antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage entitled babies evil sexy ladies hamstering hypocrisy I am making a joke imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA red pill reddit sex shaming tactics sluts

Red Piller: Evil sluts not only want to have sex but actually want people not to hate them for it.

Men can also be sexy hamsters.
Men: Can also engage in hamstering

So the Red Pill subreddit, as you may recall, is a place for dudes to discuss the devious and possibly not altogether ethical or even consensual strategies they’ve come up with to … have sex with anyone they want. But their real goal is not just to have sex, but to control other people’s opinions and thoughts of them doing so. They want to silence all critics, and then even demand praise for their morally reprehensible or at least morally questionable actions.

Woah. It feels like my brain was just taken over for a second. Did I even write that? I don’t think I did. I swear I’ve read most of that paragraph before.

Oh wait.

NakedAndBehindYou 28 points 5 hours ago (33|5)  Feminists always say shit like "I wish I could have sex with anyone I want but I can't because patriarchy!!!"  When in reality, if they live in a first world country, they can already have sex with anyone they want. But their real goal is not just to have sex, but to control other people's opinions and thoughts of them doing so. They want to silence all critics, and then even demand praise for their morally reprehensible or at least morally questionable actions, in an effort to silence their own subconscious condemnation of themselves which results in painful self-inflicted guilt and shame.  That is all it really is: they are narcissistic and want to behave immorally, but cannot escape their own guilty consciences, so they try to block out the conscience via mental gymnastics AKA hamstering.

Oh yeah. That’s where it came from. I must have been possessed.

The Red Pill subreddit, where lying to women to get them into bed is perfectly acceptable but a woman having consensual sex is a reprehensible, narcissistic slattern with a gymnastic hamster for a brain.

NOTE: I found this quote through the always helpful Blue Pill subreddit.

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11 years ago

@ignotossium – I like the pencil and sharpener because it makes me think of vagina dentata.

11 years ago

For me, the irony of men who say that women don’t want sex, we want love, and we’re doing ourselves a disservice with casual sex or whatever, is that these are the very men least likely to provide love or anything that goes with it. They’re more about ownership.

11 years ago

Because it assumes sex is a payment women make to men, for a purpose. They trade their sex for love / affection / safety / belonging / bonding / whateverthefuck.

Sex is the unit of transfer for something else, because no woman really wants just-sex, in this little shorthand. It’s a price they pay for some other, nebolous service.

I remember the time when a woman, a few years ago, “really wanted just-sex” with me. I had met her one snowy day in the university’s yard when she asked for my lighter, holding a Garcia Lorca’s book open in her hands. She was pale, she was chain-smoking and was always talking slowly with a soft smile as if she was perpetually rousing from a daydream. She was as gorgeous and mysterious as she was scary. After a couple of months within which I tried to figure out what I wanted from her without much success, I thought that the moment came to do something, whatever it would be, and one day I offered to show her this particular bust of Dalida which can be seen somewhere in Montmartre and we, somehow, ended up in her flat with her undressing me and telling me to stop talking. She told me about hidden places and dangerous people she’d saw in Cairo, I kept her warm, she talked about the time she’d almost been raped in Beirut, I made her laugh. She was saying that it wasn’t serious and while I wasn’t sure if I was happy with that, I was profoundly grateful for what she was offering me and accepted that it would eventually end.
It ended two weeks after as I had to leave Paris to spend two months in an Arab country, she said that she’d be happy for the women I’d maybe meet there and we left each other with melancholic smiles on our faces and a bitter sweet taste in the mouth. I, indeed, met a woman there, a pretty and pleasant woman who wasn’t nor mysterious nor scary and I told her, as she was looking me with this damsel in distress look, that I’ll love her to death. We spent five years together, she cheated on me and has been a pain in the ass for four years and I dumped her before children had been involved but that’s another story, the one where men play the white knight in front of the beautiful damsel in distress and everything turn to shit because we must be punished for trying to follow some lame soap movie script.
When I came back to Paris, I decided, out of honesty (and a point of guiltiness) to tell her that I’ve found dat luv with another woman and, as a result, spent two hours with her crying and yelling at me that I treated her like a slut, that I was an asshole and that I didn’t know how to love. I pleaded guilty to all the charges as I wanted to appease her, she calmed down, tried to make a happy end, we fucked awkwardly, things turned to shit, she hooked up with a good friend of mine and decided to transform herself into a very jealous girlfriend, what she apparently has been for the last five years with him.

The morale of the story being : real sluts don’t real, virtually every woman on the earth try to trade sex for something. The world is just full of hypocrite and materialistic bourgeoises who don’t know that the problem isn’t being a slut, but lacking elegance while doing slutty things or trying to excuse their slutty behavior. There are women out there with a good slutty potential who can maybe become new Arletty if someone accepts it but one have to be careful with them and treat them right in order to prevent them from transforming into hideous bourgeoises.

11 years ago

When did this blog turn into the Penthouse forum letters section?

11 years ago

Maybe Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is desperate for someone to read his little fantasies, hence not bothering to have his own blog for them.

Bad luck, dude, your nym means “wall of bullshit, not interested” as far as I’m concerned.

11 years ago

Brz, /r/thathappened is available for your faux stories.

11 years ago

Brzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: cool story, not-French bro.

11 years ago

This day in history:
September 2, 1873
Man does not understand women are individual people, condemns women for alleged injustice of it all.

11 years ago

…and we left each other with melancholic smiles on our faces and a bitter sweet taste in the mouth.

Who’s gunna volunteer to check out what’s on the bookshelves of someone who thinks this is worth writing?

The truly. shitty. stuff. some people must read still leaves me gobsmacked.

11 years ago

What, you aren’t feeling moved by his pseudo-tragic wank material?

11 years ago

I am try to care.

11 years ago

OMG look what I found – a manly man being attacked by the Ferrets of Manboobz Doom!

(okay, they look like weasels, but we know ferrets are cunning like that)

11 years ago

The articles look hilarious.

11 years ago

Don’t they? I was looking for Life mag covers and got a heap of Man’s Life stuff as well, exactly the sort of things David uses here. Priceless.

11 years ago

Kittehserf – *winces at mental image of key-willy*

Y’know, I’ve always wondered why the vagina dentata was supposed to be so scary. Men stick their willies into orifices with teeth all the time. Some even pay for the privilege.

11 years ago

That reminds me of the jason bourne novels I haven’t read them for years so I can’t say why. Brz if you expand it add some action and cut down on the gibberish you might be able to find someone willing to read it. About the true story claim though its got a track record of making people read and watch things that are clearly fake but I don’t think its right for you as no one is going to buy that shit.

11 years ago

Wow. That was the most pseudo-French pseudo-story I’ve ever read.

11 years ago

Dear Brz I never thought it would happen to me…

Gods what pseudo intellectual bullshit.

Could we train a legion of carpet sharks to act as an attack squad?

11 years ago


When I was a teenager I was a huge fan of Céline, I also loved the dark humor of Henri Michaux and I thought that Stendhal was the greater novelist of all time. Now, I like Jean Genet, some poems of Mallarmé and, after having read Muray, I started reading the pessimist and the reactionary ones : Cioran, Caraco and Bloy.

You can still write badly, even after having read great authors.

11 years ago

shadists – I like your thinking!

John H – if Brz got rid of his gibberish there’d be nothing left. Which, granted, would be a win-win.

seraph – every time vagina dentata gets mentioned, my reaction is I WANT.

11 years ago

Brzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: we truly don’t give a shit what you’ve read.

11 years ago

I once co-wrote a short story with a character in it named Vengina Dentata. It was way more interesting and believable than anything Brz has ever written.

11 years ago

I once co-wrote a short story with a character in it named Vengina Dentata. It was way more interesting and believable than anything Brz has ever written.

I wrote stuff with aliens based on the Egyptian gods in a pseudo-medieval world – ditto.

11 years ago

Ah! Everything I’ve said here is true. I could at least prove that I’m French but I’m too lazy for that.

11 years ago

Look, you guys, I’m now a Girlion!

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