all about the menz douchebaggery entitled babies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men the c-word

Real-World Man-activism: The photographic evidence



Above, a picture that’s been floating around online for a little while, helpfully meme-ified by Manception on the AgainstMensRights subreddit.

Below, a picture of an anti-abortion protestor at the Texas State Capitol that Amanda Marcotte posted on Pandagon a while back under the title Silent Mansplaining. Which pretty much sums it up.




Have any of you run across any similar photographic evidence of real-world man-activism you’d like to share?


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11 years ago

Saw this article the other day and the sheer fuckery involved boggles the mind.

11 years ago

@Marie, thanks a lot. I think I’ve found a good way to manage, though. I’ve managed to get in touch with myself a lot more recently and realize when it’s happening, and like I said putting off my normal routine and finding something novel to focus on helps me cope a lot. Everyone’s brain works differently, so I don’t know if that would work for you, but I hope you feel better too!

@Cloudiah, that’s a neat website 😮 I’ve been meaning to teach myself to cook for a long time and that’s really helpful.

11 years ago

Imagine if he were your brother.

My sister had a pregnancy scare a while back and my brother offered to pay if she wanted an abortion. (And no, the fetus, had it existed, would NOT have been his by any stretch of the imagination.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

If you can’t muster the energy to do them from scratch there’s always store bought dough. As for general advice, sorry, I’m with Marie on this one, I’d be less in a funk if I had any.

11 years ago

@Beagle, uuugh, those stupid fetus dolls, that are always of a fetus way further along in the development cycle than could be legally aborted anyways, for extra intellectual dishonesty. Luckily I think most of the kids who got them just assumed they were supposed to be aliens or something :p

11 years ago

@M Dubz:

Good lord. What kind of asshole complains specifically about his *sister’s* reproductive choices? I feel like this must be in some way linked to the new research suggesting that men with sisters tend to be more conservative than men without…

These sorts of things make me really grateful for my brother. He may be a mentally ill alcoholic who causes us a lot of sorrow and worry, but at least he’s a kind and loving person who respects the rights of others. I’d rather have him than some fuckhead who thinks that he owns my body like that. Ewww.


I wonder if dude in the picture realizes how many creepy overtones of incest his little sign campaign suggests. I mean, there’s really only one way that you can claim that the fetus your sister had aborted was “yours”…

I don’t think asshole sign guy is the same as asshole would-be uncle guy. Which is really depressing, actually.

11 years ago

DireSloth – didn’t one high school get into the news ‘cos the kids had fun mutilating those creeptastic fetus dolls? I seem to recall reading about it on Raw Story, or something.

11 years ago

Maybe- except the dolls came with ‘informational pamphlets’ so the kids who could read would know they weren’t aliens.

11 years ago

I wish someone would make actual early stage fetus dolls just to illustrate how silly the tugging at the heartstrings sentimentality of it all is, because to me early stage fetuses could best be described as looking like an alien shrimp.

11 years ago

That dog in the second pic is so cute!

The child in the first could be in danger of drowning, though. And the bloke in the third of a gas attack.

YES! Feminfurrinati!

11 years ago

@M Dubz – I haven’t seen that research and it sounds interesting; do you know where I can find it? I want to see if it could be partially contributed to conservatives having larger families (which I’d have to look into as well; I suspect that’s the case, at least in the US, but I don’t have any data to show it atmo), which would increase the chance of any given boy having a sister, as well as increasing the chance of his being conservative.

Plus it just sounds like an interesting study even if that’s not the case.

11 years ago

All hoomins are equal…ly able to serve the furry overlords!

11 years ago

@ DireSloth

The recipe for chocolate chip cookies on the back of the nestle chocolate chip bag is very good, and not too tricky, but if you want simple, go with shortbread: flour, sugar, butter. Possibly with chocolate chips added.

11 years ago

Depression, fortunately, isn’t that high on my list of issues, but I have a piece of paper with a long list of things I do that help my mental health. I have to stuck on my wall, because when I’m depressed or otherwise not at my best, I often forget. My list of things ranges from the tricky (draw/write/make comics–even if they’re bad) to the simple (watch Disney movie). I also have a list of books that are useful for different things. James Herriot, for instance, is my depression author.

It’s also more for when we’re in a highly dissociated state, but I keep a copy of the Bad Day Book in our wallet. It’s not as thorough as the big long list, but it’s a decent pocket guide.

11 years ago

In other news, “Frost” turned out to be a boy (Petco gave me the wrong paperwork–I called the rescue and got the correct dates for all the immunizations, etc.) and is now named Pantalaimon–provisionally. I’m having a hard time finding him a good name. He likes following me around and trying to play with my hair. Jade won’t come sit with me unless I pick her up, but often stays if I do. They are both on antibiotics for the “kitten cold” they picked up while at the shelter.

Pantalaimon likes to try to play with Jade, and almost ended up riding her today. He’ll sleep on her given half a chance.

More pics of the babies:

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

You’d think for the almighty men they are, they’d do a better job and not make the thing look so drippy.

@Dire Sloth

I can understand that feeling pretty well. As for an easy cookie recipe, this one is from a cookbook compiled of recipes from various professional wrestlers.

Perry Saturn’s Super Cookies
1 box of cake mix (any flavor)
1 egg
1/2 cup of oil

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-Mix all ingredients well
-drop teaspoonfulls of the dough onto a greased cookie sheet and bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown.

Makes 3 dozen.

11 years ago

My favourite cookie recipe

It’s really easy and soooo delicious.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hey LBT? Wtf do I do with page 6? Be glad I don’t get out enough for it to matter?

Page 5…hi pecunium! Thanks for being quite possibly the only person I’d list who actually answers the damned phone! (Seriously, everyone else I know is like my age – 35 and we apparently can’t work cell phones, despite having been teenagers when they really started existing [oh how I miss my Nokia with the interchangeable face plates!])


My suggestion for anti-depression:

This lady is happy and makes me happy.

11 years ago

I think it’s kind of sweet when men say, “we’re pregnant.” Yes, it’s rather cheesy, but it indicates to me that the man is showing his commitment to his pregnant lady and his desire to support her in what will ultimately become a major joint effort.

@Zombie Marie, I had the same reaction. I guess in my mind, ardent reader / vandal / reverse sexism complaints / misogynist slurs are very disparate categories. But there they are all together, in one glorious picture.

11 years ago

So, I just watched that video and, well, I had fun.

11 years ago

I had a miserable day, listened to so much fuckery about Chelsea Manning, and eventually lost my temper at one of the sub-eds. I am homesick and I want to go home.

11 years ago

Hugs if you want them, WeeBoy.