So I read a lot of creepy shit doing research for this blog. But the manosphere blog Random Xpat Rantings — slogan: “Contemplative dominance for the modern man” — seems to be trying to take creepiness to a whole other level.
In a recent post, blogger xsplat attempts to explain “How to make an attractive woman fall for you on the first or second date.” One of his hints: “If you are way into the girl, it will be way easier for her to fall for you.”
But what if you’re dead inside and can’t feel love? Well, have no fear, because xsplat has an answer for you: Pretend that the women you’re dating are your children!
If you don’t know how to feel love, here is a trick that will work for some, if you let it. Men naturally feel paternal love. Women are neotenous. Evolution is accidental, however the coincidence is meaningful. Women are neotenous because that arouses men’s paternal love. Use that to your advantage. Consider her as YOUR child. This will open up a flood of love for her. It’s ok – it’s not real incest – don’t be an idiot. It’s a trick you are performing in order to commune more fully. To love her more. To enjoy for yourself the great rush of love.
Also, I have a long history of doing this, again and again. It’s not just an accident in my distant past. It’s what I do. It’s what I did today. It’s a formula. It’s a formula that might very well work for you.
If you’re giving out dating advice and you have to specify “it’s ok — it’s not real incest” you should probably start trying to figure out just how your life has gone so terribly, terribly wrong.
Do these guys realise how psychopathic they are? “If you don’t know how to feel love”? My goodness, it’s really, really sad that these guys don’t even believe they have the capacity to love and they need to “fake it”. They must be so, so miserable. I love my parents, my sister, my pets, my passions… And these guys need advice to trick themselves into a semblance of love. Very, very sad stuff. Sometimes I honestly pity them. Not pity to the extent I want to help them, but pity in that true joy will always elude their grasp if they continue to perpetuate these attitudes, and they will never leave this sad vaccuum of apathy and hatred as long as they imbibe and regurgitate this filth.
When I was studying the history of the Public Enemies era, especially Bonnie and Clyde, I was struck with how often men called the women “baby” or some variant, and how often the women addressed their boyfriends or husbands as “daddy.”
“I want to know how someone who can’t feel love is supposed to feel the subcategory of paternal love in the first place…”
Well I’m pretty sure he just means men who can’t feel romantic love for *women*, the stupid hypergamous beings its nearly impossible to respect, let alone love. Without a doubt these men can still love worthier beings like their children or their male friends, as well as a few close female relatives like their mother or sister, who aren’t like other women anyway.
Since MRAs have established that (a) they can only love women if they think of them as children, and (b) they can only love children who share their genetic material (which is why paternity tests should be mandatory & free), … yeah I think I don’t want to journey to that logical conclusion. Gonna go shower now.
@ scarlettpipstrelle:
Hehe your comment reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VPbYVvakrk
After reading that horrific MRA shit I could use a Tex Avery binge…
Because they were totally raised right.
*cough hack*
You know, the fact that he feels the need to point out that it’s not “real incest” just makes if obvious that he does not really understand what is so creepy about the whole concept.
@ cloudiah; ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew Ijustshowereddamnit
If you don’t know how to feel love…
I think PUA types often exaggerate their un-emotionality as some kind of alpha scout merit badge. I doubt many of them are really “unable to feel love”. But they’d like to be, which is worse.
I’m even listening to Radio Dismuke (on Live 365 and iTunes), hits from the 1920s and 30s and there’s a lot of “baby” stuff there too.
Wait, don’t women feel maternal love? And supposedly it’s a lot stronger than men’s paternal love, which is why women genetically have to do all the childcare. So according to his logic, the best way for a real expert player to attract women is to act like a little baby.
…Oh. That’s why they do it.
Oh, well. People who run emotionally cold have to play a lot of mind tricks on themselves which better-adapted persons don’t have to bother with. The guy’s still a jerk, though.
Is there a worldwide shortage of RealDolls(tm)?
He needs the kind of car that is popular with chicks. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/521644_10151349703814954_167527027_n.jpg
You know that saying, “Some people shouldn’t be parents?” I got that same feeling about his blog post. I am all for freedom of expression but this guy is literally advising men to treat women like children. Not only do I highly question whether or not forcing oneself to view his woman as his child will magically make him more in love with her works at all, I wonder what kind of screws has has loose up there to where this has actually worked for him (assuming he’s not lying which I also wonder), but even if this did work, it would completely murder a woman’s love for a woman. I think men in the manosphere tend to take this “women love a protector” thing way too seriously. No woman of quality wants a man to view her as his child, period. That’s just fucked up on so many levels.
*murder a woman’s love for a man
Also, maybe I’m doing it wrong, but romantic love is pretty obviously different than parental love in my experience. I think it would be pretty obvious that a partner was viewing me as his child instead of, you know, his partner.
Absolutely! Even when you’re asexual the two are wildly different.
Jesus fuck, I literally did that thing where you lean away from the screen in horror. How do you make “I’m not attracted to this woman but want to have sex with her for bragging rights” even more creepy? Pretend that the woman is a child! That will obviously make you more likely to get sex because oh god why
No woman of quality wants a man to view her as his child, period.
I would guess that there are some women who have a kink along those lines. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. But, yeah, that certainly isn’t true of all women everywhere, and this guy is a jerk.
See Leftwingfox’s earlier comment. Like, if you have a choking fetish, go find someone with a being-choked fetish. What this guy is advocating is more like “just choke everyone because they secretly love it.”
Is Kojak neotenous? (And where do these people find these words?)
He does looks like a big baby with that hairless head. And then the lolly pop? Now, I’m worried that I might be attracted to him.. . .God, this place can put so many evil thoughts in my head.
I was fooled into thinking this song was about paternal love, I even became emotional reading some of the people commenting about losing their father. I still think it’s a lovely song though. For some reason I had multiple incidents lately where I appreciated a song for its lyrics only to discover that I misheard them, and in all those cases I felt like my original interpretation was superior. 🙂
Just… ew. This is icky. This is icky ew. Daddy! Help! Snookums can’t cope with the level of ickiness! Just…
*sucks thumb, rocks self gently, makes eyes big*
…and how long until he publishes his, ‘Ephebophilia Theory’ which is totes the corollary of his ‘Men Love Children (not in a sexual way – we love children and pretend women are children so that we will love them more, then we have sex with them. The women.) Theory’?
I would say not long. Not long at all.
@leocigale, why does my youtube link auto embed and yours doesn’t? 😮
How fucked up do you have to be that you have to trick your brain into even caring? And that the way to caring is even more fucked up? I feel a need to scrub myself raw having read this.