a woman is always to blame bad boys beta males cupcake evil sexy ladies evil women hamstering men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny nice guys oppressed men playing the victim pussy pass

Hamish the MGTOW: “Underneath those physically appealing pretty girls does indeed lurk an evil monster.”

So beautiful, so evil.
So beautiful, so evil.

Today, some farm fresh misogyny, straight from the virtual pages of, in the form of a sprawling rant on the blackhearted nature of the female of the species by a fellow known only as Hamish. I have taken the liberty of condensing the rant somewhat, and of breaking up Hamish’s walls of text into shorter paragraphs. The original director’s cut of his comment can be found here.

[T]he prettier a woman is on the outside, the blacker her heart is on the inside. Underneath that pretty exterior does indeed lurk a monster. That women are driven by their highly fickle “feelings” rather than by logic is the scariest and most dangerous part about them.

[W]omen are so fickle that they vacillate between wanting Nick the nice guy who will be nice and romantic to them one day and wanting Tommy the thug who will treat her like absolute crap the next day. Indeed sometimes they want both these things at the same time …

What cupcake wants is a composite male, the ingredients of which are a blend of The Rock, Matt Damon, Donald Trump, Justin Timberlake, Hugh Jackman, Mike Tyson, David Bowie, Tony Montana, Ronaldo and Michael Buble …

With women being so irrational, so utterly unreasonable and unrealistic in their demands, it is absolutely inevitable that … there will come a point where she will feel dissatisfied with her date/her fuck buddy/her boyfriend/her fiance/her husband, whatever. And remember what a women feels is her hamster, logic doesn’t get a look in.

For men morality is largely a logical, learned thing – ten commandments, thou shalt not steal/kill, whatever. But for a woman what she feels is the be all and end all … And if that means fucking over and grinding into the dust good, decent men … purely on account that she no longer feels entirely satisfied with him, then so be it – how she feels must prevail above all other factors. …

[A]nd what’s more many women seem to be thoroughly enjoy crushing such men too – the more decent and genuine a guy is, the more pleasure they take in crushing him.

The reason for this is women … see niceness and decency as a sign of weakness and they begin to look down on that male with utter contempt. ….

This explains why it’s always the nicest guys that women fuck over the worst – and why they take great pleasure in doing so and in twisting the knife. To onlooking men this kind of stuff looks like a horrible, unjustifiable act of black hearted pitilessness – but to women, it’s nothing … .

This illogical thinking and intrinsic fickleness on the part of women winds up in women becoming capricious, merciless tyrants. But of course to be tyrants women have to have power – sure they always had the power of the pussy, but much more sinisterly women are now armed to the teeth and dangerous – armed by the law/the state that is …

Women have the state/big government backing them up to the hilt at every turn – to the extent that women now have the power at their fingertips to destroy or at least seriously mess up/disrupt the life of any man they’re sexually involved with – and … many women … can’t … resist abusing this power. And not only to mess up men’s lives and defame their character … but of course to loot men too – often of their entire net worth.

The madness of all this is that the state has placed all this power in the hands of beings who are intrinsically fickle and capricious by nature. So having been armed by the state, women are now not only fickle and capricious, worse than that they have now upgraded to fickle and capricious tyrants, who have a licence from the state to ruin men’s lives on a whim.

Having been so armed by the state, women are now akin to the capricious psychopath boss at work, who fires people just because he’s in a bad mood, or the capricious psychopath dictator, who has citizens locked up or killed on a whim.

In the case of the psycho boss or the dictator, they behave in this manner because (1) they have the power to do it (2) they can do it without any comeback to them and (3) they get off on it.

And this is exactly the dynamics involved when women fuck over men – women fuck over men because they have the power to do it (or more accurately the state has bestowed that power on them), they can do it without any comeback to them or negative consequences for them and they also do it because they just damned well get a sadistic kick from doing do.

So yes, underneath those physically appealing pretty girls (and indeed in many less physically appealing girls too) does indeed lurk an evil monster – one that is armed, dangerous, and utterly pitiless.

And … scene!

The truly weird thing about this rant is that, as some Man Boobz old timers may recall, the Hamish who wrote this rant is not the first MGTOW named Hamish I’ve written about on this blog. But the last one wasn’t actually real: he was a character who appeared, in cartoon form, in the dreams of a Man Boobz reader. As she wrote in an email to me,

after a day of reading a particularly large amount of your posts, I had a strange dream about this guy who sits on a train and describes some STDs he caught in great (and terrifying) detail to whoever is silly enough to listen. His goal is to dissuade other men from making the same mistake he did — having sex with women. Because to “Hamish the Lover” … all women are dirty and evil and should be avoided at all costs.

Now this mysterious dream lover Hamish has a namesake on, writing long rants on how … all women are evil and should be avoided at all costs.

Kind of creepy, eh?

The dreamer also sent me a picture of Hamish the Lover as he had appeared in her dream. Here he is again.

He looks like a bit of a charming rogue. Too bad he’s an asshole.

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11 years ago

Oh dear, I hope not. That’s not stereotypically handsome, is it?

Research has established that, generally speaking, women must choose between between two types of men: dads and cads.

What if you don’t want to breed? Do you still have to choose a dad if you don’t want a cad?

On the one hand, dads are typically more commitment-oriented, warm, faithful, and reliable.

Let’s see: in his earthly days the Sir was faithful in the sense of physical affairs, except once, but he fell in and out of love with several people during his marriage. Not sure how that rates. He was less “warm” than “hot and cold.” 😛

Yet they are usually less handsome,

BWAHAHAHAHAHA you are kidding me


depends on what charismatic means to you; it’s not a positive term to me in the usual sense

and dominant than his caddish counterparts.

just as well, I loathe dominant people, especially men

On the other hand, cads are sexier,

BWAHAHAHAHHA I don’t think so

with their narrow eyes and strong jaws — but they also tend to be flashy and exploitatative of others.

define flashy – is this a basement-dweller’s definition?

Wot a load of old codology

11 years ago

Wilko only talks to his closest relatives about his war experiences. He fondly remembers the time when he hunted and defeated the enemy in close combat.

This is bullshit.

I’m not going into the “fondly recalled” part, because that’s an individual thing, and fondly is a word with several contextual possibilities.

But, “hunted” and “close combat” don’t mix. Hunting is stalking, or lying in ambush; with time to get set, and the ability to engage/not engage.

Close combat is a free-for-all. Both sides are engaged, leaving isn’t much of an option and the world is a narrow-focused blur.

The last bit about, He wanted to defend his country, his family and future generations,“… anyone who says that is either dodging the question, or blowing smoke up your ass. That’s why people enlist, it’s got jack-shit to do with what you think about in a war zone, much less what is in your mind when stalking “the enemy”, or lying in ambush. I’m not even going into how vapidly fatuous it is about, “close combat”.

That shit was written by an idiot, and quoted by a moron.

11 years ago

Drat! Rudely interrupted by WORK and I have an html fail!

11 years ago

I was thinking olive oil.

11 years ago

For reals, I feel the need to say that one shouldn’t dip anyone in sodium and catapult them into a lake for any reason.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

It’s still the oil and water problem. Though Katz is right, drastic pH changes can be fatal (though in a larger body of water, it’d be impossible to really cause one, whereas an oil slick seems worrisome). Solution? Launch him into a pool.

And I’m glad you addressed that war bullshit, I didn’t say as much when I commented on it, because that’s your business, but you were indeed who I was thinking of with my “yeah…no” comment (well, and the various relatives of course, but I haven’t flat out asked any of them since I was a kid and too young to be told stories that weren’t about down time)

I guess you’re right that “fondly” doesn’t necessarily imply what I was thinking, but still, even with the rest of the logical flaws, it sits wrong. You may fondly recall a small lizard (d’aww) but I doubt you fondly recall any sandstorms (or mangos)

11 years ago

No. I think catapulting them into a lake is right out, with or without subsequent antagonisms of minor explosions near/on their skin.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Killjoy. How about catapulting into the sun? Can we do that?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pedantry for the win there pecunium!

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Who are we catapulting into the sun?

11 years ago

I can fondly recall some pretty shitty things. Am I fond of them, per se, no. But I can recall the camaraderie of the moment, etc. I might be recalling, fondly, something I never want to think about in any other context, etc.

As to the Ph. issue. If (and you can imagine the odds) I were doing this, the total amount of sodium, on the victims body would be in the nature of grams. I meant it when I said dust. It’s the idea of shock/discomfort/minor injuries to remind them, not gruesome death in agony.

That’s not amusing to think about, even in fantasy.

11 years ago

I am honored to see the Greatest Good has bestowed zir presence upon us. You are the greatest.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Alice — Hamish. Though all MRAs and PUAs works too.

Pecunium — idk, a minor sodium burn sounds funny by me. Of course, I’d sign up to test it, so yeah.

“But I can recall the camaraderie of the moment, etc. I might be recalling, fondly, something I never want to think about in any other context, etc.”

That’s what I was failing to get at. I am not fond of the mulch laying that got me chewed alive by mosquitoes, I am quite fond of the resulting ropes course, and, for that matter, the people I was getting chewed alive with (I realize my mosquitoes don’t compare, seeing how the ones in MA are unlikely to kill you)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And yeah, it takes a lot of salt to change the pH by much. Which reminds me that I need to test the SG and salt the 30g. So thanks for that (and the salt 🙂 )

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Argenti – Okay, can I add this creepy street harassing asshole who harassed and bothered my friend in Canada (who’s a minor) into giving her number? I want him to go die in a fire for being a motherfucking creepy, rapey, obnoxious asshole.

11 years ago

Minor, yes. Imagine chucking him in the lake, and when he hits the water the world lights up around him and gets really warm; a foretaste of hell, which is gone as quickly as that.

Remind me to tell you of the time my uncle, and his classmates set a lake on fire (it wasn’t all that environmentally friendly, but I’ll cut him some slack, it was the ’50s, people were less thoughtful about such things).

11 years ago

Imagine chucking him in the lake, and when he hits the water the world lights up around him and gets really warm; a foretaste of hell, which is gone as quickly as that.

Lithium, then.

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

pecunium – wait, your uncle and his classmates set a lake on fire? O_O

11 years ago

Yeah. He was an engineering student. The Greeks had, “Pin Night” where they took their girlfriends out on the lake and gave them pins (so everyone would know she was, “taken”).

So they spent a couple of weeks testing, to see how long it would take to have a can of kerosene rise to the surface, and disperse enough to expose some powdered sodium.

Then they dropped a couple of cans in the lake, timed to go off just before sunset; because sunset was when the frat-boys took their canoes onto the lake to pin their girlfriends.

Just as they were all heading to the water, the lake burst into flame, right near the shore where the canoes were.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*dies laughing* SCIENCE!!

And since I typed it up before my iPad spat on the internet —

Pecunium — how’s, say, 40 hours from now sound for story time? ^.^

You want movies or Doctor Who or anything? I’m bringing the mac, so I can bring whatever entertainment you want.

Also, something said to me years ago totally applies to you as well — it’s a good thing you have a conscience, because you could kill and get away with it. Or commit mayhem, which is the relevant topic.

Alice — sure, the more uses the more justifiable the cost!

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

pecunium – LULZ. I love science. Hopefully they didn’t mess with the lake pH too much; lye’s not exactly great for life in general.

Argenti – huzzah! *launches asshole into the sun*

11 years ago

Alice: largish lake, again, grams of sodium. Idea was to ignite the kerosene not make an explosion (I know someone who broke a swimming pool. Dropped large (~ 1lb) block of sodium into it).

11 years ago

I think we have ample entertainments. I need to sleep, Have to work tomorrow (I will be so glad when we are fully staffed again)

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

pecunium – Ah, okay. *tries to remember how many grams is in a pound to figure out the approximate amount of lye created presuming perfect stoichiometric yield*

Have a good rest. 🙂

11 years ago

about 450