![No, I think Roosh V has you beat in that category.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/twittepaxdickinsonbiopn.jpg?resize=580%2C326&ssl=1)
The Pax Dickinson Crisis seems to have abated somewhat, with postings on the #standwithpax hashtag on Twitter slowing to a trickle and the production of manosphere rants on the subject more or less grinding to a halt, at least for the moment.
But there is one manosphere ideologue who hasn’t given up the fight for injustice, and that’s the despicable “game” guru Roosh Valizadeh, who seems to have embarked on a crusade to ruin the life and career of the Valleywag/Gawker writer who first brought Dickinson’s terrible tweets to the attention of the wider world.
Yesterday, Roosh slammed out a viciously racist, misogynist, homophobic and even transphobic rant attempting to smear the writer, Nitasha Tiku, as … wait for it … a racist.
Today, he announced his plans to try to “destroy” her reputation on Google by permanently linking her to that (false) charge.
He explained his strategy, which he suggests will work on all liberal writers who might criticize men for racism or misogyny:
Unless she’s applying for a position at Jezebel, no respectable company will touch a toxic individual who has been linked to racism. They don’t want anyone who may cause controversy for them, and behind rape, nothing says controversy like race. …
It’s a slow-burn attack that will effectively punish these writers and scare their co-workers , whose income is low enough that they need to depend on corporate employment indefinitely, unless one day they get an original thought and can stay away from their iPhone long enough to write a book. It won’t work on the big liberal writers like Jessica Valenti or Naomi Wolf, since any attention they get just helps them sell more books, but it does work on the young girl out of college trying to win feminist brownie points by denouncing a man for being “creepy” based on a bad joke.
And then he compared it with something he seems to have a certain amount of experience with:
Having your name destroyed on Google is the internet version of getting raped.
There are more than a few practical problems with Roosh’s little plan, the most notable being that if some hypothetical hiring manager comes across Roosh’s attack on Tiku — or on any writer he’s tried to tar — all this manager will have to do is spend a minute skimming Roosh’s post to see that the charge is bullshit and that Roosh is himself a raving bigot.
And Roosh, if you’re trying to smear someone, it’s generally not good form to announce this plan publicly in a post that at times reads like the monologue of some cartoon supervillain.
In his piece, Roosh notes that “[n]ot long ago, Buzzfeed insinuated I was a rapist.” Well, it did more than that: It quoted Roosh admitting quite frankly that he’d had sex with a woman who was too intoxicated to consent.
I thought, in the interests of openness, it would be worth quoting that passage from Roosh — it’s in his e-book Bang Iceland — once again. Heck, I’ll even give the bit Buzzfeed quoted a little more context. I’ll let you decide if Roosh is a rapist or not.
I hooked her arm and off we went. The best thing that possibly could have happened was a “failed” afterparty. There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.
While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.
I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.
Emphasis mine.
At this point even Pax Dickinson may want to distance himself from this creep.
Logic is misandry! Ideological consistency is also misandry. Spelling and grammar are misandrist too. The whole concept of “making sense” is a feminazi conspiracy to shut teh menz up!
Rage, rage against the dying of the boners! – Dylan Thomas
::chokes laughing::
RE: emilygoddess
And he’s advocating for a world where “wife” means “on-demand sex dispenser”.
Yeeeeah, that boy gonna be hella disappointed if he ever gets married. My husband and I sometimes say no to each other. (Admittedly, I tend to be the one saying no more often, but hubby is the type whose libido goes UP when stressed.)
Wow, you’re so much more optimistic than I am. I just assumed that GGG was including a “marital rape is now legal again” clause in his imaginary non-promiscuous utopia.
Heh. True enough. You’re probably right.
I’m not the only one snickering at the idea that less sleeping around would equal him getting more sex, right? I mean, even if everyone stopped sleeping around there would still be the “who’s going to marry that guy?” problem.
Cassandra – no, you’re not. Nobody would want to marry him, so yeah, it would come down to women as chattel again. Even then, unless he was rolling in cash, I can’t see any paterfamilias giving this twerp his daughter.
CassandraSays – I think it’s related to the idea that “less is more” (which mathematically, is complete bull).
That being said, if he decides to go Galt on the sexual mates pool, better for us than him. *nod*
I mean, if casual sex never happened then his odds of getting laid would pretty much go from “close to zero” to “zero”. Not sure how that’s an improvement, unless the fact that nobody else is getting laid either would make him feel better.
“It’s GGG.”
Every time I forget that that dangerous fucking asshole exists…
I need a mango. Juiced. And with vodka.
Mostly the vodka.
Nobody having the misfortune to have sex with him would have to be an improvement, regardless of how he saw it.
Hmm … not even sure which thread this is in, but it strikes me that if Douchey Rooshy is so zombie-low on energy and can’t do more than stand and wobble on the dance floor, is he really
committing rapehaving all these sexual encounters he claims?so he is purposefully trying to defame her (and cause harm by negatively impacting her employability) with words he knows she never said? WOW. That is a stupid plan and all, but its double stupid to announce it on the internet for anyone to see. He is gonna get sued. And he will deserve it.
“Hmm … not even sure which thread this is in, but it strikes me that if Douchey Rooshy is so zombie-low on energy and can’t do more than stand and wobble on the dance floor, is he really committing rape having all these sexual encounters he claims?”
To steal from Rifftrax, I’m sure Roosh treats sex like WIFI. Just get in the general area and you’re good. And given his date-rape history I would imagine that consciousness on the part of the other person is completely optional, even undesirable.
@emilygoddess That first set of quotes was actually fschmidt on GGGF’s comment section. Surprisingly enough, I was more outraged by a commenter than GGGF this time. I found the entry to be funny because he’d been mocked on the cracked.com forums and was mad about it. But GGGF was talking about how intelligent he thought fschmidt was, and certainly wasn’t telling him he was wrong. Though I did notice GGGF bringing up his education in history and lamenting the days where arranged marriages were a more common thing. He seems to believe that everyone ever had arranged marriages and not just wealthy people or people in certain cultures.
Oh no, there are PROSTITUTES to save men from their desires. Somehow casual sex among two people who are actually interested in each other is immoral, but paying someone to have sex with you (as long as you’re a man) is necessary, according to fschmidt.
sarahliz – I imagine his victim being unconscious would be a bonus for Roosh, even though it would deprive him of her distress at the time. “In the general area” made me laugh, though. I had an idea of him crashing unconscious on someone’s floor and then claiming afterward he had sex! He really did!
lionicle – of course, because women enjoying sex, and doing it from choice rather than economic necessity, are the immoral things. Sex is for men to enjoy doing to women and for women to submit to. The idea of a confident, experienced partner makes these guys shrivel up in fear.
Re: He often characterizes Indians as “non-white” in contrast to his own “whiteness.” He constantly has to distance himself from them in an effort to prove his own “white male” status.
Indians are in fact not white (I’m ethnically Indian, for what it’s worth, though culturally white). Indians are a mixture of Ancient North Indian and Ancient South Indian racial stocks: the ANI are somewhat similar to Iranians, but the ASI are genetically as different from either Europeans or Chinese as those two are from each other.
I would say, “incoherent”, because his actions/rationalisations aren’t consistent, ane betray a lack of critical thought. He presents them as known, immutable facts, a priori when any actual examination shows him to be incorrect.
Oh fellow Latin fan, please buy an antecedent…”he” there means Roosh?
K, it’s just that that description covers, oh, about all of the boobz (and a certain ass with the initals EY, but let’s not go there!)
Sorry, I figured the context made it plain I was talkin’ ’bout Roosh the Doosh.
I’m pre-coffee, so maybe it did! (Coffee has been made, it’s just still somewhere around 200°, cuz French press)
Buttercup: Why do fascists always nominate themselves as the gold standard of humanity?
Because if they postulated the rigid heirarchy their philosophy demands, and weren’t the gold standard, they’d be in the prole/serf/slave/exterminated class.
Wonder what Roosh the Doosh has to say about this: Indian American crowned Miss America.
Apparently there was a massive twitsplosion after she was pronounced Miss America.
Sometimes I am embarrassed by my countrypersons.