antifeminism boner rage dozens of upvotes evil women mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy penises pig ignorance racism reddit the enigma that is ladies the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind

Women are lying when they say they want more dicks on TV, Men’s Rights Redditors explain

Artist Louise Bourgeois also pretended to like dongs.
Artist Louise Bourgeois also pretended to like dongs.

So for some reason the fellas on the Men’s Rights subreddit are discussing an article by Australian newspaper columnist Clementine Ford in which she expresses her desire to see more dongs on television.

As she notes, there are plenty of boobs on display on HBO shows like Game of Thrones, yet “rarely are we treated to the visual smorgasbord of a well stocked meat platter. ” Ford is sick of it.  “So bring on the parade of wangs, willies and woodies!” she demands. “I’m fond of a wand and I’m not ashamed to say it.”

I’m not terribly familiar with the writings of Clementine Ford, but evidently she’s not big on subtlety.

Anyway, the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit aren’t having any of it. Nuh uh. They ain’t buying it, ladies! You may write columns about how you want more wang on TV. You may talk about it with your friends. You may have gigantic collections of peen pics hidden away on your hard drive.

But the MRAs of Reddit know better. It’s all some devious feminist ploy, as Steampunk_Moustache helpfully explains.

Steampunk_Moustache 1 point 5 hours ago (2|1)  It's rather funny seeing feminists pretend they want to see penises just so that they can make this (weak) argument, isn't it?  Women don't want to look at dicks. Women don't get turned on by the sight of dicks.  Do you know who gets turned on by the sight of dicks? Ironically, straight men.

Huh. That took an odd twist at the end there.

But it’s our old friend Giegerwasright who provides the real answer, in the form of a wall-o-mansplainin’ so giant that I had to shrink the text to even screencap it.

giegerwasright 27 points 10 hours ago (31|4)  OK, my negroes. I'm going to lay this out for you. Because the women in this article and the writer of this article... they aren't interested at all in the male form. Not a single bit. They're just being spoiled brat children (as usual) stomping their feet and nasally sneering "what about you! what about you!" They're just looking for something to whinge about and make demands of (as usual) that they never really have any interest in making use of.  How may women in visual arts profess an adoration for the male form? Can you name a single female visual artist who has expressed her passion for that male form through her art in a manner that is sublime? I can't. I can easily fine male visual artists who do so. Michelangelo's David is a pretty classic example. Everything by Caravaggio stands out quite beautifully. Mapplethorpe's photos of men show a passion for the male form, a passion that ultimately killed him, that I have never in my life seen expressed in a single woman's work. Never. Women don't appreciate or even like the male form very much. They like what it gets them.  You're just as likely to find men who express that adoration for the female form as you will the male. I'd start with Mona Lisa, but I find that painting to be rather reserved and dispassionate. Take a look at the work of John Singer Sargent. Picasso expressed adoration for the female form both in and out of his cubist works. Monet, Manet, Van Gogh, to Man Ray and Helmut Newton. On and on and on is a list of male artists with a visceral and obsessive adoration for the female form.  And female artists? What do they like? Nearly unilaterally, they seem to prefer the female form as well. They are not driven by the same compulsion for the opposite sex that so many male artists seem to experience. They just aren't interested. What did Frida Khalo paint? Herself. Georgia O'Keefe? her vagina. Cindy Sherman? More women. Even pop photographers are more interested in the female form. Look at the work of Bunny Yeager. Women as artists are only concerned with their own form.  The only interest that women have in the male form is it's utility and as fodder for humor. "tee hee! a penis! tee hee!". These women aren't requesting "cocks". They don't want "dicks". They aren't raging for "erections". They want "dongs". Fodder for jokes. Remember when Ensler came out with the Vagina Monologues? We all know it here. The play waxed poetic about the beauty and versimilitude of the female organ. What did men get that year? That year, the penis got "Puppetry of the Penis". A joke. A ridicule. A parlour trick. A fucking carnival act.  So, when women clench their fists and bawl with quivering lower lip "Why dere is no dongz on da tee vee!?!?" I have to respond "Because you don't fucking want them. That's why."


So why exactly are women pretending to be interested in seeing more penises on television? So they can point at them and laugh?

Women are such an enigma, especially if you just assume that nothing they ever say is true and that it’s all part of some weird plot to screw with men’s heads.

(H/t to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to geigerwasright’s lovely comment.)

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11 years ago

Sex with MRAs must be just friggin awful. “Do you ever think you moght like to do a strip tease for me?” “STOP PRETENDING YOU LIKE SEEING ME NAKED YOU KNOW YOU ONLY PUT UP WITH IT SO THAT I WILL BUY YOU SCENTED CANDLES.”

11 years ago

I’d presume a film of a man walking naked on the beach would not concentrate on the penis much. It would depend a lot on the angle it is filmed from I suppose.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago


The issue with the dude texting people his junk?

It’s non-consensually sexual.

Yeah, it seems like some of these folks really do not understand what consensual means.

11 years ago

Sure, that’s right, women have absolutely NO interest in the male form. Yaoi, slash, and shounen-ai NEVER EXISTED. My sister CERTAINLY doesn’t have a special folder of pictures of men banging for her enjoyment. I DEFINITELY don’t know any women who gush over cock.

RE: talacaris

I’m feeling kinda bored and I have an impulse to go back trolling.
Can I, please?

Wait, you were a troll? Ohhhh, that’s right. You’re the one I always forgot.

RE: YoullNeverGuess

If you see a picture of an attractive naked man giving the camera a come hither look, and his junk is soft, then you know the picture is a LIE.

Am I the only person this bothers? Because. Uh. Erectile dysfunction is a thing.

11 years ago

Michael Søndberg Olsen

“Breasts vs. Penises”, NEXT on the SYFY channel!

Now, now, Michael–Syfy has a much higher standard of entertainment than that. Now, “Peenado vs. Breastcano”, THAT would suit Syfy.

11 years ago

I’d much prefer Breastcano. I feel like the penises would wip around and hurt more.

11 years ago

@Viscaria: “But I already have scented candles… That I bought myself…”


11 years ago

Yaoi, slash, and shounen-ai NEVER EXISTED.

You know, you can probably add “Furry Porn” to the list. Lots of women in that genre too.

Of course, since the community has a much higher proportion of gay males than the general population, women can quite happily monazite their love for drawing dong.

11 years ago

I like the argument that we don’t see penises because women don’t like them. Censorship has always been controlled by the powerful women, right?

Obviously, men want to see way more penises in video games, for example. It’s just seeing a woman protagonist who has a boyfriend that really angers them. They might identify with the woman and become gay! (gasp!)

11 years ago

RE: Michael

“Breasts vs. Penises”, NEXT on the SYFY channel!

Breasts would win. (I’ve never quite understood some folks’ insistence in porn that the erect penis is hard as rock and steel. Guys, I realize you put immense stock in your erection… but it’s really not that impressive.)

11 years ago

I feel like a broken record here, but once again – yaoi. Full of naked men, centered around the visual pleasure that women take in looking at men’s bodies, and mostly in drawn form because censorship laws would ban it in a nanosecond if it featured actual carbon-based bodies.

(And for those familiar with Japanese pop culture, have you ever seen a copy of An An magazine? The cocks are the only thing they don’t show on their male models, and it’s not because nobody wants to see them.)

Michael Søndberg Olsen

Oh dear… what have I wrought?

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

I KNOW RIGHT? I was just arguing with an obstinate little annoyance the other week who was claiming women were ruining everything by drawing sexualized pretty boys everywhere. BISHOUNEN RUINING THE WORLD OH NOES.

It’s weird. I mean, I’ve always felt weirdly guilty about being a gay man, and yet being almost completely unmoved by gay male depictions of gay men. (With the exception of Leonard and Larry. It is my comfort reading.) All the gay on my shelf (that’s mine, I mean) is written by women. *spreads hands* Is it my fault they seem way less likely to be COCKCOCKCOCKCOCK all the goddamn time?

11 years ago

(He recently referred to “the suppository of knowledge.”)

… And I thought the Shrub was a national embarrassment.

Well, he was, but he had a bigger stage. 😛

Abbott’s a nasty piece of work. Back in his student days he lost the election for president of the student union to a woman. His reaction on election night was to go with a bunch of his bully-boy mates to her campaign office and smashed his fists into the wall inches from her head.

He’s said virginity is the greatest gift his daughters can give someone.

He calls marriage equality “the fashion of the moment”. Presumably he doesn’t think his sister, who’s lesbian, should be able to marry.

He praised a candidate in the current election for being “feisty” and for her “sex appeal”.

And this guy denies being a misogynist and homophobe.

11 years ago

Actually I agree that in general I don’t find flaccid penises particularly arousing, but that’s because a flaccid penis is a visual signal that the man you’re looking at isn’t aroused, and I’m not a rapist. It amuses me that the “research” fails to take this into account. Why would women be aroused by flaccid penises? I mean, some women probably are, but not being so isn’t exactly proof that the same women wouldn’t be far more interested if the penises in question weren’t signalling “not right now, thanks” in visual terms.

11 years ago

My guess is the core of this is good ol’ MRA generalising again. Not the part already discussed, about women, but about penises. It’s not “women aren’t interested in looking at penises,” it’s “women aren’t interested in looking at MRAs’ penises”. It’s not the penis that’s the problem*, it’s the bloke it’s attached to.

*Though I wouldn’t mind betting plenty of MRAs are no more intimately acquainted with personal hygiene than they are with women, so the penis itself might well be a problem.

I just went looking for The Dirty Normal, which has excellent articles on actual science and sexual matters, particularly about women’s desire and the bullshit framing it gets, and what do I see? That imbecile Ian Ironwood has been trotting out his douchestupidity on the latest article. MRAs, flashing their ignorance to the world.

11 years ago

Kitteh: is Abbott the knob who smirked throughout Gillard’s speech about misogyny a few months back?

11 years ago

Bound to be, hellkell. I didn’t watch the speech, but he’s the Opposition Leader and would have been very visible because of the seating arrangements. Though I daresay more than one Liberal douchecanoe smirked about it.

Molly Ren
11 years ago

I just want buttons of this woman’s quotes. Or maybe just a t-shirt saying “I’M FOND OF A WAND.”

11 years ago

There is at least a little bit of truth in the OP’s statement that, ironically, straight men seem to be the most obsessed with penises.

11 years ago

@LBT, I’m puzzled as to why my preference in erotica bothers you? If I’m looking at a sexy picture of a naked man, I think the picture is much sexier if his penis is erect. I think generally penises are much sexier when they are hard, and I’ve heard many, many other women express the same preference, though obviously there’s a wide diversity of opinion. Honestly, I don’t see what that has to do with ED. I don’t find pictures of people with bad allergies very sexy either, but it’s not because I look down on allergy sufferers.

What am I missing?

11 years ago


I don’t think that LBT was complaining about how he thought it was worrisome that a lot of people find an erect penis is more arousing than a flaccid one.

I read LBT as saying that the idea that if there’s a picture that shows a naked guy with a come hither stare and a flaccid penis then the stare must be “a lie” (the implication being that if he were really aroused then he’d have an erect penis) is problematic because men with erectile disfunction can be sexually aroused and still have trouble getting an erection.

11 years ago
11 years ago

I think the idea that a come-hither look has to mean one is already aroused is a trifle odd. Desirous, yes, but that doesn’t have to mean physical arousal.

11 years ago

DRAs are much more tolerable than MRAs.

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