a woman is always to blame evil fat fatties excusing abuse harassment mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Roosh V forum members baffled that fat woman doesn’t welcome sexual harassment

Online dating: It doesn't always work like this.
Online dating: It doesn’t always work like this.

For a certain subset of horrible men, there are few things more infuriating than the fact that women they find undesirable can turn down men for sex. For this upsets their primitive sense of justice: such women should be so grateful for any male attention, these men think, that turning down even the most boorish of men shouldn’t even be an option for them.

Consider the reactions of some of the regulars on date-rapey pickup guru Roosh V’s forum to the story of Josh and Mary on the dating site Plenty of Fish. One fine December evening, you see, Josh decided to try a little “direct game” on Mary.

That’s what the fellas on Roosh’s forum call it, anyway. The rest of us would call it sexual harassment.

Josh started off by asking Mary if she “wanted to be fuck buddies.” She said “nope,” and the conversation went downhill from there, with Josh sending a series of increasingly explicit comments to Mary, despite getting nothing but negative replies from her.

After eight messages from Josh, with the last one suggesting he would pay her $50 to “come over right now and swallow my load,” Mary turned the tables, noting that she’d been able to deduce his real identity from his PoF profile, and asking him if he wanted her to send screenshots of the chat to his mother and grandmother. He begged her not to.

As you may have already figured out, from the fact that we’re talking about this story in public, Mary did indeed pass along the screenshots, and posted them online.

Poetic justice? Not to the fellas on Roosh’s forum. Because, you see, Mary is … a fat chick.

While dismissing Josh as a “chode” with “atrocious game,” Scorpion saved most of his anger for the harassed woman:

Look how much she relishes not only shooting him down, but damaging his reputation with his own family. She’s positively intoxicated with her power. Simply spitting bad direct game is enough to unleash her vindictive fury.

“Bad direct game.” I’m pretty sure even Clarence Thomas would consider what Josh did sexual harassment.

At any point, she could have pressed a single button and blocked the man from communicating with her, but she didn’t. She didn’t because she enjoys the feeling of power she gets from receiving attention from guys like this and then brutally shooting them down. It makes her feel much hotter and more desirable than she actually is in real life. She’s not there to meet men; she’s there to virtually castrate them for her own amusement.

I’m guessing here, but I’m pretty sure that nowhere in Mary’s profile did she encourage the men of PoF to send her explicit sexual propositions out of the blue. And I’m pretty sure she didn’t hold a gun to Josh’s head and force him to send a half-dozen sexually explicit harassing messages to a woman he didn’t know.

Athlone McGinnis also relies heavily on euphemism when describing Josh’s appalling behavior:

I don’t think its primarily the revenge she’s after, its the validation. She is enjoying the power she has over this guy and wielding it brutally because it shows she can maintain standards despite her weight and the doubtless numerous confidence issues that stem from it. In blowing up this guy for being too direct in his evaluation of her sexuality, she affirms the value of her own sexuality.

Oh, so he was just being “direct in his evaluation of her sexuality.”

In short: “I am wanted, but I have standards and can choose. I have so much agency despite my weight that I can go as far as to punish those who approach me in a way I do not like rather than simply blocking them. I’m teaching them a lesson, because I’m valuable enough to provide such lessons.

So apparently in Mr. McGinnis’ world women who are fat aren’t supposed to have agency? They’re not supposed to be able to choose? They’re supposed to drop their panties to any guy who offers to be their fuck buddy or tells them to “suck my dick?”

Also, I’m a victim bravely standing up against online bullying/harassment-look at me!”

Yeah, actually, she is. Get used to it, guys, because you’re going to see a lot more of this in the future.

This isn’t just a laughing matter for her. She needs to be able to do this in order to feel worthwhile. She has to be able to show that even she is able to maintain standards and doesn’t have to settle for just any old guy asking for any old sexual favor simply because she resembles a beached manatee.

And it’s not a laughing matter for you either, is it? You’re actually angry that a woman said no to a sexual harasser — because you don’t find her attractive.  And because Josh — from his picture, a conventionally attractive, non-fat fellow — did.

Mr. McGinnis, may a fat person sit on your dreams, and crush them.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Michael — I statements dude, I statements. Cuz I’ll totally back that *I* have never managed to be coherent and delusionly paranoid, but that doesn’t mean our troll/Poe is either delusionaly paranoid or any other sort of mentally ill.

11 years ago

@Uriah the Dancing Kitty

White straight men are overpriveleged but lots of women, racial minorities, LGBT people, have also done objectionable activities, even to other disadvantaged groups

Well, obviously if even one women commits a crime, feminism is over. I mean, sure white men have disproportionate amounts of privilege and power, but what are we thinking? Any oppressed group has to be sunshine and rainbows all the time for their equality movemnt to mean shit!

11 years ago

Thanks for the Jedi hugs, Marie. It was a long time ago at this point, but I still sometimes get grumpy about it, wondering how my life might have turned out without all that crap.

11 years ago

I remember the arsenic coffee comment, but not which reprehensible asshole said it. Who was it, Argenti?

Michael Søndberg Olsen

I know, Argenti. And marie explained it better than anyone could.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Michael — pretty sure Marie ninja’ed me but I’ve got like three things going on over here, so I’m sorry if that came off as a pile on.

hellkell — Obsidian, to pecunium, quickly bringing him to the top of my short list of people I will swear at on sight.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

I deserved a pile on. No and if or but about it.

11 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot that Mr. 90% got religion a while back. Ugh, I sure hope it’s not him.

11 years ago

It’d be much more fun if the trolls would adopt a persona like Amos Starkadder in full rant at the Church of the Quivering Brethren. “There’s no butter in Hell!”

/Cold Comfort Farm reference

11 years ago

Argenti: Oh yeah. Obsidian wrote so much shit.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

Who is obsidian? Some long running troll?

11 years ago

Not long as in around a long time, but posted massive walls of douchetext for a while. I skipped most of ’em, so I’ve no idea what the arsenic coffee was about.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

Oh, just searched. eww…

11 years ago

“Ewww” is right.

11 years ago

RE: diz

The point is this; do you resolve the situation peacefully, or do you relatiate?

She did resolve the situation peacefully. She peacefully informed the guy’s family members of what he was doing. Stop pussyfooting around and pretending that’s comparable to physical violence.

If this girl had been creeping this guy and sent him nude pics, you guys would shit a brick house if he posted them online.

Uh, no. Creepers who keep creeping and harassing people deserve to have their harassing messages and surprise genital pics posted online. Seriously, wtf is your issue. You seem to be arguing shit nobody here actually agrees with.

RE: Uriah

Freedom of thought and open-mindedness are important over all else.

Oh good. Then that means I can be totally free to think you’re an ass and say so.

lots of women, racial minorities, LGBT people, have also done objectionable activities, even to other disadvantaged groups.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Gee, it’s almost like disadvantaged groups are humans too, and therefore sometimes do shitty things!

Many of the major political assassinations have been carried out by this conspiracy, including the singer Selena (killed by feminist bully activist Yoland Saldivar).

Uhhhh huh.

David Allan Coe wasn’t always the nicest person but he can sing better than David Futrell

David Allen Coe was a racist fuckweed with a fetish for the Confederate flag. Why the hell should I care if he can sing? There are plenty of non-assholes who can sing.

11 years ago

Singing is a marker of worth, now?

That’s me done, then.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

The arsenic comment —

You will find one of my rare walls of explitives beneath it.

11 years ago

You want to hear something really sad? Being in a DV situation, heavy on the emotional abuse, and being told the exact same thing that you were told in school, by the “grown ups” you trust. Just ignore it. Don’t react to it. Zie is just a punk, so don’t take it seriously.

It doesn’t stop if you ignore it, whether it’s in school or an adult relationship. When a bully’s tactics are ignored, keep turning up the heat until it’s impossible not to react somehow. They keep pushing, poking and prodding until they find that soft spot and get the fight that they’re looking for, whether it be an argument or an excuse to throw their hands. And its never their fault. Ever.

Because… this is what bullies do. Thankfully, most of them grow out of it, develop some empathy and move on. Some don’t, which is all the more reason to deal with it early.

Bob Goblin
Bob Goblin
11 years ago

Wait, did I miss someone dissing dinosaurs?

Also, virtual fistpump to “Mary” from this story.

11 years ago

Ha! Looks like Uriah Heap of Fail was Mr Al. The Dark Lord has banned him.

11 years ago

There is something very wrong with that boy.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — well that lasted long!

Nova — how’re things? Feel free to email me if you’d rather answer privately.

11 years ago

I’m starting to wonder how many trolls are ACTUALLY MRAL and how many are some random dude with an IP scrambler that we just assume is MRAL. You know, kinda the converse of ‘we are all David.’

11 years ago

The fact that they all sound the same isn’t really relevant, imo, since trollese is a well known language that’s apparently rather easy to pick up.

11 years ago

I was bullied in elementary school. However, I had a few advantages; I was the sixth of seven siblings going through the school, my parents had been in the PTA longer than some of the teachers, and I had no compunction about ‘tattling’. The bullies learned that I would tell on them. What made the difference was that the teachers knew they had to take me seriously, or my parents would make things very uncomfortable for them. I never did learn to fight.

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