a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artistry boner rage disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women false accusations I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert manginas mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas

The Cartoon Artistry of Victor Zen, Men’s Human Rights Activist Human


I think I have a new favorite MRA. Sorry, this one’s an MHRA, because he spends all his time hanging out on A Voice for Human Men. (Oh, it’s still just A Voice for Men? Then Why did they put that H for “Human” in that other acronym?)

Anyway, his name is Victor Zen. And according to Victor’s MHRA Resume — and yes he really does have one — he is quite an awesome MHRA, I mean, just consider these accomplishments:

AVFM Forum Moderator (4/7/2013-7/1/2013)

  • Enforced AVFM policy in the AVFM forums
  • Maintained unity in MHRA community
  • Encouraged peaceful online activism

I mean, it totally sounds like he was one kickass AVFM policy-enforcing, MHRA-unity-maintaining, peaceful online activism encouraging moderator for nearly three months!

If I were hiring any MHRAs, I would definitely put Victor Zen’s MHResume (see what I did there) at the top of the virtual pile.

Oh, but that’s not all! Since then, Victor has been doing a bang-up job as AVFM Backup System Administrator, which I assume means he system administrates the hell out of AVFM whenever it backs itself into a corner, which it sort of does pretty much all of the time. (I think. I’m not really up on these sorts of technical things.)

But that’s not the part of Victor’s MHResume I want to celebrate today. For if you scroll down to the bottom you will find a list of his real accomplishments:

  • First day as MHRA: December 5th, 2012
  • Posters designed: 8
  • Videos produced: 38
  • Cartoons drawn: 18
  • Articles written:  27
  • YT Subscribers: 120+

Woah, woah, what’s that about cartoons?

That’s right, he drew EIGHTEEN MOTHERFUCKING CARTOONS. Not eight. Not eighty. EIGHTEEN.

That cartoon at the top of this post. That’s just a taste of just ONE of these EIGHTEEN cartoons.

You can can see the loving craftmanship — sorry, craftsMANship — he brings to the task.

Let’s take a look at the rest of them, which have been helpfully posted for us in a bunch of AVFM forum threads and on his own site.  Be prepared for some violence and maybe a teensy bit of hate, because the TRUTH IS NOT PRETTY. Also, neither is his terrible drawing style.

Also, one of the cartoons features a talking vagina.

Here you can see the ironic conclusion to the story started in the two frames above, as well as an assortment of other cartoons posted under the heading Victor.Zen On Absurdity via Inequality.

And here is Victor.Zen On the MHRA’s Enemy.

And Victor.Zen On the Screech of Feminism.

And wait there’s more!

Victor has posted some of his favorites on his own site as well. (He starts with the vagina one; apparently he’s quite proud of his passing familiarity with that sexual organ.)

He’s got posters, too.

As well as an explanation for why the word “mangina” is totally not misogynistic, just like a simple descriptive term with no misogynistic overtones that means a dude who’s, you know, a “philogynic misandrist.”

A Phil a who now?

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11 years ago

And now I must go pluck out my eyes and dip them in bleach. Thanks, David!

11 years ago

The link to his site repeats one to an AVFM post.

11 years ago

8 posters since last December? Artistry for Feminism and Kittens is kicking his ass. And, yuppers, I’ve drawn a hell of a lot more than 18 cartoons, and mine were full pages in color with real inking and lettering.

11 years ago

The text of the talking vagina one:

In exchange for your financial future and personal sanity, I will make you feel tingly and respected for 10 minutes.

We got a deal?

That is a really unusual way to talk about sex.

11 years ago

Isn’t VictorZen the skidmark who said he wouldn’t help a child if that child was a girl because she might one day grow up to become a Feminist?

11 years ago

I’m so glad you found these, David. They are amazing.

I’m not exactly great at drawing comics, but these actually look like the comic doodles I used to do in fifth grade. And can we talk about whatever is happening with the arms on that lady holding the baby?

I have to say that he’s actually spot on with the PUA one, though.

11 years ago

I can’t even tell what’s going on in most of these. Is it my inferior feminist brain that’s having trouble understanding them or his terrible drawing skills?

11 years ago

My favorite has got to be the strawman. I’ve never seen such perfect, distortion-free projection before!

11 years ago

Wow, I guess it’s good he has an outlet for his issues, but he can’t draw his way out of a bag.

11 years ago

Is there anybody new lurking? I’ve updated the welcome package with a fabulous new drawing from Dvärghundspossen.

11 years ago

I think the guy who said little girls shouldn’t be saved because they might grow up to be feminists was called Zed aka the Zen Priest. Not the same guys AFAIK.

Erica Stratton
11 years ago

I wandered over to his website and he links to a poster he designed “For use by my campus men’s group KSUM”. How old is this guy?

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Well look, he proves our point — misogynists view men as “real people” and women as “Other.”

11 years ago

TIL feminists are terrible because we are women who talk too much, and sometimes some of the things we say aren’t about how awesome men are. Welp, I guess I will renounce feminism forever.

11 years ago

Hey, thanks for the traffic!

11 years ago

And of course he has a comic that is not anti-DV but rather pro-men-retaliaing-against-DV (inflicted upon them by women.) He’s not trying to find a way for abused men to escape their relationships, and he’s not advocating for men who have fought back out of self-defense. He is quite clearly voicing his support for the right to hit women as long as they hit you first. Seems a gel of a lot more like glee at the idea of women being hit than support for any male abuse victims, who probably wouldn’t benefit in the slightest.

11 years ago

I read the top cartoon as meaning that women are Japanese.

11 years ago

I think its funny how he talks about logic and statistics in one cartoon, but ignores statistics in another when he claims that rapists get sent to jail.

11 years ago

Silly Shaenon, it obviously means that women are a secret muslim plot to instate Sharia law

11 years ago

Is he doing a Treachery of Images thing with the “We are from Earth” poster, or is that giving him too much credit?

11 years ago

Wow. You know, the reason I’ve never IDed as an activist is because I never felt like I had enough cred. But compared to this guy, I’m fucking AWESOME.

Also, hate to break it to you, guy, but I’m a member of the local comics round table. Eighteen half-assed strips in eight months is not that impressive.

11 years ago

This poster is so lolwut I made it my new icon; is it hilarious enough not to need an irony alert? Also, can anyone explain the meaning of the comedy/tragedy masks with guns? I got nothin.

11 years ago

Ivyshoots, that would require me to stare into the abyss, and I’d rather not run the risk of it staring back.

11 years ago

LBT you know it will. Smart move.

11 years ago

He’s reacted:

And I see turned up in this thread.

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