all about the menz douchebaggery entitled babies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men the c-word

Real-World Man-activism: The photographic evidence



Above, a picture that’s been floating around online for a little while, helpfully meme-ified by Manception on the AgainstMensRights subreddit.

Below, a picture of an anti-abortion protestor at the Texas State Capitol that Amanda Marcotte posted on Pandagon a while back under the title Silent Mansplaining. Which pretty much sums it up.




Have any of you run across any similar photographic evidence of real-world man-activism you’d like to share?


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11 years ago


Thanks for hugs 🙂

11 years ago

Beagle kisses! And a guinea pig with message for stepmonster:

11 years ago


D’aww.Best guinea pig ever. 😀

11 years ago

@Marie – TBH I’m not really sure if it’s that or that they just think that everyone is straight actually, and anyone who says otherwise is either traumatized or lying. Luckily I don’t live around them anymore, and I’m coming to a point where I can actually choose to never go home again if I don’t feel like dealing with it, which is a nice feeling. It’s mostly only a problem when I’m at their place; I feel a lot more in control when our communication is all text-based or through Skype, as it is when I’m not living with them. I figure I’ve got a month and a half left of time to do with them, and then anything else is at my discretion.

I’m just still seething over my dad saying, last time I was home, that he wouldn’t even consider moving into an apartment that advertised as LGBT-friendly because he “has nothing in common with those people.” It’s like… really, Dad? Nothing? Nothing at all? Like, some of them might also work in computers or advertising, or they might like biking and grilling things, and I hear football’s a popular thing among lots of people, you don’t think those are some things you could have in common?

I was so close to just picking up and leaving, saying something smarmy about how, oh well, I guess I was right and we’ve got nothing in common but genetic material, then. Ugh. I’m not looking forward to Thanksgiving through New Year’s.

11 years ago

Bleh, sorry for dumping; I did not come in meaning to do that :/

In other news, I love you guys and this is how I envision a room full of the people who hang out in the comments here <3

11 years ago

It’s okay. I feel very lucky that we’ve pretty much gotten away from our folks; we haven’t spoken to them in over a year now. My feelings are mixed; despite everything, I can’t really be angry at them. I mostly feel sorry for them, because I know that they don’t understand why they left, and seeing their tendency to deny, ignore, and erase anything that they don’t like, they probably never will, and that’s a sad state to be in.

11 years ago

dustydeste: I think that room needs more cats.

11 years ago

hellkell: Heh, this is true. Just imagine kitties in place of the spittoons (and dog/children, depending on your particular sensibilities)?

11 years ago


@Marie – TBH I’m not really sure if it’s that or that they just think that everyone is straight actually, and anyone who says otherwise is either traumatized or lying

And I didn’t consider that last one :/ Probably cuz I’ve never had the misfortune of meeting someone who thought like that (from what I could tell. I’m not a mind reader.)

Ugh. I’m not looking forward to Thanksgiving through New Year’s.

🙁 Good luck? And internet hugs, if you want them.

Uriah the Dancing Kitty
Uriah the Dancing Kitty
11 years ago

I’m going to laugh when the first US woman president is homophobic and anti-choice. That will really be damaging to feminism. Feminism will never be able to throw all women like including Maria’s stepmom into a box and demand complete agreement.
And the LORD spoke unto me, saying “PLEASE SPREAD MY MESSAGE UNTO THE DOMAIN OF MANBOOBZ. YOU ARE LIKE UNTO URIAH THE WIFE OF BATHSHEBA, MURDERED BY KING DAVID BECAUSE OF HIS MRA ACTIVISM. THESE MANBOOBZERS are a crude and stiff-necked people, but I shall give thee great honor and proectecion.”

11 years ago

And you guys thought Asher was a boring troll?

11 years ago

Dude, Feminism does not mean women are perfect. There are plenty of men who ar homophobic and anti choice. That hasnt managed to damage the patriarchy at all.

PS, fuck you for laughing at something that would negatively affect gay people and women.

11 years ago

@uriah the dancing kitty

I’m going to laugh when the first US woman president is homophobic and anti-choice. That will really be damaging to feminism

And how many male US presidents have we had who were homophobic and anti-choice? White men occupy 80% of the house of representatives, 80-85% of the senate, and all but the last US president. Who do you think is writing homophobic, anti-choice laws? It doesn’t seem to be that many women.

Also, feminism does not mean all women are perfect. Get over it.

And sadly I cannot respond to the last half of your post because it seemed to desolve into incoherent mock up bible talk.

11 years ago

Mr. Al?

11 years ago

I think Uriah is no treally a dancing kitty. How intellectually dishonest.

11 years ago



And he hasn’t come back, too. I suppose that’s good, but I’m booorrreeeeddd.

11 years ago

Uriah’s a bit behind the times. We’ve had one woman Prime Minister here, and while she was definitely not anti-choice, she could be called homophobic (or else more concerned with numbers than doing the right thing on this occasion) when she went for the “marriage = man and woman” line. So whoop-de-do, does latest borning troll think that would come as a huge surprise in a country like the US?

11 years ago


Wait, you mean there are other countries that aren’t the US? ::dies of shock::

11 years ago

Psh, Uriah. Explorenature was more entertaining.

11 years ago


Wait, you mean there are other countries that aren’t the US? ::dies of shock::

::dies laughing::


11 years ago



M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@tcwill- iknowright? I can assure you, the whole point of that story was not that Uriah was any sort of activist of any kind.

Also, in regards to misogynist women, of course they exist. Women are dripping in patriarchy too. That doesn’t mean that we as feminists don’t want to help them realize the way that patriarchy is damaging them, and fight against their actions when they would take freedom away from women everywhere. You know, same as we feel about the men.

11 years ago

Wait wait wait…Uriah the wife of Bathsheba? I can’t be the only one who noticed that.

11 years ago

RE: Karalora

That’d require me to read through Uriah’s Bible babble. No thanks.