red” and countless other women who have been targeted by AVFM and other MRAs (sometimes completely erroneously).

AVFM’s Paul Elam gave the game away with an “editor’s note” added to the post:

[A] woman who vandalizes man’s property and then flips him off when he confronts her about it on a dark street at night only acts in this manner because she is certain she has absolutely nothing to fear. Feminists terrified of MHRAs? My ass.

Elam could not have made it any clearer: the main point of this kind of “activism” — which has become AVFM’s bread and butter — is all about intimidating women, not helping men.

AVFM, where terrifying individual women is “human rights activism.”

Here’s the appropriate response to that:


CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION: I rewrote the paragraph starting with “A Voice for Men took exception,” which confused AVRM/MR-E’s current objection to Gotell’s views with its original “argument” against the “Don’t Be That Guy” campaign.

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11 years ago


1) women accept things because men usually get angry when they refuse ‘I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE YOU C*NT’

2) Nice victim blaming, go fuck off forever.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

greendaywantsavatars – Don’t forget “Asian women can’t drive” and “Asian women are abusive Tiger Moms”. And “East Asian women are submissive and obedient”.

11 years ago

Nobody crosses the street when they see a black woman coming. Nobody files a false police report saying they were beaten up by black women. And, to be fair, fewer true police reports are filed about whites than blacks. Politically incorrect though it may be to say, if you want to argue that men are bad because they commit more crimes, you’d also have to make a racist argument about blacks…

11 years ago

Well, if I was happy to take every single thing that nice guy did for me, I’d have to expect to give something in return, wouldn’t I?

Holy shit you did not go there.

11 years ago


what will brother do? He actually likes pushing your chair. Do you still have to do something nice for him even when he asks to? I must know.

11 years ago

PIERRE: Premiere Industrial Signage, how may I help you?

JASON: I’d like to complain about item C33-A.

PIERRE: Ah, yes, “Do Not Enter.” That’s one of our bestsellers. It’s also available in aluminum with or without a reflective coating. What seems to be the problem?

JASON: Who do you think you are?

PIERRE: Pardon?

JASON: Ordering me around like that! You can’t tell me where I can and can’t go. Do you know who I am?

PIERRE: Sir, the sign is not directed at you specifically. It’s a general warning.

JASON: General, my ass! I’m standing here and “Do Not Enter” is staring me in the face! Did you even stop to think about how that makes me feel?

PIERRE: I’m afraid that OSHA prioritizes safety over personal feelings.

JASON: Well, you can’t tell me what to do! I’m going to walk through this door right now and there’s nothing you can do about it!

PIERRE: Sir, I wouldn’t advise–


PIERRE (hanging up): Maybe if we offered it in fluorescent…

11 years ago

Greenday – women aren’t equivalent to disabled people, either. Try again,

11 years ago

Nope. Nope nope. Stop trying to compare something made up (systematic misandry) to something real (systematic racism).

Nobody files false police reports saying they were beaten up by white men, either…

11 years ago

Is Jason seriously trying to argue that black women (and other WOC) aren’t oppressed? May he step on all the legos forever.

11 years ago

Politically incorrect Racist though it may be to say”–there I fixed that for you.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Jason, you are an asshole. You’re not a Nice Guy.

Not raping someone isn’t something that a Nice Guy does. Not raping someone should be common courtesy done for everybody, not just for the woman you really want to bang.

Helping people and being nice to them should be a means to itself, not quid pro quo.

11 years ago

Marie – That would be a good time for women to grow a pair and say what’s on their minds. If you want to be equal to men, you have to actually try, you know.

11 years ago


Nice try, but I am a DISABLED WOMAN! You cannot separate those two things.

Try again

11 years ago


great pierre script 😀



@ fade (and countless others here, but I don’t have a list.)

I guess now that you know you are a women, you cannot be disabled.

@jason again.

I’m a woman. Please tell me if I’m allowed to be suffering mental illness, or if I’m just confused.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

katz – BAHAHAHAHAHA. I love that script. 😀

11 years ago

Jason dear, false equivalency doesn’t help your case.

But it is fitting, since he started out with some false equivalency.

11 years ago

“Is Jason seriously trying to argue that black women (and other WOC) aren’t oppressed?”

Only by way of arguing that women as a whole aren’t oppressed, so a woman of an oppressed group isn’t more oppressed than a man of that oppressed group.

11 years ago


Marie – That would be a good time for women to grow a pair and say what’s on their minds. If you want to be equal to men, you have to actually try, you know.

this is just confusing because we’ve been trying for over a century hello?

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Jason – you know, that’s what we’ve been doing all this time. You just ignore us in order to attack imaginary strawpeople and to whine about how white men are the most disadvantaged group EVER.

*yawn* Anything else you want to add on?

11 years ago


Nice straw man. If you’re a disabled woman, then you’re unfortunate enough to be disabled, and you happen to be a female. You’re not “oppressed,” certainly not because of your femininity.

11 years ago


Only by way of arguing that women as a whole aren’t oppressed, so a woman of an oppressed group isn’t more oppressed than a man of that oppressed group.

Have fun being wrong.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

chibigodzilla – Good point.

Jason – stop lying. No, seriously, stop lying about how men are equally oppressed to women.

11 years ago

You’re not “oppressed,” certainly not because of your femininity.

*bbzzz* guess again.

ps nice scare quotes.

11 years ago

Shoter Jason: I hate these posters because HOW DARE YOU BITCHES TELL MEN WHAT TO DO!

11 years ago

Jason: let us know when you get tired of being told how wrong you are.

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