a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artistry boner rage disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women false accusations I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert manginas mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas

The Cartoon Artistry of Victor Zen, Men’s Human Rights Activist Human


I think I have a new favorite MRA. Sorry, this one’s an MHRA, because he spends all his time hanging out on A Voice for Human Men. (Oh, it’s still just A Voice for Men? Then Why did they put that H for “Human” in that other acronym?)

Anyway, his name is Victor Zen. And according to Victor’s MHRA Resume — and yes he really does have one — he is quite an awesome MHRA, I mean, just consider these accomplishments:

AVFM Forum Moderator (4/7/2013-7/1/2013)

  • Enforced AVFM policy in the AVFM forums
  • Maintained unity in MHRA community
  • Encouraged peaceful online activism

I mean, it totally sounds like he was one kickass AVFM policy-enforcing, MHRA-unity-maintaining, peaceful online activism encouraging moderator for nearly three months!

If I were hiring any MHRAs, I would definitely put Victor Zen’s MHResume (see what I did there) at the top of the virtual pile.

Oh, but that’s not all! Since then, Victor has been doing a bang-up job as AVFM Backup System Administrator, which I assume means he system administrates the hell out of AVFM whenever it backs itself into a corner, which it sort of does pretty much all of the time. (I think. I’m not really up on these sorts of technical things.)

But that’s not the part of Victor’s MHResume I want to celebrate today. For if you scroll down to the bottom you will find a list of his real accomplishments:

  • First day as MHRA: December 5th, 2012
  • Posters designed: 8
  • Videos produced: 38
  • Cartoons drawn: 18
  • Articles written:  27
  • YT Subscribers: 120+

Woah, woah, what’s that about cartoons?

That’s right, he drew EIGHTEEN MOTHERFUCKING CARTOONS. Not eight. Not eighty. EIGHTEEN.

That cartoon at the top of this post. That’s just a taste of just ONE of these EIGHTEEN cartoons.

You can can see the loving craftmanship — sorry, craftsMANship — he brings to the task.

Let’s take a look at the rest of them, which have been helpfully posted for us in a bunch of AVFM forum threads and on his own site.  Be prepared for some violence and maybe a teensy bit of hate, because the TRUTH IS NOT PRETTY. Also, neither is his terrible drawing style.

Also, one of the cartoons features a talking vagina.

Here you can see the ironic conclusion to the story started in the two frames above, as well as an assortment of other cartoons posted under the heading Victor.Zen On Absurdity via Inequality.

And here is Victor.Zen On the MHRA’s Enemy.

And Victor.Zen On the Screech of Feminism.

And wait there’s more!

Victor has posted some of his favorites on his own site as well. (He starts with the vagina one; apparently he’s quite proud of his passing familiarity with that sexual organ.)

He’s got posters, too.

As well as an explanation for why the word “mangina” is totally not misogynistic, just like a simple descriptive term with no misogynistic overtones that means a dude who’s, you know, a “philogynic misandrist.”

A Phil a who now?

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11 years ago

@katz: Thank you for the best comic ever. *Favorited!

11 years ago

Everyone remember that it was written by Myoo!

11 years ago

David, I’d swear they confuse you with Michael Moore. I guess you could do worse.

11 years ago

@katz: Will do. Thanks to Myoo too!

@David Futrelle: It’s probably because they can’t visually distinguish characters from one another except by adding little accessory details. I don’t know how else to tell any of the characters apart in the comics by Mr. Zen anyway…

11 years ago

Katz and Myoo have the mad talentz!

11 years ago

That’s great, love the little federation logo tattoo.

Ally S
11 years ago

LOL mangina isn’t misogynistic? Keep dreaming, buddy. Words mean whatever you want them to mean!

Ally S
11 years ago

David, I think you missed the best one!

PFFFT wtf? MRAs are masters at silly poster making.

11 years ago

Myoo & Katz make an awesome team. katz, did you see that lowquacks also submitted a potential Pierre script?

11 years ago

RE: kirbywarp

People think “traffic” equals “popularity,” and you only become popular if you’re doing something correct, and “there’s no such thing as bad press.” Either that or it’s just a cheap defense mechanism against insult one learns in grade school. “Oh yeah, well I actually like the bad attention, so there!”

Yeah, but speaking as someone who’s lately relied on my online presence for survival money, that’s horseshit. I have a bit of a name for myself in a very narrow sector (the online multi scene), but that’s not where my money comes from. Popularity != follow through. And just because I’m getting pageviews doesn’t mean I’m popular; some dumbass reblogged me on tumblr and got me a handful of trolls and random passerby. Just because they sent me looks didn’t mean I made an IMPRESSION.

I realize you know all this already, it’s just something I encounteer all the time and it really bugs me!

Michael Søndberg Olsen

LBT, I haven’t forgotten my pledge to donate to you. It’s almost payday. Should I just donate via the donation thingie on your immediate page, or is there some other place that would be better?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

The thing about stick figure cartoons: if you can’t draw, then your dialogue, situations, amd characters had better be extra witty and engaging. Otherwise it just comes across as angry, incoherent scribbling.

For instance, a lot of the characters don’t have arms. I was scratching my head trying to figure out how the coal miner could work without arms. Then I decided he must be on disability, suckling from the nanny-welfare-military-abortion complex.

11 years ago

Does this twit fancy he’s the MRM’s answer to xkcd? Hate to disappoint him, but … no.

11 years ago

RE: Michael Søndberg Olsen

The donation thingie on my immediate page is just fine. I know it’s you, so it won’t cause a problem. Is there any specific writing you’d like to sponsor, or shall I send it to the general slush fund?

11 years ago

I would quite enjoy the MRA/MGTOW movement if they focused on issues men have in society or the joys of single life, instead of talking about how women are evil.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

Also, in regards to the Manboobz comic, they do realize that a good number or our regulars are men, right?

Michael Søndberg Olsen

LBT, anywho and how is up to you.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@Buttercup- Some of my favorite comics are stick figure/ very simple art (Dinosaur Comics and xkcd spring to mind). And for those, the ideas and writing have to be very sharp. Which this guy isn’t.

11 years ago

Oh, but they’re manginas, not Real Dudebros™. They don’t count.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

By the way, this blog really has a far reach. I made a new friend today, a young Persian guy contacted me, whose profile pic on Facebook is the one of Dave as a kid on this blog. The internet is weird.

11 years ago

RE: Michael Sondberg Olsen

Thanks! I appreciate this greatly.

RE: stick figure comics

I’ve enjoyed stick figure and cut-and-paste comics in the past. (MATT FEAZEL! King of the stick figure!) But yes, you generally require wit, good story, or something else to keep them going. This guy has none.

11 years ago

“This guy has none.”

What?!?! He has feminism portrayed as a pair of lips on a gigantic head with a mod pony tail! That’s artistry at its finest! 😀

Michael Søndberg Olsen

And no, that wasn’t a weird joke. I actually got friended from a guy in Iran, who likes the blog.

11 years ago