a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery entitled babies evil women false accusations harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh sexual assault taking pleasure in women's pain

Racist pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh announces plan to “destroy” Pax Dickinson critic with charges of racism

No, I think Roosh V has you beat in that category.
No, I think Roosh V has you beat in that category.

The Pax Dickinson Crisis seems to have abated somewhat, with postings on the #standwithpax hashtag on Twitter slowing to a trickle and the production of manosphere rants on the subject more or less grinding to a halt, at least for the moment.

But there is one manosphere ideologue who hasn’t given up the fight for injustice, and that’s the despicable “game” guru Roosh Valizadeh, who seems to have embarked on a crusade to ruin the life and career of the Valleywag/Gawker writer who first brought Dickinson’s terrible tweets to the attention of the wider world.

Yesterday, Roosh slammed out a viciously racist, misogynist, homophobic and even transphobic rant attempting to smear the writer, Nitasha Tiku, as … wait for it … a racist.

Today, he announced his plans to try to “destroy” her reputation on Google by permanently linking her to that (false) charge.

He explained his strategy, which he suggests will work on all liberal writers who might criticize men for racism or misogyny:

Unless she’s applying for a position at Jezebel, no respectable company will touch a toxic individual who has been linked to racism. They don’t want anyone who may cause controversy for them, and behind rape, nothing says controversy like race. …

It’s a slow-burn attack that will effectively punish these writers and scare their co-workers , whose income is low enough that they need to depend on corporate employment indefinitely, unless one day they get an original thought and can stay away from their iPhone long enough to write a book. It won’t work on the big liberal writers like Jessica Valenti or Naomi Wolf, since any attention they get just helps them sell more books, but it does work on the young girl out of college trying to win feminist brownie points by denouncing a man for being “creepy” based on a bad joke.

And then he compared it with something he seems to have a certain amount of experience with:

Having your name destroyed on Google is the internet version of getting raped.


There are more than a few practical problems with Roosh’s little plan, the most notable being that if some hypothetical hiring manager comes across Roosh’s attack on Tiku — or on any writer he’s tried to tar — all this manager will have to do is spend a minute skimming Roosh’s post to see that the charge is bullshit and that Roosh is himself a raving bigot.

And Roosh, if you’re trying to smear someone, it’s generally not good form to announce this plan publicly in a post that at times reads like the monologue of some cartoon supervillain.

In his piece, Roosh notes that “[n]ot long ago, Buzzfeed insinuated I was a rapist.” Well, it did more than that: It quoted Roosh admitting quite frankly that he’d had sex with a woman who was too intoxicated to consent.

I thought, in the interests of openness, it would be worth quoting that passage from Roosh — it’s in his e-book Bang Iceland — once again. Heck, I’ll even give the bit Buzzfeed quoted a little more context. I’ll let you decide if Roosh is a rapist or not.

I hooked her arm and off we went. The best thing that possibly could have happened was a “failed” afterparty. There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.

Emphasis mine.

At this point even Pax Dickinson may want to distance himself from this creep.

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11 years ago

It’s always sour grapes with this one, isn’t it? Women aren’t rejecting him; he was just about to reject them first. He’s not jealous of guys with girlfriends; he could totally get a hotter chick if he wanted. And he doesn’t even want a job, okay? Jobs are for betas.

Which is especially funny given his criticism of the journalist who broke the Pax story. “A journalist for Gawker isn’t a contributing member of society,” said the professional keyboard warrior.

11 years ago

Which is especially funny given his criticism of the journalist who broke the Pax story. “A journalist for Gawker isn’t a contributing member of society,” said the professional keyboard warrior.

What, you mean he isn’t injecting LIQUID FUCKING GOLD into the economy like his acolytes?

11 years ago

Dustydeste! My brain has summoned you!

Why are the turtle crying?

11 years ago

Perhaps the way to deal with Roosh is to make sure whenever you have a quote of his where he’s admitted to raping a woman, or generally treating them like shit, put his face next to it. Then when everyone knows his face and what he is, we can see how many people still “get his dick”.

La Strega
11 years ago

Does Roosh read manboobz? I wonder if he saw the “zombie dancing video” posted above yesterday because today in his blog he writes that, “Over the years, my energy has slipped to a 2. I can stand immobile for hours, and now stand like a skyscraper moves during an earthquake. This has greatly reduced my club target pool because I have to look for girls with energy that is 2 or lower.”

La Strega
11 years ago

That should read “and now dance like a skyscraper moves during an earthquake.” Which is kinda how I imagine a zombie would dance.

11 years ago

This has greatly reduced my club target pool because I have to look for girls with energy that is 2 or lower.”

OK, more evidence that they think Game is an actual game, with rules and shit, and some kind of impartial judge evaluating your performance. Or something.

11 years ago

It’s amazing how often he admits to being a loser even by his own definitions. “Yep, I can’t dance and most girls at clubs aren’t interested at me.”

11 years ago

If I had an energy level of two (I’m assuming a 10-point scale), to the point where the only “dancing” I could do was swaying in place, I would get my ass to a doctor. But maybe that’s just me.

11 years ago

I think what the average stoic was asking about, and what I’m curious about as well, is what are the grounds for Roosh’s allegations of racism against Tiku. Are they solely based on the fact she isn’t white and Dickinson is?

Also does anyone know what Dickinson’s chances of unfair dismissal would be? I’d assume Business Insider has the right to sack you for saying Business Insider sucks or Business Insider is racist. However can they sack you for saying racist and sexist things?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

When you work in HR and have joked about how hiring qualified women is like hiring a unicorn, they can probably justify firing you on the grounds that your hiring process is bad for the company (assuming he isn’t an at will employee in the first place, in which case they could fire him for that god awful popped collar if they wanted to)

11 years ago

Argenti that makes sense. When I see a lot of people online get angry I wonder if the grounds for firing someone in the US are more relaxed than in the UK.

11 years ago

Peartree: in the US, most states have “at will” employment, which means they can pretty much fire you whenever for whatever. There are some protected classes, but being a sexist dipshit who should know better is not one of them.

11 years ago

Although most C suite employees have contracts, I’m sure there was a clause that let Business Insider cut his popped collar free.

11 years ago

“Over the years, my energy has slipped to a 2. I can stand immobile for hours, and now stand like a skyscraper moves during an earthquake. This has greatly reduced my club target pool because I have to look for girls with energy that is 2 or lower.”

A diet of Ramen and deli mustard will do that to you.

11 years ago

What a wretched, awful person.

That’s really all I can say. He makes me feel good about myself just because I’m not him! D:

11 years ago

In addition to that little comments section, I can’t tell if this blog is a joke. But this came up very high on google when searching for domestic violence stats and I’m blown away by the assertions. The title is “Over 71% of Wives Kill Their Husbands, Stats We Have To Take Notice Of” That title is not only misunderstanding statistics, but pulling numbers out of their ass.

This is what the divorce industry does, gives women huge incentives to kill men, avoid women guys, avoid marriage, go overseas where the women see you as men with real rights, screw the divorce & marriage industry, let it sink into a rotting grave, where it belongs.

Is this blog mocking PUAs and MRAs or is this guy serious when he makes articles like “0% Of Women Raped In the U.K, Rape Is Virtually Impossible In The U.K, Literally No Women Get Raped In The U.K”

My god!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Statistics are misandry, so it might be legit (you would not believe the shit I’ve had to smack down around here). Otoh, Poe’s Law.

And are you new around these parts? Let me go retrieve you a welcome package!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

One welcome package!

…which you probably already got as upon refreshing I see you have a kitty avatar now. But hey, can never have too many SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES!

11 years ago

You gotta love these guys. They control marriage for ages, and then when folks start fighting for women to have some rights, they flip their shit. Whiners, the whole lot of ’em.

La Strega
11 years ago

Yes, in answer to Pear_Tree, the ONLY evidence Roosh has that Tiku is racist is that she is not white and her subject is. But what really set him off is when writer Anil Dash (also of Indian descent) tweeted half-jokingly to Dickinson that he hadn’t realized what an ass Dickinson was until he had read Tiku’s post. At that point, Roosh perceived a conspiracy (two Indians piling on an innocent white guy) and he saw red. Ironically, reading the tweets, it appears that Dash and Dickinson are kind of friendly, at least friendly enough to agree to meeting for lunch later that week…

La Strega
11 years ago

I’ve always been aware that embarrassing my employer could get me fired in a red hot minute. A couple of times I have chosen to take that risk, but I was fully aware and accepting of the potential consequences. Pax Dickinson appears to have recognized that as well, when he admits he’d been expecting to be fired for a long time (in fact, appears to be surprised it took BI as long as it did to catch on to his shenanigans.)

11 years ago

I don’t get how divorce is somehow an incentive for women to kill men. I mean, here in the actual fact-based world, greater access to divorce (as well as DV shelters) dramatically DECREASE the rate of men murdered by their wives because there’s a non-violent way out of a bad marriage. And even in the Feminazi World Order, she can’t financially enslave him with lifelong alimony if he’s dead!

11 years ago

Hell, part of the reason I’ve been slack about legally changing our name is because we’re out as trans and multi on the web, and I didn’t want to shitcan my working life. Now, of course, it’s kind of a moot point, but Jesus Christ, I’d have to be some kind of dumbass to post hugely inflammatory shit like that under my legal name!

11 years ago

Otoh, Poe’s Law.

It’s GGG.

Who, apparently, has decided that a less promiscuous society is the cure for his “incel (I guess the alphas wouldn’t be hogging all the women, or something)”. And he’s advocating for a world where “wife” means “on-demand sex dispenser”. But literally nothing he says can surprise me anymore.