a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artistry boner rage disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women false accusations I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert manginas mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas

The Cartoon Artistry of Victor Zen, Men’s Human Rights Activist Human


I think I have a new favorite MRA. Sorry, this one’s an MHRA, because he spends all his time hanging out on A Voice for Human Men. (Oh, it’s still just A Voice for Men? Then Why did they put that H for “Human” in that other acronym?)

Anyway, his name is Victor Zen. And according to Victor’s MHRA Resume — and yes he really does have one — he is quite an awesome MHRA, I mean, just consider these accomplishments:

AVFM Forum Moderator (4/7/2013-7/1/2013)

  • Enforced AVFM policy in the AVFM forums
  • Maintained unity in MHRA community
  • Encouraged peaceful online activism

I mean, it totally sounds like he was one kickass AVFM policy-enforcing, MHRA-unity-maintaining, peaceful online activism encouraging moderator for nearly three months!

If I were hiring any MHRAs, I would definitely put Victor Zen’s MHResume (see what I did there) at the top of the virtual pile.

Oh, but that’s not all! Since then, Victor has been doing a bang-up job as AVFM Backup System Administrator, which I assume means he system administrates the hell out of AVFM whenever it backs itself into a corner, which it sort of does pretty much all of the time. (I think. I’m not really up on these sorts of technical things.)

But that’s not the part of Victor’s MHResume I want to celebrate today. For if you scroll down to the bottom you will find a list of his real accomplishments:

  • First day as MHRA: December 5th, 2012
  • Posters designed: 8
  • Videos produced: 38
  • Cartoons drawn: 18
  • Articles written:  27
  • YT Subscribers: 120+

Woah, woah, what’s that about cartoons?

That’s right, he drew EIGHTEEN MOTHERFUCKING CARTOONS. Not eight. Not eighty. EIGHTEEN.

That cartoon at the top of this post. That’s just a taste of just ONE of these EIGHTEEN cartoons.

You can can see the loving craftmanship — sorry, craftsMANship — he brings to the task.

Let’s take a look at the rest of them, which have been helpfully posted for us in a bunch of AVFM forum threads and on his own site.  Be prepared for some violence and maybe a teensy bit of hate, because the TRUTH IS NOT PRETTY. Also, neither is his terrible drawing style.

Also, one of the cartoons features a talking vagina.

Here you can see the ironic conclusion to the story started in the two frames above, as well as an assortment of other cartoons posted under the heading Victor.Zen On Absurdity via Inequality.

And here is Victor.Zen On the MHRA’s Enemy.

And Victor.Zen On the Screech of Feminism.

And wait there’s more!

Victor has posted some of his favorites on his own site as well. (He starts with the vagina one; apparently he’s quite proud of his passing familiarity with that sexual organ.)

He’s got posters, too.

As well as an explanation for why the word “mangina” is totally not misogynistic, just like a simple descriptive term with no misogynistic overtones that means a dude who’s, you know, a “philogynic misandrist.”

A Phil a who now?

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11 years ago

Jim Rustler, did you mean to post that comment here? I can’t make out what it is in reference to.

11 years ago

Eh, Jim Rustler’s comment is so boring and unoriginal and nondescript that it probably doesn’t matter where he . . . I’m sorry . . . yawn . . .

11 years ago

Political censorship?

Damn, Dave, he’s on to you! Your secret job as Gummint Censor of All Things Menz Sez is revealed!

Fuuuuuck the troll quality is bad these days.

11 years ago

I want my freeze peach! By which I mean, a delicious, fruity dessert!

11 years ago

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Someone explain to me how that translates to “No citizen of the US or any other country shall disagree with, refute, comment on or mock anything said by an MRA, regardless of how fuckwitted it is.”

11 years ago

Men fought and died so that women could post on the Internet. And we repay them by supporting comment moderation. Misandry!

11 years ago

I think Jim Rustler is not bright enough to check around and find out that first time comments are moderated so they don’t appear immediately, and therefore assuming he’s being POLITICALLY CENSORED OMG. Dude, chill.

11 years ago


there is another side to the issue

To the issue of whether or not Victor Zen has any talent as a cartoonist? What is the issue being so cruelly silenced by that dictator David?

11 years ago

What government is David censoring for, again? Is it the One World Furrinati government? Not cool, Dave, not cool.

11 years ago

Hush, Viscaria, you know David IS the One World Furrinati Government. HE IS ALL THE CATS.

(And other critters, but y’know, cats, they get upset if they’re not mentioned first.)

11 years ago

You can take our land, but you can’t take away our right to post comments on Twitter threatening to rape feminists!

11 years ago

I’m going to laugh if Jim Rustler doesn’t even bother to come back and tell us his super important opinions now that the heavy boot of political censorship has been lifted from his neck.

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri,

Bertrand Russell’s quote reminds me of the famous opening line from “Patton”;
“You don’t win wars by dying for your country. You win wars by making some other poor slob die for his country.”

As for Ven is concerned, I think his “Mommy Knows Best” shows some fledgling talent (for a fifth grade art student, that is.) But WTF is the baby crying? Babies cry all the time, and I doubt 98% even recognize their dads as Dad until they’re two years old or so. The kid is probably upset because that strange man is making a loud, unpleasant noise, so Mom is obviously trying to comfort Baby by taking said Baby away to a nice, quiet place for a breastfeeding and a nap.

I suppose the scene would have more impact if the crying kid was five or six, and trying to get back to Struggling Dad, but that would require a lot more talent and perspective work on Ven’s part, which Ven obviously doesn’t have. It would have even more impact if Struggling Dad was yelling “DAUGHTER!” instead of “SON!”, but Ven would never even think of such a scenario. If the kid was a girl, Struggling Dad would probably be saying “Good bye and good riddance.”

11 years ago

RE: Freemage

The whole focus on ‘hits’ is part of an ignorant belief that merely getting a lot of eyeballs on your site somehow directly translates to Big Internet Payoff$.

Yes, and it makes me point and laugh. YOU WISH IT WERE SO EASY, KIDDIES.

RE: Jim Rustler

Oh look, comments even suggesting that there is another side to the issue/is dissent are being completely removed/hidden while those who have no desire to confront said people proceed to complain and make false claims about MRAs.

Yay for political censorship!

1. This is a blog, not the freaking Senate. Censorship doesn’t mean what you think it means.

2. ALL ickle newbies get moderated. I got modded. Cloudiah got modded. EVERYONE. Stop thinking you’re special.

11 years ago

Even regulars get modded if we use words that’ve been overdone by certain trolls, or if we change our nyms.

11 years ago


And thank you, AIT, for reminding us that you are pro-sexual assault.

Sorry, who is AIT?

@Rustled Jimmies

comments even suggesting that there is another side to the issue/is dissent are being completely removed/hidden

Are you new? This is demonstrably untrue. Check out pretty much any comment thread here with 200 or more comments, and you’ll find an MRA or some other of manospherian spewing his idiocy all over the thread. If David didn’t let you dummies comment, who would we make fun of?

11 years ago

I think Jim Rustler is not bright enough to check around and find out that first time comments are moderated so they don’t appear immediately, and therefore assuming he’s being POLITICALLY CENSORED OMG.

Actually reading the comment policy before commenting is misandry.

11 years ago

AIT is An Inconvenient Truth, who posted a video of a man grabbing women’s breasts. Which is now gone. Or else I responded to it on the wrong post, which is not impossible!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — or too many links! The welcome package got put on Artistry for Feminism. And kittens. Because it got to the point that adding a kitten got it sent to the mod queue as link spam.

And I swear the blockquote limit has increased, but that may be perception.

Oh gods back when I first delurked! I was nervous and afraid I’d say the wrong thing and shit. And in no time flat pecunium, VoIP and I were discussing white supremicists (what ever happened to VoIP anyways?)

So nervous lurkers, come play! We’re nicer than we may seem (or maybe I’m just extra nervous, I mean, anxiety disorder)


Blue Jean — while the two quotes are getting at the same thing, I’ve never liked the Patton one. I think I’ve figured out why, it’s the difference between dying and killing — dying is a passive act, killing an active one. That other “poor sap” doesn’t just fall over dead, someone’s killed him. Which, yeah “making the other poor sap” puts it back as an active thing, but it still feels like it dances around the issue. And idk, it is a war movie, maybe it’s meant to, maybe the circumlocution helps get soldiers to shoot (or shoot back, or whatever). But as a quote outside movie land? Not terribly fond of it.

That’s in no way a judgement of you, wasn’t really until I saw pecunium’s post that it clicked what my issue with that Patton quote is.

Now, back to my vampire game where I have some poor saps to make die for their god (inquisition style vampire hunters, VtM:B, Bach, melee player, I hate endgame)

11 years ago

cloudiah – I was wondering who AIT was, too. Hopefully the little skeeve’s video is gone; I haven’t seen it elsewhere. Sometimes I think these cretinous trolls aren’t really satisfied (happy is too strong a word) until they get banned. They pretend they’re such noble fellows, but you don’t even have to scratch the surface to see what they’re really like.

DLColvin (llothcat)
11 years ago

These comics.. Awful. Just as da da as an earlier posting. I guess I could say that they’re just bizarre.

11 years ago

An Inconvenient Truth is Preggo Punchout, right? I swear, the number of socks, I get them mixed up…

11 years ago

I think Fact Finder was Preggo Punchout. Almost indistinguishable from Incontinent Twitass, though.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — I think David said he wasn’t, amazingly.

11 years ago


Inconvenient Truth is Fact Finder’s sock, if I recall.