ableism alpha males antifeminism armageddon disgusting women grandiosity homophobia hypocrisy imaginary oppression literal nazis manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men playing the victim reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia white knights

Roosh pal: Attack on Pax Dickinson is “like a gang of angry, deformed and diseased street cripples overcoming a confident and successful alpha male.”

Roosh: A baby Hitler for the Internet age?
Roosh: A baby Hitler for the Internet age?

So I want to move on from the whole Pax Dickinson thing, but I feel I would be remiss to do so without first mentioning a remarkable post on Roosh’s Return of King blog with the seemingly innocuous title Pax Dickinson And The Culture Of Tolerance. Written by a Roosh forum regular who goes by the name scorpion (nice), the post is ostensibly a critique of alleged “cultural Marxists” whom, he charges, “claim to be tolerant of everything [yet] are … intolerant of traditional masculine behavior … .”

But his post is in fact a plea for intolerance so over the top that, save for some manosphere-specific jargon, and its focus on “feminists, white knights, manginas, fat acceptance activists and homosexuals” rather than, you know, Jews, it might as well have come straight from the pages of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

I know, I know. Godwin. But just read this shit. Scorpion accuses the “politically correct internet hit squad” of

encouraging and mainstreaming the most bizarre and marginal human behaviors in a perverse quest to prove themselves the most tolerant of all their peers. …

What this is, really, is the elevation of the deranged and deformed along with the simultaneous tearing down of the strong and traditional. They are threatened by the sight of a masculine, red pill man like Pax Dickinson who unapologetically speaks his mind without fear of offending anyone. … Every time they see him they are acutely conscious of their own inferiority, so they conspire to end him. It’s like a gang of angry, deformed and diseased street cripples overcoming a confident and successful alpha male.

Yeah, not so much.

It’s here that Scorpion really begins to channel old Mr. Hitler.

These people don’t understand that by tolerating every type of degenerate behavior, they are destroying the culture. Imagine what would happen if your immune system suddenly became tolerant of everything. Within days or weeks your body would become host to dozens of infections and viruses, and you would quickly die. That’s exactly what these people are doing to our culture. … And so the body of the West has become filled with disease.

That. my friends, is Fascism.

Naturally, Scorpion predicts that these nasty “cultural Marxists” will get what’s coming to them in the end:

A backlash against these people is starting to build. … Within a few decades will come a rebirth of more traditional values, and these cultural Marxist social justice warriors will become nothing more than a relic of an ignominious era in our history. … Our descendents will be unable to comprehend how such an absurd ideology was able to take root in society. It will be as incomprehensible and perverse to them as the idea of suddenly chopping off their own body parts (which is fittingly a practice esteemed by the social justice warriors under the guise of “transgenderism”).

Is there some sort of new requirement that every article on Return of Kings contain transphobia?

These fools think they have found the one true god, but in reality they are simply a cult of death and decay. They are the patron saints of the sick and the twisted, the degenerate and the deformed. … It’s too late to save the West as we currently know it; but like a Phoenix, a new Western culture will rise from the ashes, a culture with traditional values and a healthy immune system to protect itself against degenerate cultural scum. And it won’t soon tolerate these worshippers of tolerance.

Yes, that’s right, a gang of Don Juan wannabes on an internet forum, united around a skeezy sex tourist and self-professed date rapist, have managed to convince themselves that they are the last bastions of traditional morality in a world gone wrong.

In the wake of Roosh’s viciously racist attacks on the critics of Dickinson, and his publishing of what is essentially a fascist tantrum, I think it’s fair to say that he has thrown his lot in entirely with the racist right wing of the manosphere, alongside such other charming fellows as Heartiste and Jack Donovan and Matt Forney. Indeed, in some ways he’s even outdoing them in the hate department. (Donovan in particular is a lot more affable about his racism.)

It’s a weird choice on Roosh’s part, because the hardest-core white supremacists out there have made very clear that they don’t see him as one of them. Because he’s of Persian descent, and therefore, in their minds, not really white. Indeed, several years back, one regular on the notorious Stormfront forums posted a “warning to Estonian women” that

[a] really nasty sex tourist from America (of Middle Eastern descent) has arrived in Tartu, Estonia. He came from Latvia after staying there a month or two. His goal is to lure into sex as many Estonian women as possible, especially very young girls. His name is Daryush Valizedeh, nickname – Roosh, and he is a pick up artist who believes women should be treated “like garbage”. This includes beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent.

The Stormfronters tracked him as he made his way around Eastern Europe; one suggested he was not only not white but that he was literally part Neanderthal.

Roosh and the neo-Nazis: sounds like a match made in heaven.

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11 years ago

Lili – embroider it on a bolster, they’re good and long. 🙂

Alice – ha, you succeeded now, but just wait, you’ll get confident and then … BOOM!

A preview pane would be nice. Imagine all the extra ninja’ing, too.

We can do html for bold, underline, strikethrough, italics, blockquotes and links, that I know of.

11 years ago

I don’t want to be a carrot. Can’t I be a more exciting vegetable, like an eggplant?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Please see your welcome package for HTML, I put a handy guide in the comments there (you have gotten one right?)

11 years ago

Argenti – liquid gold in the Welcome Package, oh yes! 😀

Is the HTML code page in there too?

11 years ago


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

How about a fruit? Like, idk, say a mango maybe? ^.^

Kitteh — go drop the link in the comments then 🙂

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

And even when we are mad geniuses, it isn’t fucking romantic to be ranting suicidal.

Nope. And seeing how our multi is alas of the trauma-based kind, romanticizing it just puts a bad taste in my mouth. Boy, do you KNOW how I got crazy?

As for meds…well, then there are the ones the meds try and kill.

Well, yeah. I refuse to take benzos because the one time we were put on them for anti-nausea purposes, Gigi got locked up front and went completely fucking insane, of the gibbering nonsense and sobbing hysterically variety.

11 years ago

Argenti – the Welcome Package link, you mean? It’s okay, Alice has received hers. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — ack. Klonopin made me suicidal (or rather, I swallowed the rest of the bottle…) but Ativan is like my miracle drug (well, sorta, makes it bearable in small doses?) Poor Gigi though.

And my other major crazy? PTSD. Romanticize that shit and I just might get stabby.

Kitteh — no, I meant dropping the liquid fucking gold link into the welcome package comments.

11 years ago

It seems like they want to frame things as “I can’t function in modern society because I’m just too special and awesome”. Even if you put aside the various weird ableist implications, you’d still be left with the problem that the reality is more like “I refuse to function in modern society because I’m too selfish and lazy and people aren’t kissing my ass enough”.

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Alice – ha, you succeeded now, but just wait, you’ll get confident and then … BOOM!

A preview pane would be nice. Imagine all the extra ninja’ing, too.

We can do html for bold, underline, strikethrough, italics, blockquotes and links, that I know of.

What happens when it goes *BOOM*?

Eh, ninja’s would be worth it, so long as you don’t accidentally break a page sometimes. 😛

Ah, so we can strike through stuff? Wonder if we can insert images.

11 years ago



I see you all had the same lovely reaction to that article that I did.

@Cassandra (and others)

I always get the impression with these people that they are taking a non-artistic approach in applying for their Asshole License. But they definitely are tapping the “Many people misunderstand and are intimidated, therefore they treat genius badly. People treat me badly, so I must be a genius” vein.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

No, no images. Various trolls have been banned or modded for linking to some truly disturbing shit, we don’t need it dropped straight into the comments.

Strike-out is <del>bye-bye text</del>

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

CassandraSays – It reads like asshole apologia.

“Oh, I’m sorry that I’m such an ass. I have autism/ADHD/bipolar disorder/[insert mental illness here], see, and evo. psych says that I’m better than all of you lameos. Now kiss my ass!”

Seriously. As of so far, the only people who’ve I’ve met that are like that (including myself) are people who are unrepentant assholes and who read about [mental disorder – usually autism] on WebMed and thought “hey, that’s exactly me, I’m not an ass, I have a condition!”.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Yeah. It was one of two events that turned Gigi from a relatively normal child into the amoral little juggernaut we know and love. Apparently a drug-induced psychotic episode does a lot to a ten-year-old.

RE: CassandraSays

I don’t even know if it’s THAT that bugs me so much. It’s just… whenever anyone tries to sell me the message that I’m special, the first question I always ask is, “Why?” What’s in it for them? The answer is never pretty.

11 years ago

They seem to have moved on to claiming that their assholisness conclusively proves that they’re better than everyone else.

(Because brow ridges, I guess.)

11 years ago


A good instinct, that. It’s always been my first response when some dude claiming to be a feminist is hitting on me by showing off his supposed feminist credentials. So you think women are better than men, huh? And you’re telling me this as part of an attempt to establish an initial connection?


Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Which is still bullshit. If you’re an ass, then you’re an ass. Own up to being an ass. You’re making people with real conditions look bad.

Arigenti Aertheri – ah, I can understand that. One of the forums I visit has this troll who’s been permanently banned because he was a douchebag. He comes back once every few nights to spam goatse all over the forums.

11 years ago

Cool, I have ADD and bipolar! Guess I’m fucking amazing!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You’re special cuz everyone is? Though you get bonus points for putting up with me 🙂

And poor Gigi, drug induced psychosis does a number on anyone, but at 10! (I should never be in the same room as tricyclic antidepressants, I was bouncing off the walls ranting suicidal, like, unable to stop moving and unable to possibly continue living…it wasn’t pretty…and I was, uh, 26?)

11 years ago

It’s just so childish. Nobody likes me? Yeah, well, I’m better than you! You wish you were as awesome as me! You’re just jealous of my superior Neanderthal genes! You wish you had these brow ridges, peasant!

11 years ago


It’s always been my first response when some dude claiming to be a feminist is hitting on me by showing off his supposed feminist credentials. So you think women are better than men, huh?

See? That bolded line is, to me, a pretty obvious tell, because I know vanishingly few feminists who actually believe that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Alice Sanguinaria — just Argenti is fine 🙂 (and while we’re at it, I use gender neutral pronouns — ze // zir — thanks!)

But yeah, is worse than goatse possible? I’m thinking like…mutilated children here. (Who was that? Antz?)

11 years ago

Alice – when it goes BOOM you’ll find your entire comment is blockquoted. YOU WILL KNOW.

We can embed videos straight from YouTube, and links to books on Amazon have a nasty habit of embedding, but like Argenti said, no pics.

Argenti – you reckon the link to the original Liquid Gold article, or sarumanangry’s reading of it? Or both, maybe? cloudiah can always decide what she wants to include.

Cassandra – I saw a guy with huge brow-ridges yesterday. Oddly enough I didn’t think

1) Neanderthal
2) Super-awesome intelligent
3) anything else along those lines.

No, I just thought, “Thank goodness he’s got good actual eyebrows, as in hair, ‘cos otherwise that’d be really ugly, a la Matt Smith.”

Oh and Rooshy, if you’re reading this, I thought he was nice-looking and HE WAS INDIAN.

11 years ago

Argenti – “But yeah, is worse than goatse possible? I’m thinking like…mutilated children here. (Who was that? Antz?)”

Don’t think I was here for that, but it sounds like Abnoy.