a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage gross incompetence hundreds of upvotes imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA MRA comics cavalcade oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape culture reddit straw feminists victim blaming

Men’s Rights Kontroversial Komik Kavalkade

Want to earn yourself some quick karma points on Reddit? It’s easy! Just post some terrible misogynistic comic and wait for the inevitable upvotes. Like this one, which combines some standard-issue victim-blaming rape apologism with a bit of racism and serves it all up in terribly drawn cartoon form, and collect dozens of upvotes!


Or this one, which also, er, touches on issues of race. Did I mention something about dozens of upvotes? This one got hundreds!


Yes, that’s right, a barely coherent cartoon protesting “race-mixing” did indeed get hundreds of upvotes on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

EDITED TO ADD: Ah; the reason it’s so incoherent is that it’s a racist remake of an anti-racist cartoon.

And this one got thousands of upvotes for its amazing insights into gender relations.


Officially, according to the Men’s Rights subreddit sidebar, it’s against the rules there to post “rage comics, or other low-effort image posts. Mods may remove these at their discretion.” Apparently these all count as “high-effort.”

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11 years ago

From the second comic: “This happens to men all the time.”

I…does it, though?

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

Two things about that second one.

1.) It’s a crude Photoshop of an anti-racist comic.

2.) Whatever Channer altered it also added the signature of a nutbar political cartoonist, so he was probably taking the piss with the whole thing.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

On the other hand, the Cyanide & Happiness one is real. I always knew that the guy who drew that one was a dick, but I didn’t know he was that kind of dick.

11 years ago

Wow, that was…bad. They just can’t seem to stop once they’re on hateful, racist, sexist roll, can they?

ALL THE PROJECTIOn for the one claiming men are always told who they can be attracted to. These are the same dudes who whine like hell when women aren’t attracted to them.

11 years ago

I think the reason they keep perpetuating the myth of the “slutty” woman raped in an alley at 4am is because they know its extra shitty (like even for them) to victim blame someone who was raped in their own home by someone they know…which is the most common scenario for rape.

So really its just another excuse to be victim blaming assholes. Why care about facts and statistics if they get in the way of shaming women for what they wear? also if your first reaction is to tell someone who got their car stolen they are a dumbass, then congratulations, you’re a shitty person who lacks empathy and probably shouldn’t have friends.

Interesting about the third comic too, MRAs boast about how naturally physically stronger men are all the time…so what’s the problem here? best qualified person for the job right? they’re all about that! its why women shouldn’t be firefighters and shit. Of course a simple “no I can’t, sorry” would suffice if he doesn’t want to move the couch but LOL telling women to suck d**k LOLOL

11 years ago

First comic: Yes, because so many women walk around in their underwear in the middle of the night. PLUS BONUS RACISM! Yaaaay!

“Even if skin color is relevant. Like with sexual attraction.”

…how is it relevant? Seriously, are there really people with such HUGE preferences for a specific skin tone? Do they wig out if their partner gets/loses a tan?

Also, I really wish the idea that ‘multiculturalism’ is the reason for the idea men can’t be raped. Dudes, my SEXUALTY PROFESSOR said that shit, and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t a multiculturalist.

RE: toujoursgai

I…does it, though?

Doesn’t to me. I haven’t even gotten the, “You need to fuck CORPOREAL men!” thing. (THAT was reserved for women. Go figure.)

RE: Andrew Johnston

Yeah, I got that it was a shoop. Thanks for the link to the original!

11 years ago

Also, I really wish the idea that ‘multiculturalism’ is the reason for the idea men can’t be raped.

Er, I meant to say, I wish that idea would DIE. Cut the sentence off prematurely. <.< Oops.

11 years ago

Can we get more volume on that putrid racism? I don’t think it’s loud enough.

Racist Redditors, go fuck yourselves.

11 years ago

Got bored after the first one and didn’t finish reading them all, but yay comments! 😀

Also, has anyone ever said the ‘I wish a big strong man would do x for me’ non-tongue in cheek? Cuz I know my frickin stepmom was doing some rant about how she hated women who were always like that, but I have never ever seen anyone do it non-tongue in cheek.

11 years ago


” I haven’t even gotten the, “You need to fuck CORPOREAL men!” thing. (THAT was reserved for women. Go figure.)”

You won’t be surprised to know I’ve had that shit for decades. Even from supposed in-tune mediums on occasion. It’s like I’m doing something terribly evil by not making my vagina (and presumed child-bearing capabilities) available to some man, any man, as long as he’s corporeal.

11 years ago


I was confused about the 3rd one, too. Women are supposed to look to men to be strong but when they follow the script that men are stronger, they deserve to be sexually harassed.

11 years ago

The first two are totally revolting. The last one, I’m down with the concept, but unsurprised by the execution – it’s no mistake they chose a nasty and sexualised retort there.

I have to admit I like some Cyanide and Happiness, but some of the authors are all too fond of domestic violence and rape jokes. 🙁

I do personally hate the “big strong man” comments, because there are definitely people who maintain gender roles through a steady stream of gendered comments, and it’s the continuous, continuous reference to what makes a wo/man, how that thing you did is in/appropriate for your perceived gender BLAH BLAH BLAH that does my fucking head in.

11 years ago

These, along with bigoted jokes, work as litmus tests. Many will protest, “It’s a joke!”, but for a joke to be funny, you must understand and (I think) accept its premises on some level. Otherwise, they are nonsensical.

May I try the humor?

BREAKING: World’s Women Combine into Single Giant
Manosphere responds

At 13:42 GMT, we saw the conclusion of the previous week’s massive gathering of all women everywhere in the world at Dubai in the UAE. There, every woman in the world joined together, forming one entity. Reports from the scene indicate that the giant grew to be taller than the Burj Khalifa on site before finding a clearing to sit and, by local accounts, ponder the situation.

Reactions from the Manosphere were swift.
The Men’s Human Rights Activists released a statement saying that they did not notice anything different about the now sole woman in the world and have thus made no plans to interact with her for the foreseeable future. The MRAs indicated, however, that they would continue generalizing about her from their own projected experience with women.

Pick Up Artists deployed several Neg Battalions at the location of the giant woman, but the woman’s toe has yet to respond favorably to their repeated insult-advances, such as, “Your skin is much less calloused than I expected of a huge toe.” The Kino Escalation Force announced plans to engage with the enemy if further assaults by the Neg Battalions prove ineffective.

Men Going Their Own Way have been baffled by the above-1200 metre woman, who is of indiscernible ethnic background. They appear to have split into two major factions, the larger of which advocates going their own way to the woman, supposing that she will be pliable and submissive as long as she is not American. The second considers the giant woman too obviously American and advocate going their own way to the woman in order to see her for themselves, after which they will talk to each other about the evils of this new monolith.

At press time, a small group had begun a Men’s Rights convention at a hotel near the woman. Several high-profile topical speakers were advertised, including Paul Elam, Matt Forney, Tom Martin, Karen Straughan, and Ferdinand Bardamu. One speaker has already presented, Paul Elam, who had this to say:
“That giant is an example of misandry clearer than the atmosphere on a cloudless day, not unlike billions of water droplets in an oppressive cumulonimbus cloud, which casts a shadow over righteous earth, congealing into a drop of rain which falls from the perversely inverted heavens to ruin the new suede shoes of men everywhere. Now that all women have shown their true nature by becoming one, I respond most appropriately in kind. To ask, ‘What about men?'”

11 years ago

So giving your partner oral pleasure implies that you are small and weak?

I don’t even….

11 years ago

And each one of these guys is going to now add that comic to their resume of “over 10 comics drawn this year!”

11 years ago

Wouldn’t Karen Straughan become a part of the giant woman, too?

11 years ago

It bugs the crap out of me when my mom goes on a spiel about “the good old days” when guys still held doors open for ladies, watched their language, etc. Thankfully my sisters aren’t buying into that crap. They only expect a door to be held for them when somebody else happens to get to it first. And as far as language, they curse a fuckton.

11 years ago

Also, has anyone ever said the ‘I wish a big strong man would do x for me’ non-tongue in cheek?

My system has done it, but only tongue in cheek. Also, we were moving and heavily laden, and were unashamed of groveling for assistance.

RE: Kittehs

It’s like I’m doing something terribly evil by not making my vagina (and presumed child-bearing capabilities) available to some man, any man, as long as he’s corporeal.

I KNOW RIGHT? There seems to be this assumption that the only folks who get noncorporeal partners are women–it’s like guys like me don’t even exist. It’s absurd; I MSTed some cockbite with that shit a while ago.

…this is just making me realize a bunch of the sexist implications of a lot of bullshit regarding this.

11 years ago

I wonder why none of these men’s human rights activists have received a Nobel peace prize yet.

While it makes no sense, the second one is pretty interesting. I am curious about this assertion that men are coerced into having sex with women they are not attracted to, all in the name of PC. I’m pretty sure no one cares if they only want to have sex with supermodels. Thing is, most of them should be ready to not get laid in this case. Because bitches be superficial right (irony noise)? And the ‘men can’t be raped’ thing… Being personally disturbed by the trivialization of male rape (particularly in the army and in prison), I definitely would like to see all the MRA actions to address this stigma. So far, I’ve seen much less done by MRAs than by feminists and unafiliated people. You have Heartiste rambling about how being forcefully sodomized by a stranger in a backalley can be solved with a few benchpresses, therefore women getting pregnant from cheating is worse than rape (logic). Or you have feminist Jason Thibeault’s post about a man’s sexual assault by a woman.

Oh yeah, that’s the same Jason Thibeault that AVfM tried to smear by making up that he is an admitted rapist. To make an awesome point about feminism harming men.

Men’s human rights activists.

11 years ago

Y’know I’d never thought of it, but you’re exactly right: the whole attitude to non-corporeal partners is double-layer bullshit. Women get the “you’re fantasising/desperate/can’t get/accept RealMen/too picky/delusional” variety, and men just … pfft, nonexistent, ‘cos of course All Men are Horny Heteros who wouldn’t ever need/want to have a non-corporeal partner, let alone BEING a non-corporeal person themselves.

Urgh, urgh, urgh.

11 years ago

(My previous comment was to LBT, of course.)

11 years ago


Ahhh, embarrassing.
I missed that, because I changed the panel and added her.
If only I knew how to magically edit.

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

Y’know I’d never thought of it, but you’re exactly right: the whole attitude to non-corporeal partners is double-layer bullshit. Women get the “you’re fantasising/desperate/can’t get/accept RealMen/too picky/delusional” variety, and men just … pfft, nonexistent

It’s true! I mean, our situation is slightly different, but it’s WEIRD. Part of it might be that DID is overwhelmingly considered a ‘female’ disorder? Or something?

I don’t even know, I never really thought about it before, but WTF? Also, even pretending that it IS all just an elaborate fantasy… so, fantasizing about banging someone is totally kosher, but fantasizing about being in a loving relationship with someone is somehow sad and awful?

It just seems so weird! WTF.

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