a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery entitled babies evil women false accusations harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh sexual assault taking pleasure in women's pain

Racist pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh announces plan to “destroy” Pax Dickinson critic with charges of racism

No, I think Roosh V has you beat in that category.
No, I think Roosh V has you beat in that category.

The Pax Dickinson Crisis seems to have abated somewhat, with postings on the #standwithpax hashtag on Twitter slowing to a trickle and the production of manosphere rants on the subject more or less grinding to a halt, at least for the moment.

But there is one manosphere ideologue who hasn’t given up the fight for injustice, and that’s the despicable “game” guru Roosh Valizadeh, who seems to have embarked on a crusade to ruin the life and career of the Valleywag/Gawker writer who first brought Dickinson’s terrible tweets to the attention of the wider world.

Yesterday, Roosh slammed out a viciously racist, misogynist, homophobic and even transphobic rant attempting to smear the writer, Nitasha Tiku, as … wait for it … a racist.

Today, he announced his plans to try to “destroy” her reputation on Google by permanently linking her to that (false) charge.

He explained his strategy, which he suggests will work on all liberal writers who might criticize men for racism or misogyny:

Unless she’s applying for a position at Jezebel, no respectable company will touch a toxic individual who has been linked to racism. They don’t want anyone who may cause controversy for them, and behind rape, nothing says controversy like race. …

It’s a slow-burn attack that will effectively punish these writers and scare their co-workers , whose income is low enough that they need to depend on corporate employment indefinitely, unless one day they get an original thought and can stay away from their iPhone long enough to write a book. It won’t work on the big liberal writers like Jessica Valenti or Naomi Wolf, since any attention they get just helps them sell more books, but it does work on the young girl out of college trying to win feminist brownie points by denouncing a man for being “creepy” based on a bad joke.

And then he compared it with something he seems to have a certain amount of experience with:

Having your name destroyed on Google is the internet version of getting raped.


There are more than a few practical problems with Roosh’s little plan, the most notable being that if some hypothetical hiring manager comes across Roosh’s attack on Tiku — or on any writer he’s tried to tar — all this manager will have to do is spend a minute skimming Roosh’s post to see that the charge is bullshit and that Roosh is himself a raving bigot.

And Roosh, if you’re trying to smear someone, it’s generally not good form to announce this plan publicly in a post that at times reads like the monologue of some cartoon supervillain.

In his piece, Roosh notes that “[n]ot long ago, Buzzfeed insinuated I was a rapist.” Well, it did more than that: It quoted Roosh admitting quite frankly that he’d had sex with a woman who was too intoxicated to consent.

I thought, in the interests of openness, it would be worth quoting that passage from Roosh — it’s in his e-book Bang Iceland — once again. Heck, I’ll even give the bit Buzzfeed quoted a little more context. I’ll let you decide if Roosh is a rapist or not.

I hooked her arm and off we went. The best thing that possibly could have happened was a “failed” afterparty. There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. I’ll protect myself by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, one ounce of hesitation or a feeling of morality will get me nothing.

Emphasis mine.

At this point even Pax Dickinson may want to distance himself from this creep.

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11 years ago

And he writes in his new post:
“I have been successfully destroyed on Google. My name is linked to all sorts of negative material that ensures I will never get a corporate job again in my life.”

The negative material is stuff that he himself put there. What a sheer dumbass.

La Strega
11 years ago


I’ll admit I was rather obsessed with Roosh for several months. I found his writing fascinating (in a horrific way) because he reveals so much about himself. His narcissism blinds him to others’ points of view; he is utterly without empathy or the capacity for love. Very few personalities of that type disclose so much — they usually learn to “hide” the parts of their characters that others will find disturbing. He just lets it flow…

I’ll admit I find him fun to hate.

11 years ago

Jesus on a pogo stick, that guy is disgusting.

11 years ago

I’m with freemage: I wouldn’t give two fucks if Roosh were debilitated. “Unable to rape or otherwise harm anyone ever again” is what I would like to see. I wouldn’t mind seeing him end up in prison – and it’d be permanent if I were sentencing him.

It’d be a toss-up which would be worst: sex with Roosh, or Roissy, or Elam, or JohntheOtter, or any of the MRA/PUA losers. They all hate women, and that pretty well guarantees it would be foul.

The average Stoic Sophist of today
The average Stoic Sophist of today
11 years ago

I haven’t really been following this closely, so I have a question: is the claim of racism based on anything other than the fact that Pax is white and the person who criticized him isn’t?

11 years ago

I already knew about 5 or 6 other crimes and civil offenses Daryush had committed against this journalist, starting with libel and moving on to cyberstalking and so on, but this, for lawyers, is like finding a fabulous fish – the hardest tort to prove, maybe, is the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress, because the requirement to prove malicious intent is so hard to get past. He has just done it to himself and it has been documented here. If I were that journalist I’d pick up a default judgment in the US and wait for him to enter a country with the right reciprocity, then take whatever he’s got.

11 years ago

That “having sex is what I do” part is sad

I was thinking that in yesterday’s thread when he said something like, “In my line of work (teaching men how to fuck)” Seriously, dude. You are not a sex therapist. That is not your line of work. You are a con man and a parasite.

La Strega
11 years ago

The racism angle emerged because Roosh has an insane obsession with Indians. He routinely bans or harasses anybody who ventures onto his blog whom he suspects of being South Asian. He puts them at the bottom of his “racial totem pole of attractiveness.” Not sure what the roots of antipathy are, but they are deep and longstanding (he has even complained about how Indian students cheated in his college classes). He often characterizes Indians as “non-white” in contrast to his own “whiteness.” He constantly has to distance himself from them in an effort to prove his own “white male” status. It’s very weird to me.

11 years ago

There had to be a moment when she realized that all her friends are gone and the only reasonable option left was to go home with a strange man she had just met.

If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk.

Dude, you JUST ADMITTED you made it so she had to go with you, willing or not.

This guy is such a fucking creep, I can’t even.

@John-H, really good point. The way he gleefully compares it to rape, combined with the fact that he’s admitted to rape at least twice…and people have the nerve to say women shouldn’t be frightened by online rape threats!

La Strega
11 years ago

The “us” (white men) against them (South Asians) is a reflection of Roosh’s own insecurity and self-loathing.

11 years ago

He can no longer get visas for Estonia or Iceland because of violations.

I’m sure the laws he violated were more signs of liberal Marxist moral decay, or something. Anything to avoid admitting he may have done something wrong.

La Strega
11 years ago

A lot of Iranians I met while living in Iran, because of their own ideas of racial purity (Iran = Aryan), are anxious not to be lumped in with Arabs or Asians. I suspect this is part of Roosh’s hang up about race, and the reason he has explained he cannot be sexually aroused by non-white women.

La Strega
11 years ago


“I already knew about 5 or 6 other crimes and civil offenses Daryush had committed against this journalist, starting with libel and moving on to cyberstalking and so on, but this, for lawyers, is like finding a fabulous fish – the hardest tort to prove, maybe, is the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress, because the requirement to prove malicious intent is so hard to get past. He has just done it to himself and it has been documented here. If I were that journalist I’d pick up a default judgment in the US and wait for him to enter a country with the right reciprocity, then take whatever he’s got.”

YES. I would LOVE to see her do this… and win.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m going to choose to read that as an excellent new pet fish, because my puff is a fabulous fish.

But yes, he’s set himself up perfectly.

La Strega — maybe not on the “insane”? Cuz hi, nuts! *waves* Not racist. Unhealthy obsession, sure, but insane lumps those of us of the less than sane variety in with this douche and eww, I don’t wanna be lumped with him!

La Strega
11 years ago

Re/ use of “insane.” You are right. My bad! I need to find a word that more accurately describes what I mean… maybe “inexplicable, implacable?”

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hmm, I like inexplicable, but pecunium’s the walking dictionary, not me. And thanks 🙂

11 years ago

@La Strega,

I too have had a mini obsession with Roosh over the years (glad I’m not the only one to admit it) and I agree with you 100% that he is going to meet a bad end. I don’t see him enjoying old age. I would not be surprised if he was murdered. But no one can get through to the guy that what he is doing might be dangerous. He calls it unnecessary “fear mongering.” The guy truly thinks he is invincible.

11 years ago

Also, when most people say they’re teaching someone how to fuck they mean teaching them how to fuck well, not how to use sex with questionably willing partners as a band-aid in an attempt to stop up their gaping emotional wounds.

La Strega
11 years ago

Well, as me old ma used to reassure me, “Time wounds all heels.”

La Strega
11 years ago

Roosh no longer uses the words “fuck” or “bang.” He now prefers “fornicate,” which somehow sounds infinitely dirtier.

11 years ago

Actually I’d say it sounds boring and vaguely medical (and therefore unpleasant), kind of like “pap smear”, which is probably a good approximation of what sex with Roosh would be like even in the unlikely scenario that someone was completely willing.

11 years ago

Looks like Dan Cardamon is on tumblr:

11 years ago

Fornicate sounds biblical to me. I wonder if he’s heading toward turning into a Fundamentalist as he ages. Wouldn’t be anything new (but it would be very unpleasant to his inevitable* wife and daughters).

*Cuz these guys ALWAYS seem to end up having meek, abused wives and daughters whose virginity they’re obsessed with.

11 years ago

I really think it’s more likely he’ll be imprisoned or deported for committing a crime.

As for the narcissism part… that’s part and parcel of narcissism. They can talk about themselves for hours. They hate and love themselves.