alpha males irony alert it's science! masculinity PUA

The Most Alpha Male Book Cover Ever?

Out of my way, puny beta fountain!
Out of my way, puny beta fountain!

This is the actual cover for a little self-published alpha-male how-to book I found on Amazon, and Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™ve ever seen a more awesome book cover in my life.

I mean, letโ€™s just start with the fact that becoming an Alpha Male apparently makes you literally a giant, and somehow in the process removes any shadows or reflections that you might have previously cast upon the world. And it makes you irresistible to similarly gigantic women, provided they are standing at an angle that bears no relation to earth gravity and lit by their own light source.

And then thereโ€™s the weirdly ambiguous title of the book, which suggests you are becoming an Alpha Male for other men.

The book description is pretty awesome as well.

HOW TO BECOME AN ALPHA MALE FOR TODAYโ€™S MAN. How to become an alpha male is the trending topic among men all across the world today. In this book you will find an easy to follow simplified guide to transforming into the man whom women are diligently seeking after but fail to find.

Why would you want to turn yourself into a man the women canโ€™t find?

This informative book will satisfy your quest for who you are. You are an alpha male who deserves the excitement and pleasure and all the luxuries the life of an alpha male have to offer.

Like the luxury of expanding to THREE TIMES NORMAL HUMAN SIZE!

You will find proven techniques that will save you valuable time and money also sure fire methods that will guarantee promising results. Based on extensive and expensive field research the author T.Mills have scientifically gathered useful data that have been tried and tested with striking results.

Apparently he never tried and tested his promotional copy with a copy editor, though.

After reading this book you will find yourself excited about becoming an alpha male. Imagine being in control of unlimited pleasure. Your desires fulfilled simply by applying these step by step methods. Having your way in every situation without worrying about the threat of opposition. This is the life of an alpha male. How To Become An Alpha Male For Todayโ€™s Man contains the necessary tools in an intimate one on one encounter within this book.

Wait, what? Is he suggesting that we … have sex with the book?

Because that works for me. This book cover is just that irresistible.

I might even have to procure this work of literature and read it, or something.

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11 years ago

Argenti — even as a longtime veteran of MTA travel, I’ve been known to get on trains “backwards” and go the opposite way I need to be going. Especially if I have to be somewhere at a particular time and am nervous.

Fortunately I live at the last/first stop of my particular line, so I can never go the wrong way if I’m leaving from there. (I *have* actually missed my home stop by falling asleep so long that my train ended up going a few stops downtown again before I woke up, but that was also the day after I’d undergone a general anesthetic, so it was probably a special case.)

Also, if this was a thing anyone was wondering, I will probably never end up inviting myself to or organizing a meet-up, since social anxiety. But I wish really great times to everyone who does do it!

11 years ago

hrovitnir, sorry I derailed your train! It will be okay … this is morbid, but someday when my old man kicks off, I will be inheriting a fair amount of cash. Because did I mention, my dad is kinda flush? Which makes it extra shitty that he never supported my upbringing (after talking my mom into keeping me in the first place, since he was a cradle Catholic and didn’t want her to “kill his baby”, using some proto-MRA persuasive tactics about her denying him the chance to be a daddy especially in case he never had the chance to make another kid, and blah blah) and sent me a shitty self-help book instead of doing anything within his power to alleviate the resulting, ongoing situational/generational poverty.

I don’t like “The Secret.” I like what Kim said: it offers (usually already-rich) assholes a “cheat code for reality.”

Also, despite my cynicism, I did end up indirectly feeling really bad because of the advice in that book: because the fact that I did not succeed at attracting material wealth just served to further estrange me from my father, who kept patronizingly insisting I just wasn’t doing it right/trying hard enough. That reinforced my subconscious childhood belief that my dad didn’t support me because I was a shitty person who couldn’t do anything right and whp didn’t try hard enough — which in turn hurt my mom, because we never had any money because my dad wouldn’t support me, and so on and so forth. The rabbit hole of child neglect runs deep.

Overall my general policy is “fuck that guy in the ear”, but the shit can still get to you at a subliminal level. I’m over it now and have learned to deal with him when I have to, but the end point is: Magical thinking does no good for anyone. Maybe in some regards on an individual level, but on a social or collective level, hell no.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Also, if this was a thing anyone was wondering, I will probably never end up inviting myself to or organizing a meet-up, since social anxiety.”

I Do. Not. Do. People. (Oh gods guys, among other stupid from my last psych session, social phobia but idk if you’re actually afraid, I have, quite seriously, had more productive conversations with the programmed “bots” from the days of DOS)

Anyways! I met LBT in Massive Public Place with my mother and totally wouldn’t have done the rest of the people solo, so meeting LBT was like “oh good, we can go find food and I can stop being surrounded by people!” (Not really, but watching ALL THE THINGS is easier when everyone is seated)

Pecuniumโ€ฆknows me in enough detail that if he ever decided to toy with my psyche he could destroy me, meeting him in person finally wasโ€ฆhmmโ€ฆalmost like seeing an old friend you haven’t seen in some time? Of course, my nerves had him spotting me half way down the platform the moment he got down the stairs enough to see the platform.

The point here is that I probably wouldn’t be doing this either if I didn’t already know both of them in person, and would’ve been totally screwed if pecunium hadn’t met me at the station (kitteh, that hat really is quite unique, I couldn’t have spotted him much more than a couple of seconds after he saw me)

LBT re: SSI — 20 months here, partly my own fault for not getting a lawyer sooner (pecunium remind me that this is why I should take your advice, though gods, we must’ve just started talking then, feels much longer go than it is) — but yeah, average is meaningless when it feels like they just want you to go die and stop being something they have to deal with. And if you want to try moving to solve the rent v SSI problem, the cost of living is part of why I loved Pittsburgh — I was comfortable on $7 an hour 20 hours a week (and really, had I not spent most of my time home high, I’d have been more than comfortable, seeing how I had money to nearly literally burn).

Like, you could easily find college students in want of another roommate, and other than frat boys I never had issues, and neither does Lorin, nor, for that matter, have I heard anything worse than non-cis women presenting as women getting harassed as women. I, obviously, can’t guarantee it, but you’d likely be fairly safe. Renting your own place soloโ€ฆ$500~600 studio? But I had everything but the ‘net included (and boy are free water and electricity lovely with the fish!)

Sorry, unsolicited advice is unsolicited, chalk it up to my love of that city and feel free to ignore me!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pithy, it is not something I am >.<

11 years ago


I’ve never really like the “blueprint” model, for several reasons. First, neither DNA nor development works like that. There’s no “blueprint”, just cells responding to the local environment in ways that eventually lead to a functioning adult organism.

I’ve always been more partial to the “cookbook” metaphor, especially for understanding genetic regulation in individual cells. Basically, the genome is a recipe book, with notes on when to make which recipes (=proteins and functional RNAs like tRNAs, etc.) and the environment “tells” the cell which proteins to make, which are translated via transcription factors (proteins that bind to DNA) or epigeneic mechanisms (which alter how available the DNA is for “reading”, kind of like gluing some pages shut, cracking the spines in several places, and putting in sticky notes would influences which recipes you cooked up.

When you have a bunch of those cells working together, you get a multicellular organism.

11 years ago

Argenti – “(kitteh, that hat really is quite unique, I couldnโ€™t have spotted him much more than a couple of seconds after he saw me)”

Especially after the water reshaping! ๐Ÿ˜€

11 years ago

Also, I want to know what is it about biology that makes people who don’t know their reverse transcriptase from proto-oncogenes from a phospholipid think that they can use misunderstood physics/information theory to claim that biologists have it all wrong.

It is because biology is girly? It’s because it’s girly, isn’t it?

11 years ago

It’s because the human brain is really in the peen, and no biologist will acknowledge this!

11 years ago

Wordsp1nner, I think there are some science concepts that people just don’t instinctively get; they automatically strike us as wrong and we go straight into “find problems with this theory” mode. Same reason people so often go off about higher mathematics and quantum physics and why there are at least two diametrically opposed belief sets that think the earth is young.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

So anyways, guys. I’ve transferred to a college where I live on campus. I move in on Friday. My mom says she’s going to talk to me tomorrow, giving the typical warnings and advice that a parent would. The problem is, I just know she’s going to say some rape apologia, like she has a couple times in the past. Mainly saying things about false rape accusations and shit like “there is no innocent until proven guilty for rape.” Anyone got advice on what I should say to those?

11 years ago

Cthulhu’s Intern, what you say to your mother should probably depend on how financially or otherwise dependent you are on her goodwill. If you’re pretty secure, I would just give her a “citation needed/statement assumes facts not in evidence” line; if you’re pretty dependent, you could just listen silently.

Funny stuff: Apparently there’s a Wikipedia editor who is a fan of this blog, as Man Boobz is currently used as citations for two facts in the Controversial Reddit communities page:

It wasn’t me; I’m too lazy to edit Wikipedia in my spare time.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — it was still dry, that was before “if it rains, it rains” got proven both tautological and relevant.

11 years ago

Argenti, I was thinking more along the lines of “If it wasn’t unique before, it sure was afterward!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

11 years ago

recent de-lurker checking in. mostly active on reddit (particularly in /r/againstmensrights)

re: that tumblr oppressed atheist

i’m pretty sure that was cooked up by the fine folks of /r/magicskyfairy, a subreddit devoted to making fun of internet atheists. they have a proud history of trolling atheist youtubers and atheist subreddits. if it had anything related to mountain dew: code red or socrates (their scented candles / female whore penguins) it would be a dead giveaway, but i’m still pretty sure it’s one of their creations.

11 years ago

Hi, hokseone! Have you had your Welcome Package yet?

Heheh I like the idea of a reddit taking the piss from Asshat Atheists. I might have to check that out (speaking as a total non-Reddit-user).

11 years ago

RE: Ally

I saw your PM and responded! Thanks.

RE: Argenti

Moving is something I’ll do if I really have to, but Boston has been really useful for me in every way BUT financial. I got a good shrink here, good friends here, social events and useful things to do. Plus the health insurance. Gotta love the health insurance.

If I DO have to move though… I might hit Vermont. It’s so beautiful!

11 years ago

re: kitteh

thanks! i’m all up to speed. my dude-butt is aching from all the misandrist hard chairs.

11 years ago

Bwahahaha, our feminist plot is working!

11 years ago

Ah, I see that kittehs is on top of the welcome package thing.

I am seriously behind on my reading.

kittehs your avatar is so freaking adorable.

11 years ago

p.s. kittehs, come play on reddit. Start with againstmensrights. You’ll have fun; they’re really nice. XD

11 years ago

kittehs your avatar is so freaking adorable.

Thank ‘ee! The average king and cat of today. ๐Ÿ™‚

11 years ago

Louis is also showing off his guns XD

11 years ago

Guns? katz, you’ve lost me! ๐Ÿ˜€

11 years ago

His bare arms.

11 years ago

Oh! ::learns new term::
