So I want to move on from the whole Pax Dickinson thing, but I feel I would be remiss to do so without first mentioning a remarkable post on Roosh’s Return of King blog with the seemingly innocuous title Pax Dickinson And The Culture Of Tolerance. Written by a Roosh forum regular who goes by the name scorpion (nice), the post is ostensibly a critique of alleged “cultural Marxists” whom, he charges, “claim to be tolerant of everything [yet] are … intolerant of traditional masculine behavior … .”
But his post is in fact a plea for intolerance so over the top that, save for some manosphere-specific jargon, and its focus on “feminists, white knights, manginas, fat acceptance activists and homosexuals” rather than, you know, Jews, it might as well have come straight from the pages of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
I know, I know. Godwin. But just read this shit. Scorpion accuses the “politically correct internet hit squad” of
encouraging and mainstreaming the most bizarre and marginal human behaviors in a perverse quest to prove themselves the most tolerant of all their peers. …
What this is, really, is the elevation of the deranged and deformed along with the simultaneous tearing down of the strong and traditional. They are threatened by the sight of a masculine, red pill man like Pax Dickinson who unapologetically speaks his mind without fear of offending anyone. … Every time they see him they are acutely conscious of their own inferiority, so they conspire to end him. It’s like a gang of angry, deformed and diseased street cripples overcoming a confident and successful alpha male.
Yeah, not so much.
It’s here that Scorpion really begins to channel old Mr. Hitler.
These people don’t understand that by tolerating every type of degenerate behavior, they are destroying the culture. Imagine what would happen if your immune system suddenly became tolerant of everything. Within days or weeks your body would become host to dozens of infections and viruses, and you would quickly die. That’s exactly what these people are doing to our culture. … And so the body of the West has become filled with disease.
That. my friends, is Fascism.
Naturally, Scorpion predicts that these nasty “cultural Marxists” will get what’s coming to them in the end:
A backlash against these people is starting to build. … Within a few decades will come a rebirth of more traditional values, and these cultural Marxist social justice warriors will become nothing more than a relic of an ignominious era in our history. … Our descendents will be unable to comprehend how such an absurd ideology was able to take root in society. It will be as incomprehensible and perverse to them as the idea of suddenly chopping off their own body parts (which is fittingly a practice esteemed by the social justice warriors under the guise of “transgenderism”).
Is there some sort of new requirement that every article on Return of Kings contain transphobia?
These fools think they have found the one true god, but in reality they are simply a cult of death and decay. They are the patron saints of the sick and the twisted, the degenerate and the deformed. … It’s too late to save the West as we currently know it; but like a Phoenix, a new Western culture will rise from the ashes, a culture with traditional values and a healthy immune system to protect itself against degenerate cultural scum. And it won’t soon tolerate these worshippers of tolerance.
Yes, that’s right, a gang of Don Juan wannabes on an internet forum, united around a skeezy sex tourist and self-professed date rapist, have managed to convince themselves that they are the last bastions of traditional morality in a world gone wrong.
In the wake of Roosh’s viciously racist attacks on the critics of Dickinson, and his publishing of what is essentially a fascist tantrum, I think it’s fair to say that he has thrown his lot in entirely with the racist right wing of the manosphere, alongside such other charming fellows as Heartiste and Jack Donovan and Matt Forney. Indeed, in some ways he’s even outdoing them in the hate department. (Donovan in particular is a lot more affable about his racism.)
It’s a weird choice on Roosh’s part, because the hardest-core white supremacists out there have made very clear that they don’t see him as one of them. Because he’s of Persian descent, and therefore, in their minds, not really white. Indeed, several years back, one regular on the notorious Stormfront forums posted a “warning to Estonian women” that
[a] really nasty sex tourist from America (of Middle Eastern descent) has arrived in Tartu, Estonia. He came from Latvia after staying there a month or two. His goal is to lure into sex as many Estonian women as possible, especially very young girls. His name is Daryush Valizedeh, nickname – Roosh, and he is a pick up artist who believes women should be treated “like garbage”. This includes beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent.
The Stormfronters tracked him as he made his way around Eastern Europe; one suggested he was not only not white but that he was literally part Neanderthal.
Roosh and the neo-Nazis: sounds like a match made in heaven.
The latest* documentary I’ve seen on Neanderthals vs Cro Magnons theorized that the reason they died out and CM didn’t was because CMs had huge networks of people, and NTs didn’t seem to. They based this on items found in archeological sites: CMs had stuff that could only have come from hundreds of miles away, indicating trade networks. NTs didn’t, indicating that each group was insular. When times got hard, NTs had no allies to rely on, and times got harder each successive ice age.
*The one I watched most recently, not necessarily the most recent one produced.
“Neanderthals were so creative!” just sounds like some dude having a tantrum after reading Clan of the Cave Bear.
LOL I’d love to see the reaction of the Neanderthals-were-geniuses brigade to that book.
I have yet to see a use of the term “cultural Marxism” that has any coherent meaning other than “ooga booga liberals”. I can’t even fathom what it’s supposed to mean.
I think Jared Diamond’s general thesis about culture applies to Neanderthals as well as H. sapiens, or at least there’s no particular reason to think it doesn’t. There were quite simply a lot more of us than there were of them, so the pool for really smart Neanderthals in a place to change their society for the better was a lot smaller. Their options were assimilate or die, and assimilation seems to be what they ultimately chose, if the DNA theory is correct.
A colleague of mine pointed out that the much more flattering picture of Neanderthals that’s popular today arose at the same time as people realized that Neanderthals weren’t dark and swarthy but actually pretty pale, and that the people now living with most Neanderthal DNA are people of Scandinavian descent. Unfortunately that makes perfect sense.
teiresias – I honestly think “cultural Marxist” isn’t supposed to mean anything.
If anything, they’re trying to imply that anything that goes against a person’s (oft right-wing, hate-filled) opinion is actually a communist who wants to destroy ‘MERICUA, because communism/socialism (they’re NOT interchangeable, but a good number of right-wingers don’t care to know) is bad. That’s the point.
Apart from anything else, many feminists and communists don’t exactly see eye to eye on a lot of issues. I think part of it is what everyone is saying – “communist” is just being used to mean “person who is not like me” in the same way that a lot of men use “slut” or “bitch” as insults, but without as much of an implication that you’re talking about a non-person – but also part of it is that a lot of feminists start out as leftists in a more general sense. Since the people describing everything that pisses them off as communist don’t know enough about the history of the left to see where the disagreements are between different leftist movements they assume that there must not be any disagreements. Which is pretty funny, if you’ve ever been involved in any sort of leftist political groups.
Tl;dr is that they don’t know enough about the movements they’re critiquing to see the differences between Person Who Isn’t Like Me Therefore They’re Evil A. and Person Who Isn’t Like Me Therefore They’re Evil B.
Also, “commie traitor” seems like the go-to insult for right wingers. Gods know I’ve been called it plenty (apparently disapproving of the Iraq war means I hate America…but this is probably not the time or place for my thoughts on that one)
huuhhh Roosh has been in my country
That’s strangely disconcerting for some reason.
This. “Cultural Marxist” is a thought-stopper, it indicates something that some political leaders have decided is wrongthink.
It’s sad and pathetic, seeing as Communism isn’t so much a threat. As far as I can tell, we really aren’t under existential threat in the US, the right is just envious of the London Blitz, so they look for someone to play the Nazis.
I hate wordpress. It not only lost my password (I had to reset it) it manages to default to the email/password combination it refuses; while not letting me recover/reset a password for that acccount.
Dvärghundspossen wrote:
Incidentally, one of the first and more notable proponents of pale, gentle Neanderthals was a Swedish-speaking Finnish palaeontologist Björn Kurten in his fictional novel Den Svarta Tigern and its sequel Mammutens Rådare. Here’s the English title:
Back in the 70s this was all highly hypothetical since we had no genetic data and very little cultural artifacts. However, as a leading ice age scholar, Kurten could write realistic paleofiction like no one else. I enjoyed the books greatly in Finnish translation, as well as some of Kurten’s nonfiction. There’s even a hat tip to Finnish language, as the Neanderthal name for Milky Way is literally “Track of Birds” 🙂
What does Marxism have to do with culture? Ok, I get the religion being the opiate of the masses stuff but… I don’t know.
Is cultural Marxism like when you have free access to government sponsored art galleries?
RE: pecunium
I feel your pain. In my case, I still can’t get gravatar to work, so I’m stuck with this randomized green blotch.
(No need for assistance, guys. I joined up, got the password… and for some reason the password that allows me to use gravatar refuses to be associated with this account I’m using right now. I have no idea what the deal is, but it’s not worth the hassle.)
(It’s something to do with wordpress.COM instead of wordpress.ORG or some such shit.)
LBT: Right, even though I don’t have a .org related account; it just refuses to recognise the email I’ve always used for WordPress.
I think it actually has to do with keeping a blog,not just a system ID.
“The Stormfronters tracked him as he made his way around Eastern Europe; one suggested he was not only not white but that he was literally part Neanderthal.”
Wait, I thought the new thing in White Supremacy was claiming that white people were superior because they [b]are[/b] part Neanderthal, and that gives them all sorts of wonderful traits those horrible brown people don’t have.
So are they Neanderthal, or are they not?!
(Oh, Nezumi, here we’re using HTML code, not BBCode. It’s pretty much exactly the same thing, except that the [url] one, which has a completely different code thing.)
It’s the Schrodinger’s Cat, thing. If they’re not white, then Neanderthal = Other, bad. If they are white, then Neanderthal = superior stock, good.
You can think both at once, when you abandon all hints of morality and consistency!
Which they did a long time ago.
One Welcome Package for Nezumi! If you scroll to the comments, you’ll find my handy dandy HTML guide 🙂
I’ve posted here a few times before, and couldn’t remember which actually worked. Sorry. I know enough HTML to work with it. And thanks for the help!
Welp, you’ve done it, Mr. Futrelle. By linking to that StormFront thread, for the first time in my life, you’ve made me side with the Nazis. I don’t know how to feel about that.
Nazis: Because they’re better than PUAs™
OK, I love your username, so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt: you do know the Stormfronters are just trying to keep white women from being contaminated by sex with nonwhite men, right? It’s not because of an inherent objection to PUAs, it’s because Roosh isn’t white enough.