beta males dawgies evil sexy ladies friend zone men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill reddit

Red Pill Redditor: “If you are sexually attracted to a b*tch, not related to you, that you are doing favors for and not f***ing, you are her orbiter.

This may be the Red Pilliest quote ever! Here’s the full quote in all of its uncensored glory, straight from the Red Pill subreddit.

If you are sexually attracted to a bitch, not related to you, that you are doing favors for and not fucking, you are her orbiter.

And here is a picture of one big, sad beta orbiter and the bitch he adores.




Thanks to the Blue Pill subreddit for finding this bit of Red Pill goodness.

Speaking of which, some folks in the Blue Pill subreddit are tentatively planning some meetups. If you want to join them, check out this topic right here.

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11 years ago

Anyone who wouldn’t post that doggie picture is literally Hitler. Thank you David for not being Hitler.

Walter Howard
Walter Howard
11 years ago

I was going to write something, but then I realized that by defending the quote, I’m also defending the world view of the person who wrote it. So, I decided to stop.

11 years ago

Thanks, Walter.

11 years ago

Walter, very wise.

This is a man who calls women b1tches, who apparently believes women have nothing to offer but sex, that the only reason to be kind to a woman who is not your mother or sister is to get sex, who sneers at men who are not f*cking any attractive woman they associate with and who talks of men “f8cking” women. Not having sex with but “f8cking”. Sounds like, in his world, sex is not something two people (of whatever gender) do with each other. Nope, men do it to women and women have done it to them by men.

So no, not being “touchy”. Laughing at (and possibly feeling sorrow for) a misogynist. 🙂

Plus that photo – that’s just a classic.

11 years ago

What, a newbie who got into a hole and actually stopped digging? That’s a first.

11 years ago

Anyone who wouldn’t post that doggie picture is literally Hitler. Thank you David for not being Hitler.

Well, of course he isn’t. What self-respecting bunch of ferrets or cats would dress up in a Hitler suit?

… There has to be a way to do that in Downfall.

11 years ago

Yeah, I hate people who are good friends! What a bunch of losers!

I thought everyone had friends who are sexually attractive. I also thought, just because someone’s your friend and they’re sexually attractive, doesn’t mean banging is in either party’s best interest.

Boy, am I crazy, huh?

11 years ago

I thought everyone had friends who are sexually attractive.

In order for this to be the case first they need to have friends, and then they need to be able to persuade people of the gender they’re attracted to to want to be around them. I’m thinking these guys are usually 0 for 2.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

If the quote had used the term,”nice guy” instead of “orbiter” would you have had such an issue with it? Because all the quote did was outline the standard MO of a “nice guy.”

Oh my god, yes, that’s totally it, the terminology, because NOBODY has ever talked about the creepy politics of the way the MRM uses the term Nice Guy. NOBODY EVER.

11 years ago


that is a very cute cat, but sadly no names are popping to mind.


If the quote had used the term,”nice guy” instead of “orbiter” would you have had such an issue with it


and for the rest of your comment: so what? Some people are jerks who view friendship as a pathway to passive-aggressively waiting for sex. We didn’t say they don’t exist; we said they’re mock worthy.

/and then I saw that you’re dropping it b/c you don’t want to defend that person’s viewpoint, so potentially ignore this.

11 years ago

I’m bemused by the fact that the friend being sexually attractive somehow makes it worse. “I have to spend time with a friend who’s cool and fun and ALSO EASY ON THE EYES! Ohnoooo!”

Seriously, do these people need “looking at hot members of the opposite sex” classes, or what?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

My last comment was somewhat brusque; seeing that Walter stepped back from his stance and didn’t double or triple down, that seems like something I should maybe expand on a little bit.

The problem with his ‘orbiter’ tag isn’t that he’s describing a whiny entitled nice guy; it’s that his use of the word indicates that his solution to the mindset is to be more entitled and demand sex.

The way he says this tells us that he isn’t solving those problems; he’s making them worse, throwing in even more toxic entitlement issues.

11 years ago

Walter: You all are a touchy bunch, aren’t you?

If the quote had used the term,”nice guy” instead of “orbiter” would you have had such an issue with it? Because all the quote did was outline the standard MO of a “nice guy.”

I redacted a comment based on the rhetorical device of, “touchy”, because of subsequent comments. It’s not a good way to enter a discussion. It’s going to make people suspect you of base motives.

And yes. Because the idea that women are only god for fucking is morally repugnant. They are people, and ends in themselves.

11 years ago

In order for this to be the case first they need to have friends, and then they need to be able to persuade people of the gender they’re attracted to to want to be around them. I’m thinking these guys are usually 0 for 2.

I’m really wanting to hear these clowns described in an old style cricket commentary fashion now.

11 years ago

I’m bemused by the fact that the friend being sexually attractive somehow makes it worse. “I have to spend time with a friend who’s cool and fun and ALSO EASY ON THE EYES! Ohnoooo!”

IRK? I love eye candy. There is no time that is not a good time for eye candy. Not that I would ever be friends with someone for that reason alone, but if I like someone and enjoy their company AND they’re gorgeous? I am confused as to how this could be seen as anything other than a bonus.

11 years ago

if I like someone and enjoy their company AND they’re gorgeous? I am confused as to how this could be seen as anything other than a bonus.

But liking women isn’t right! RealMen don’t like women, they just want to fuck us, and if they’re not getting to, then everything is wrong wrong wrong just wrong.

11 years ago

Ah, so it’s the uterus that allows me to enjoy eye candy without descending into a homicidal rage if said eye candy doesn’t immediately offer me sex?

I wonder what they’d say about the scenarios where the hot friend does offer you sex and you say no because you’re already in a relationship.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Speaking of eye candy, I have still failed to ask out my FedEx eye candy, but we did get into a discussion about going off grid and having to take me along for various things like my knowledge of solar power. So I should probably just grow a pair already huh?

11 years ago

Pretty much, yeah. If you don’t zie is going to assume you’re not interested.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Part of it is that I’m very probably going to have to do this in front of my mother. Which will be awkward enough for me, and I’m not worried she’ll be all parental supervision about it (she agrees I should just do it already)

11 years ago

Hmm. Could you maybe catch hir on hir way in or out of the building and suggest coffee to avoid the mom is watching issue?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

If I’m lucky? Or request the next 30 lb box be carried back and be an escort (hilariously, I’m totally not officially allowed back there and FedEx of course is [I’m an OSHA violation])

There was a bit of an embarrassment last week over coffee, and the lack of lids (I told my mother to get some!)…I have three travel mugs, even with my mother using one, that leaves a spare. I’m thinking of gifting it with a note inside, avoids the mother issue, and the whole put on the spot thing.

It grosses me out to no end that the techs drink coffee without lids while working on tractors that are sometimes literally covered in shit. And *I’m* the OSHA violation!

11 years ago

Actually that’s a great idea. It would be a bit unkind to put the other person on the spot in front of your mom, that’s just awkward all around.

I will pretend that I didn’t read that last paragraph.

11 years ago

haha all the white knight motha fvckers on dis site doing favors for da wimins cus da wymins couldn’t possibly stand up for themselfs, you wight nites are tha reel missogentists going around defending w0myn cus you think they is little lady that needs a big mans help. well guess what you those b1tches orbeta, i.e she’s ya new old moma and her old ass needs a sponge bath. =TW .-sory for bad englese, my dick obscures 90% of my keeyboard/moniter.