are these guys 12 years old? grandiosity hate hypocrisy lying liars matt forney misogyny PUA

How to get rave reviews for terrible books, the Matt Forney way


This spring, the pseudonymous “Ferdinand Bardamu” of the defunct manosphere blog In Mala Fide self-published a book/ebook collecting together his, er, best posts from that terrible, terrible blog. I actually bought a copy of the ebook — for research — and it is awful. Somehow putting Bardamu’s posts in book form makes even more clear how puerile — and how badly written — they really are.

But there are evidently some people out there who disagree. Indeed, I recently ran across a review of the book that could not have been more glowing had it been written by the author himself:

Three Years of Hate is an invaluable, priceless book not merely because it’s well-written, entertaining and thought-provoking. It’s worth reading because it’s a piece of history. It’s a record of one of the most influential and important thinkers of our times. Decades from now, when the current dystopia is naught but a bad memory, Ferdinand Bardamu will be remembered as one of the architects of its fall.

Elsewhere in the review, which appeared on the site Alternative Right in March of this year, the execrable Bardamu is described as

one of the best writers of modern times (and no, that is not hyperbole)

He’s lauded for his “tenacity and courage”;  his prose is said to

lurch …  and crackle .. like lightning, grabbing you by the back of your neck and shoving you face-first into the action.

In the end, the reviewer concludes that Bardamu had

An influence far greater—and far more of a force for good in the world—than the frauds who attacked him.

Frauds, huh? That’s an interesting way to close out his review, given that the person writing it was none other than … the odious Matt Forney.

Yes, that’s right, the guy who — a month or so later — revealed to the world that HE WAS “FERDINAND BARDAMU.”

If you’re relying on glowing reviews to sell your book, and  your book is a piece of crap, you might as well write the glowing reviews yourself, huh?

I suppose Forney’s explanation would be that it was all a big joke, and that by then “everyone knew” that Forney and Bardamu were one and the same, but that’s not true, and he didn’t confirm that fact for more than another month in any case.

I can’t remember exactly where I ran across a reference to theis ingenious little bit of self-boosterism, but I think it was while reading back through some old posts on the always interesting blog Roosh & Me: An Old Feminist Looks at the New Misogynist, by  Cinzia La Strega. who is an occasional commenter over here on Man Boobz.

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11 years ago

*reads those reviews and laughs heartily* If I was a better writer I could mock something like that up for David but unlike with this guy, David would deserve it as he is a talented writer and blogger.

11 years ago

My first comment here. I’m following this blog since about a month. Keep up the work, Mr. Futrelle!

I still don’t know if I should laugh at or cry about these people.

11 years ago

An excellent window into the vile narcissism shared by many MRM-types. That he disowned his followers when revealing himself is absolutely hilarious. How should he know they are merely his reflection? He would have to think critically of his views, and that would be just criminal.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

A newb! ATTACK!!

With matching bath towels! One Welcome Package for the delurked reminiscience!

You’ll prolly learn to laugh at them, by laughing with us 🙂

11 years ago

Reading about misogynists makes me want to be as annoyingly feminine as I can. So, pointers would be appreciated.

David, do you happen to have that tripe that Bardamu? You know, the one where he said a good slap now and then is useful for keeping chimp women under control? Something along those lines. I’ve run into a couple of idiots on the manosphere and tried to explain that GWW is an abuse apologist, but I can’t find the original text.

Theda Bara
Theda Bara
11 years ago

:delurks just to wheeeeeeze,snort,wheeeeeze, chuckle,wheeeeeeze again aaaand relurk wheezing:

11 years ago


Hi and welcome 😀

@theda bara

this isn’t your first time delurking right? Cuz your name seems really familiar to me. feel free to laugh at me if I’m wrong.

Theda Bara
Theda Bara
11 years ago


I pop up every so often!

11 years ago

reminiscience, hi and welcome!

Theda Bara and Marie, welcome back, good to see you both!

11 years ago


Hi 😀

@theda bara

And since you do pop of every so often, hi again 😀 (as opposed to welcome or w/e. THis made sense when I was typing it.)

11 years ago

Yes, good to see you both! You guys seen my babies lately?

Theda Bara
Theda Bara
11 years ago

Ta, hope you are well. I don’t know why but this prompted all the giggles.

11 years ago


I don’t think I have. They’re so cute!

11 years ago

My mom calls my son (who’s on the left) Little Buddha, because he’s fat and always grinning.

11 years ago

And thank you for saying they’re cute!

Adrian’s tooth is not so lonesome anymore.

Theda Bara
Theda Bara
11 years ago


I needed that spontaneous sqeee. Adorable.

11 years ago

Not doing too badly at the moment, Theda, though I had a few medical dramas recently. Sir’s good, of course. 🙂

11 years ago

Artistry for Feminism and Kittens is an invaluable, priceless blog, not merely because it’s well-written, entertaining, well-written, thought-provoking, and well-written. It’s worth reading because it’s a piece of history, which makes it worth reading and historical. It’s a record of one of the most influential and important thinkers of our times. Decades from now, when the current dystopia is naught but a bad memory, cloudiah and her kitten GIFs will be remembered as one of the architects of its fall.

(Seriously, click on my nym if you want to see a new post featuring lots of funny kitty GIFs and a philosophical discussion of whether or not humans have intrinsic value.)

11 years ago


11 years ago

Oooh ooh are we doing our own reviews getting totally legit praise now?

Vignettes Across the Veil is a blog of historical and indeed philosophical and theological importance. It will clear the clouds of mistaken thinking from the minds of all who read it, bringing an era of peace and happiness except for the part where everyone’s envious of the King’s knitwear. It will reestablish the importance of feline rule and return society to the perfect state it formerly held.

cloudiah – a discussion of whether humans have value? I hope it’s from the kitties’ point of view!

11 years ago

I’d join in the reviews praise receiving, but I don’t have a blog. I do have a tumblr, though, but only 10 percent or so of it is actually my content.

Theda Bara
Theda Bara
11 years ago


I’m sure he is! That scamp!

Off to relurk again but I wish you all cuddles with the baby animal of your choice (I’m rather fond of baby elephants at the moment, just a suggestion) and keep on being your wonderful, flawed but awesome selves!

lane deau
11 years ago

Praising oneself pseudonymically? It must be the work of a certified genius!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie’s tumblr is an important archive of historical thoughts, compiled by one of the greatest thinkers of our time. When the current dystopia is dead and gone, it will remain a great historical artifact as a window into what that dystopia looked like.

Archives have merit too! (And actually, it’s part of why I pirate the obscure, more copies = more likely to survive)

11 years ago

Baby elephants, eh? How about this little bub at Fort Worth Zoo?

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