a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage gross incompetence hundreds of upvotes imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA MRA comics cavalcade oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape culture reddit straw feminists victim blaming

Men’s Rights Kontroversial Komik Kavalkade

Want to earn yourself some quick karma points on Reddit? It’s easy! Just post some terrible misogynistic comic and wait for the inevitable upvotes. Like this one, which combines some standard-issue victim-blaming rape apologism with a bit of racism and serves it all up in terribly drawn cartoon form, and collect dozens of upvotes!


Or this one, which also, er, touches on issues of race. Did I mention something about dozens of upvotes? This one got hundreds!


Yes, that’s right, a barely coherent cartoon protesting “race-mixing” did indeed get hundreds of upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

EDITED TO ADD: Ah; the reason it’s so incoherent is that it’s a racist remake of an anti-racist cartoon.

And this one got thousands of upvotes for its amazing insights into gender relations.


Officially, according to the Men’s Rights subreddit sidebar, it’s against the rules there to post “rage comics, or other low-effort image posts. Mods may remove these at their discretion.” Apparently these all count as “high-effort.”

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11 years ago

Also, non-tongue in cheek? Not challenging you, just to be clear, I’m just trying to take a tally here and see.

Sometimes, yeah. I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s meant to compliment me by reinforcing my masculinity.

11 years ago

Does it count as sexist if I sometimes long for tall people to help me get stuff down off shelves that I can’t reach? I mean, I’d be happy to accept help from tall women too, it’s just that most of the tall people who I’ve known have been men. Or is the fact that men are on average taller than women sexism against men?

(This comment brought to you by the League of Short People Who Have Trouble Reaching Stuff.)

11 years ago

Also League of People with Sensitive Spin fistbump. Even cashmere irritates me skin to the point where I have to wear something under it, especially on my back.

11 years ago

Skin, not spin.

11 years ago


Being sarcastic in order to get him to actually help, is that considered tongue-in-cheek?

I’d consider it tongue-in-cheek, but you’re the one saying it so you are probably the ultimate judge here 😛


Sometimes, yeah. I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s meant to compliment me by reinforcing my masculinity.

K. was just curious 🙂


Hey, I’m also in the league of short people! 😀 I’d go for no, but I tend to ask for help when I’m with my dad, who inconsiderately stocks the glasses I like to drink from way up high, so he damn well better get them down for me, since I already told him and he doesn’t want to change it. XD

11 years ago

What I’d really like is hang straps/rails on the train that I can hang on to without feeling like I’m going to dislocate my shoulder. This is part of why I wear heels so much.

11 years ago

Yeeeeah. I don’t know if the comic was trying for a, “I’m going to do it too, only KNOWINGLY, which makes it clever and funny!” which I just don’t buy.

Yep! Self-aware satire is like The New Thing to avoid being called out on shitty opinions. It’s I know that you know that I know that you know that I know what I said was shitty, but because I know it, it’s *really* shitty.

Does it count as sexist if I sometimes long for tall people to help me get stuff down off shelves that I can’t reach?

It’s totes misandry Cassandra. Tallness is a huge stereotype for men and short men aren’t privileged in society, they are in fact discriminated against on the same level as women are. I know it’s true because I read it on the internet.

11 years ago

Argenti – Oh, I know, I wasn’t expecting them to spend the money or do it properly, I just couldn’t resist mentioning that real togas were wool. 🙂

Joining the Short People With Sensitive Skin Fistbumps! Only time I like cashmere on my skin is if someone else is wearing it. 😉 That jacket I’m knitting at present would be hellish on bare skin. It’s not the roughest mohair I’ve ever felt, but I’d end up with a rash if I wore it next to skin.

11 years ago

I used to have cashmere blend leggings and oddly enough they were OK, it’s my torso, especially my back and neck, that’s especially sensitive.

11 years ago

What I’d really like is hang straps/rails on the train that I can hang on to without feeling like I’m going to dislocate my shoulder. This is part of why I wear heels so much.

Short people on public transit are seriously disadvantaged. Especially since people who can actually reach those hang straps still monopolize the poles that run from floor to ceiling. I’ve seen tall guys lean against those poles for comfort, while also using the hang straps to stay upright!

11 years ago

Yeah, I don’t see why people who can reach the straps can’t leave the poles for those of us who’re vertically challenged, as well as for, you know, children? If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen adults on public transit blatantly ignore the needs of kids who’re struggling to stay upright I’d be Scrooge McDuck.

11 years ago

RE: SittieKitty

Yep! Self-aware satire is like The New Thing to avoid being called out on shitty opinions.

It’s been around a while; it’s driven me nuts for YEARS. You have to do something BESIDES just do what everyone else does with a wink and a grin. You have to actually do something NEW with it.

11 years ago

Ah yes, the leaning on poles thing. I have a method for dealing with that: if I’m trying to hang on to that pole, the leaner gets knuckles in the back, hard.

Mind you these days it isn’t a problem. I get the train from whichever terminus, because I can’t do long standing trips home anyway (plus, with a walking stick, it’s THAT IS MY SEAT GET OUT OF THE WAY).

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Short people fist bump! What’s weird is my skin only gives a shit about natural fibers, not sensitive to anything else (well and malachite green, the ich killer, is all kinds of bad in general…but it kills ich, does anyone expect it’d be something you shouldn’t wash off?)

11 years ago

Is that somehow made of malachite as in the stone, or does it just happen to be the same color?

11 years ago

LBT, agreed. Things aren’t funny or clever unless they actually subvert traditional narratives instead of reinforcing them. Everyone knows the status quo, comedy should make a statement that’s status not quo.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

(And this is how the frankengloves where born — a certain poodle shark ate them and they’re the only gloves I can wear and work my iPod so repair them I did. They even look decent now, thanks to pecunium’s alpaca yarn)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Just the same color.

11 years ago

Speaking of, I’ve been knitting lately, but I’ve had to be very selective in the type of material I use or I can’t wear anything I make… And alpaca is very expensive.

11 years ago

Briefly paying attention to the original comments, on the Detroit one…it’s always grimly amused me that people throw crap like “what were you doing out at that time?” at women as an attempt a rape apologism, because they don’t seem to realize that they’re quite literally implying that women should not be allowed to leave the house at certain hours of the day*. But we invaded Iraq to “free” “their” women, yep, that’s definitely what we did.

*And not that being out and about because you just went clubbing or whatever other entertainment-related reason isn’t something that should be seen as OK if you’re a woman, but also, um, jobs? Some of them require either a late ending time or an early start? When I used to take the night bus home in London I’d see tons of people who were clearly either coming from or going to work, based on how they were dressed.

11 years ago

Also, “what were you doing in Detroit at that hour”? Um, people live there?

11 years ago

I’d hope it’s not real malachite, since that stuff is toxic.

Buttercup Q Skullpants
Buttercup Q Skullpants
11 years ago

If the neckless copypaste creatures in comic #1 are to be believed, nothing bad ever happens to people who toe the line and behave in ways “appropriate” for their gender and race. If you get uppity and start dressing differently or going into strange neighborhoods, well, this is what’s in store for you.

Except that crime still happens no matter how prepared or well-behaved you are. I was walking down the street in broad daylight in Philadephia once, wearing a parka and jeans, and two men in a gray Volkswagen pulled up and tried to abduct me*. Explain THAT one, stilted Reddit comic artist!

*I actually laughed, because “GET IN THE CAR, BITCH” was such an absurd come-on. When one of them lunged for me and I realized they were serious, I ran like hell and got away. Later I found out they’d unsuccessfully tried to get one of my classmates, too.

11 years ago

Average height, but a foot shorter than the roomie. It’s his house. Guess where we store the toilet paper? If it’s RIGHT on the very edge of the shelf and I stand on tippy-toe/hover over the toilet, I can snag the plastic wrapping with my fingertips. (And I’m the ONLY one in the house who changes the freaking roll.) Otherwise, I have to drag a chair in from the kitchen to climb on.

Also a member of the finicky skin clan. Wool, synthetics that don’t breathe, anything with the wrong texture, and bar soap. And, I don’t know, something makes my whole body just randomly drive me to claw deep, bleeding runnels in my skin. Increasing my omega 3 intake seems to help, and then the itch comes back. No rash, mind you, just itch. Sigh.

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Good job MRAs, good job.