So I want to move on from the whole Pax Dickinson thing, but I feel I would be remiss to do so without first mentioning a remarkable post on Roosh’s Return of King blog with the seemingly innocuous title Pax Dickinson And The Culture Of Tolerance. Written by a Roosh forum regular who goes by the name scorpion (nice), the post is ostensibly a critique of alleged “cultural Marxists” whom, he charges, “claim to be tolerant of everything [yet] are … intolerant of traditional masculine behavior … .”
But his post is in fact a plea for intolerance so over the top that, save for some manosphere-specific jargon, and its focus on “feminists, white knights, manginas, fat acceptance activists and homosexuals” rather than, you know, Jews, it might as well have come straight from the pages of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
I know, I know. Godwin. But just read this shit. Scorpion accuses the “politically correct internet hit squad” of
encouraging and mainstreaming the most bizarre and marginal human behaviors in a perverse quest to prove themselves the most tolerant of all their peers. …
What this is, really, is the elevation of the deranged and deformed along with the simultaneous tearing down of the strong and traditional. They are threatened by the sight of a masculine, red pill man like Pax Dickinson who unapologetically speaks his mind without fear of offending anyone. … Every time they see him they are acutely conscious of their own inferiority, so they conspire to end him. It’s like a gang of angry, deformed and diseased street cripples overcoming a confident and successful alpha male.
Yeah, not so much.
It’s here that Scorpion really begins to channel old Mr. Hitler.
These people don’t understand that by tolerating every type of degenerate behavior, they are destroying the culture. Imagine what would happen if your immune system suddenly became tolerant of everything. Within days or weeks your body would become host to dozens of infections and viruses, and you would quickly die. That’s exactly what these people are doing to our culture. … And so the body of the West has become filled with disease.
That. my friends, is Fascism.
Naturally, Scorpion predicts that these nasty “cultural Marxists” will get what’s coming to them in the end:
A backlash against these people is starting to build. … Within a few decades will come a rebirth of more traditional values, and these cultural Marxist social justice warriors will become nothing more than a relic of an ignominious era in our history. … Our descendents will be unable to comprehend how such an absurd ideology was able to take root in society. It will be as incomprehensible and perverse to them as the idea of suddenly chopping off their own body parts (which is fittingly a practice esteemed by the social justice warriors under the guise of “transgenderism”).
Is there some sort of new requirement that every article on Return of Kings contain transphobia?
These fools think they have found the one true god, but in reality they are simply a cult of death and decay. They are the patron saints of the sick and the twisted, the degenerate and the deformed. … It’s too late to save the West as we currently know it; but like a Phoenix, a new Western culture will rise from the ashes, a culture with traditional values and a healthy immune system to protect itself against degenerate cultural scum. And it won’t soon tolerate these worshippers of tolerance.
Yes, that’s right, a gang of Don Juan wannabes on an internet forum, united around a skeezy sex tourist and self-professed date rapist, have managed to convince themselves that they are the last bastions of traditional morality in a world gone wrong.
In the wake of Roosh’s viciously racist attacks on the critics of Dickinson, and his publishing of what is essentially a fascist tantrum, I think it’s fair to say that he has thrown his lot in entirely with the racist right wing of the manosphere, alongside such other charming fellows as Heartiste and Jack Donovan and Matt Forney. Indeed, in some ways he’s even outdoing them in the hate department. (Donovan in particular is a lot more affable about his racism.)
It’s a weird choice on Roosh’s part, because the hardest-core white supremacists out there have made very clear that they don’t see him as one of them. Because he’s of Persian descent, and therefore, in their minds, not really white. Indeed, several years back, one regular on the notorious Stormfront forums posted a “warning to Estonian women” that
[a] really nasty sex tourist from America (of Middle Eastern descent) has arrived in Tartu, Estonia. He came from Latvia after staying there a month or two. His goal is to lure into sex as many Estonian women as possible, especially very young girls. His name is Daryush Valizedeh, nickname – Roosh, and he is a pick up artist who believes women should be treated “like garbage”. This includes beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent.
The Stormfronters tracked him as he made his way around Eastern Europe; one suggested he was not only not white but that he was literally part Neanderthal.
Roosh and the neo-Nazis: sounds like a match made in heaven.
Eh, I’m not too keen on bushy eyebrows in general. The only person those look good on is Takeshi Kaneshiro, imo.
If we’re playing “Indian people who’re hotter than Roosh” then I’m going to have to make a new pot of tea, because we’re going to be here for a while.
Wait, I’m NOT amazing because I take medicine for an illness that has like a nearly 40% suicide attempt rate? I need to get off this stuff because being SUPER AMAZING SMART GENIUS but bedbound with despair 24/7 is a brave and rebellious thing and I’m dampening my superiority by not always wanting to die? Okay, Well, I guess it does have me rebelling against a success-obsessed, workaholic culture, being completely immobile.
Argenti, yeah that was Antz who posted a picture of bloody infants. What an asshat.
Arigenti – oh, cool. Thanks for letting me know before I totally screw up.
If I screw up and use “them”, this is a habit of mine from referring to people who also request me to use gender-neutral pronouns to refer to themself (what’s the proper zie/ze -self pronoun? Time to Wikipedia!). Advance apologies.
Kittenserf – ahhh, okay. I hope not. *crosses fingers*
CassandraSays – my brow ridges fucking stunned a mammoth for you. RESPECT THE BROW RIDGE.
Blue waffles? Hm, maybe not.
Strangely enough, said troll loves gay porn, which is ironic since said troll was also a huge homophobe (and an obnoxious neo-Nazi fundie too). He’d probably fit in with Roosh.
Oh gods no. O_O
Oh, this guy didn’t have bushy brows, just an average hair complement for a bloke in his thirties or so; a solid line of hair, not a verandah. Bushy brows don’t do anything for me, either, but it’s the huge-ridge-plus-no-hair look that I find really unattractive.
Alice – you have brow ridges that hurl lightning bolts? ::is awed::
cloudiah, what d’you reckon to including Liquid Gold in the welcome package? Too unwieldy?
“Thank goodness he’s got good actual eyebrows, as in hair, ‘cos otherwise that’d be really ugly, a la Matt Smith.”
*dies laughing*
And the reading includes a link to the original post I think?
Alice — Argenti, not Arigenti (no worries, just already misspelt the Latin Aertheri, I at least got Argenti right!) and ze // zir as in — ze said zir nym is Argenti
I’m not terribly fond of “them”, but I’m pretty lax assuming you aren’t trying to piss me off (or should really know better, I’m looking at you Mr. Mangos [dear gods how many stupid nicknames have I given you this week? Hit me with a herring or something and knock some sense into me?])
Public service announcement:
The main medicine I speak of above is Lamictal, so though the rash AA mentions above can happen, I’d hate for someone reading along, a lurker possibly, who might be diagnosed with Bipolar II or think they have Bipolar II — which is what Lamictal tends to be best for, the super-depressive kind of BP — to come away frightened by that post. You start Lamictal on little doses and go up slowly to avoid said rash, and if you start showing symptoms you stop. It’s a vanishing few who develop potentially fatal problems with that rash, as doctors have to stop taking the med ASAP if you start to get the early stages, and then the rash goes away.
/Public service announcement
Argenti, not AA, please (as I turn this thread into “what to call me” >.< )
But yes, it is very rare, but very dangerous. Things that will probably not happen, but should definitely not be messed around with.
My massive warning was because the last time I mentioned it, folks here googled and complained that I'd ruined their lunch, since, of course, google shows the worst case not the "ack, you stop taking that now, it go away" rash (I seem to be speaking cat today, idfk)
In semi-related news, I have actually lowered my dose of my antidepressants! I’m quite excited, because while those pills were lifesavers a year ago, depression is not a chronic problem for me. Already, my rest is SO much better; I don’t sleep like an overmedicated corpse anymore! I don’t plan to taper off until I return from my trip, but thus far, I’m pleased that lowering my dose has been going so smoothly.
…I’m also considering investing in a pair of forearm crutches, because every once in a while, my brain decides to fuck with me by giving me weakness in my legs, and the lack of mobility is agonizing. I’m still mulling it over, since I know people give folks shit if they only need adaptive tech sometimes.
Ah but you’ll be on the move, which both makes them more necessary (maybe, possibly) and less likely to be spotted as “optional”. Probably not helpful, but hiking with ski poles isn’t uncommon, they make good tarp tent posts, among other things — they’d blend right in is my point here.
“Argenti, not Arigenti (no worries, just already misspelt the Latin Aertheri, I at least got Argenti right!) and ze // zir as in — ze said zir nym is Argenti
I’m not terribly fond of “them”, but I’m pretty lax assuming you aren’t trying to piss me off (or should really know better, I’m looking at you Mr. Mangos [dear gods how many stupid nicknames have I given you this week? Hit me with a herring or something and knock some sense into me?])”
Sorry! My bad.
If you can’t tell already, I’m a terrible speller.
Kittyserf (“Alice – you have brow ridges that hurl lightning bolts? ::is awed::”) – hah, I wish.
Although if I could hurl lightning bolts through my brow ridges, I might accidentally set fire to my house (on the presumption that I wouldn’t have done so already, hah). So, maybe having brow-ridges-that-shoot-lightning-bolts would be a bad thing.
Alice – that’s why the Neanderthals lived in caves, y’see. It’s not that they hadn’t come up with architecture* and wood panels and science and all that stuff, it’s that their eyebrows kept setting fire to it.
*has immediate flashback to Gumbies standing yelling “Architect Sketch!”
That Neanderthal article is terrible.Those “Neanderthal” traits…ugh.
I have ADHD, and have a family history of bipolar disorder with mild tendencies that way myself (not enough to be medicated, but I definitely have cyclical moods and have had to learn strategies to control them), and addiction/addictive personalities also run in my family and I have one myself. I guess I’m a Neanderthal, and all I can say is fuck that.
I can buy his argument if it was just about ADHD, honestly. I have a pretty serious case, and all of the negative effects are due to societal expectations, and there are actually a lot of positives. In an entirely different society with entirely different values and survival strategies, I could see it being a total positive.
But bipolar and addictive personalities? No. I’ve seen what real mania and real depression do to people. It isn’t a survival strategy, it’s painful and dangerous and too often deadly. That’s not about society, it’s about devastating depression that makes you not want to live anymore, or such intense mania that you literally do not believe you can fail (and in a life-or-death situation like Neanderthals would have been in most of the time just due to the time period in which they lived, that’s not a good survival strategy).
And addiction…Neanderthals had access to mind-altering substances too, and again, addiction isn’t a good thing. It’s a compulsive behavior that you continue in spite of negative consequences. That isn’t a survival strategy or a good thing in any sense. Again, I doubt he’s felt the impact of addiction personally. I have, and it is painful and dangerous and often deadly. Again, why is he applauding this?
So even just from the mental health standpoint, it’s terrible. And I think it’s absolutely a bizarre form of racism on top of that.
See, I figured she was planning to deal with things by using her brow ridges to headbutt people. This may be a sign that I spent too much time in Glasgow as a teenager.
As an addendum to my post, I want to clarify that when talking about ADHD, it’s just my own personal experience and I don’t mean to speak universally. As it manifests for me, it’s more positive than negative even in our current society, and I can see where even the negatives would largely disappear in a world where it is the norm. I made it sound like my experience is universal though, and I didn’t mean to do that.
I am NOT drawing semen or anything that represents semen.
David Futrelle
Ah look at cute baby Hitler! LOL!
RE: Argenti
Ah but you’ll be on the move, which both makes them more necessary (maybe, possibly) and less likely to be spotted as “optional”. Probably not helpful, but hiking with ski poles isn’t uncommon, they make good tarp tent posts, among other things — they’d blend right in is my point here.
Actually, ski poles and canes don’t give me enough support; crutches would be much better. However, they are a pretty awkward shape to carry, and I only need them very, very rarely. (But when I do…!) Admittedly, getting stricken with moonworms while on the road would be very, very bad, ESPECIALLY if I was camping and couldn’t just hole up and rest for a few days, but it happens rarely enough that I’m not sure it’d be worth hauling crutches thousands of miles for.
I’m still debating, in other words.
katz – LOL! I can’t imagine why. 😛
A link to sarumanangry’s reading might do the trick. Like Argenti said, it’s got a link to the original article in it already.
I went and read the Vault link. Lye Boy is ten pounds of nonsense in a five pound bag. I haven’t seen such complete disregard for consensus reality since my Usenet days. FWIW, I’m thinking of a posturing adolescent who posted to the Necronomicon group with a gripping account of how he realized he was actually a Pseudo Sapiens.
Someone eventually explained to him what that actually means in Latin. Good times.
No, NO! <— my thoughts on drawing liquid fucking gold
Though a Dali-sequence gold bar maybe?
LBT — I figured as much, but thought I'd mention it.
kittyserf – LULZ
How did they not set the cave painting on fire then, hmm?
CassandraSays – the following transcript is translated into discernible English.
Two cavepeople were out on a date with each other. The two of them are now sitting on a rock next to a campfire, while the cave dude is roasting something over the fire.
Cave chick: “What’s so good about you? Can you provide for me?”
Cave dude: “Of course I can! I fucking hunted the woolly mammoth with my brow ridge, in case you forgot who got you the fur for your outfit.”
Cave chick: “Uh huh. Brow ridges. Right, how do you do that?”
Cave dude: “I call on lightning gods and shoot fire from my ridge!”
Cave chick: “No, really. How do you do that?”
Cave dude: “I headbutt them with my strong brow ridges if lightning gods don’t answer. It’s hard, see?” Waggles eyebrows.
Cave chick (unimpressed): “Uh huh. When is that done again?”
Cave dude: “When I say it’s done!”
Cave chick: “Uh huh. Remind me to come back when you’re done waggling your eyebrows.”
Cave chick leaves cave dude, laughing.
*dies laughing* that describes so many of our trolls and post subjects! I am so stealing that as an insult! Thank you XD
Alice, may I present you with one hand-carved, gold plated*, not even slightly charred internetz?
*not that sort of gold. Eww.