antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage entitled babies evil sexy ladies hamstering hypocrisy I am making a joke imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA red pill reddit sex shaming tactics sluts

Red Piller: Evil sluts not only want to have sex but actually want people not to hate them for it.

Men can also be sexy hamsters.
Men: Can also engage in hamstering

So the Red Pill subreddit, as you may recall, is a place for dudes to discuss the devious and possibly not altogether ethical or even consensual strategies they’ve come up with to … have sex with anyone they want. But their real goal is not just to have sex, but to control other people’s opinions and thoughts of them doing so. They want to silence all critics, and then even demand praise for their morally reprehensible or at least morally questionable actions.

Woah. It feels like my brain was just taken over for a second. Did I even write that? I don’t think I did. I swear I’ve read most of that paragraph before.

Oh wait.

NakedAndBehindYou 28 points 5 hours ago (33|5)  Feminists always say shit like "I wish I could have sex with anyone I want but I can't because patriarchy!!!"  When in reality, if they live in a first world country, they can already have sex with anyone they want. But their real goal is not just to have sex, but to control other people's opinions and thoughts of them doing so. They want to silence all critics, and then even demand praise for their morally reprehensible or at least morally questionable actions, in an effort to silence their own subconscious condemnation of themselves which results in painful self-inflicted guilt and shame.  That is all it really is: they are narcissistic and want to behave immorally, but cannot escape their own guilty consciences, so they try to block out the conscience via mental gymnastics AKA hamstering.

Oh yeah. That’s where it came from. I must have been possessed.

The Red Pill subreddit, where lying to women to get them into bed is perfectly acceptable but a woman having consensual sex is a reprehensible, narcissistic slattern with a gymnastic hamster for a brain.

NOTE: I found this quote through the always helpful Blue Pill subreddit.

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11 years ago

My favorite part of the whole “Women, don’t have sex because you’ll be an empty pizza box with no petals left who doesn’t respect herself!” thing is how suddenly sex becomes magically okay once you’re married.

Then you have infinite pizza!

11 years ago

So both sides of the gender debate are arguing that they should have unfettered sexuality, but the other gender should be ashamed of their amoral sexuality. Your problem with this is what? Equality is bad? Both sides are wrong?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Who said anything about men being ashamed of their sexytimes? As usual, you’re the ambassador for the Department of Make Shit Up.

11 years ago

So both sides of the gender debate are arguing that they should have unfettered sexuality, but the other gender should be ashamed of their amoral sexuality. Your problem with this is what? Equality is bad? Both sides are wrong?

No, you deliberately obtuse little wanker. All people of all genders should be allowed to have sex that they and their adult partners have freely consented to. No people of any gender should try to coerce others into having sex with them, which the Red Pill subreddit advocates men do in order to sleep with women.

This is not complicated, and I refuse to believe you’re incapable of understanding it.

11 years ago

Why do I never proof-read 9_9. “All people” up there should have been “all people who are adults.” Children and teenagers are definitely people, but adults should definitely not be having sex with them.

11 years ago

A woman is like a flower, and the petals represent her purity. When she has sex, she loses her petals, and a flower with no petals is worthless. That’s the one they do in sex ed classes,

Is that like, in special religious schools? Or does this happen in regular schools? I’m like… WTF?????

Regarding the lock and key some Manboobzer (possibly Argenti, I don’t remember) came up with the pencil and pencil sharpener analogy: A pencil that’s gone through all the pencil sharpeners is a useless little stump that nobody wants, but a pencil sharpener that sharpens all the pencils at the office is a fine and useful thing.
Funny that one isn’t more popular…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wasn’t me.

11 years ago

Kittehs: glad you got the shell. It’s still too warm for me to wear the dress I got. Temps will be in the hundreds for the next week or so, BOO.

This guy sounds mighty pissed that even the women he considers “sluts” want fuckall to do with him.

11 years ago

Have you heard this one? “It’s not in women’s best interest to be sluts.” I received this line after being kicked out of some shit for brains logic on youtube of some babbling anti-feminist. I told him it was also not in his best interest to be a complete moron but that doesn’t seem to stop him.

11 years ago

Ooh, I will definitely use that pencil sharpener analogy next time someone smugly speaks of locks and keys.
The combination of conceit and fractal wrongness has always been frustrating.

11 years ago

Is that like, in special religious schools? Or does this happen in regular schools? I’m like… WTF?????

Public school. Now that was back in the 90’s, so it’s possible they’ve improved since then, but I do know for sure it is still abstinence only education.

Bravo to whoever came up with the pencil sharpener comeback. I’ll have to use that someday when I hear the old key and lock line.

And if someone gives the one about “it’s hard for a man to get laid and easy for a woman”, just say “So as long as something is difficult to do, that means it’s good? It’s hard to hot wire someone else’s car. It’s hard to embezzle money at a bank.” and the flipside “Everything that is easy to do is bad? It is easy to cuddle a baby. It is easy to rub a doggy’s tummy and scratch her behind the ears”.

They also fail to realize that it is not always easy for a straight woman to find a sexual partner. The way some guys talk, a hetero woman can just snap her fingers and then handsome guys magically appear. Scott Bakula has never showed up at my doorstop.

My favorite part of the whole “Women, don’t have sex because you’ll be an empty pizza box with no petals left who doesn’t respect herself!” thing is how suddenly sex becomes magically okay once you’re married.

Then you have infinite pizza!

Not only does marriage cause infinite pizza, it also turns sex into an obligation. It really bothers me how many people will give women advice like “I know it’s a drag, but husbands need sex, so just do your duty and keep him happy”. Even women with bigger libidos aren’t going to be thrilled about sex when it’s described like a chore instead of happy fun times.

11 years ago

@dvärghundspossen: I love that analogy, although admittedly it kind of makes me think of vagina dentata.

11 years ago

@thebionicmommy – was just going to comment about the false equivalence of ‘difficult therefore good and cool and not bad and slutty and nasty’, but you beat me to it. right on, right on.

11 years ago

@thebionicmommy – was just going to comment about the false equivalence of ‘difficult therefore good and cool and not bad and slutty and nasty’, but you beat me to it. right on, right on.

And it’s kind of circular how it works Those guys will make fun of women who have sex and call them sluts. Then women decide not to have sex because they don’t want to be called sluts. Then they wonder why it’s hard to find straight women who want to have sex. If they really wanted to have sex with more women, then they should be against slut shaming.

11 years ago

{quote} If they really wanted to have sex with more women, then they should be against slut shaming.{/quote}

But they want the act of convincing a woman to have sex with them to [i]mean[/] something, which it doesn’t if she’s handing it out to just anyone.

‘Women only have sex with alphas -> having sex with a woman proves you are an alpha.’

… or something like that.

And, um, hi. *waves*

11 years ago

Hi Gin! Happy Labour Day, if you’re in a place where it is Labour Day today. I am celebrating by only getting out of bed once today in order to grab 3 Oreos.

Pointy brackets for your tags (><) will work better, and for the quote tag we use "blockquote" instead.

I'm sure someone will bring you a welcome package soon :).

11 years ago

I find there is often a lack of logic when guys want to police women.

I think I’ve mentioned before that a gay guy got mad at me for “using men” when I made out with 3 guys in the course of a year. I kinda wanted to mention that if making out with guys meant I was “using men” what did it mean when he had two one night stands in the last month with men? It doesn’t matter. If he wants to have sex with consenting adults have at it. If I want to make out with a consent guy then I will. Its all in good fun.

Welcome new folks! I see you’ve already gotten the welcome package!

Oh, gin its blockquote with around it.

11 years ago

Oh, gin its blockquote with arrows around it.

11 years ago

Hi, GIn, someone will be along with a welcome package shortly.

But they want the act of convincing a woman to have sex with them to [i]mean[/] something, which it doesn’t if she’s handing it out to just anyone.

Yep, that’s the icky MRA’s viewpoint.

That all women should have to modify their sex lives to massage men’s egos. That consenting to sex means less to a woman who has had multiple partners than it does to a woman who has had none (or few). That having sex with a hard-to-get woman is a trophy to be boasted about to other men.


11 years ago


I have no idea how anyone can complain that the people they want to have sex with are too…oh. Sad boner isn’t getting it from them, so call them sluts and immoral. Got it.

Less charitable interpretation: it’s not as much fun if she’s really into it :-/


They also fail to realize that it is not always easy for a straight woman to find a sexual partner. The way some guys talk, a hetero woman can just snap her fingers and then handsome guys magically appear. Scott Bakula has never showed up at my doorstop.

You have excellent taste.

11 years ago

@thebionicmommy have you seen some of the really clever responses to the key/lock thing?
You can make any analogy you like to make either side bad.
Like someone here once said about the pencil sharper/pencil one.

@augochlorella I think the logic is you only lose one petal/slice per person you have sex with.
IDK though. My school had abstinence only sex education….so I never heard that one.

Not only does marriage cause infinite pizza, it also turns sex into an obligation. It really bothers me how many people will give women advice like “I know it’s a drag, but husbands need sex, so just do your duty and keep him happy”. Even women with bigger libidos aren’t going to be thrilled about sex when it’s described like a chore instead of happy fun times.

This one always baffles me because studies have shown that married couples have more sex than single people do.
And that most married couples have sex at least once a month. I think people forget how infrequently they had sex before marriage. Or else just expect to have sex constantly….

And it’s kind of circular how it works Those guys will make fun of women who have sex and call them sluts. Then women decide not to have sex because they don’t want to be called sluts. Then they wonder why it’s hard to find straight women who want to have sex. If they really wanted to have sex with more women, then they should be against slut shaming.

Another factor in the one night stands difference in gender is women like to orgasm too.
There is no guarantee with a one night stand that a woman will get off. I think it is far more common and far more accepted that a woman might not orgasm than a guy might not orgasm.
Especially, because while blowjobs are readily accepted in pop culture cunnilingus is not.
AH, this topic gets really complicated really quickly.

Ally S
11 years ago

There’s this meme going around in feminist circles according to which women who have sex with lots of men are slut-shamed while men who have sex with lots of women are admired. I don’t think that’s quite true. It’s really common for men to say about other men who have had sex with lots of women that they’re “assholes” or “bastards” for doing so, so there really is a kind of slut-shaming for men as well. The difference is that female sluts are said not to respect themselves, while male sluts are said not to respect women.

Of course sometimes promiscuous men are called out for being promiscuous, but their promiscuity is much less likely to be pathologized and viewed with contempt. And in any case, slut-shaming is used to dehumanize and devalue women, whereas the equivalent shaming used against men just calls them out for engaging in a particular behavior. And most of the time I don’t even see that behavior being criticized – rather its seen as a “manly” thing to do.

Ally S
11 years ago

Also, I think a major reason for slut-shaming is not the perception that women are acting against their interests, but rather the perception that women’s sexual agency deserves contempt.

11 years ago

Gin pretty much got to the core of the issue. The dudes who whine about women having too much sex want their ability to persuade a woman to have sex with them to mean that they win at life because they’re just so special and awesome. This means that women who don’t want to fuck them are an obstacle in their quest to prove how manly and awesome they are, and women who do want to fuck them are no fun because then they don’t win any points in the game of “how to make sex less fun for everyone”.

11 years ago

Of course sometimes promiscuous men are called out for being promiscuous, but their promiscuity is much less likely to be pathologized and viewed with contempt. And in any case, slut-shaming is used to dehumanize and devalue women, whereas the equivalent shaming used against men just calls them out for engaging in a particular behavior. And most of the time I don’t even see that behavior being criticized – rather its seen as a “manly” thing to do.

In fact, a couple of my male friends have told me about how they are mocked by other men for being virgins. Of course, always with homophobia (“You must be gay!”). So, not only is male promiscuity “manly”, but they are ridiculed for not being sexual conquistadors over women enough.

An aside: One of them visited a forum for social anxiety, and, apparently, PUA/MRA/MGTOW nonsense caught on like a virus there, after which “virgin shaming” became popular. Which is interesting, because that seems like something that people actually concerned with men’s gender issues would want to stop.