ableism alpha males antifeminism armageddon disgusting women grandiosity homophobia hypocrisy imaginary oppression literal nazis manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men playing the victim reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia white knights

Roosh pal: Attack on Pax Dickinson is “like a gang of angry, deformed and diseased street cripples overcoming a confident and successful alpha male.”

Roosh: A baby Hitler for the Internet age?
Roosh: A baby Hitler for the Internet age?

So I want to move on from the whole Pax Dickinson thing, but I feel I would be remiss to do so without first mentioning a remarkable post on Roosh’s Return of King blog with the seemingly innocuous title Pax Dickinson And The Culture Of Tolerance. Written by a Roosh forum regular who goes by the name scorpion (nice), the post is ostensibly a critique of alleged “cultural Marxists” whom, he charges, “claim to be tolerant of everything [yet] are … intolerant of traditional masculine behavior … .”

But his post is in fact a plea for intolerance so over the top that, save for some manosphere-specific jargon, and its focus on “feminists, white knights, manginas, fat acceptance activists and homosexuals” rather than, you know, Jews, it might as well have come straight from the pages of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

I know, I know. Godwin. But just read this shit. Scorpion accuses the “politically correct internet hit squad” of

encouraging and mainstreaming the most bizarre and marginal human behaviors in a perverse quest to prove themselves the most tolerant of all their peers. …

What this is, really, is the elevation of the deranged and deformed along with the simultaneous tearing down of the strong and traditional. They are threatened by the sight of a masculine, red pill man like Pax Dickinson who unapologetically speaks his mind without fear of offending anyone. … Every time they see him they are acutely conscious of their own inferiority, so they conspire to end him. It’s like a gang of angry, deformed and diseased street cripples overcoming a confident and successful alpha male.

Yeah, not so much.

It’s here that Scorpion really begins to channel old Mr. Hitler.

These people don’t understand that by tolerating every type of degenerate behavior, they are destroying the culture. Imagine what would happen if your immune system suddenly became tolerant of everything. Within days or weeks your body would become host to dozens of infections and viruses, and you would quickly die. That’s exactly what these people are doing to our culture. … And so the body of the West has become filled with disease.

That. my friends, is Fascism.

Naturally, Scorpion predicts that these nasty “cultural Marxists” will get what’s coming to them in the end:

A backlash against these people is starting to build. … Within a few decades will come a rebirth of more traditional values, and these cultural Marxist social justice warriors will become nothing more than a relic of an ignominious era in our history. … Our descendents will be unable to comprehend how such an absurd ideology was able to take root in society. It will be as incomprehensible and perverse to them as the idea of suddenly chopping off their own body parts (which is fittingly a practice esteemed by the social justice warriors under the guise of “transgenderism”).

Is there some sort of new requirement that every article on Return of Kings contain transphobia?

These fools think they have found the one true god, but in reality they are simply a cult of death and decay. They are the patron saints of the sick and the twisted, the degenerate and the deformed. … It’s too late to save the West as we currently know it; but like a Phoenix, a new Western culture will rise from the ashes, a culture with traditional values and a healthy immune system to protect itself against degenerate cultural scum. And it won’t soon tolerate these worshippers of tolerance.

Yes, that’s right, a gang of Don Juan wannabes on an internet forum, united around a skeezy sex tourist and self-professed date rapist, have managed to convince themselves that they are the last bastions of traditional morality in a world gone wrong.

In the wake of Roosh’s viciously racist attacks on the critics of Dickinson, and his publishing of what is essentially a fascist tantrum, I think it’s fair to say that he has thrown his lot in entirely with the racist right wing of the manosphere, alongside such other charming fellows as Heartiste and Jack Donovan and Matt Forney. Indeed, in some ways he’s even outdoing them in the hate department. (Donovan in particular is a lot more affable about his racism.)

It’s a weird choice on Roosh’s part, because the hardest-core white supremacists out there have made very clear that they don’t see him as one of them. Because he’s of Persian descent, and therefore, in their minds, not really white. Indeed, several years back, one regular on the notorious Stormfront forums posted a “warning to Estonian women” that

[a] really nasty sex tourist from America (of Middle Eastern descent) has arrived in Tartu, Estonia. He came from Latvia after staying there a month or two. His goal is to lure into sex as many Estonian women as possible, especially very young girls. His name is Daryush Valizedeh, nickname – Roosh, and he is a pick up artist who believes women should be treated “like garbage”. This includes beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent.

The Stormfronters tracked him as he made his way around Eastern Europe; one suggested he was not only not white but that he was literally part Neanderthal.

Roosh and the neo-Nazis: sounds like a match made in heaven.

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11 years ago

Hi Alice! We used to have a fringed flag on the sidebar, so I’d welcome you aboard, but we have a scented candle now, so I hope you like patchouli.

Alice’s kitty avatar thinks bow ties are cool!

Not an automatic indicator of intelligence: So does Tucker Carlson, though he hasn’t worn one lately.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

kitteh – I gotta go with Christopher Lee, after that sublime Liquid Gold reading. He puts the “man” in “Saruman”.

Why do fascists always nominate themselves as the gold standard of humanity? Do they honestly think they’re that flawless? They’re like those self-appointed middle school bullies who viciously pick on people for stupid things, like wearing purple or having egg salad for lunch, so that no one will notice the stupid things the bullies wear, say, and do.

Most of them couldn’t even pass their own racial purity alpha shit tests.

11 years ago

If you can take the Big Book, you’ll do just fine. We haven’t had anything quite like the Udder Fondler General lately.

11 years ago

That Neanderthal article is another nice example of “WTF is wrong with HuffPo?” It’s not only totally wrongheaded, but blatantly so. It’s obviously almost 100% made up guesswork with no citations or sources (beyond the existence of that particular gene).

11 years ago

Skullpants – “Why do fascists always nominate themselves as the gold standard of humanity?”

… because of Liquid Gold? (I swear I am never going to be able to read anything about gold the same way, now.)

And yeah, when I look at the top Nazi members, I always think they’d have been murdered if they’d been outside the elite. Goebbels wasn’t exactly Mr Aryan Health Specimen 1930, for instance.

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Hi Falconer. *waves hi*

I don’t mind scented candles, so long as the smell isn’t too strong. I have an aversion to strong scents. Light them misandry devices away!

katz – This is why you don’t trust HuffPo when it comes to science. They might be okay with reporting polictical news, but don’t ever trust them with science-related news, unless you want to immerse yourself into the worst kind of woo imaginable.

11 years ago

I thought that Neanderthals had significantly higher calorie needs and there just weren’t enough resources for them.

11 years ago


That is a huge part of it. They were used to hunting big game to satisfy their caloric needs and when climate change started, big game began to die out. H. Sapiens were better at catching rabbits and small game and so could still get enough calories to survive.

11 years ago

RE: lightcastle

Wow. I’m reading this article, and I’m just like, “…what? How do you know this? No seriously, where are you getting this?”

We don’t know what Neanderthals were like! All we’ve got are some old bones and bits and pieces of their stuff and a lot of theories. Also, if ALL Neanderthals were rebels… WHAT WERE THEY REBELLING AGAINST?

Seriously, this makes no sense.

Think of a tribe that was 100% ADHD and bipolar — no stability — complete and utter madness.

HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? Seriously, where is your evidence? Also, I KNOW bipolar and ADHD people. Shockingly, they don’t go around constantly stabbing people or shrieking nonsense.

Neanderthals were thrill-seekers — sensation junkies.


They were the original rebel rock stars.

Please stop. Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

The book “Neanderthals Sing” explores their amazing propensity for singing — even above language.

Okay, first of all, the book is called ‘The Singing Neanderthals.’ If you can’t get the title right, why should I believe you got the content right?

Also, this really does creepily combine with that racism I was talking about. Neanderthals, the fair-skinned, fair-haired inhabitants of Europe and Asia, creating and rebellious and making genius things… and the humans in Africa who’re boring and can’t make shit. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Also, the HELL is with the random TM after Uprisers?

If a typical Neanderthal lived in our society today they would most likely be labeled with ADHD, bipolar, Asperger’s or autism. They would have addictive personalities causing them to go way over the top with whatever caught their passion. They would be seen as troublemakers in school and would quickly assume the role of misfit or rebel.

What is this bullshit. These things are not like each other. These things have a neurological basis. No really. They aren’t really comparable. Autism is not ADHD is not bipolar is not addictive personalities. Also, SO not caring for the romanticization of this shit.

You don’t think like modern humans, you “think differently.” Welcome to the tribe. We’re ADHD, bipolar, addictive personalities.

Yes, yes, we’re the super-special awesome people who rise above the sheep. Please, spare me the special snowflake speech. It bores me.

We are mad and genius. We love to ride that fine line between genius and insanity.

Oh, gag me. Yes, we crazy people are soooo revolutionary and genius. Soooo romantic.

The rest of the world thinks we’re mad — because we are — but we’re also crazy smart and innovative.

Yes, yes, you’re very smart, sweetie. You’re very very special with your Neanderthal theory. Seriously, honey, just go fuck off, please. THIS crazy and intelligent person wants none of your snake oil and asspats.

Stabilizers, to this day, tend to be very uncomfortable and feel threatened by Neanderthal traits.

No, I think you’re a CRANK.

In the past we’ve scapegoated, witch hunted, crucified, and martyred those with Neanderthal traits.


Today we are labeling these Upriser Neanderthal traits with psychological disorder diagnoses like ADHD and bipolar and then drugging those traits out of our collective experience.

OMFG SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. Do you fucking know what the suicide rates are for people with bipolar? Do you know how many NEED their meds to stay alive? Fuck you, dude! Fuck you with a cactus!

And if you find yourself somewhat repelled by people who act like Neanderthals, realize that these crazy, irrepressible, insufferable people are the key to progress;


I guess I must be a Stabilizer.

11 years ago

Also, if ALL Neanderthals were rebels… WHAT WERE THEY REBELLING AGAINST?

What you have? /caveman

11 years ago


I would say that the lifestyle PUAs aspire to is destructive, malicious, injurious to society (and individuals), and downright evil. Degenerate seems to connote inferiority – as if the person being described were subhuman. It may be my own baggage, but I have only ever heard degenerate used by people who wish to demonize a group of people. And while I may rue the fact that PUAs share my species, they are indeed human.

11 years ago

Also, if ALL Neanderthals were rebels… WHAT WERE THEY REBELLING AGAINST?


Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Just seriously, for a moment. HuffPo? Autism => Neanderthal? Really?

The stupidity of that burns like a thousand suns. I am not amused. And it smells of patronizing, which, honestly, doesn’t help people like me.

HuffPo: excusing assholes who claim to have autism since .

11 years ago

They were the original rebel rock stars.

I know that a lot of rock stars are a bit lacking in the shampooing-and-combing department, but I’m fairly sure most of them don’t carry either clubs or fleas*.

*Not so sure about some black metal bands, burying you clothes in the ground so they’ll be more kvalt seems a bit unhygenic.

Also, wow, I don’t often deploy the phrase “special snowflake” but damn, is it ever appropriate in this case.

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

* since [insert year here] to this comment.

Stupid WordPress formatting. 😛

11 years ago

Alice – just wait till the blockquote monster gets you.

11 years ago

I have long since made it a policy of mine to really give the side-eye to anyone who tries to sell me the idea that I’m somehow smarter, more creative, or better than other people. ESPECIALLY if they try and use one of my minority labels to back it up.

Seriously, that guy is just selling the same shit I’ve seen people try to fob off on queer folks, trans folks, disabled folks, and multiples, only with Neanderthal evopsych bullshit heaped on top. I ain’t buying.

11 years ago

I guess the new PUA pickup line is going to be “my brow ridges bring all the girls to the yard”.

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

Also, wow, I don’t often deploy the phrase “special snowflake” but damn, is it ever appropriate in this case.

It IS! This guy is literally trying to SELL the idea that some people are more special than others, and use it to make money. Gag me with a spoon.

11 years ago

I’m now trying to hum “my brow ridges bring all the girls to the yard” so thanks, Cassandra.

11 years ago

Hey, it fits the rhythm, more or less.

11 years ago

It really does.

Alice Sanguinaria
Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Alice – just wait till the blockquote monster gets you.

Seriously, there should be a “preview post here” thing in the comments, They have those on the forums that I visit. That would be nice. Maybe with a clue as to what all the allowable html tags are to boot.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

“Yes, that’s right, a gang of Don Juan wannabes on an internet forum, united around a skeezy sex tourist and self-professed date rapist, have managed to convince themselves that they are the last bastions of traditional morality in a world gone wrong.”

I’d seriously embroider that on a pillow, if it would fit.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, I’m behind, but two things so far —

“… because of Liquid Gold? (I swear I am never going to be able to read anything about gold the same way, now.)”

Needs to go in the welcome package?

And LBT’s rant, cuz *runs around screaming nonsense and going stabby stabby* (note, I will not actually stab you, though I have been known to poke, and I make no promises about not screaming, though sputtering is more likely)

“Oh, gag me. Yes, we crazy people are soooo revolutionary and genius. Soooo romantic.”

And even when we are mad geniuses, it isn’t fucking romantic to be ranting suicidal.

“THIS crazy and intelligent person wants none of your snake oil and asspats.”


“Do you fucking know what the suicide rates are for people with bipolar? Do you know how many NEED their meds to stay alive? Fuck you, dude! Fuck you with a cactus!”

10-20x the rest of the population, with something like a quarter to half of us trying at least once (*waves*)

As for meds…well, then there are the ones the meds try and kill. Lithium’s well known for its potentially toxic effect, and lamictal’s DEATH RASH is infamous (epic warning, if you really must know, and it’s disfiguring and no laughing matter at all, google either lamictal rash or Stevens-Johnson syndrome…and don’t eat beforehand [as pecunium put it “do not pass go, do not even think about $200, go directly to the hospital”])

Also, I have a cactī bed he can sit in, varieties ranging from small and likely to blister to long and very spiky. He has to wait a week though, one of the smaller but not blister inducing ones is flowering.

*one pissed off bipolar carrot* (last Pax thread had a quote about gender neutral carrots, I am thus a carrot, because it’s funny)