So the Red Pill subreddit, as you may recall, is a place for dudes to discuss the devious and possibly not altogether ethical or even consensual strategies they’ve come up with to … have sex with anyone they want. But their real goal is not just to have sex, but to control other people’s opinions and thoughts of them doing so. They want to silence all critics, and then even demand praise for their morally reprehensible or at least morally questionable actions.
Woah. It feels like my brain was just taken over for a second. Did I even write that? I don’t think I did. I swear I’ve read most of that paragraph before.
Oh wait.
Oh yeah. That’s where it came from. I must have been possessed.
The Red Pill subreddit, where lying to women to get them into bed is perfectly acceptable but a woman having consensual sex is a reprehensible, narcissistic slattern with a gymnastic hamster for a brain.
NOTE: I found this quote through the always helpful Blue Pill subreddit.
Hamstering? The only thing reproductive I can associate with hamsters is eating your own young if you feel peckish. Can’t their insults at least try to make sense?
Yes, because a woman having consensual, enthusiastic sex means she’ll never be having it with a Red Piller.
Damn, they’re right! I DO want to have sex and not be hated for it, but none of the men I’m trying to lure into my evil slut web are cooperating. So I guess I can’t have sex with ANYONE I want and why would it be ok for those men to have sex but not me even though according to red pillers I’m supposed to give it up to anyone who wants and…
..fuck, my hamster just exploded.
That’s …
Does anyone else find the dude’s nym to be creepily in/appropriate?
Wow, this guy sneers at women complaining about how patriarchy prevents them from having the kind of consentual sex they want…. and then proceeds to describe the way patriarchy would punish them for having consentual sex… there’s a lot of cognitive dissonance here.
Also, nobody can have sex with whoever they want. There are things like laws and consent out there. Eesh.
Dude’s costume doesn’t really look like a hamster.
When I first looked at the picture, I thought he was wearing a totoro costume.
Hyena, the “hamstering” thing is a reference to the manosphere trope of the “rationalization hamster” which they say lives in every woman’s head and runs wildly on its little wheel to come up with rationalizations for everything.
Needless to say: Hamster. Kettle. Furry.
Cloudiah, the pic showed up when I did a search for “sexy hamster” so I’m saying it’s a hamster costume. It looks a little bit hamstery. He’s just not built much like a hamster.
If it weren’t for all of you, reading this Red Pill stuff would make me weep with fury. Instead, I can laugh.
Thank you!
LBT — no it isn’t just you.
And gibberish it is indeed. Cuz the only way feminist sec is morally questionable is if (No True Scottsman alert) she isn’t up to speed on consent. Or you’re using conservative definitions, and/or whining that some women *gasp* have sexytimes with other women!
I have no idea how anyone can complain that the people they want to have sex with are too…oh. Sad boner isn’t getting it from them, so call them sluts and immoral. Got it.
Perhaps I should introduce myself. Despite my name I’m a woman and I think of myself as a feminist. I absorbed most of my feminism in the ’70’s though, and I’m now catching up with the newer and to my mind more humane feminism that exists today. Yes, I’m older than most of you, on the other hand, I may be the only person you know who actually shelled out money to buy a Ms. magazine of the news stand 40 years ago.
There’s a TV show here called “The Hamster Decides”, where they sit behind giant hamsters for desks.
Hamster.Cat. Kettle. Black.The rationalization hamster they speak of?
Well, that’s a thing, isn’t it? Rationalizing every decision you make after the fact, coming up wtih flimsy excuses for your biases.
We’ve all seen it. “See, I want to judge ladies for having sex… it’s… immoral! Yeah, that’s it, immoral! I won’t explain why, you obviously understand it!”
Yep. If there is a rationalization hamster, it lives in the heads of MRAs. Full-time.
Am I bad because I enlarged the sexy hamster man’s picture and I’m immorally wanking off to it right now? (Yes, I’m typing with one hand. I’ve named him Scooter. He’s in a cage, running, running, ohgodyes.)
Welcome, Chris Wilson! I’m sure someone will hand you a welcome package shortly! And it’s okay, you’re far from the only reader raised during the second wave. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
RE: Lili Fugit
… 😐 *leans away*
Oh come on, boys — you want the “sluts” but they don’t want you. Say what you mean. use your words.
Sometimes parts of the manosphere overlap and PUAs look like less-angry Redpillers. Or maybe I’m just tired.
Somebody mention a Welcome Package being needed! 🙂
We’ve at least one other second-waver here too, Chris Wilson – mildlymagnificent (yay Aussies)!
I was criticizing his hamster-costume-making skills, not your choice of pictures. 😀
Welcome, Chris! I have a bundle of those early MS. magazines on my desk at work, because some troll claimed that they were a hotbed of man-hating. (To absolutely no one here’s surprise, they are not.)
Ninja’d by Kittehs! Curses!