creepy evo psych fairy tales it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA

Don’t call her “baby.” No, seriously, don’t.

Unless you're Kojak. Kojak gets a free pass with the word "baby."
Unless you’re Kojak. Kojak gets a free pass with the word “baby.”

So I read a lot of creepy shit doing research for this blog. But the manosphere blog Random Xpat Rantings — slogan: “Contemplative dominance for the modern man” — seems to be trying to take creepiness to a whole other level.

In a recent post, blogger xsplat attempts to explain “How to make an attractive woman fall for you on the first or second date.” One of his hints: “If you are way into the girl, it will be way easier for her to fall for you.”

But what if you’re dead inside and can’t feel love? Well, have no fear, because xsplat has an answer for you: Pretend that the women you’re dating are your children!

If you don’t know how to feel love, here is a trick that will work for some, if you let it. Men naturally feel paternal love. Women are neotenous. Evolution is accidental, however the coincidence is meaningful. Women are neotenous because that arouses men’s paternal love. Use that to your advantage. Consider her as YOUR child. This will open up a flood of love for her. It’s ok – it’s not real incest – don’t be an idiot. It’s a trick you are performing in order to commune more fully. To love her more. To enjoy for yourself the great rush of love.

Also, I have a long history of doing this, again and again. It’s not just an accident in my distant past. It’s what I do. It’s what I did today. It’s a formula. It’s a formula that might very well work for you.

If you’re giving out dating advice and you have to specify “it’s ok — it’s not real incest” you should probably start trying to figure out just how your life has gone so terribly, terribly wrong.


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11 years ago

And here I thought their dating advice couldn’t get any creepier or more insulting to women…

Also, maybe I’m doing it wrong, but romantic love is pretty obviously different than parental love in my experience. I think it would be pretty obvious that a partner was viewing me as his child instead of, you know, his partner.

11 years ago

Men naturally feel paternal love. Women

“Men are HARD-WIRED to treat women as children and inferiors instead of equals, u gaiz!”

11 years ago

Blockquote Monster got me! The quoted bit should have ended at “neotenous,” not “Women.”

11 years ago

I want to know how someone who can’t feel love is supposed to feel the subcategory of paternal love in the first place…

11 years ago


11 years ago

Eww. Just. Eww.

11 years ago

“Women are neotonous” is a funny way of saying “I can’t think of women as adult humans on my own level because I am a raging misogynist.” Although I suppose it is more succinct.

11 years ago

Only men are real adults. Because they have more body hair. Duh.

11 years ago

These are among the same morons who honestly think body hair on a woman is “unnatural”,

Deer jeezus. This is why I grow my body hair out, don’t really care if I’m carrying around 5 or 10 extra pounds, etc: “neotony” (hairlessness, frailty, and so forth) is NOT NATURAL, and a woman’s body WILL grow hair and gain fat deposits if allowed. Which is *not a bad thing*, given that humans are *mammals*. /rageurysm

11 years ago

His level of emotional development sounds neotonous.

11 years ago

I’m sure the scientific community is holding its breath to read this guy’s paper about his breakthrough discovery about women’s neotonic nature.

11 years ago

If men ‘naturally’ feel paternal love, then surely they would be better suited for childcare. Unless by ‘paternal love’ they mean ‘patronizing tolerance of seemingly lesser lifeforms.’

I don’t know about you guys, but such condescension totally turns me on! Specifically, it turns on the segment of my brain devoted to devising cruel and unusual punishments.

11 years ago

I just realized… If you’re not already attracted to the woman, why do you want to make her fall for you anyway?

11 years ago

I’m not surprised anymore.

I think there’s a lot of people unwilling to accept they can have anti-social sexual desires without being “evil”. They rationalize their desires as “normal”, and that leaks out into their conversations as creepy justifications and what-the-fuckworthy assumptions.

Unfortunately, it often leads to people actually inflicting those anti-social fantasies on other people, and seeing nothing wrong with it.

11 years ago

He does write that you should only date girls you want to be with, or are attracted to in some way. He just does it in a way that should be posted to

11 years ago

I hope someone tells him that all homo sapiens sapiens are neotenous, thus blowing his misogynistic and grandiloquant mind back to the Stone Age it came from.

11 years ago

(Re: augochlorella, btw)

11 years ago

Just scrolled up to make sure this got the “men who should not ever be with women ever” tag, and yup, David’s on top of it. My skin crawls…

11 years ago

That’s some Freudian shit right there.

11 years ago

I always thought the “baby” type nicknames were creepy, but it was subtext. I’m so creeped out someone made the subtext text.

11 years ago

I just realized… If you’re not already attracted to the woman, why do you want to make her fall for you anyway?

I need someone to be miserable at and blame for my issues, don’t I? Alternatively, I need to impress my guy friends and the easiest way to do that is to sleep with some chick.

[ Excuse me while I go wash my hands with soap ]

11 years ago

For some good childesque news check here:

Also, the manboobz, it has my brain. I read the comments to the article and (at the time) thought well, these aren’t so bad. Then it hit me- just because it doesn’t sink to MRA/reddit level of stupid bigotry doesn’t actually make these comment good either.

11 years ago

It must blow his mind when Boston calls a girl “Mama.”

11 years ago

Something that has always nagged me: humans find puppies, kittens, etc adorable, presumably because of neotany. But human babies are almost hairless. Why is fuzziness so adorable?

The best idea I can come up with is that it’s a mammalian trait, and most mammals have hair when born, so the brain never switched that “fur is cute” neural pathway off. This bugs me WAY more than it should.

11 years ago

… Daddy Dom/ Little Girl is a thing.

Also, why are they trying to sleep with women they are not attracted to? They view the women as conquests and the HB number adds to their score?

They appear to have worked themselves into a headspace where they don’t find women attractive due to their anger and rage at “females” or perhaps some of them weren’t attracted in the first place. The latter reminds me of the g0ys which have been mentioned. I do not mean to call them gay to insult them, but some masculinities are toxic. (Preaching to the choir)

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