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Real-World Man-activism: The photographic evidence



Above, a picture that’s been floating around online for a little while, helpfully meme-ified by Manception on the AgainstMensRights subreddit.

Below, a picture of an anti-abortion protestor at the Texas State Capitol that Amanda Marcotte posted on Pandagon a while back under the title Silent Mansplaining. Which pretty much sums it up.




Have any of you run across any similar photographic evidence of real-world man-activism you’d like to share?


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11 years ago

I’m surprised no one on r/mr or over at AVfM has claimed “credit” for this activism.

11 years ago

Maybe that guy got excluded from a book club for not being a “real” novel-reader?

11 years ago

Oh, that guy in the Capitol. Fuck him and his sign. I’m so glad I wasn’t there in person, that would have sent me over the edge.

11 years ago

cloudiah – at least we know it wasn’t JohntheOtter. After all, he wouldn’t have had time to paint his scrawl before hundreds of machete-wielding feminazis attacked him.

Zombie Marie
Zombie Marie
11 years ago

I know this is slightly off-topic but the top picture is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day, thought that may just be because I am 1) moody today and 2) kinda weird.

11 years ago

When I saw that first photo earlier I thought it was a poe. Doesn’t look shopped, though…

11 years ago

Y’know what makes me sort of laugh about Mr “I Regret My Abortion” and his fetus-pic tee shirt? If he’s making out the fetus is the one doing the regretting, then there’s someone alive to be feeling that way. Presumably, a soul. In which case, why are they particularly worried about not having gone through an earthly life?

Not that I think Mr Dumbass has thought about any of that, but the question of who the “I” is amused me.

11 years ago

Kitteh, a lot of the dudely dudes at the Capitol protesting were full of regret over the abortions women in their lives had had. One wankstain was testifying that his sister deprived him of being an uncle.

11 years ago

I might have known. O_o

Yet it’s “my” abortion. Yeah, because you’re outraged that your womanthing (including sisterthing) did something independent, aren’t you, fellahs?

11 years ago

Stuff like this? (Sorry, not sure how to post photos!)

Zombie Marie
Zombie Marie
11 years ago


One wankstain was testifying that his sister deprived him of being an uncle.

Good lord. Gah. Can’t these guys get over the fact that they can not control other people. Sheesh.

11 years ago

Yeah, the idea that women should have any legal independence, any control over our own lives, is an endless source of rage for these shitstains. It’s a betrayal of Amurricka!!!!eleventy!! that anyone but white dudes should have a say in anything whatever.

(I’m not suggesting for a millisecond the US has a monopoly on misogyny, racism or any other ‘isms, of course, just thinking about the particular scumbags in question.)

11 years ago

Wow, that’s taking the obnoxiousness of the dudes who say “we’re pregnant” when their wife is to a whole new level.

11 years ago

Urgh, I hate that “we’re pregnant” line. Like, I’m happy you two are happy and feel close, but no, dude, you are not pregnant. Even if you have sympathy pains, you are not pregnant.

11 years ago

Reblogged this on respectsexwork.

11 years ago

If ever there was a time to pat someone’s belly and ask when they expect the contractions to start, “we’re pregnant” is that time.

11 years ago

I’ve always assumed “we’re pregnant” was just a way of saying “we’re having a baby.” It’s the only way stuff like that and “we’ve been trying to get pregnant for a couple months” made sense as a phrase…


The fact that it was at a protest turns it from obnoxious to kind of vile in my mind. Like… I can imagine someone saying it as a father, but taking ownership of your sister’s pregnancy? Gah. Huge balloon of entitlement.

11 years ago

Sorry for going off topic, but we seem pretty tolerant of that here, and as a long-time lurker I think I finally have something to talk about. So, for the past day or so I’ve been in a depressive funk. This is weirdly encouraging, as I’ve never realized I’m in these moods so early before. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do tomorrow, since I’ve accepted my normal routine is out for a while, and for some reason I immediately thought I should bake cookies. I’ve been trying to learn to cook for a while, but have never baked anything before. I’m wondering if I’ll have the mental energy to go through with it, but focusing on something I’m not used to helps when I’m in these moods. Anyone have a simple cookie recipe, or general advice?

Zombie Marie
Zombie Marie
11 years ago

@Dire Sloth

hope you feel better soon/ find a way to manage your depression :/ Depression sucks. Interweb hugs if you want.

Anyway, only two recipes I use (from my dad) are:

Ranger cookies

One cup butter or margarine
One cup granulated sugar
One cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
One tsp. vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour
One tsp. baking soda
One half tsp. baking powder
One half tsp. salt
2 cups old fashioned oats
2 cups crisp rice cereal
One cup shredded coconut

Heat oven to 350°F. Cream together butter/margarine, sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Add flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Blend until smooth. Fold in oats, rice cereal, and coconut. Roll into balls and place on a greased cookie sheet. Flatten with the tines of a fork. Bake for 10-12 minutes.


Chocolate Chip Cookies

One cup (2 sticks, or ½ lb.) butter or margarine
¾cup granulated sugar
¾cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
One tsp. vanilla
2¼ cups all-purpose flour
One tsp. baking soda
One half tsp. baking powder
One half tsp. salt
2 cups chocolate chips

Heat oven to 350°F. Cream together butter/margarine, sugar, and vanilla. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Mix until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoon on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden-brown.

Ideally those will be good :3 I don’t do cookies much myself though.

And general advice, no, 🙁 If I had good advice on managing depression I’d probably have a better handle on my own XD*

*explanation: my depressions been flaring up for like…wow the last month or two. Quite a while.

11 years ago

My father, according to my mother, vomited routinely during all seven of her pregnancies. She had no such problems, and, indeed, wound up weighing less after each delivery. She told me, when I was in high school, that if she had had to go through what she saw some of her friends go through, she would have stopped at two.

As number six of seven, this was somewhat disconcerting.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

Good lord. What kind of asshole complains specifically about his *sister’s* reproductive choices? I feel like this must be in some way linked to the new research suggesting that men with sisters tend to be more conservative than men without…

11 years ago

I wonder if dude in the picture realizes how many creepy overtones of incest his little sign campaign suggests. I mean, there’s really only one way that you can claim that the fetus your sister had aborted was “yours”…

11 years ago

Imagine if he were your brother. That has got to be awkward at family gatherings. Assuming his story is true. If it were false, wow. That would be even more awkward.

11 years ago

@DireSloth, Sorry about the depression, that sucks. Internet hugs if you want them. I don’t have advice, but I like lots of the recipes here so I suspect her cookies are also good:

Zombie Marie
Zombie Marie
11 years ago


Imagine if he were your brother

My brother is already pretty cool, but compared to this guy he looks like a saint….

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