So for some reason the fellas on the Men’s Rights subreddit are discussing an article by Australian newspaper columnist Clementine Ford in which she expresses her desire to see more dongs on television.
As she notes, there are plenty of boobs on display on HBO shows like Game of Thrones, yet “rarely are we treated to the visual smorgasbord of a well stocked meat platter. ” Ford is sick of it. “So bring on the parade of wangs, willies and woodies!” she demands. “I’m fond of a wand and I’m not ashamed to say it.”
I’m not terribly familiar with the writings of Clementine Ford, but evidently she’s not big on subtlety.
Anyway, the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit aren’t having any of it. Nuh uh. They ain’t buying it, ladies! You may write columns about how you want more wang on TV. You may talk about it with your friends. You may have gigantic collections of peen pics hidden away on your hard drive.
But the MRAs of Reddit know better. It’s all some devious feminist ploy, as Steampunk_Moustache helpfully explains.
Huh. That took an odd twist at the end there.
But it’s our old friend Giegerwasright who provides the real answer, in the form of a wall-o-mansplainin’ so giant that I had to shrink the text to even screencap it.
So why exactly are women pretending to be interested in seeing more penises on television? So they can point at them and laugh?
Women are such an enigma, especially if you just assume that nothing they ever say is true and that it’s all part of some weird plot to screw with men’s heads.
(H/t to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to geigerwasright’s lovely comment.)
I don’t know WHAT Brz once, but erect dicks seem to be one of them. If it gets him out of here, I’m more than happy to shower him in dicks.
Brz makes me sad for my French neighbors, who are very nice, friendly people who say hi whenever we cross paths. Seriously, even though his Frenchness is fake, I’m sorry that they have to even THEORETICALLY share a country of origin with him. (And seeing as they’re in the Boston suburbs too…)
Thank you very much.
If I had a tip to give it would be to go find a group of people who will be aggressive towards you and engage them in a confrontational way, you’ll learn the language faster while defending yourself with it than by doing small-talk under the sun.
No, thank you, being a delicate boy, I’m uncomfortable with the vulgarity of his paintings, I prefer the Jean Genet’s short movie.
It has been a while since I left Boston. It has been a while since I came back to France.
The boss can probably check my IP, but it would probably don’t stop you from being brainless paranoid people and you’ll continue to say that I’m not French. Whatever.
Oh this guy again
You know, if we don’t believe something that seems suspicious, that doesn’t make us paranoid, it makes us skeptical.
Tom of Finland does paintings?
RE: Brz
being a delicate boy
RE: YoullNeverGuess
Nah, Tom of Finland mostly worked in pencil or charcoal. But somehow, I can’t be surprised that Brz got it wrong.
You mean go be a simmering mess of misogyny and hatred for women somewhere, right?
PS: doing small-talk under the sun sounds nice. Why don’t you go do SOMETHING under the sun?
PPS: I mean it about the simmering hatred for women. You called us all teenaged girls–that was your go-to to try to put me down. Why is that? Why should be shamed to be compared to a teenaged girl? Why do you hate them?
Brz: just fuck off. You are useless.
Vas te faire foutre, Brz
This is the part where I beat the pub table with my beer stein and demand a full frontal nude scene featuring Jeffery Dean Morgan.
Make it so!
*throws mosquito netting over thread* it’s the least I can do!
As for labels at art galleries…oh pecunium! You guys, he’s capable of acting like a kid in a candy store! We’re discussing if it’s I-beams or girders (I am sure of the former as I’m familiar with the artist, damn if I can name him though!) Anyways, we get to the label and he goes running over for a better look and is counting I-beams when I catch up, because something about a Jewish something and the number being important. Which he’d have totally missed if we didn’t go to see if the label could answer the I-beam or girder debate.
At the least there WILL be a blurb about the artist, the date (or a guess if not known) and the title. Explanations of where it was painted // the photo was taken // etc are not uncommon. All the more so when it isn’t obvious, e.g. narcissist ex and I were in a museum in Toronto and there was a life size sculpture of First Nations men on an I-beam (or maybe girder!) overhead, with a note that it was meant to display the dangers of the job (none where harnessed and even at door frame height it looked a bit scary [and this was a height I’d jumped gaps at before we put in all the walkways for Kiss Me, Kate — it was the long narrow beam that got to me, at <10' up])
I absolutely covered myself in glory when I was asked to help hang lights at my college theatre and froze up the moment my foot hit the catwalk.
Not my finest hour.
@Howard Bannister
Not necessarily, you can be a proud liberal in front of the “human biodiversity” advocates and other Ur-fascists crowds, a libertarian in front of what’s left of the good old Stalinist communism, a pro-American fanatic in front of the non-American, etc…
Although, feminists are better because, strangely enough, from my experience (which is fairly wide in this matter), they are the most aggressive, the ones who who want to destroy you completely, will attack you from every angle, even over a small divergence of opinion, it’s… special, I’ve never experienced something like this before. It’s a weird thing when you think about it, that the internet neo-nazi weirdos are less agressive and more… human in their way to deal with Internet fights than your average feminist cyber-warrior…
P.S: none of your business.
P.S.S: I didn’t call you all teenage girls. I said that I needed some post-teenager daddy’s girl liberal student to enlighten me and teach me how to not rape and how society works and stuff.
I don’t hate post-teenager daddy’s girl liberal students, it’s just that they made a reactionary out of me and convinced me of the need to silence very much every spoon-fed fucker under 25 who thinks his opinion should matter because he’s just read Bakunin/Marx/Beauvoir or, worst, because he learned what anarchism/communism/feminism is on a 101 blog.
RE: Brz
I don’t hate post-teenager daddy’s girl liberal students, it’s just that they made a reactionary out of me
No, sweetheart, YOU made a reactionary out of you.
It’s a weird thing when you think about it, that the internet neo-nazi weirdos are less agressive and more… human in their way to deal with Internet fights
Yeah. I mean, if they weren’t saying horrible things about other people and denying the Holocaust, they’d totally be nice folks!
Really, Brz. You’re supposed to be French. I’d think that you’d have the LEAST liking for sympathizers with the assholes who, among other horrific things, blasted your hypothetical country.
Maybe he’s neo-Vichy.
RE: katz
Also, I just LOVE how he is apparently more okay with neo-nazis, because sure, neo-nazis are bad… but at least they’re POLITE! More polite than those eeeeevil feminists, who as we know, have caused far more trouble for the world.
That is TOTES fucking awful. The only thing worse is some jagoff who keeps barging in where he’s not wanted, pretends to be French and is just a contemptible shithead.
No one makes you DO anything, that’s on you. Nice abuser logic ya got there.
RE: hellkell
And yet, during the great Asher shitfest, I notice that Brz sure was silent, considering that Asher was the DEFINITION of some spoon-fed fucker who only knew the most rudimentary things.
Sure, Brz, we believe you.
He had to display Spoon-fed Fucker Solidarity and let Asher have the floor.
Who’s Asher?
Brz, he completely shat all over at least eight pages worth of thread in the fake geek girl thread. Go check him out if you want; maybe he’ll entertain you.
Yes, yes, Brz, we all know you feel more at home with the neo-nazis.
Also, I’m a feminist cyber-cleric, not a warrior.
This Asher sounds like Pecunium with a functioning (and non-neurotic) brain, he has the same tendency to argue over insignificant details tirelessly for hours, in a emotionless and “rational” way, which is scary and weird, but, at least, he’s better than all of you at it.
Argumentative people are so boring. There’s no such thing as The Truth and if there is one we wouldn’t find it using Aristotelian logic, science or whatever.
Let’s insult each other instead, truth is wrapped, hidden into little corners waiting to illuminate us for a second, we can see it sometimes when we insult each other. Fuck science.