a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage gross incompetence hundreds of upvotes imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA MRA comics cavalcade oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape culture reddit straw feminists victim blaming

Men’s Rights Kontroversial Komik Kavalkade

Want to earn yourself some quick karma points on Reddit? It’s easy! Just post some terrible misogynistic comic and wait for the inevitable upvotes. Like this one, which combines some standard-issue victim-blaming rape apologism with a bit of racism and serves it all up in terribly drawn cartoon form, and collect dozens of upvotes!


Or this one, which also, er, touches on issues of race. Did I mention something about dozens of upvotes? This one got hundreds!


Yes, that’s right, a barely coherent cartoon protesting “race-mixing” did indeed get hundreds of upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

EDITED TO ADD: Ah; the reason it’s so incoherent is that it’s a racist remake of an anti-racist cartoon.

And this one got thousands of upvotes for its amazing insights into gender relations.


Officially, according to the Men’s Rights subreddit sidebar, it’s against the rules there to post “rage comics, or other low-effort image posts. Mods may remove these at their discretion.” Apparently these all count as “high-effort.”

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Michael Søndberg Olsen
Michael Søndberg Olsen
11 years ago

Reddit. Where humor goes to… not even decently die, but merely to slowly rot and infect.

11 years ago

I don’t even know, I never really thought about it before, but WTF? Also, even pretending that it IS all just an elaborate fantasy… so, fantasizing about banging someone is totally kosher, but fantasizing about being in a loving relationship with someone is somehow sad and awful?


I suppose the oh-you’re-delusional crowd think that fantasising is fine, but *shock horror* saying “Thank you, but this isn’t a fantasy, it’s my real life” is just too too much and breaks their brains. I mean, wtf is their problem? What’s it to them? It’s like a recent thread I saw elsewhere (not on this subject) where someone said that believing anything “incorrect” is wrong. What the hell does it matter if someone lives their life according to an “incorrect” belief that makes them happy and doesn’t hurt others?


11 years ago

Alice & Morrigan, GWW/Straughan is a special little snowflake and would never allow herself to be assimilated into the femborg. 🙂

11 years ago

Back to the OP, I guess the third comic is slightly better than the other two because it lacks any racism. That’s about the best thing I can say about it. So yay, 1 out of 3 Men’s Human Rights Movement-endorsed cartoons isn’t overtly racist!

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

I tend not to get too harshly questioned to my face on being with my husband… but I DO get incredibly invasive personal questions about our sex life from strangers. Which is its own kind of horrifying. How is my anatomy, his anatomy, and the things we do with it ANYONE’S business but our own? Voyeuristic little creepers.

11 years ago

Whereof one cannot edit words, thereof one must edit intentions!

11 years ago


It’s like I’m doing something terribly evil by not making my vagina (and presumed child-bearing capabilities) available to some man, any man, as long as he’s corporeal.

Bleh. That’s fairly creepy.


Great use of a starfire pic 😀

11 years ago

LBT – not to mention asking about your sex lives is DUMB. Hello, two blokes, is this so difficult to comprehend? Would these same people ask a corporeal same-sex couple those questions? (They might ask women if they’re at the “but what do women do?” level, of course.)

In a way I’m better – what’s the term, shielded? Less vulnerable because of no trauma? – than y’all, because if anyone asked what Louis and I do together I’d TELL THEM, probably in more detail than they wanted (or maybe just snicker meaninfully). We’re not bothered by questions most would consider intrusive. Louis couldn’t care less and finds it all mildly amusing when he takes any notice, and I’m not going to be bothered by a chance to talk about it, unless we’re talking dropkicks or trolls, of course. Questions in good faith are fine, as long as they’re not of the you’re delusional/he’s an evil spirit/but reinicarnation! variety – ie. telling us what our experiences are is the “not cool” category.

(Hey Marie, never worry that you’re rambling on! You have serious competition here. 😀 )

11 years ago

Because raping someone and stealing a computer are EXACTLY THE SAME THING, U GUISE.

Why are MRAs so funny?

11 years ago

Also, phenomenal artists, MRAs.

11 years ago

What an unrealistic story, MRAs actually organizing a convention? Ridiculous!

(But seriously, it was really funny.)

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

Yeah, in my case, I really get my hackles up if some stranger tries to pry about my sex life. Mac takes it with much better temper than I do. I’m sure some glorious multi sex educator will show up some day, but that person is not me. I’M still trying not to judge myself; I’d rather not deal with it from external sources too.

dumpster jedi
dumpster jedi
11 years ago

The false equivalencies in the first comic always makes me want to break shit. Yeah, if you leave your car’s door unlocked, your odds of being robbed go up. But the police will still take a report, will still at least try to bring justice; they won’t tell him that he deserved whatever happened, or accuse him of just having second thoughts about giving away the laptop he’s reporting missing, or declare that he can’t be robbed because of some presumed deficiency of moral character.

I’m not even going to touch the comparison being made between a possession (car, laptop) and a person’s own body, or a robbery committed while you were out and being sexually assaulted. — Or the racism that seems to have been added as a decorative garnish to this plate of dog shit. “Oh, it was the black man with the knife who came along and raped you! Does this one detail make this scenario better or worse than being raped by someone of any other skin tone? Also, if you hadn’t been dressed in a way I disapprove of, your assailant would have simply left you be, because modesty turns knives to rubber or something, and someone’s desire to exert power over another person by using their body against their will only turns up when there’s SEXINESS present.”

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m going to take this time to remind Mac that I don’t want to know! Just cuz I’m a flirt doesn’t mean I need more than that! (Hi Mac!)

On topic — that first one might not be rape culture if the first part where true — my brother had his GPS and owners manual stolen while parked in a questionable part of New Haven. We still boggle at the owners manual part, but no “what were you thinking?!”

And, as someone upthread said, they picked the least likely form of rape and tossed in racism. Cuz even to them “why were you alone with that nice white boyfriend of yours?” sounds ass. (And, well, if they promote that as being bad, they know they won’t be getting any.)

11 years ago


I didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed. I enjoyed your story immensely!!


11 years ago

Argenti – ah, but it’s not really rape if it’s the NiceWhiteBoyfriend(TM), is it? /hurl

11 years ago

multi sex educator

My mind went off on a TOTALLY wrong tangent then … 😛

11 years ago

So yay, 1 out of 3 Men’s Human Rights Movement-endorsed cartoons isn’t overtly racist!

Alas, Cyanide and Happiness is written only by dudbros, no MRAs, so the MRAs themselves are still batting zero.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Who’d steal an owner’s manual? Also, Mac says he doesn’t kiss and tell without my consent.

Also, I’m working on Giant Robots Infinity Smashed fiction while listening to the Cabaret soundtrack. HELL YEAH!

11 years ago


katz, whether intentional or a typo, that was perfect.

11 years ago

That was a typo. But yes, an apropos one.

11 years ago

I think we should add it to the lexicon. Dudbros describes them perfectly.

11 years ago

A dudbro is what happens when someone tries to be a dudebro and fails.

11 years ago

I’d say being a dudebro is all fail, it’s just made clearer without the E.

11 years ago

I’m thinking like tries to pop collar, does it wrong, other dudebros laugh at him.