kitties off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: September edition

Hugs if you want them.
Hugs if you want them.

This is a continuation from here.  A thread to discuss personal issues and provide support for one another. No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

Good luck to everyone on jobs and raises!

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Yeah! Looking for your first job SUCKS, but I like to think it gets easier after you get it.

11 years ago

Careful, cloudiah, there’ll be FORCED MERRIMENT next!

/been reading your blog

11 years ago


You hope! 😉

I’d better be!


Hope you get your job. Good luck.

11 years ago

Pain. We have two extremes here. The magnificent mr is more or less oblivious to pain. When he’s just out of the shower or getting ready for bed, I often innocently ask How did you do that? What? he wants to know. Well, that bruise the size of New Guinea right there. Oh? I dunno. The only thing that gets his attention is dripping blood from a run in with a knife/ hammer/ power tool.

Me? I used to think I bruised easily – but it’s really the opposite. Anything and everything hurts me. Turns out it’s yet another of the wondrous boons of a crook thyroid – low pain threshold. I can ouch and swear and complain all day and have Nothing! to show for it when I look for the obvious bruise, scratch, major emergency that should have resulted.

11 years ago

mildlymagnificent – does the magnificent mr bruise really easily? ‘Cause I do the same thing nowadays, and so does my mum: we can have spectacular bruises and no idea how we got them.

Paper cuts, however …

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

mildlymagnificent – Oh man, I HATE thyroid problems. That sucks. 🙁

Marie – thanks! I’m hoping I get it too. I really need a new battery. 😛

11 years ago

Hey y’all- longtime lurker, occasional commenter. I’m trapped in New Mexico with car troubles ATM, was driving from Oklahoma to visit my soon-to-be-in-laws with the soon-to-be mother of our child (!) and we had to reroute away from our original plan of cutting across the Rockies cause of the madness, she’s passed out but i’m wide awake and troubled. Glad to hear everyone is alright, today has been insane. Though on the plus side, I got a Stetson. Stetsons are cool.

Re: pain- I’m weird, when I get mentally set into something I can hurt myself horribly and not notice until someone points and screams (thinking of the last time I took a nail in the foot) but when I’m not wrapped up in my own head I’m a huge wuss, and even little things hurt horribly. I think tattoos and piercings and meditation and generalized kinkiness has broken my pain register, or at least helped me compartmentalize it. But, neurologically speaking, it’s one of those things that’s really personal, even in other mammals.

I’ve known a dog that walked around with a shattered hip replacement for a week without anyone being able to tell. I’ve had a girlfriend whose knees were so bad (her kneecaps were, like, on the sides of her knees) that an orthopedic surgeon couldn’t believe that she could walk at all. Heh, I remember her going into the hospital, telling the nurse her pain was “about an eight out of ten”, and I had to pull the nurse aside and explain that her 8 was probably most people’s twelve.

I’m not aware of any research that investigates links between schizotypal disorders and pain thresholds, though, and I’m suddenly really curious. I know some of the other schizophrenic-type symptoms are believed to be linked to a failure of our self-monitoring system (like, the voices you hear are your own thoughts, but you can’t recognize them as such, for example) so if there’s a link, that would be utterly fascinating. /psychologist

11 years ago


Sorry to hear about your car troubles 🙁 Hope the work out ok. And welcome. 🙂

Also, so much sympathy wince at your girlfriends knees. Mine are shuddering just thinking about it.

11 years ago

Thanks for the pain replies everyone. 🙂 It’s interesting.

Ally S
11 years ago

Binjabreel, that sucks. =[ Hope things get better for you.

11 years ago

Binjabreel, hi, welcome back! I hope the car troubles get fixed and you complete your trip safe and well and soon.

Seconding the OW sympathy on your girlfriend’s knees.

11 years ago

kitteh does the magnificent mr bruise really easily?

Not really. He’s always been a bit clumsy and it’s worse when he’s tired or irritable. He can injure himself horribly, I hear a loud thump/crash/event and I call out or rush to “help” and he’s not bothered at all unless he’s dropped something or knocked something over. A bruise won’t show up for a while yet, but if I point to a scratch or other obvious damage to his skin he hasn’t noticed.

11 years ago


When I’m really depressed, I’ve noticed that I experience physical pain less. I kind of assumed that it’s because my brain is just not engaging with my physical needs. Maybe it’s the same reason I don’t really experience hunger or thirst for long periods if I’m in a bad place.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


I remember Java; a lot of frustrated head-scratching, but then suddenly the breakthrough where I understood what it was doing, and suddenly there was AWESOME POWAH at my fingertips!

…sadly, when I got out of school I got a job programming in another language, and now it’s been more than a decade since I touched any Java. So I remember nothing.

Use it or lose it, kids!

11 years ago

That *is* kind of interesting. Sometimes depression is literally just a lack of neuronal activity (like, your brain just can’t get a spark going, which is what they mean when they call alcohol a depressant) so that kind of makes sense. Pain is just a set of neuronal signals, after all.

@everybody else: thanks for the kindness, we’re alright, my gut says it’s not too serious. While i know crap-all about cars, I know a good bit about machines jn general, so i’m hopeful. We found a not-so-seedy motel (god bless the bedbug reporting guides on the Internet :/ ) and are just waiting for a mechanic to open. On the plus side, there’s no way in hell I’m getting back in time for my next shift of work, so at least now I have time to take the mrs to see the Grand Canyon and some Pueblo ruins. She’s never been exploring in the desert, and this is my favorite end of the country. Too bad she’s allergic to mesquite, though. :/

Oh, and for the record, bad knees and beautiful = ex-wife. Pregnant and beautiful = current. 😛

11 years ago

@Binjabreel Yeah, when I’m depressed it feels more like I’m switched off than sad. I’m having a rough time right now but I know it’s not my depression because I’m crying too much. Things are being sucky and I feel them being sucky – so I’m just very, very, very sad and frustrated rather than depressed.

11 years ago

Oh boy, the poster family for archaic gender roles, the Duggars, their 20 year old daughter Jessa is “in courtship” and it’s gonna be on the tee vee.

Because women are chattel and marriage is a contract between fathers.

11 years ago


@Binjabreel Yeah, when I’m depressed it feels more like I’m switched off than sad.

If we’re bonding about how depression feels (plz say yes :P) for me it’s also more of an apathy/why bother thing, except sometimes the switch gets thrown and all of the emotions I didn’t have come tumbling out. Just last weekend I got mad at my dad for cancelling our sort-of-plans and ended up crying on my mom’s shoulder and watching supernatural, and then when my dad and sister went out later I was *really* giddy and out of it, and had a happy high for the whole morning+early afternoon. My mood randomness may have also been enhanced by SSRI withdrawal though.

Ally S
11 years ago

@Howard Bannister

I remember Java; a lot of frustrated head-scratching, but then suddenly the breakthrough where I understood what it was doing, and suddenly there was AWESOME POWAH at my fingertips!

…sadly, when I got out of school I got a job programming in another language, and now it’s been more than a decade since I touched any Java. So I remember nothing.

Use it or lose it, kids!

Yeah, despite Java’s chunkiness and needless complexity, it’s very useful. I’m learning Java because I need to know it for smartphone application development and because many employers are looking for people who have at least a decent amount of experience in the language.

It’s also teaching me about the core concepts of programming in a fashion much clearer than any other programming language I’ve learned. In a nutshell, somehow its verbosity makes it easier for me to understand each little thing that’s going on in a command. That famous command System.out.println(“This is a string”); is a good example. Of course, not every language is like Java, but even so, learning Java has given me great appreciation for more elegant languages like Ruby, Python, and C++ (and maybe even JavaScript, although that language tends to be a huge pain in the ass for me).

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

JS is just a huge pain in the ass. Because I do web design, not programming, I use JQuery instead. You may want to start there and work backwards as it’ll give you a functional knowledge base to work on and has INCREDIBLE tutorials.

Ally S
11 years ago


jQuery is lovely! I do web design, too, and I will forever treasure that little $. I’m actually more experienced with jQuery than JS, although I learned JS first.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

JQuery is how I finally learned JS. Though $pickles shall remain as my little joke (I tend to name works in progress after whatever I’m eating while working, and accidentally left a $pickles in once, my own personal site, but still plenty funny)

Tristan Gareth-Grey
11 years ago

I didn’t know where in the world I could post this, then I remembered that I could post it here. I apologize in advance for my foul language.

I am just too fragile & weak to deal with all of the sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobic, ace-phobic (I’m asexual), anti-intellectual, & generally bigoted bullshit that I see everyday – out in the world, on the Internet, & in my everyday life.

Just today, another asshole was telling me to prove, via a scientific study, that women don’t make less money than men. He was basically saying that it’s another lie perpetuated by some man-hating feminists.

I’m going to be 38 in January, & I am tired of having to fight against all of this bullshit every single day. It’s breaking me down in some very bad ways. I can’t deal with anything anymore.

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