antifeminism fidelbogen grandiosity gross incompetence hypocrisy imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny slacktivism straw feminists taking pleasure in women's pain the sound of his own voice twitter

@Fidelbogen sez: “We needn’t treat feminists fairly or ethically. Underhanded tricks r the order of the day.”

Silly Fidelbogen! Tricks are for kids!
Silly Fidelbogen! Tricks are for kids!

It’s labor day here in the US of A, a day for picnics, parades honoring our nation’s workers, and going through Fidelbogen’s timeline on Twitter looking for especially obtuse tweets from the always obtuse Men’s Renaissance Agitator and would-be philosopher-king of the Men’s Rights movement.

Yes, I know we just did Fidelbogen the other day, but we’re doing him again.

Because it’s my blog, that’s why!

And it’s worth it. Because Fidelbogen, who apparently fancies himself some sort of evil rhetorical genius taking down feminism with he power of his mighty words, has a knack for saying out loud what a lot of Men’s Rightsers think.  As I pointed out the other day, he’s admitted straight up that he’s far more interested in attacking feminists than in actually helping men. Which is clearly the case with most MRAs, as evidenced by their complete and utter lack of accomplishment in the whole “actually helping men” arena.

In his tweets, he often goes further, exposing the dishonest nature of these attacks on feminism. Indeed, a good portion of his tweets are basically him twirling his moustache as he explains the devious trickery he’ll be using to take the evil feminists down.

Here he is in full supervillain mode:

One of Fidey’s favorite themes is that he and his MRA buddies can define feminism, so suck on that, femmies!

Indeed, he won’t shut up about it:

Yeah, dude. Trust us — we know.

And here he suggests he’s far more interested in pulling women down than in raising men up:

What’s this? Straight up misogyny?

Oh, sorry, misogyny doesn’t exist.

Or … does it?

Do try to keep your story straight, dude!

Fidey is the master of baffling metaphor:

Ok, that didn’t make sense. Let’s try this one:

Huh. Pisspots, however unsavory, do at least serve a useful function. Is Men’s Rights Activism thus the equivalant of peeing on the floor?

Too complicated. Fidey tries a simpler metaphor:

And then marches off into the land of incoherence once again.

And then accidentally stumbles upon a truth:

Read that one over again, Fidey, and take a good hard look at yourself.

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11 years ago

I stopped reading sites like HuffPo, partly because it should be called FluffPo

But The Fluffington Post was already taken.

11 years ago

And a much better publication that is!

I love their little New Yorker bunny logo. 😀

11 years ago

90% of the material on the Huffington Post is perfectly good reporting. And then the other 10% seems to have been reprinted from teenagers’ blogs. It’s baffling.

11 years ago

Their health reporting is…odd.

11 years ago

Twitter should have a breathalyzer before posting.

Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson
11 years ago

Hi, Bunny Ninjim. The same thing depresses me. Every youtube video where a woman says she is a feminist, every online article about feminism, the comment section is full of uninformed rants on the level of “feminism is a communist plot”. I figured this was an MRA tactic, filling up comment sections with their world view, and it doesn’t really represent how the majority of people feel, but I’m afraid it might influence some people to think it IS the majority opinion.

And it’s downright unpleasant to encounter so frequently.

11 years ago

Never read YouTube comments. It could be the most adorable kitten video ever, but somewhere in there you’ll find “Obama is a MOOOOSLIN” and “women are c*nts” somewhere. It’s all bored teenagers trolling, most likely, but it is galling. Which is why my rule is very firm: Never read YouTube comments.

11 years ago

Instead just look at titianblue’s panthers cats.

11 years ago

Never read YouTube comments. It could be the most adorable kitten video ever, but somewhere in there you’ll find “Obama is a MOOOOSLIN” and “women are c*nts” somewhere. It’s all bored teenagers trolling, most likely, but it is galling. Which is why my rule is very firm: Never read YouTube comments.

I wish I could follow that rule. Instead curiosity will get the better of me, I’ll read them, and then be disgusted.

And I agree it can be very frustrating to see so much antifeminist, MRA crap online. It really is everywhere. But like others said, it seems bigger than it is because the extremist MRA’s are just very loud.

Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson
11 years ago

Yeah, I’m sure it’s the activism most MRAs indulge in most frequently, plastering the online landscape with anti-feminist screeds.

But it’s not just youtube videos. I recall Paul Elam going testerical over 52 downvotes at Reddit on the obit of a woman who worked for shelters for men. It could only be the work of evil feminists, not men who downvote anything that praises a woman.

But when there was an obit in Huffington Post for a feminist who had (as it happens) been an editor for Ms. the one person who wrote along the lines of “feminism was needed then”, got told that she was probably a lonely woman in her 50’s who wondered all her life why men didn’t like her. (This is just one example that irked me.)

(Is saying “testerical” okay, as a joke, do you think?)

Gemini Gemma
11 years ago

I thought philosophers should at least know how to actually write, read and get his or her thoughts across without sounding like a toddler. Oh….never mind we are talking about MRA ‘philosophers’.

11 years ago

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s the activism most MRAs indulge in most frequently, plastering the online landscape with anti-feminist screeds.”

What else are you going to do when you can’t get a date?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Play video games? Tend to 120~ gallons of aquariums and a dozen plants including some sorta demanding ones? Read? Perfect a strong but sweet coffee? Maybe engage in some artistic endeavors? Watch reruns? Make a habit of horror movies? (Horrors of War was terrible, almost bad enough to cycle back into so bad it’s funny [The Tunnel was just plain pointless, there wasn’t even enough to hope it got better, but I was elbow deep in potting soil so I left it on])

2-D Man
2-D Man
11 years ago

Fidobogen’s brain is so well shielded it could probably block a small nuclear strike.

Fidelbogen’s brain is so well shielded, Vault-Tec took notes.

11 years ago


11 years ago

@kittehserf – Peau d’Âne is the tale you’re thinking of. (With the dresses the colour of the sky, the moon, and the sun. Or, in one version, The Sun, The Moon, and Time, which is way cooler, imho.)

11 years ago

(Is saying “testerical” okay, as a joke, do you think?)

God, I hope so!

11 years ago

That’s the one! I haven’t read it, I just know the name ‘cos it was Stepson the Elder’s favourite tale when he was a little kid. 🙂

11 years ago

One of the things that MRAs have claimed for years is that feminists don’t actually do anything except complain about the patriarchy on the interwebs. It’s kinda like street harassment. If you don’t see it you have no idea it is happening. So having decided that the sum total of activism is pissing and moaning on the interwebs Fiddly felt up to the challenge and an activist, by his definition, was born.

11 years ago

I clicked over on AVfM to read the doxxing, but couldn’t get past the picture. They must pay for a license from Offensive & Triggering Photos of Brutalized

Hembling and the rest of them are such hypocrites.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

“Milldewed Masculinism” would be a great book title.

As long as you have plenty of brain bleach at the ready.

11 years ago

@kittehserf, If you ever have the chance to see the film from the 70s, you should just for the way they do the dresses.

11 years ago

“Testerical” is awesome!

11 years ago

I admit–I’m generally pretty okay with doxxing, for certain activities–and one of them IS trolling, so no, I don’t think FemiTheist Divine gets a pass on that account. I do think there’s something of a ‘statute of limitations’, though, and her really offensive stuff is well over a year old and much of it’s apparently been redacted–which IS something that should be factored into the decision to dox. OTOH, for anyone remotely connected to the MRM to whine about doxxing is hypocrisy of the highest order; outside of the ‘big names’ who make a tidy sum selling books to suckers, the rest of them squeal like vampire centipedes when you flip over the rocks they hide under and expose them to sunlight.