antifeminism fidelbogen grandiosity gross incompetence hypocrisy imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny slacktivism straw feminists taking pleasure in women's pain the sound of his own voice twitter

@Fidelbogen sez: “We needn’t treat feminists fairly or ethically. Underhanded tricks r the order of the day.”

Silly Fidelbogen! Tricks are for kids!
Silly Fidelbogen! Tricks are for kids!

It’s labor day here in the US of A, a day for picnics, parades honoring our nation’s workers, and going through Fidelbogen’s timeline on Twitter looking for especially obtuse tweets from the always obtuse Men’s Renaissance Agitator and would-be philosopher-king of the Men’s Rights movement.

Yes, I know we just did Fidelbogen the other day, but we’re doing him again.

Because it’s my blog, that’s why!

And it’s worth it. Because Fidelbogen, who apparently fancies himself some sort of evil rhetorical genius taking down feminism with he power of his mighty words, has a knack for saying out loud what a lot of Men’s Rightsers think.  As I pointed out the other day, he’s admitted straight up that he’s far more interested in attacking feminists than in actually helping men. Which is clearly the case with most MRAs, as evidenced by their complete and utter lack of accomplishment in the whole “actually helping men” arena.

In his tweets, he often goes further, exposing the dishonest nature of these attacks on feminism. Indeed, a good portion of his tweets are basically him twirling his moustache as he explains the devious trickery he’ll be using to take the evil feminists down.

Here he is in full supervillain mode:

One of Fidey’s favorite themes is that he and his MRA buddies can define feminism, so suck on that, femmies!

Indeed, he won’t shut up about it:

Yeah, dude. Trust us — we know.

And here he suggests he’s far more interested in pulling women down than in raising men up:

What’s this? Straight up misogyny?

Oh, sorry, misogyny doesn’t exist.

Or … does it?

Do try to keep your story straight, dude!

Fidey is the master of baffling metaphor:

Ok, that didn’t make sense. Let’s try this one:

Huh. Pisspots, however unsavory, do at least serve a useful function. Is Men’s Rights Activism thus the equivalant of peeing on the floor?

Too complicated. Fidey tries a simpler metaphor:

And then marches off into the land of incoherence once again.

And then accidentally stumbles upon a truth:

Read that one over again, Fidey, and take a good hard look at yourself.

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11 years ago

I’m surprised Nolan agreed to “board” the courthouse.

11 years ago

Go Poutine! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Myoo — pirate!! *runs screaming*


Robert’s right, most of that strain that I’ve encountered allow for all religions that “follow the biblical god” so Judaism is in, but the idol worshipping Catholics are out (Virgin Mary’s an idol apparently)…and Mormons…no, just no.

The ones that really get on my nerves though? Jews for Jesus. Because I apparently look Jewish and thus get targeted by them and GO AWAY. (The whole assumed to be Jewish thing just amuses me, if I wasn’t so common I’d not care in the least, but I just don’t get it [I guess my last name looks fairly Jewish, to those utterly unfamiliar with actual Jewish names, but that doesn’t explain the reactions of, for example, Jews for Jesus folks])

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

My ability to stay on topic is currently lacking, and for that I apologize.

11 years ago

Argenti, you’re on a topic; that’s good enough for around here. 😀

11 years ago

My ability to close my tags properly is currently lacking, I see.

11 years ago

I had that “you look Jewish” thing once, and it was baffling. Not as baffling as someone saying it about you, though!

11 years ago

(The whole assumed to be Jewish thing just amuses me, if I wasn’t so common I’d not care in the least, but I just don’t get it [I guess my last name looks fairly Jewish, to those utterly unfamiliar with actual Jewish names, but that doesn’t explain the reactions of, for example, Jews for Jesus folks])

I had that “you look Jewish” thing once, and it was baffling. Not as baffling as someone saying it about you, though!

When I told someone that I was ethnically Jewish – their response was “but you don’t look Jewish!”

Yeah – ’cause we all have ridiculously big noses, curly sideburns, and wear yarmulkes 24/7. So, obviously, I was pretty annoyed by that comment…

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

What kind of real man doesn’t know that you can’t safely remove a bloated bloodsucking tick with a pair of pliers, choice or otherwise? I read that and immediately thought Welp, I guess feminism is safe then.

11 years ago

I think he meant the specialised tweezer for removing ticks: They are a subset of pliers.

11 years ago

Aw, this guy is as nonsensical as Edward Lear but about 1% as entertaining.

Sometimes it’s weird what can trigger a person. I read Fiddly Booger’s blah blah blah and then his one insight (the one at the end) really set me off. Mum had a brain haemorrhage a few months ago, is still in the hospital, and her damaged brain has become the master of blocking what it doesn’t want to know. A couple of years ago we nursed her husband until he died of cancer, and she was in the room when he took his last breath — the hardest thing she’s ever had to do — and now she’s constantly asking me to call him, to call each of his family members, friends and acquaintances, to hunt him down somehow, because even though she’s been told many times that he’s dead, “it just can’t be true!” Heartbreaking. And exhausting.

11 years ago

Fi, I’m so sorry. That’s awful. Internet hugs if you want them.

11 years ago

Oh god, Fi, that must be terrible. Hugs!

11 years ago

This fidel guy has never had a happy relationship with a woman. You can hear the sexual frustration oozing out of his armpits. He is a lost cause of misery.

11 years ago

I also read he doesn’t think there is a war on women. This is how deillusioned and misogynist he is. Anyone with common sense can see this within minutes. He only sees a ‘war on men’. As if that is something new in any shape or form? As if that can shadow the war on women? He is just a miserable piece of shit. He and his friend DannytheMRA are both equally crazy old men.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Can we not on the “crazy old men” trope? My crazy old man of a grandfather’s taken up residence in the dementia wing of a lovely retirement home and would never turn into this sort of misogynistic dirtbag (swapping war stories with the other WWII veteran like it wasn’t 60 years ago…that’s another matter [hey pecunium, I think we’ve found the source of my fondness for listening to them eh?])

11 years ago

SandinaFem has a habit of making drive-by comments with ableist or violent content, then never bothering to respond to being called out (and possibly not even bothering to read other comments at all).

I’m glad your grandfather’s in a good place, Argenti.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

I really have to wonder with drive-bys like that. Is the point to litter the comments with little turds to try to make it look like crap doesn’t get called out? Or to vent anger with all the ableism they have ingrained?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I thought the name rang troll bells, but I couldn’t place it so I assumed good faith. Oh well.

And yeah, lovely place, my mother hates the floor pets though — birds. She hates birds (to the point there’s a more or less unspoken shop rule not to tell her one when gets in. Which, with three open bay doors, happens with some frequency) He’s got a proper room, nicer than any of my apartments. No kitchen, for what ought be obvious reasons, but walk in shower with chair, huge closet that’s about as big as my bedroom sans bed (I could easily put a 250g tank in there, and a bed roll, and be the happiest little camper on the planet), bedroom, den/living room.

And, of course, a new war buddy to swap stories with. Seeing how I’ve long been the only one not to go “you told me that one already” I’m sure he’s pleased being able to repeat himself and not have anyone care (if they even remember!)

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