antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? domestic violence fidelbogen grandiosity gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA slacktivism sluts why should we have to do anything?

Fidelbogen: Men’s Rights Activists! Forget about DV shelters for men. Focus on the important issue: yelling at feminists

Men's Rights Edmonton doing important human rights work by protesting Slut Walk
Men’s Rights Edmonton doing important human rights work by protesting Slut Walk

Our old nemesis Fidelbogen — the Would-Be Counter-Feminist Philosopher King — has taken on a dire, if altogether hypothetical, threat to the men’s rights movement as we know it today: the danger that actual activism that benefits men in the real world will get in the way of the feminist bashing that he thinks is job #1 for all good MRAs.

As he argues in a recent post:

Doing good things for men – opening DV shelters, men’s centers, passing male-friendly laws, and so on – is all very excellent and fine, but it does not attack the root of the problem.

This is kind of a remarkable statement for him to make, given that the Men’s Rights movement that Fidelbogen has attached himself to — or at least its very vocal online contingent — has so far succeeded in opening precisely zero DV shelters and/or men’s centers and has successfully lobbied for zero “male-friendly” laws.

Indeed, it’s only in recent months that any MRAs active online have managed to raise even a miniscule percentage of the money it will take to open much less operate a single shelter for men.

But apparently Fidey is worried that even these paltry efforts from MRAs will get in the way of the noble task of yelling about feminists. As he puts it, in LARGE BOLD TYPE so you know he’s extra serious:


 Anybody who claims to care about men, but doesn't savage feminism pretty harshly on a regular basis, is either a damned liar or a lazy, muddled fool with his head up his ass. There is simply no way you can care about men if you are not attacking feminism in one way or another.   And if I had to make the choice, I would even say that agitation is MORE important than activism. Yes, I would rather have a thousand people loudly slagging off feminism in my town, than to have one men's DV shelter open while nobody makes a squeak about feminism! And you can quote me on that.


Fidey, I don’t think you need to worry for a minute that MRAs are going to actually accomplish anything in the real world. And you can quote me on that,

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11 years ago

Kittehs, I worked with (and did union work with) someone with a very similar temperament to Fidelbogen. He wasn’t anti-feminist; he had a different slant. Oddly, he was amazingly competent at his day-to-day job. People can compartmentalize amazingly well at times.

All of his co-workers knew he was a self-important asshat, however.

hometeampaper, If you’re an MRA asshat, being featured in David’s blog is how you know you’ve arrived. Arrived as an asshat, which is all some people can aspire to. XD

11 years ago

p.s. A grand total of FOUR people (two of them Fidelbogen himself) saw fit to comment on his post.

He is a very important personage in the MHRM. LOL.

11 years ago

cloudiah – hometeampaper’s not an MRA, zie’s commented here before and had a welcome package and everything, I think.

Hard to imagine Fiddlebogan being competent at anything, compartmentalising or not! 😛

11 years ago

Aaaaand whoops, I think I misread your comment, cloudiah! Apologies!

11 years ago

It’s pretty hilarious that he thinks he’s winning by “tricking” David into mocking him.

11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago

Cloudiah, that was actually a superb example of a sentence with two drastically different meanings.

11 years ago

Cloudiah, that was actually a superb example of a sentence with two drastically different meanings.

At work, I am all about disambiguation. Away from work, I am apparently all about ambiguation. 😀

11 years ago

Hah at the idea that he tricked David into falling for something that just happens to be the entirety of his Twitter presence and his “Anti-Feminist Academy” posts. His whole persona is bad psuedointellectual battling an ideology with words, words, words.

11 years ago

David, if you’ve never perused the teachings of the Academy, it’s amazing comedy. I mentioned before that he actually does declare himself a Philosopher King there…and they all obey and admire him. A civil-rights movement without a sole intelligent member has a serious problem.

11 years ago



M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

This makes me really angry. These men would literally let their supposed “comrades in arms” get beaten and abused than take some time out of their busy schedule of mocking feminists on the internet. They are not pro men. They are pro abusing women and being lazy, entitled, douchebags.

Also, they keep talking about attacking “the root of the problem.” You know how feminists have managed to change culture so much in the last 50 years? By picking pet causes and fighting for them until the change happened. On many different fronts, at once. The “root cause” of the patriarchy still exists, but within a patriarchal system we’ve made things leaps and bounds better for women.

11 years ago

They definitely have no concept of the work that needs be done for a “civil rights movement” to be a movement at all. They think they can impersonate one by yelling on the internet a lot. Protip, MRAs: no one will believe you are about the things you claim to be about because you don’t do anything approaching the very minimum of the work necessary to be a movement. You don’t even care to learn what “movement” entails. Like the entitled types you are, you just yell a lot and expect the world to change because it’s you yelling.

11 years ago

I once was on r/MensRights, and some of them were bitching about male disposability and shorter male life span. This is a very interesting topic to me, so I posted that a very large part of the gap is thought to be caused by the fact that men tend to ignore their bodies’ warning signs and don’t follow doctors’ orders as carefully as women do. I made a bunch of suggestions for activism, from very small (go to the doctor yourself) to large (maybe do an AWARENESS campaign? With POSTERS?). And that killed the thread other than one guy saying it was more important to look at the “root causes” of that behavior, which apparently precludes any practical efforts. I assume the root causes are feminism and evil.

Kudos for trying to help them out, anyway.

It’s too bad the MRM can be so toxic, because I think there’s absolutely a place for groups that work to address men’s issues.

11 years ago

Yanno, I half understand him. Plenty of times I’ve written witless garbage on this very computer. Now we get to the bit I don’t understand.

Me? I hit delete and move on. Why does he hit Enter?!!1??1!!

11 years ago

Oh boy, so many emotions; on the one hand it feels good to have it reaffirmed that their “movement” can safely be shelved next to the KKK and the WBC, but on the other hand the actual suffering of men and these douches shitty attitudes towards that suffering are nauseating and endlessly depressing. The one thing I wish for the most in all the world is that all the hateful bigots on this planet one day have a moment of clarity and realize that they are the problem.

Also this link is pretty accurate in showing how people feel about feminists and MRAs:

11 years ago

At work, I am all about disambiguation. Away from work, I am apparently all about ambiguation. 😀

“I am all about ambiguation” would make a wonderful line for a hovercard. 😀

11 years ago

YoullNeverGuess, not sure if you’re aware of this already, but at least one such campaign already exists:

Not sure about the billboard with the easily-missed small print, but I’ve seen the same ad at bus stops where you can read the explanation much more easily.

Of course it’s not organized by the MRM, but by the U.S. Department for Health & Human Services. Feminist-controlled Big Brother funding a campaign to protect the health of men? What is this madness?

11 years ago

Hey folks, the creator of the Hitler Kino pic has joined us on that thread!

11 years ago

He’s like the MRA’s that think shutting down women’s shelters is the best way to help abused men, rather than opening men’s shelters. As long as things are equally bad for everyone, then everyone “wins”.

11 years ago

Shutting down women’s shelters would be the bigger win for MRAs – it’d increase the chances of abusers regaining control over their victims.

I’m also dubious about whether their professed concern for male DV victims is real. What’s the odds there’s a streak of “Why didn’t you just [violent act] her?” in their thinking? After all that’s what real manly menz do.

11 years ago

If MRAs set up a men’s shelter, they would have to shelve their homophobia pretty quick as I believe a number of their clients would be young gay men fleeing abusive families.

And in things that will never happen. ..

11 years ago

In the comments, Fidelbogen’s bragging about this post. You’ve fallen into his trap, David!

Because the most important part of the Men’s Rights Movement is scoring points against the Bitchez.

The fastest way to score points is to make the Bitchez RAEG with your Mighty Manly Might And Awesomeness.

And the best sign of Bitchez RAEG is peals of laughter and exasperated facepalming.

Therefore, ipso facto quid pro quo Fidelbogen has WON FOREVER.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@WeeBoy- that is a good point… there’s a conspicuous lack of support for male GBT homeless teens in the movement. On a related note, for any MRAs who are actually INTERESTED in helping with male homelessness, the Ali Forney Center is now accepting donations!