a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage gross incompetence hundreds of upvotes imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA MRA comics cavalcade oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape culture reddit straw feminists victim blaming

Men’s Rights Kontroversial Komik Kavalkade

Want to earn yourself some quick karma points on Reddit? It’s easy! Just post some terrible misogynistic comic and wait for the inevitable upvotes. Like this one, which combines some standard-issue victim-blaming rape apologism with a bit of racism and serves it all up in terribly drawn cartoon form, and collect dozens of upvotes!


Or this one, which also, er, touches on issues of race. Did I mention something about dozens of upvotes? This one got hundreds!


Yes, that’s right, a barely coherent cartoon protesting “race-mixing” did indeed get hundreds of upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

EDITED TO ADD: Ah; the reason it’s so incoherent is that it’s a racist remake of an anti-racist cartoon.

And this one got thousands of upvotes for its amazing insights into gender relations.


Officially, according to the Men’s Rights subreddit sidebar, it’s against the rules there to post “rage comics, or other low-effort image posts. Mods may remove these at their discretion.” Apparently these all count as “high-effort.”

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11 years ago

Being a fail to the fails would be worthy of much laughage.

11 years ago

Tries to spray himself with Axe body spray and misses…

11 years ago

::wheeze:: 😀

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Who’d steal an owner’s manual?”

I guess you can get a key made with the info in it or something? Idfk, hence how this still comes up occasionally (whereas the GPS got replaced and that was the end of that, sucks, got dealt with, end of story)

Tell Mac I appreciate his discretion.

11 years ago

I hope they got the permission of the artist for rewriting the MDF comic and for not crediting them. It’s somebody else’ intellectual property and since it’s been used to make the point opposite to the original the author may well take umbrage. Maybe sending a link would be in order.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Tries to wrap himself in a toga, has way too little material and ends up far too exposed (so I used to work at Jo-Ann Fabrics, near Yale. For a tall-ish guy you want 6 yards to do it right, I know that sounds like a lot, but you gotta figure 4’+ for one wrap around, and you want two with enough left to drape…the dudebros just could not grasp that we weren’t trying to up sell them but prevent unfortunate exposure incidents [and guys, it’s white cotton, it’s like $3 a yard, just buy it and ensure you have enough!])

11 years ago

Tries to spray himself with Axe, picks up wrong can in the bathroom, sprays himself with Scrubbing Bubbles instead. Hilarity ensues.

11 years ago

And if they’d been doing it properly it would have been wool, not cotton!

11 years ago

Apologies in advance to any Cyanide and Happiness fans out there, but I can’t believe that comic has four creators. The whole thing is so zero-effort.

11 years ago

I have nothing to add to the conversation about sex, except that it’s weird as fuck to get questions about your sex life from anyone unless that’s specifically the topic :/ Especially when it’s about how *specifically* your genitalia go together…

Does anyone find the Zimmerman comment from the original second comic slightly…off-putting? It’s basically making a joke out of the murder…

11 years ago

I hope they got the permission of the artist for rewriting the MDF comic and for not crediting them. It’s somebody else’ intellectual property and since it’s been used to make the point opposite to the original the author may well take umbrage. Maybe sending a link would be in order.

Copyright law is MISANDRY!

Does anyone find the Zimmerman comment from the original second comic slightly…off-putting?


11 years ago

Also, has anyone ever said the ‘I wish a big strong man would do x for me’ non-tongue in cheek?

I’ve gotten this before, which is extra weird because my arms are like toothpicks. I’m never sure how to respond.

11 years ago

First one, predictably digusting. Did someone actually post that with pride? Jesus.

I suppose the second one only makes sense if you’re a racist/sexist asshole. Or am I missing the instructions and have to hold it up to a mirror or something?

The third one — we know how “Nice Guys” think. Helping someone to move a couch earns you blow-job credits. Thanks for illustrating why women stay the hell away from from guys like you.
“You big strong man, you…” did someone say this to the (snicker) creators, like ever? No. Nooooo.

11 years ago

RE: SittieKitty

Does anyone find the Zimmerman comment from the original second comic slightly…off-putting? It’s basically making a joke out of the murder…

Yeah. And then it ends with the note, “In loving memory of Critical Miss’ first black character.” Who, you know. Is dead now, so presumably means there are no longer any black folks IN the comic. Which is… yeah.

11 years ago

LBT, yeah, I was okay with the comic for the most part up until then (I doubt that the larger guy was called beta by accident and can’t help but make body-shaming associations). But really, for a comic that’s supposed to be anti-racist, the punchline is still incredibly racist.

11 years ago


I’ve gotten this before, which is extra weird because my arms are like toothpicks. I’m never sure how to respond.

Say, ‘sure’ and flex your toothpick arms cooly 😛 or a ‘no thanks’ if you don’t want to do it.

Also, non-tongue in cheek? Not challenging you, just to be clear, I’m just trying to take a tally here and see.

11 years ago

I haven’t read all of the comments, but I must ask, what is a “non-corporeal” partner?

11 years ago

Also, one of the more obnoxious instances of ‘big strong man’ mentality I’ve had is when my dad and stepmom were moving a heavy thing, I offer to help them move the heavy thing and they ask my brother to. 😛 Only difference is I don’t think it was all sexism since I have a kind of bad back, but I still do have more upper body strength than my brother and, more importantly, offered to help.

11 years ago

Walter – in my case, my husband has long since crossed into Spirit (heaven, whatever) but that doesn’t stop us being together on either side of the veil. 🙂

11 years ago

PS that’s him and one of our resident veil-side kitties in my avatar.

11 years ago

OK. Thank you for the information.

11 years ago

You’re welcome! I blog (lackadaisically … haven’t posted since July) about this, you’ll find it if you click on my nym.

/shameless self promotion

11 years ago

I’ve said “I wish a big strong man would do [x] for me” when it’s obviously something I couldn’t do myself and my roommate (who can prolly lift me up with one finger) was standing nearby watching. Being sarcastic in order to get him to actually help, is that considered tongue-in-cheek?

11 years ago

RE: SittieKitty

But really, for a comic that’s supposed to be anti-racist, the punchline is still incredibly racist.

Yeeeeah. I don’t know if the comic was trying for a, “I’m going to do it too, only KNOWINGLY, which makes it clever and funny!” which I just don’t buy.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“And if they’d been doing it properly it would have been wool, not cotton!”

1) that is actually expensive
2) we’re talking August and September frat parties here. Even dudbros don’t deserve that!
3) IMO it’s itchy (alpaca is the only natural fiber I can deal with)